17 research outputs found

    Nickel as a co-catalyst for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution on graphitic-carbon nitride (sg-CN): what is the nature of the active species?

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.The nature of a nickel-based co-catalyst deposited on a sol-gel prepared porous graphitic-carbon nitride (sg-CN), for photocatalytic H-2 production from water, has been investigated. The formation of the active catalytic species, charge separation and recombination of the photogenerated electrons and holes during photochemical H-2 evolution has been determined for the first time using in situ EPR spectroscopy.DFG, EXC 314, Unifying Concepts in CatalysisBMBF, 03IS2071D, Light2Hydroge

    Relaxation and decoherence of a 28Si/SiGe spin qubit with large valley splitting

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    Electron spin qubits in gate defined Si/SiGe quantum dots have become one of the most promising platforms for spin based quantum computation. Single-qubit gate fidelities higher than the error correcting threshold and two-qubit gates have been demonstrated. Applying industrial fabrication processes and integrating conventional silicon electronics opens up the perspective of a highly scalable and dense quantum computing architecture. However, quantum dots in Si/SiGe heterostructures reportedly suffer from a relatively low valley splitting, limiting the operation temperature and the scalability of such qubit devices. In this work we demonstrate a robust and large valley splitting exceeding 200μ\,\mueV in a gate-defined quantum dot, hosted in molecular-beam epitaxy-grown 28^{28}Si/SiGe with a residual 29^{29}Si contribution of only 60 ppm. We model the spin relaxation mechanisms and observe static spin relaxation times T1>1T_1>1 s at low magnetic fields in our device containing an integrated nanomagnet. At higher magnetic fields, T1T_1 is limited by the valley hotspot and by phonon noise coupling to intrinsic and artificial spin-orbit coupling, including phonon bottlenecking. The large valley splittings with reproducible stability represent a step forward for the realisation of multi-qubit devices and qubits at elevated temperature. We demonstrate single-shot spin read-out and electric dipole spin resonance control with a single domain nanomagnet. The maximal Rabi-frequency of 1 MHz is limited by unintentional electron exchange with the reservoir. We measure a dephasing time of T2=(19.14±0.40)μsT_2^*= (19.14\pm 0.40)\,\mu\text{s} for a measurement time of four minutes and discuss possible measurements to discriminate the underlying dephasing mechanisms in this device. The measured record spin echo time of T2echo=(131±4)μsT_2^\text{echo} =(131\pm4)\,\mu\text{s} is not effected by the voltage bias and current of the near-by charge sensor. Quantum error correction requires millions of physical qubits and therefore a scalable quantum computer architecture. To solve signal-line bandwidth and fan-out problems, microwave sources required for qubit manipulation might be embedded close to the qubit chip. In this context, we perform the first low temperature measurements of a 130 nm BiCMOS based SiGe voltage controlled oscillator at cryogenic temperature that maintains its full functionality from 300 K to 4 K. We determined the frequency and power dependence on temperature and magnetic field up to 5 T and measured the temperature influence on its noise performance

    30 GHz-voltage controlled oscillator operating at 4 K

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    Solid-state qubit manipulation and read-out fidelities are reaching fault-tolerance, but quantum error correction requires millions of physical qubits and therefore a scalable quantum computer architecture. To solve signal-line bandwidth and fan-out problems, microwave sources required for qubit manipulation might be embedded close to the qubit chip, typically operating at temperatures below 4 K. Here, we perform the first low temperature measurements of a 130 nm BiCMOS based SiGe voltage controlled oscillator at cryogenic temperature. We determined the frequency and output power dependence on temperature and magnetic field up to 5 T and measured the temperature influence on its noise performance. The device maintains its full functionality from 300 K to 4 K. The carrier frequency at 4 K increases by 3% with respect to the carrier frequency at 300 K, and the output power at 4 K increases by 10 dB relative to the output power at 300 K. The frequency tuning range of approximately 20% remains unchanged between 300 K and 4 K. In an in-plane magnetic field of 5 T, the carrier frequency shifts by only 0.02% compared to the frequency at zero magnetic field

    Robust and fast post-processing of single-shot spin qubit detection events with a neural network

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    Establishing low-error and fast detection methods for qubit readout is crucial for efficient quantum error correction. Here, we test neural networks to classify a collection of single-shot spin detection events, which are the readout signal of our qubit measurements. This readout signal contains a stochastic peak, for which a Bayesian inference filter including Gaussian noise is theoretically optimal. Hence, we benchmark our neural networks trained by various strategies versus this latter algorithm. Training of the network with 106^{6} experimentally recorded single-shot readout traces does not improve the post-processing performance. A network trained by synthetically generated measurement traces performs similar in terms of the detection error and the post-processing speed compared to the Bayesian inference filter. This neural network turns out to be more robust to fluctuations in the signal offset, length and delay as well as in the signal-to-noise ratio. Notably, we find an increase of 7 % in the visibility of the Rabi-oscillation when we employ a network trained by synthetic readout traces combined with measured signal noise of our setup. Our contribution thus represents an example of the beneficial role which software and hardware implementation of neural networks may play in scalable spin qubit processor architectures

    Large, Tunable Valley Splitting and Single-Spin Relaxation Mechanisms in a Si / Si x Ge 1 − x Quantum Dot

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    Valley splitting is a key feature of silicon-based spin qubits. Quantum dots in Si/SixGe1−x heterostructures reportedly suffer from a relatively low valley splitting, limiting the operation temperature and the scalability of such qubit devices. Here, we demonstrate a robust and large valley splitting exceeding 200 μeV in a gate-defined single quantum dot, hosted in molecular-beam-epitaxy-grown 68Si/SixGe1−x. The valley splitting is monotonically and reproducibly tunable up to 15% by gate voltages, originating from a 6-nm lateral displacement of the quantum dot. We observe static spin relaxation times T1>1 s at low magnetic fields in our device containing an integrated nanomagnet. At higher magnetic fields, T1 is limited by the valley hotspot and by phonon noise coupling to intrinsic and artificial spin-orbit coupling, including phonon bottlenecking