680 research outputs found

    Capsaicin-sensitive cutaneous primary afferents convey electrically induced itch in humans

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    Specially designed transcutaneous electrical stimulation paradigms can be used to provoke experimental itch. However, it is unclear which primary afferent fibers are activated and whether they represent pathophysiologically relevant, C-fiber mediated itch. Since low-threshold mechano-receptors have recently been implicated in pruriception we aimed to characterize the peripheral primary afferent subpopulation conveying electrically evoked itch in humans (50 Hz stimulation, 100 μs square pulses, stimulus-response function to graded stimulus intensity). In 10 healthy male volunteers a placebo-controlled, 24-h 8% topical capsaicin-induced defunctionalization of capsaicin-sensitive (transient receptor potential V1-positive, ‘TRPV1’+) cutaneous fibers was performed. Histaminergic itch (1% solution introduced by a prick test lancet) was provoked as a positive control condition. Capsaicin pretreatment induced profound loss of warmth and heat pain sensitivity (pain threshold and supra-threshold ratings) as assessed by quantitative sensory testing, indicative of efficient TRPV1-fiber defunctionalization (all outcomes: P 0.0001). The topical capsaicin robustly, and with similar efficaciousness, inhibited itch intensity evoked by electrical stimulation and histamine (−89 ± 4.1% and −78 ± 4.9%, respectively, both: P 0.0001 compared to the placebo patch area). The predominant primary afferent substrate for electrically evoked itch in humans, using the presently applied stimulation paradigm, is concluded to be capsaicin-sensitive polymodal C-fibers.FSW - Self-regulation models for health behavior and psychopathology - ou

    Dose-response of myofibrillar protein synthesis to ingested whey protein during energy restriction in overweight postmenopausal women: a randomized, controlled trial

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    BackgroundDiet-induced weight loss is associated with a decline in lean body mass, as mediated by an impaired response of muscle protein synthesis (MPS). The dose-response of MPS to ingested protein, with or without resistance exercise, is well characterized during energy balance but limited data exist under conditions of energy restriction in clinical populations.ObjectiveTo determine the dose-response of MPS to ingested whey protein following short-term diet-induced energy restriction in overweight, postmenopausal, women at rest and postexercise.DesignForty middle-aged (58.6±0.4 y), overweight (BMI: 28.6±0.4), postmenopausal women were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 groups: Three groups underwent 5 d of energy restriction (∼800 kcal/d). On day 6, participants performed a unilateral leg resistance exercise bout before ingesting either a bolus of 15g (ERW15, n = 10), 35g (ERW35, n = 10) or 60g (ERW60, n = 10) of whey protein. The fourth group (n = 10) ingested a 35g whey protein bolus after 5 d of an energy balanced diet (EBW35, n = 10). Myofibrillar fractional synthetic rate (FSR) was calculated under basal, fed (FED) and postexercise (FED-EX) conditions by combining an L-[ring-13C6] phenylalanine tracer infusion with the collection of bilateral muscle biopsies.ResultsMyofibrillar FSR was greater in ERW35 (0.043±0.003%/h, P = 0.013) and ERW60 (0.042±0.003%/h, P = 0.026) than ERW15 (0.032 ± 0.003%/h), with no differences between ERW35 and ERW60 (P = 1.000). Myofibrillar FSR was greater in FED (0.044 ± 0.003%/h, P < 0.001) and FED-EX (0.048 ± 0.003%/h, P < 0.001) than BASAL (0.027 ± 0.003%/h), but no differences were detected between FED and FED-EX (P = 0.732) conditions. No differences in myofibrillar FSR were observed between EBW35 (0.042 ± 0.003%/h) and ERW35 (0.043 ± 0.003%/h, P = 0.744).ConclusionA 35 g dose of whey protein, ingested with or without resistance exercise, is sufficient to stimulate a maximal acute response of MPS following short-term energy restriction in overweight, postmenopausal women, and thus may provide a per serving protein recommendation to mitigate muscle loss during a weight loss program.Trial registryclinicaltrials.gov (ID: NCT03326284)

