57 research outputs found
Ztvárnění generační problematiky ve třech dramatických dílech (od G. E. Lessinga, F. Schillera und W. Hasenclevera)
Předložená bakalářská práce se zabývá literárním ztvárněním generační problematiky ve třech dramatických dílech: Emilia Galotti (1772) od Gottholda Ephraima Lessinga, Kabale und Liebe (1784) od Friedricha Schillera a Der Sohn (1914) od Waltera Hasenclevera. V první části se snažím o přiblížení literárních epoch, ve kterých vybraní autoři působili - osvícenství, hnutí Bouře a vzdoru, expresionismus, jejich života a literární tvorby. Dále se analyticky zabývám vybranými díly z pohledu inspirace, souvislosti s myšlením odpovídající doby a charakteristikou jednotlivých postav. V poslední kapitole se soustřeďuji na prvky generačního konfliktu, zejména na to, mezi jakými postavami se vyskytuje. Cílem práce je interpretovat ztvárněný generační konflikt v jednotlivých dílech, dále porovnat způsoby, jak se v dobovém společenském kontextu takový konflikt objevuje, v čem se autoři různých literárních epoch případně shodují či odlišují v jeho literárním uchopení a co je vedlo k tomu, aby zvolili pro svoje dramata toto téma. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA generační konflikt, osvícenství, hnutí Bouře a vzdoru, expresionismus, dramaThe presented bachelor thesis deals with the literary depiction of generational issues in three dramatic works: Emilia Galotti (1772) by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Kabale und Liebe (1784) by Friedrich Schiller and Der Sohn (1914) by Walter Hasenclever. In the first part, I try to approach the literary epochs in which the selected authors worked - the Enlightenment, the Storm and Defiance movement, expressionism, their lives and literary works. Furthermore, I analytically deal with selected works from the point of view of inspiration, connection with the thinking of the appropriate time and the characteristics of individual characters. In the last chapter, I focus on the elements of generational conflict, especially between which characters it occurs. The aim of the work is to interpret the generational conflict in individual works, to compare the ways in which such a conflict occurs in the contemporary social context, in which the authors of different literary epochs resemble or differ and what led them to choose this topic for their dramas. KEYWORDS generational conflict, Enlightenment, Storm and Defiance movement, expressionism, dramaKatedra germanistikyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult
Anstöße zur linguistischen textanalyse
Abstract. The paper proposes a scheme of comprehensive text analysis that can be a model as one of the possible options for working with students of IV and V courses of study on specialty “German Language and Literature” as the main or second foreign language and their preparation for exams. The basic concepts and categories of linguistic analysis from the point of view of such
disciplines as German language stylistics, text linguistics, cognitive linguistics and literature of Germany as well as the steps of work on literary text are given. Special attention is paid to consideration the basic theoretical principles of linguistic analysis and its application in practice. Taking that into consideration, an analysis of an excerpt from “Effi Briest” novel by Theodor Fontane, a famous German writer of the poetic realism era. The selected text passage is being analyzed in accordance with the scheme proposed by the author that provides for the definition of the genre and functional style based on certain criteria, characteristics of the era and the writer’s course of life. An important element in bells lettres is the means of expressing the author’s position (auktorial narrator in the form of a third party (auktorialer Erzähler), the narrator in the form of “I”(personaler Erzähler) ‒ with consideration of possible genre variations) and time-spatial relationship that manifests itself in two ways ‒ real-time artistic reality of the characters and time that is necessary for the recipient to understand this reality. Semantic integrity of the text is reproduced on the basis of cohesive and coherent communication means. To cohesive (surface) ones belongs a number of lexical
