7 research outputs found

    Detection of positrons from Breit-Wheeler pair formation

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    This work explores the experimental observation of the Breit-Wheeler process, first described by Gregory Breit and John A. Wheeler in 1934 [1], where two photons collide to form an electron positron pair from the quantum vacuum. The specific challenge thereby is the low cross section of a few 10e 29 m2 or 0.1 b combined with the requirement of photon energies in the range of mega electronvolt. Such beams can be provided by particle accelerators, for instance LCLS at SLAC or the European XFEL at DESY. Experiments exploring photon photon collisions with conventional accelerators were done in the past, for example E144 at SLAC in 1997 [2], however the two photon process described by Breit and Wheeler has not yet been observed. Over the last few decades, novel laser driven plasma based particle accelerators (LWFA) made significant progress [3, 4, 5, 6], allowing the production of the required photon beams to study the Breit-Wheeler process at pure laser facilities [7, 8, 9]. The work in hand explores the challenges related to such an experiment specifically at high power laser facilities using the example of Astra Gemini, a multi 100TW dual beam system at the CLF in England. In an experiment, multi 100MeV γ-rays from LWFA electron bremsstrahlung and 1-2 keV x-rays from Germanium M-L shell transition radiation are collided to produce pairs through the Breit-Wheeler process. A detection system to measure those pairs composed of a permanent magnet beam line and shielded single particle detectors is developed and tested within this thesis. The acquired data allows an estimate of the requirements for future experiments to measure the two-photon Breit-Wheeler process

    Progress in hybrid plasma wakefield acceleration

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    Plasma wakefield accelerators can be driven either by intense laser pulses (LWFA) or by intense particle beams (PWFA). A third approach that combines the complementary advantages of both types of plasma wakefield accelerator has been established with increasing success over the last decade and is called hybrid LWFA→PWFA. Essentially, a compact LWFA is exploited to produce an energetic, high-current electron beam as a driver for a subsequent PWFA stage, which, in turn, is exploited for phase-constant, inherently laser-synchronized, quasi-static acceleration over extended acceleration lengths. The sum is greater than its parts: the approach not only provides a compact, cost-effective alternative to linac-driven PWFA for exploitation of PWFA and its advantages for acceleration and high-brightness beam generation, but extends the parameter range accessible for PWFA and, through the added benefit of co-location of inherently synchronized laser pulses, enables high-precision pump/probing, injection, seeding and unique experimental constellations, e.g., for beam coordination and collision experiments. We report on the accelerating progress of the approach achieved in a series of collaborative experiments and discuss future prospects and potential impact

    Detection of positrons from Breit-Wheeler pair formation

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    This work explores the experimental observation of the Breit-Wheeler process, first described by Gregory Breit and John A. Wheeler in 1934 [1], where two photons collide to form an electron positron pair from the quantum vacuum. The specific challenge thereby is the low cross section of a few 10e 29 m2 or 0.1 b combined with the requirement of photon energies in the range of mega electronvolt. Such beams can be provided by particle accelerators, for instance LCLS at SLAC or the European XFEL at DESY. Experiments exploring photon photon collisions with conventional accelerators were done in the past, for example E144 at SLAC in 1997 [2], however the two photon process described by Breit and Wheeler has not yet been observed. Over the last few decades, novel laser driven plasma based particle accelerators (LWFA) made significant progress [3, 4, 5, 6], allowing the production of the required photon beams to study the Breit-Wheeler process at pure laser facilities [7, 8, 9]. The work in hand explores the challenges related to such an experiment specifically at high power laser facilities using the example of Astra Gemini, a multi 100TW dual beam system at the CLF in England. In an experiment, multi 100MeV γ-rays from LWFA electron bremsstrahlung and 1-2 keV x-rays from Germanium M-L shell transition radiation are collided to produce pairs through the Breit-Wheeler process. A detection system to measure those pairs composed of a permanent magnet beam line and shielded single particle detectors is developed and tested within this thesis. The acquired data allows an estimate of the requirements for future experiments to measure the two-photon Breit-Wheeler process

    Investigation of functional and structural interaction of TRPM8 and Gq

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die strukturelle und funktionale Interaktion zwischen TRPM8 und Gq untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass der als Ionenkanal beschriebene Kälte- und Mentholrezeptor TRPM8 nach Aktivierung auch eine metabotrope Signalkaskade über Gq anschalten kann, was zu einer Erhöhung der Konzentration des sekundären Botenstoffs Ca2+^{2+} führt. Nach Aktivierung des TRPM8 wird einerseits ein Einstrom von Ca2+^{2+} über die Pore, andererseits eine Freisetzung von Ca2+^{2+} aus intrazellulären Speichern (Endoplasmatisches Retikulum, ER) ermöglicht. Dies ist durch Aktivierung des Gq Proteins nach TRPM8 Stimulierung durch Menthol oder Kälte möglich. Die α\alpha-Untereinheit des G-Proteins kann eine Phospholipase C aktivieren, welche membranständiges PIP2_{2} in DAG und IP3_{3} spaltet. IP3_{3} ist in der Lage durch das Zytosol zu diffundieren und IP3_{3}-Rezeptoren an den ER-Membranen zu öffnen, was zu einer Erhöhung der intrazellulären Ca2+^{2+}-Konzentration führt