39 research outputs found
KomplexitÀtsfaktoren in der Flugsicherung und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Arbeitsleistungen von Planungslotsen
Im Zentrum des Systems Flugsicherung steht sein wichtigstes Element: der Fluglotse. Ihm obliegt in seiner tĂ€glichen BerufsausĂŒbung eine enorme Verantwortung, er ist jedoch ebenso wie jeder andere Mensch vor Fehlern nicht gefeit. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es abzuklĂ€ren, welche flugsicherungsspezifischen Faktoren es sind, die die kognitive LeistungsfĂ€higkeit von Flugverkehrsleitern mindern und das Auftreten von Fehler begĂŒnstigen. Den Einstieg in die Materie bildet ein Ăberblick ĂŒber die Aufgaben von Flugverkehrsleitern im Allgemeinen und von Planungslotsen im Speziellen. Eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Belastungs- und Workloadmodelle fĂŒhrt weiter zu einem Versuch, die bedeutsamsten in vergangenen Untersuchungen identifizierten KomplexitĂ€tsfaktoren in der Flugsicherung zu benennen. Die KlĂ€rung der Frage nach der Entstehung menschlicher Fehler anhand der zwei wichtigsten in der Literatur zu findenden Fehlermodelle rundet schlieĂlich den theoretischen Einstieg ab. Zentrum der vorliegenden Arbeit bildet die empirische Untersuchung, die sich auf Daten der PlanungslotsenprĂŒfung in der Austro Control, der Ăsterreichischen Gesellschaft fĂŒr Zivilluftfahrt mbH, stĂŒtzt. Darin kristallisierten sich vor allem die Anzahl an MilitĂ€rsperrzonen und die Anzahl an einkommenden Anfragen von Nebenstellen (Requests) als am meisten zu LeistungsschwĂ€chen der getesteten Trainees beitragende Faktoren heraus. Die Suche nach der Ursache von konkreten Operationsfehlern lieferte hingegen keine befriedigenden Ergebnisse, lediglich die Anzahl an einkommenden Flugzeugen (CI) wurde in mehreren multiplen Regressionsanalysen als EinflussgröĂe identifiziert, dieser Einfluss ging jedoch, anders als zu vermuten gewesen wĂ€re, in Richtung einer verminderten Fehleranzahl
Reconstruction of erythemal UV-doses for two stations in Austria: a comparison between alpine and urban regions
The aim of this study is the reconstruction of past UV-doses for two stations in Austria, Hoher Sonnblick and Vienna, using a physical radiation transfer model. The method uses the modeled UV-dose under clear-sky conditions, cloud modification factors and a correction factor as input variables. To identify the influence of temporal resolution of input data and modification factors, an ensemble of four different modelling approaches was calculated, each with hourly or daily resolution. This is especially important because we found no other study describing the influence of the temporal resolution of input data on model performance. Following the results of the statistical analysis of the evaluation period the model with the highest temporal resolution (HMC) was chosen for the reconstruction of UV-doses. A good agreement between modelled and measured values of erythemally effective UV-doses was found at both stations. In relation to the reference period 1976â1985 an increase in the erythemal UV-dose in Vienna of 11% is visible in the period 1986â1995 and an increase of 17% in the period 1996â2005 can be seen. At Hoher Sonnblick the corresponding increase is 2% and 9%. For the different seasons the strongest increase in erythemal UV-dose has been found for winter and spring season at both stations. Further the influences of total ozone and cloudiness on changes in erythemal UV-doses were analyzed. This analysis showed for both stations, that changes in total ozone had a larger influence on erythemal UV-doses than changes in cloudiness
Extreme events in total ozone over Arosa â Part 2: Fingerprints of atmospheric dynamics and chemistry and effects on mean values and long-term changes
In this study the frequency of days with extreme low (termed ELOs) and extreme high (termed EHOs) total ozone values and their influence on mean values and trends are analyzed for the world's longest total ozone record (Arosa, Switzerland). The results show (a) an increase in ELOs and (b) a decrease in EHOs during the last decades and (c) that the overall trend during the 1970s and 1980s in total ozone is strongly dominated by changes in these extreme events. After removing the extremes, the time series shows a strongly reduced trend (reduction by a factor of 2.5 for trend in annual mean). Excursions in the frequency of extreme events reveal "fingerprints" of dynamical factors such as ENSO or NAO, and chemical factors, such as cold Arctic vortex ozone losses, as well as major volcanic eruptions of the 20th century (Gunung Agung, El ChichĂłn, Mt. Pinatubo). Furthermore, atmospheric loading of ozone depleting substances leads to a continuous modification of column ozone in the Northern Hemisphere also with respect to extreme values (partly again in connection with polar vortex contributions). Application of extreme value theory allows the identification of many more such "fingerprints" than conventional time series analysis of annual and seasonal mean values. The analysis shows in particular the strong influence of dynamics, revealing that even moderate ENSO and NAO events have a discernible effect on total ozone. Overall the approach to extremal modelling provides new information on time series properties, variability, trends and the influence of dynamics and chemistry, complementing earlier analyses focusing only on monthly (or annual) mean values