(different types of repetitions, hyper-hyponymy, synonyms, antonyms, etc.), stylistic (functional and stylistic belonging, figurative comparisons, parallelisms, periphrases, etc.) and grammatical(substitution, recurrence, pro-forms, ellipses, hypotaxis, parataxis etc.) means. Under coherent ones we understand internal semantic relations in the text. They are always implicit, imaginary, unspoken,associative. The role of conceptual links for coherence of the text is shown
Образ главного героя и социально-психологический конфликт в романе К. Хайна «Вилленброк»
K. KUZNECHYKИсследуется своеобразие социально-психологической прозы К. Хайна на примере романа «Вилленброк» (2000). Предметом исследования выступает изображение личности главного героя в стремительно меняющихся условиях существования. Мотив травмы выступает средством и способом изображения внутренних переживаний героя. В произведении решается важный вопрос эстетической программы писателя – конфликт человека с социумом. К. Хайн дает отрицательную оценку роли государственных структур в обеспечении защиты населения и организации порядка на территории объединенной Германии. Роман создан в реалистической манере.= The analysis of the originality of social and psychological prose by Ch. Hein based on the "Willenbrock" (2000) novel is carried out. The subject of study is the image of the protagonist in the rapidly changing living conditions. The motif of trauma is a means and a way of image of hero’s inner experiences. The text helps to solve an important problem within the aesthetic program of the writer – the conflict between a person and society. Ch. Hein is of a low opinion of the state structures role by ensuring the protection of populations and its organization of order in Germany after reunification. The novel was created in a realistic manner
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis nilai kebajikan yang terdapat pada buku kumpulan dongeng bertema kerajaan berjudul Mein Märchenwald : Sieben zauberhafte Klassiker” karya Gebrüder Grimm.
Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik studi pustaka. Klasifikasi nilai kebajikan dari Benjamin Franklin digunakan sebagai acuan teori penelitian.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari tiga belas nilai kebajikan Franklin terdapat sebelas nilai kebajikan, yaitu Aufrichtigkeit, Entschlossenheit, Demut, Keuschheit, Gerechtigkeit, Fleiß, Gemütsruhe, Ordnung, Sparsamkeit, Mäßigung, dan Reinlichkeit. Adapun nilai kebajikan yang tidak terdapat di dalamnya yaitu Enthaltsamkeit dan Schweigen.
Dalam kumpulan dongeng tersebut ditemukan 53 konteks cerita yang mengandung nilai kebajikan. Nilai kebajikan Aufrichtigkeit terdapat di setiap dongeng dan mencapai hampir setengah dari konteks cerita yaitu sebanyak 22 konteks. Aufrichtigkeit merupakan sikap yang mencerminkan seseorang dalam melakukan segala sesuatu dengan benar, jujur serta berpikir dengan murni dan benar.
Tokoh-tokoh dalam kumpulan dongeng kerajaan tersebut, baik putri, raja, wanita tua, yang membantu dengan tulus, berbicara dengan jujur sehingga mendapatkan sesuatu yang membahagiakan tanpa dipinta pada akhirnya. Sehingga kumpulan dongeng ini menonjolkan pesan kepada pembaca untuk melakukan segala sesuatu dengan benar, jujur serta berpikir dengan murni dan benar.
This study aims to analyze the virtues contained in a collection of royal-themed fairy tales entitled Mein Märchenwald: Sieben zauberhafte Klassiker” by Gebrüder Grimm.
In this study used descriptive qualitative research methods with literature study techniques. The classification of virtue values from Benjamin Franklin is used as a reference for research theory.
The results showed of Franklin's thirteen virtues in it, there were eleven virtue values, namely Aufrichtigkeit, Entschlossenheit, Demut, Keuschheit, Gerechtigkeit, Fleiß, Gemütsruhe, Ordnung, Sparsamkeit, Mäßigung, and Reinlichkeit. The virtues that are not contained in it are Enthaltsamkeit and Schweigen.
In the collection of fairy tales, 53 story contexts were found that contained virtue values. Aufrichtigkeit's virtue values are found in every fairy tale and reach almost half of the story contexts, found as many as 22 contexts. Aufrichtigkeit is an attitude that reflects someone in doing everything right, honestly and thinking purely and correctly.