    Rectal cancer treatment and outcome in the elderly: an audit based on the Swedish rectal cancer registry 1995–2004

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Limited information is available regarding the effect of age on choice of surgical and oncological treatment for rectal cancer. The objective of this study was to assess the influence of age on treatment and outcome of rectal cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We utilized data in the Swedish Rectal Cancer Registry (SRCR) from patients treated for rectal cancer in Sweden in 1995–2004.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 15,104 patients with rectal cancer were identified, 42.4% of whom were 75 years or older. Patients ≥75 years were less likely to have distant metastases than younger patients (14.8% vs. 17.8%, <it>P </it>< 0.001), and underwent abdominal tumor resection less frequently (68.5% vs. 84.4%, <it>P </it>< 0.001). Of 11,725 patients with abdominal tumor resection (anterior resection [AR], abdominoperineal excision [APE], and Hartmann's procedure [HA]), 37.4% were ≥75 years. Curative surgery was registered for 85.0% of patients ≥ 75 years and for 83.9% of patients < 75 years, <it>P </it>= 0.11. Choice of abdominal operation differed significantly between the two age groups for both curative and non-curative surgery, The frequency of APE was similar in both age groups (29.5% vs. 28.6%), but patients ≥75 years were more likely to have HA (16.9% vs. 4.9%) and less likely to have preoperative radiotherapy (34.3vs. 67.2%, <it>P </it>< 0.001). The relative survival rate at five years for all patients treated with curative intent was 73% (70–75%) for patients ≥75 years and 78% (77–79%) for patients < 75 years of age. Local recurrence rate was 9% (8–11%) for older and 8% (7–9%) for younger patients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Treatment of rectal cancer is influenced by patient's age. Future studies should include younger and older patients alike to reveal whether or not age-related differences are purposive. Local recurrence following surgery for low tumors and quality of life aspects deserve particular attention.</p

    Алкогольная зависимость у женщин с асоциальным поведением

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    АСОЦИАЛЬНОЕ ПОВЕДЕНИЕЖЕНСКИЙ АЛКОГОЛИЗМАЛКОГОЛЬНАЯ ЗАВИСИМОСТЬПредставлено систематизированное описание клинических проявлений и диагностических критериев алкогольной зависимости у женщин. Рассматриваются клинические и патопсихологические закономерности развития изменений личности у женщин с алкогольной зависимостью. Даны рекомендации по применению организационных и терапевтических методов, а также профилактики алкогольной зависимости у женщин с асоциальным поведением

    A genetically modified minipig model for Alzheimer's disease with SORL1 haploinsufficiency

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    The established causal genes in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), APP, PSEN1, and PSEN2, are functionally characterized using biomarkers, capturing an in vivo profile reflecting the disease’s initial preclinical phase. Mutations in SORL1, encoding the endosome recycling receptor SORLA, are found in 2%–3% of individuals with early-onset AD, and SORL1 haploinsufficiency appears to be causal for AD. To test whether SORL1 can function as an AD causal gene, we use CRISPR-Cas9-based gene editing to develop a model of SORL1 haploinsufficiency in Göttingen minipigs, taking advantage of porcine models for biomarker investigations. SORL1 haploinsufficiency in young adult minipigs is found to phenocopy the preclinical in vivo profile of AD observed with APP, PSEN1, and PSEN2, resulting in elevated levels of β-amyloid (Aβ) and tau preceding amyloid plaque formation and neurodegeneration, as observed in humans. Our study provides functional support for the theory that SORL1 haploinsufficiency leads to endosome cytopathology with biofluid hallmarks of autosomal dominant AD

    “The people who are out of ‘right’ English”: Japanese university students' social evaluations of English language diversity and the internationalisation of Japanese higher education

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    Previous research indicates that evaluations of speech forms reflect stereotypes of, and attitudes towards, the perceived group(s) of speakers of the language/variety under consideration. This study, employing both implicit and explicit attitude measures, investigates 158 Japanese university students' perceptions of forms of UK, US, Japanese, Chinese, Thai and Indian English speech. The results show a general convergence between students' explicit and implicit attitudes, for instance, regarding US and UK English as the most correct, and solidarity with Japanese speakers of English. The findings are discussed in relation to intergroup relations between the traditional Japanese cohort and specific groups of overseas students, particularly in light of recent internationalisation policies adopted by many Japanese universities, and the resultant increase in international students from South and East Asia