Extreme events in total ozone over Arosa â Part 1: Application of extreme value theory
In this study ideas from extreme value theory are for the first time applied in the field of stratospheric ozone research, because statistical analysis showed that previously used concepts assuming a Gaussian distribution (e.g. fixed deviations from mean values) of total ozone data do not adequately address the structure of the extremes. We show that statistical extreme value methods are appropriate to identify ozone extremes and to describe the tails of the Arosa (Switzerland) total ozone time series. In order to accommodate the seasonal cycle in total ozone, a daily moving threshold was determined and used, with tools from extreme value theory, to analyse the frequency of days with extreme low (termed ELOs) and high (termed EHOs) total ozone at Arosa. The analysis shows that the Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) provides an appropriate model for the frequency distribution of total ozone above or below a mathematically well-defined threshold, thus providing a statistical description of ELOs and EHOs. The results show an increase in ELOs and a decrease in EHOs during the last decades. The fitted model represents the tails of the total ozone data set with high accuracy over the entire range (including absolute monthly minima and maxima), and enables a precise computation of the frequency distribution of ozone mini-holes (using constant thresholds). Analyzing the tails instead of a small fraction of days below constant thresholds provides deeper insight into the time series properties. Fingerprints of dynamical (e.g. ENSO, NAO) and chemical features (e.g. strong polar vortex ozone loss), and major volcanic eruptions, can be identified in the observed frequency of extreme events throughout the time series. Overall the new approach to analysis of extremes provides more information on time series properties and variability than previous approaches that use only monthly averages and/or mini-holes and mini-highs
On the relationship between total ozone and atmospheric dynamics and chemistry at mid-latitudes Part 2
We present the first spatial analysis of "fingerprints" of the El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and atmospheric aerosol load after major volcanic eruptions (El Chichon and Mt. Pinatubo) in extreme low and high (termed ELOs and EHOs, respectively) and mean values of total ozone for the northern and southern mid-latitudes (defined as the region between 30 degrees and 60 degrees north and south, respectively). Significant influence on ozone extremes was found for the warm ENSO phase in both hemispheres during spring, especially towards low latitudes, indicating the enhanced ozone transport from the tropics to the extra-tropics. Further, the results confirm findings of recent work on the connection between the ENSO phase and the strength and extent of the southern ozone "collar". For the volcanic eruptions the analysis confirms findings of earlier studies for the northern mid-latitudes and gives new insights for the Southern Hemisphere. The results provide evidence that the negative effect of the eruption of El Chichon might be partly compensated by a strong warm ENSO phase in 1982â1983 at southern mid-latitudes. The strong west-east gradient in the coefficient estimates for the Mt. Pinatubo eruption and the analysis of the relationship between the AAO and ENSO phase, the extent and the position of the southern ozone "collar" and the polar vortex structure provide clear evidence for a dynamical "masking" of the volcanic signal at southern mid-latitudes. The paper also analyses the contribution of atmospheric dynamics and chemistry to long-term total ozone changes. Here, quite heterogeneous results have been found on spatial scales. In general the results show that EESC and the 11-yr solar cycle can be identified as major contributors to long-term ozone changes. However, a strong contribution of dynamical features (El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Antarctic Oscillation (AAO), Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO)) to ozone variability and trends is found at a regional level. For the QBO (at 30 and 50 hPa), strong influence on total ozone variability and trends is found over large parts of the northern and southern mid-latitudes, especially towards equatorial latitudes. Strong influence of ENSO is found over the Northern and Southern Pacific, Central Europe and central southern mid-latitudes. For the NAO, strong influence on column ozone is found over Labrador/Greenland, the Eastern United States, the Euro-Atlantic Sector, and Central Europe. For the NAO's southern counterpart, the AAO, strong influence on ozone variability and long-term changes is found at lower southern mid-latitudes, including the southern parts of South America and the Antarctic Peninsula, and central southern mid-latitudes