The characters in the collection of royal tales, princes, princesses, kings, old women, who help sincerely, speak honestly so they get something happy without being asked in the end. So that this collection of fairy tales emphasizes the message to the reader to do everything right, honestly, think purely and correctly
Romantic afterlives: Heinrich Heine’s "Deutschland : Ein Wintermärchen" in Yiddish translations
This paper presents the reception of Heinrich Heine’s “Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen” in Yiddish translation. For many of his younger colleagues he was “der grester liriker fun 19tn jorhundert, der sharfster humorist und biterster satiriker in der daytsher literatur” [the greatest poet of the 19th century, the sharpest humorist and bitterest satirist in the German literature]. My aim is to show on the example of Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen [Germany. A Winter’s Tale] (1844) how Heine’s subversive drawing on Romantic ideas and language is rendered into Yiddish in the first half of the 20th century by Moyshe-Leyb Halpern and Moyshe Khashtshevatsky
Der blonde Eckbert is a fairy tale written by Ludwig Tieck in 1719 and one of the popular German romantic tales in 1720. Der blonde Eckbert presents mysteries and also moral messages related to psychological problems experienced by the main character who often hallucinates and leads to psychiatriccomplex. This fairy tale is a literary work that has psychological meanings and psychological problems that can be analyzed through psychoanalytic theory. Sigmund Freud (1923) explained that personality is a system consisting of 3 elements, namely the Id, the Ego, and the Superego (in German it is expressed as das Es, das Ich, and das Ueber Ich), each of which has principle of operation. The purpose of this study is to analyze the personality structures in determining the psychiatric disorders experienced by the main character. This research is a qualitative research using descriptive method. The theory applied in this study is the psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud in 1923. The results showed that there were 6 data showing the personality structure of the Id, Ego, and Superego, as well as 3 data showing anxiety disorders and schizophrenia which were analyzed through psychopathology studies of abnormal behavior
Providing Space to the Marginalized: Bertolt Brecht’s Reception of John Gay’s The Beggar’s Opera
The popularity of John Gay’s political satire play The Beggar’s Opera in the English literary world prompted a German writer, Bertolt Brecht, to respond to the work. The purpose of this study is to describe Bertolt Brecht's reception of Gay’s Play The Beggar’s Opera in Brecht’s Play Die Dreigroschenoper. The data sources in this study are the text of Brecht’s play entitled Die Drei Groschenoper and the text of Gay’s play The Beggar's Opera. This research is based on the theory of Reception Aesthetics by Hans Robert Jauss. The results show that Brecht’s reception was influenced by his horizon of expectations, which plays a central role in determining a writer’s reception of a work of literature. Brecht’s horizon of expectations, which is related to his Marxist view, distinguishes Brecht’s play from that by Gay. Brecht’s intention to make a play that enlightens his audience made him present a more explicit depiction of marginalized people in Die Dreigroschenoper, which was performed in the form of epic theater (episches Theater). By providing space to the marginalized, Brecht aimed to criticize capitalism which began to grow in Germany after the country’s loss in the First World War and divided the German society into two classes, resulting in various social issues. Brecht’s criticisms are different from Gay’s criticisms in shedding some light on the moral degradation in England at the time
Ästhetische Erziehung revisited : Schillers Wilhelm Tell
Die folgende Darstellung versucht, ästhetische Erziehung am Beispiel eines klassischen Schultextes, nämlich Schillers Wilhelm Tell, unter die Lupe zu nehmen. In gängigen Unterrichtshilfen, aber auch in fachwissenschaftlichen Darstellungen bleibt die Problematik der ästhetischen Erziehung weitgehend ausgeklammert zugunsten entstehungsgeschichtlicher Themen oder historischer und politischer Aspekte. Jedoch ist dieses Drama Schillers gerade für die Behandlung der Frage, worin sich ästhetische Erziehung oder ästhetisches Lernen manifestieren, gut geeignet; und das nicht allein deshalb, weil es zu Schillers theoretischer Abhandlung eine anschauliche Entsprechung liefert, sondern weil die für ästhetische Erziehung paradigmatische Spannung zwischen Denken und Empfinden im Gegensatz zu anderen seiner Dramen, etwa Maria Stuart oder Wallenstein, in diesem seinem letzten Stück an einer einzigen Figur vorgestellt wird
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