1,137 research outputs found

    Automatic lightning location system

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    Hyperbolic triangulation method was used for locating lightning storm path and position from VHF lightning charge emissions. Possible applications in electric power companies, forest fire lookout centers, airports, and pipeline companies are indicated

    Origin of the approximate universality of distributions in equilibrium correlated systems

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    We propose an interpretation of previous experimental and numerical experiments, showing that for a large class of systems, distributions of global quantities are similar to a distribution originally obtained for the magnetization in the 2D-XY model . This approach, developed for the Ising model, is based on previous numerical observations. We obtain an effective action using a perturbative method, which successfully describes the order parameter fluctuations near the phase transition. This leads to a direct link between the D-dimensional Ising model and the XY model in the same dimension, which appears to be a generic feature of many equilibrium critical systems and which is at the heart of the above observations.Comment: To appear in Europhysics Letter

    Examining the political and practical reality of bus-based Real Time Passenger Information

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    Enhancing the bus experience through improved information provision is a key element of the UK Government’s transport policy as stated in ‘A New Deal for Transport: Better for Everyone’ (DETR, 1998). There are several ways of doing this, but one in particular - Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) – has often been seen by local authorities as the way forward. RTPI is perceived to reassure passengers waiting for a bus by reducing the uncertainty of when (and even whether) the bus will arrive, thus encouraging patronage and benefiting the public transport operator through increased revenue and the local authority, by promoting social inclusion and achieving a modal shift. RTPI also provides an important tool for operators by allowing them to monitor services and refine their schedules

    Can grain size sensitive flow lubricate faults during the initial stages of earthquake propagation?

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    Recent friction experiments carried out under upper crustal P–T conditions have shown that microstructures typical of high temperature creep develop in the slip zone of experimental faults. These mechanisms are more commonly thought to control aseismic viscous flow and shear zone strength in the lower crust/upper mantle. In this study, displacement-controlled experiments have been performed on carbonate gouges at seismic slip rates (1 m s−1), to investigate whether they may also control the frictional strength of seismic faults at the higher strain rates attained in the brittle crust. At relatively low displacements (900 °C) grain boundary sliding (GBS) deformation mechanisms. The observed micro-textures are strikingly similar to those predicted by theoretical studies, and those observed during experiments on metals and fine-grained carbonates, where superplastic behaviour has been inferred. To a first approximation, the measured drop in strength is in agreement with our flow stress calculations, suggesting that strain could be accommodated more efficiently by these mechanisms within the weaker bulk slip zone, rather than by frictional sliding along the main slip surfaces in the slip zone. Frictionally induced, grainsize-sensitive GBS deformation mechanisms can thus account for the self-lubrication and dynamic weakening of carbonate faults during earthquake propagation in nature

    Lifecourse transitions, gender and drinking in later life

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    Older people consume less alcohol than any other adult age group. However, in recent years survey data on alcohol consumption in the United Kingdom have shown that while younger age groups have experienced a decline in alcohol consumption, drinking behaviours among the elderly have not reduced in the same way. This paper uses data from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing to analyse both the frequency and quantity of older adult's alcohol consumption using a lifecourse approach over a ten-year period. Overall drinking declined over time and the analysis examined how socio-economic characteristics, partnership, employment and health statuses were associated with differences in drinking behaviours and how these changed over time. Higher wealth and level of education were associated with drinking more and drinking more frequently for men and women. Poorer self-rated health was associated with less frequent consumption and older people with poor and deteriorating health reported a steeper decline in the frequency of alcohol consumption over time. Men who were not in a partnership drank more than other men. For women, loss of a partner was associated with a steeper decline in drinking behaviours. These findings have implications for programmes to promote responsible drinking among older adults as they suggest that, for the most part, characteristics associated with sustaining wellbeing in later life are also linked to consuming more alcohol

