
Combining WASP and Kepler data: the case of the Sct star KIC 7106205


Ground-based photometric observations from Wide Angle Search for Planets (WASP) have been calibrated, scaled and combined with Kepler observations of the δ Sct star KIC 7106205, allowing us to extend the time base of the study of the unexplained amplitude and frequency variation of a single pressure mode at ν = 13.3942 d−1 by 2 yr. Analysis of the combined data sets, spanning 6 yr, show that the amplitude modulation in KIC 7106205 has a much larger range than a previous study of the Kepler data alone indicated. The single pressure mode decreased from 11.70 ± 0.05 mmag in 2007, to 5.87 ± 0.03 mmag in 2009, and to 0.58 ± 0.06 mmag in 2013. Observations of the decrease in mode amplitude have now been extended back 2 yr before the launch of Kepler. With observations over a longer time span, we have been able to further investigate the decrease in mode amplitude in KIC 7106205 to address the question of mode amplitude stability in δ Sct stars. This study highlights the usefulness of the WASP data set for extending studies of some Kepler variable stars

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