    The botanical integrity of wheat products influences the gastric distention and satiety in healthy subjects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Maintenance of the botanical integrity of cereal kernels and the addition of acetic acid (as vinegar) in the product or meal has been shown to lower the postprandial blood glucose and insulin response and to increase satiety. However, the mechanism behind the benefits of acetic acid on blood glucose and satiety is not clear. We hypothesized that the gastric emptying rate could be involved. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the possible influence of maintained botanical integrity of cereals and the presence of acetic acid (vinegar) on gastric emptying rate (GER), postprandial blood glucose and satiety.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Fifteen healthy subjects were included in a blinded crossover trial, and thirteen of the subjects completed the study. Equicarbohydrate amounts of the following wheat-based meals were studied: white wheat bread, whole-kernel wheat bread or wholemeal wheat bread served with white wine vinegar. The results were compared with a reference meal consisting of white wheat bread without vinegar. The GER was measured with standardized real-time ultrasonography using normal fasting blood glucose <6.1 mmol/l or plasma glucose <7.0 mmol/l as an inclusion criterion. The GER was calculated as the percentage change in the antral cross-sectional area 15 and 90 minutes after ingestion of the various meals. Satiety scores were estimated and blood glucose was measured before and 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 min after the start of the meal.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The whole-kernel wheat bread with vinegar resulted in significantly higher (<0.05) satiety than the wholemeal wheat bread and white wheat bread with vinegar and the reference bread. Wheat fiber present in the wholemeal wheat bread, or the presence of wheat kernels per se, did not affect the postprandial blood glucose or GER significantly compared with white wheat bread, neither did the addition of vinegar to white bread affect these variables. There was no correlation found between the satiety with antral areas or GER</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The present study shows higher satiety after a whole-kernel wheat bread meal with vinegar. This may be explained by increased antral distension after ingestion of intact cereal kernels but, in this study, not by a lower gastric emptying rate or higher postprandial blood glucose response.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>NTR1116</p

    Influence of virtual reality soccer game on walking performance in robotic assisted gait training for children

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    BACKGROUND: Virtual reality (VR) offers powerful therapy options within a functional, purposeful and motivating context. Several studies have shown that patients' motivation plays a crucial role in determining therapy outcome. However, few studies have demonstrated the potential of VR in pediatric rehabilitation. Therefore, we developed a VR-based soccer scenario, which provided interactive elements to engage patients during robotic assisted treadmill training (RAGT). The aim of this study was to compare the immediate effect of different supportive conditions (VR versus non-VR conditions) on motor output in patients and healthy control children during training with the driven gait orthosis Lokomat*. METHODS: A total of 18 children (ten patients with different neurological gait disorders, eight healthy controls) took part in this study. They were instructed to walk on the Lokomat in four different, randomly-presented conditions: (1) walk normally without supporting assistance, (2) with therapists' instructions to promote active participation, (3) with VR as a motivating tool to walk actively and (4) with the VR tool combined with therapists' instructions. The Lokomat gait orthosis is equipped with sensors at hip and knee joint to measure man-machine interaction forces. Additionally, subjects' acceptance of the RAGT with VR was assessed using a questionnaire. RESULTS: The mixed ANOVA revealed significant main effects for the factor CONDITIONS (p < 0.001) and a significant interaction CONDITIONS x GROUP (p = 0.01). Tests of between-subjects effects showed no significant main effect for the GROUP (p = 0.592). Active participation in patients and control children increased significantly when supported and motivated either by therapists' instructions or by a VR scenario compared with the baseline measurement "normal walking" (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The VR scenario used here induces an immediate effect on motor output to a similar degree as the effect resulting from verbal instructions by the therapists. Further research needs to focus on the implementation of interactive design elements, which keep motivation high across and beyond RAGT sessions, especially in pediatric rehabilitation