Quicklime application instantly increases soil aggregate stability
Agricultural intensification, especially enhanced mechanisation of soil management, can lead to the deterioration of soil structure and to compaction. A possible amelioration strategy is the application of (structural) lime. In this study, we tested the effect of two different liming materials, ie limestone (CaCO3) and quicklime (CaO), on soil aggregate stability in a 3-month greenhouse pot experiment with three agricultural soils. The liming materials were applied in the form of pulverised additives at a rate of 2 000 kg ha1. Our results show a significant and instantaneous increase of stable aggregates after quicklime application whereas no effects were observed for limestone. Quicklime application seems to improve aggregate stability more efficiently in soils with high clay content and cation exchange capacity. In conclusion, quicklime application may be a feasible strategy for rapid improvement of aggregate stability of fine textured agricultural soils.(VLID)224292
The impact of space and time averaging on the spatial correlation of rainfall
Nowadays a huge amount of data is available for the statistical characterization of rainfall worldwide, although unfortunately not always with the adequate spatial and temporal resolution required for the very high demanding telecommunication applications. On the basis of the NIMROD radar network composite rain maps, first, this paper investigates separately the impact of space or time integration on the spatial correlation of rainfall r, a key parameter for most Propagation Impairment Mitigation Techniques (PIMTs), as well as for many prediction models such as time-space rain field generators. Analytical formulations are proposed to model the average trend of r with the distance d between two sites as a function of the integration time T or the integration area A, which, in turn, can be used to de-integrate the spatial correlation information estimated respectively from networks of raingauges with long integration time or from radar data with coarse spatial resolution. As an example, the last part of the paper compares the spatial rain decorrelation trends estimated by a database of radar maps collected in Northern Italy with the ones de-integrated from products of meteorological re-analyses (ERA40) or Earth Observation missions (TMPA 3B42)
On the relationship between total ozone and atmospheric dynamics and chemistry at mid-latitudes - Part 2: The effects of the El Nino/Southern Oscillation, volcanic eruptions and contributions of atmospheric dynamics and chemistry to long-term total ozone changes
We present the first spatial analysis of "fingerprints" of the El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and atmospheric aerosol load after major volcanic eruptions (El Chichon and Mt. Pinatubo) in extreme low and high (termed ELOs and EHOs, respectively) and mean values of total ozone for the northern and southern mid-latitudes (defined as the region between 30 degrees and 60 degrees north and south, respectively). Significant influence on ozone extremes was found for the warm ENSO phase in both hemispheres during spring, especially towards low latitudes, indicating the enhanced ozone transport from the tropics to the extra-tropics. Further, the results confirm findings of recent work on the connection between the ENSO phase and the strength and extent of the southern ozone "collar". For the volcanic eruptions the analysis confirms findings of earlier studies for the northern mid-latitudes and gives new insights for the Southern Hemisphere. The results provide evidence that the negative effect of the eruption of El Chichon might be partly compensated by a strong warm ENSO phase in 1982-1983 at southern mid-latitudes. The strong west-east gradient in the coefficient estimates for the Mt. Pinatubo eruption and the analysis of the relationship between the AAO and ENSO phase, the extent and the position of the southern ozone "collar" and the polar vortex structure provide clear evidence for a dynamical " masking" of the volcanic signal at southern mid-latitudes. The paper also analyses the contribution of atmospheric dynamics and chemistry to long-term total ozone changes. Here, quite heterogeneous results have been found on spatial scales. In general the results show that EESC and the 11-yr solar cycle