    Mixed couples in France. Statistical facts, definitions, and social reality

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    Mixed couples are usually defined as combining national, cultural, racial or religious dif­ferences, but these definitions are generally elaborated only empirically. More recently, researchers have proposed the concept of "mixedness" which goes beyond those descriptive factors of difference. The French national Migration, Tradition and Citizenship Act also helps to show why it is not easy to reach a single definition.A detailed look at statistical realities illustrates how complex it is to count mixed cou­ples. The figures differ if we consider mixed marriages as flows (new marriages each year) or as stock (how many people live in a mixed family). They also vary depending on what differences —cultural belonging or nationality— are taken into account. Many French-foreign marriages bring together people who have the same cultural identities. From the sociological point of view, mixed marriage should be defined as combining perceived differences and existing social order and norms. Studies on mixedness look at how socially constructed differences in contact, e.g. in private life, influence social relations and modify social realities. Mixed couples experience specific social constraints due to the migration situation of at least one of the partners, and therefore these couples need time to learn to manage the cultural and social differences in their relationship. Differences between the partners due to their cultural and social affiliations or gender roles are not equal and also influence the transcultural hybridisation process, sometimes even hindering it considerably.Una pareja mixta se define generalmente como la combinación de las diferencias nacio­nales, culturales, raciales o religiosas. Pero estas definiciones generalmente se elaboran sólo empíricamente. Más recientemente, los investigadores han propuesto el concepto de «mestizaje», que va más allá de los factores descriptivos de la diferencia. La tradición de migración nacional francesa y la Ley de ciudadanía también ayudan a entender por qué no es fácil llegar a una definición única. Una mirada pormenorizada a la realidad estadística ilustra lo complejo que es contar el número de parejas mixtas. Las cifras difieren si se considera el matrimonio mixto como un flujo (los matrimonios nuevos cada año) o como población (número de personas que viven en una familia mixta). También varían en función de qué diferencias se tienen en cuenta —la pertenencia cultural o la nacionalidad. Muchos matrimonios entre franceses y extranjeros unen a personas que tienen la misma identidad cultural. Desde el punto de vista sociológico, el matrimonio mixto debería definirse como la combinación de las diferencias percibidas y el orden social existente y las normas. Los estu­dios sobre el mestizaje tratan de cómo las diferencias sociales en contacto -por ejemplo en la vida privada- influyen en las relaciones sociales y modifican la realidad social. Las parejas mixtas están involucradas en determinadas limitaciones sociales debido a la situación de migrante de por lo menos uno de los cónyuges. Por lo tanto, estas parejas necesitan tiempo para aprender a gestionar las diferencias culturales y sociales en su relación. Las diferencias entre los cónyuges, debidas a sus filiaciones sociales y culturales y a los roles de género, no están en pie de igualdad y también influyen en el proceso de hibridación transcultural, a veces incluso obstaculizándolo considerablemente

    Producing and Measuring Oscillatory Shear in a Novel Microfluidic Chip

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    Purpose: To demonstrate the effectiveness of a novel microfluidic device mimicking oscillatory blood flow, allowing cell biologists to examine how endothelial cells respond to a range of oscillatory shear stress levels. Methods: The microfluidic chip consists of a circular-shaped reservoir, leading to a rectangular channel that is examined under a microscope. The plunger is connected to a speaker system and oscilloscope, allowing the plunger to apply a range of frequencies (5-60Hz) and voltages (5-10 V, leading to a variety in oscillation amplitudes) to the reservoir region. 1.1 um fluorescent particles diluted in distilled water were used for tracking. Processing was done through particle image velocimetry (PIV) which uses a cross-correlation algorithm. We used matlab to plot average velocity profiles for a cycle, and extracted data points along the centre of the velocity profiles corresponding to the maximum velocities. Results: The oscillatory chip demonstrated the ability to effectively and accurately deliver oscillatory flow between 10-60Hz using 5-10V, resulting in a variety of oscillation frequencies and amplitudes. Plotting velocity maximum values vs. voltage for frequencies 10-60 Hz demonstrated a linear trend. 3D oscillatory-flow paraboloids can be used in calculating maximum shear stress values for oscillatory flow. Conclusions: Our analysis demonstrates that this microfluidic chip is able to execute controlled shear stress conditions to test how endothelial cells respond to oscillatory shear

    Systematic mapping review of the factors influencing dietary behaviour in ethnic minority groups living in Europe: A DEDIPAC study

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    .Background: Europe has a growing population of ethnic minority groups whose dietary behaviours are potentially of public health concern. To promote healthier diets, the factors driving dietary behaviours need to be understood. This review mapped the broad range of factors influencing dietary behaviour among ethnic minority groups living in Europe, in order to identify research gaps in the literature to guide future research. Methods: A systematic mapping review was conducted (protocol registered with PROSPERO 2014: CRD42014013549). Nine databases were searched for quantitative and qualitative primary research published between 1999 and 2014. Ethnic minority groups were defined as immigrants/populations of immigrant background from low and middle income countries, population groups from former Eastern Bloc countries and minority indigenous populations. In synthesizing the findings, all factors were sorted and structured into emerging clusters according to how they were seen to relate to each other. Results: Thirty-seven of 2965 studies met the inclusion criteria (n = 18 quantitative; n = 19 qualitative). Most studies were conducted in Northern Europe and were limited to specific European countries, and focused on a selected number of ethnic minority groups, predominantly among populations of South Asian origin. The 63 factors influencing dietary behaviour that emerged were sorted into seven clusters: social and cultural environment (16 factors), food beliefs and perceptions (11 factors), psychosocial (9 factors), social and material resources (5 factors), accessibility of food (10 factors), migration context (7 factors), and the body (5 factors). Conclusion: This review identified a broad range of factors and clusters influencing dietary behaviour among ethnic minority groups. Gaps in the literature identified a need for researchers to explore the underlying mechanisms that shape dietary behaviours, which can be gleaned from more holistic, systems-based studies exploring relationships between factors and clusters. The dominance of studies exploring 'differences' between ethnic minority groups and the majority population in terms of the socio-cultural environment and food beliefs suggests a need for research exploring 'similarities'. The evidence from this review will feed into developing a framework for the study of factors influencing dietary behaviours in ethnic minority groups in Europe
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