982 research outputs found

    Combining WASP and Kepler data: the case of the Sct star KIC 7106205

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    Ground-based photometric observations from Wide Angle Search for Planets (WASP) have been calibrated, scaled and combined with Kepler observations of the δ Sct star KIC 7106205, allowing us to extend the time base of the study of the unexplained amplitude and frequency variation of a single pressure mode at ν = 13.3942 d−1 by 2 yr. Analysis of the combined data sets, spanning 6 yr, show that the amplitude modulation in KIC 7106205 has a much larger range than a previous study of the Kepler data alone indicated. The single pressure mode decreased from 11.70 ± 0.05 mmag in 2007, to 5.87 ± 0.03 mmag in 2009, and to 0.58 ± 0.06 mmag in 2013. Observations of the decrease in mode amplitude have now been extended back 2 yr before the launch of Kepler. With observations over a longer time span, we have been able to further investigate the decrease in mode amplitude in KIC 7106205 to address the question of mode amplitude stability in δ Sct stars. This study highlights the usefulness of the WASP data set for extending studies of some Kepler variable stars

    Crystal Shape-Dependent Magnetic Susceptibility and Curie Law Crossover in the Spin Ices Dy2Ti2O7 and Ho2Ti2O7

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    We present an experimental determination of the isothermal magnetic susceptibility of the spin ice materials Dy2Ti2O7 and Ho2Ti2O7 in the temperature range 1.8-300 K. The use of spherical crystals has allowed the accurate correction for demagnetizing fields and allowed the true bulk isothermal susceptibility X_T(T) to be estimated. This has been compared to a theoretical expression based on a Husimi tree approximation to the spin ice model. Agreement between experiment and theory is excellent at T > 10 K, but systematic deviations occur below that temperature. Our results largely resolve an apparent disagreement between neutron scattering and bulk measurements that has been previously noted. They also show that the use of non-spherical crystals in magnetization studies of spin ice may introduce very significant systematic errors, although we note some interesting - and possibly new - systematics concerning the demagnetizing factor in cuboidal samples. Finally, our results show how experimental susceptibility measurements on spin ices may be used to extract the characteristic energy scale of the system and the corresponding chemical potential for emergent magnetic monopoles.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures 1 table. Manuscript submitte

    Magnetic Monopole Dynamics in Spin Ice

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    One of the most remarkable examples of emergent quasi-particles, is that of the "fractionalization" of magnetic dipoles in the low energy configurations of materials known as "spin ice", into free and unconfined magnetic monopoles interacting via Coulomb's 1/r law [Castelnovo et. al., Nature, 451, 42-45 (2008)]. Recent experiments have shown that a Coulomb gas of magnetic charges really does exist at low temperature in these materials and this discovery provides a new perspective on otherwise largely inaccessible phenomenology. In this paper, after a review of the different spin ice models, we present detailed results describing the diffusive dynamics of monopole particles starting both from the dipolar spin ice model and directly from a Coulomb gas within the grand canonical ensemble. The diffusive quasi-particle dynamics of real spin ice materials within "quantum tunneling" regime is modeled with Metropolis dynamics, with the particles constrained to move along an underlying network of oriented paths, which are classical analogues of the Dirac strings connecting pairs of Dirac monopoles.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figure

    Sigurðar saga fóts (The Saga of Sigurðr Foot): A Translation

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    This is the first English translation of the short Icelandic romance Sigurðar saga fóts, with an introduction presenting the evidence for its dating and immediate literary context. Like most Icelandic romances, Sigurðar saga is a bridal-quest story; the support of a foster-brother is key to the hero winning the bride; and the foster-brothers start out as opponents before recognising their mutual excellence and swearing foster-brotherhood. Uniquely, however, the men who become foster-brothers begin by competing for the same bride (Signý): the eponymous Sigurðr fótr wins Signý only because Ásmundr gives her to him in exchange for foster-brotherhood. Ásmundr’s decision can be read as demonstrating with unusual starkness the superior importance in much Icelandic romance of homosocial relationships over heterosexual ones, giving the saga a certain paradigmatic status. Translating the saga in an open-access forum and reconstructing its literary context will, we hope, encourage further analyses

    Sigurðar saga fóts (The Saga of Sigurðr Foot): A Translation

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    This is the first English translation of the short Icelandic romance Sigurðar saga fóts, with an introduction presenting the evidence for its dating and immediate literary context. Like most Icelandic romances, Sigurðar saga is a bridal-quest story; the support of a foster-brother is key to the hero winning the bride; and the foster-brothers start out as opponents before recognising their mutual excellence and swearing foster-brotherhood. Uniquely, however, the men who become foster-brothers begin by competing for the same bride (Signý): the eponymous Sigurðr fótr wins Signý only because Ásmundr gives her to him in exchange for foster-brotherhood. Ásmundr’s decision can be read as demonstrating with unusual starkness the superior importance in much Icelandic romance of homosocial relationships over heterosexual ones, giving the saga a certain paradigmatic status. Translating the saga in an open-access forum and reconstructing its literary context will, we hope, encourage further analyses