can be identified as major contributors to long-term ozone changes. However, a strong contribution of dynamical features (El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Antarctic Oscillation (AAO), Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO)) to ozone variability and trends is found at a regional level. For the QBO (at 30 and 50 hPa), strong influence on total ozone variability and trends is found over large parts of the northern and southern mid-latitudes, especially towards equatorial latitudes. Strong influence of ENSO is found over the Northern and Southern Pacific, Central Europe and central southern mid-latitudes. For the NAO, strong influence on column ozone is found over Labrador/Greenland, the Eastern United States, the Euro-Atlantic Sector, and Central Europe. For the NAO's southern counterpart, the AAO, strong influence on ozone variability and long-term changes is found at lower southern mid-latitudes, including the southern parts of South America and the Antarctic Peninsula, and central southern mid-latitudes
Semi - Fragile Watermarks fĂŒr digitale Bilder
Die vorliegende Masterarbeit beschreibt die erforderlichen Schritte zur Implementierung eines semi-fragilen Watermark. Dabei wurden besonders die Wavelettransformation sowie die Erzeugung von Pseudozufallszahlen zur sicheren Verschlu sselung und Einbettung des Watermark beleuchtet. Anhand der umgesetzten Anwendung wurden Experimente mit unterschiedlichen Bildmanipulationen durchgefu hrt und auf diese Weise die Robustheit und Fa higkeit zur Authentifizierung des Watermark nachgewiesen. Es konnte ebenfalls gezeigt werden, dass die unbedachte Verwendung von Pseudozufallszahlengeneratoren, welche in weiterer Folge keine ausreichend zufa lligen Zahlenfolgen erzeugten, nicht in der Lage ist ein Watermark sicher zu verschlu sseln. Hinsichtlich der Verwendbarkeit wurde festgestellt, dass eine effiziente Umsetzung der Wavelettransformation unabdingbar ist und die Auswahl der Farbkomponenten, die zur Einbettung des Watermark verwendet werden, eine nicht vernachla ssigbare Auswirkung auf die Unsichtbarkeit und Farbtreue hat.This Masters thesis describes the process of implementing a semi-fragile watermark, examining especially the usage of the wavelet transform as well as the creation of pseudo random numbers to enable secure encryption and embedding of a watermark. Based on the realized application, experiments with different sorts of image manipulations were conducted to demonstrate its robustness and ability to authenticate the embedded watermark. In this context it could be discovered that particularly the wrong usage of pseudo random number generators failed to securely encode a watermark, as the created sequence of numbers did not show sufficently random behaviour. In terms of usability, an efficient implementation of the wavelet transform could be proved inevitable. Here, selecting an appropriate color component, while embedding a watermark, has a significant impact on invisibility and color accuracy.eingereicht von Peter Holawe, BScUniversitÀt Linz, Masterarbeit, 2018(VLID)283044
Osteosarcoma of the jaw â experience at the Medical University Vienna and comparative study with international tumor registries
OBJECTIVES: Osteosarcoma of the jaw (OSAJ) is fundamentally different in clinical practice from its peripheral counterparts. Studies are difficult to conduct due to low incidence rates. The primary aim of this study was to provide for the first time a comprehensive retrospective analysis of the treatment concepts and outcome data of OSAJ patients treated at the University Hospital Vienna and to compare these with two recently published studies on OSAJ. The clinical study was accompanied by a biomarker study investigating the prognostic relevance of melanoma-associated antigen-A (MAGE-A) in OSAJ specimens. METHOD: Eighteen patients were included, and their outcomes were compared to published data. Immunohistochemistry was performed with mouse monoclonal antibodies against MAGE-A. Survival rates were estimated by the Kaplan-Meyer method. The log-rank test was used to analyze potential prognostic parameters. Fisherâs exact test was performed to define the significant differences between the survival rates of the current study and the DOESAK registry. RESULTS: Disease-specific survival was 93.8% after five and 56.3% after ten years. The development of metastases (p=0.033) or relapse (p=0.037) was associated with worsened outcomes in our group as well as in the comparative group. Despite the different treatment concepts of the study groups, survival rates were comparable. MAGE-A failed to show prognostic relevance for OSAJ patients. CONCLUSIONS: Uncertainties about the optimal treatment strategies of OSAJ patients will currently remain. Thus, prospective studies of OSAJ are needed but are only feasible in a multicenter study setting, conducted over a prolonged time period