    KIC 4768731: a bright long-period roAp star in theKeplerfield

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    We report the identification of 61.45 d−1 (711.2 μHz) oscillations, with amplitudes of 62.6 μmag, in KIC 4768731 (HD 225914) using Kepler photometry. This relatively bright (V = 9.17) chemically peculiar star with spectral type A5 Vp SrCr(Eu) has previously been found to exhibit rotational modulation with a period of 5.21 d. Fourier analysis reveals a simple dipole pulsator with an amplitude that has remained stable over a 4-yr time span, but with a frequency that is variable. Analysis of high-resolution spectra yields stellar parameters of Teff = 8100 ± 200 K, log g = 4.0 ± 0.2, [Fe/H] = +0.31 ± 0.24 and v sin i = 14.8 ± 1.6 km s−1. Line profile variations caused by rotation are also evident. Lines of Sr, Cr, Eu, Mg and Si are strongest when the star is brightest, while Y and Ba vary in antiphase with the other elements. The abundances of rare earth elements are only modestly enhanced compared to other roAp stars of similar Teff and log g. Radial velocities in the literature suggest a significant change over the past 30 yr, but the radial velocities presented here show no significant change over a period of 4 yr

    The NBDs that wouldn't die: A cautionary tale of the use of isolated nucleotide binding domains of ABC transporters

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    COMATOSE (CTS), the plant homologue of Adrenoleukodystrophy protein, is a full length ABC transporter localised in peroxisomes. In a recent article, we reported that the two nucleotide binding domains of CTS are not functionally equivalent in vivo. Mutations in conserved residues in the Walker A (K487A) and B (D606N) motifs of NBD1 resulted in a null phenotype, whereas identical mutations in the equivalent residues in NBD2 (K1136A and D1276N) had no detectable effect.1 In order to study the effect of these mutations on the ATPase activity of the nucleotide binding domains, we cloned and expressed the isolated NBDs as maltose binding protein (MBP) fusion proteins. We show that ATPase activity is associated with the isolated MBP-NBDs. However, mutations of amino acids located in conserved motifs did not result in striking reduction in activity despite well characterized roles in ATP binding and hydrolysis. We urge caution in the interpretation of results obtained from the study of isolated NBD fusions and their extrapolation to the mechanism of ATP hydrolysis in ABC transporter proteins

    The Kasteleyn transition in three dimensions: spin ice in a [100] field

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    We discuss the nearest neighbour spin ice model in the presence of a magnetic field placed along the cubic [100] direction. As recently shown in Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 067207, 2008, the symmetry sustaining ordering transition observed at low temperature is a three dimensional Kasteleyn transition. We confirm this with numerical data using a non-local algorithm that conserves the topological constraints at low temperature and from analytic calculations from a Bethe lattice of corner sharing tetrahedra . We present a thermodynamic description of the Kasteleyn transition and discuss the relevance of our results to recent neutron scattering experiments on spin ice materials

    Forced mobilization accelerates pathogenesis: characterization of a preclinical surgical model of osteoarthritis

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    Preclinical osteoarthritis (OA) models are often employed in studies investigating disease-modifying OA drugs (DMOADs). In this study we present a comprehensive, longitudinal evaluation of OA pathogenesis in a rat model of OA, including histologic and biochemical analyses of articular cartilage degradation and assessment of subchondral bone sclerosis. Male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent joint destabilization surgery by anterior cruciate ligament transection and partial medial meniscectomy. The contralateral joint was evaluated as a secondary treatment, and sham surgery was performed in a separate group of animals (controls). Furthermore, the effects of walking on a rotating cylinder (to force mobilization of the joint) on OA pathogenesis were assessed. Destabilization-induced OA was investigated at several time points up to 20 weeks after surgery using Osteoarthritis Research Society International histopathology scores, in vivo micro-computed tomography (CT) volumetric bone mineral density analysis, and biochemical analysis of type II collagen breakdown using the CTX II biomarker. Expression of hypertrophic chondrocyte markers was also assessed in articular cartilage. Cartilage degradation, subchondral changes, and subchondral bone loss were observed as early as 2 weeks after surgery, with considerable correlation to that seen in human OA. We found excellent correlation between histologic changes and micro-CT analysis of underlying bone, which reflected properties of human OA, and identified additional molecular changes that enhance our understanding of OA pathogenesis. Interestingly, forced mobilization exercise accelerated OA progression. Minor OA activity was also observed in the contralateral joint, including proteoglycan loss. Finally, we observed increased chondrocyte hypertrophy during pathogenesis. We conclude that forced mobilization accelerates OA damage in the destabilized joint. This surgical model of OA with forced mobilization is suitable for longitudinal preclinical studies, and it is well adapted for investigation of both early and late stages of OA. The time course of OA progression can be modulated through the use of forced mobilization

    Competition Between Exchange and Anisotropy in a Pyrochlore Ferromagnet

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    The Ising-like spin ice model, with a macroscopically degenerate ground state, has been shown to be approximated by several real materials. Here we investigate a model related to spin ice, in which the Ising spins are replaced by classical Heisenberg spins. These populate a cubic pyrochlore lattice and are coupled to nearest neighbours by a ferromagnetic exchange term J and to the local axes by a single-ion anisotropy term D. The near neighbour spin ice model corresponds to the case D/J infinite. For finite D/J we find that the macroscopic degeneracy of spin ice is broken and the ground state is magnetically ordered into a four-sublattice structure. The transition to this state is first-order for D/J > 5 and second-order for D/J < 5 with the two regions separated by a tricritical point. We investigate the magnetic phase diagram with an applied field along [1,0,0] and show that it can be considered analogous to that of a ferroelectric.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure