25 research outputs found
Electronically controled index head
Přehled konstrukčních možností. Návrh konstrukčního řešení. Návrh hardwaru. Návrh softwaru. Výpočty převodů.Summary of structure design possibility. Proposal of structure design. Hardware proposal. Software proposal. Gearing calculation.
Proposal of Communication Mix in Company
Diplomová práce se zabývá komunikačním mixem pro podnik provozující kamennou prodejnu a internetový obchod. Definuje důležité formy a pojmy marketingového mixu, se zaměřením na marketingovou komunikaci. Obsahuje podrobnou analýzu současného stavu, která je podkladem pro výběr jednotlivých nástrojů komunikačního mixu. V práci je návrh nového komunikačního mixu, který je sestaven za účelem zlepšení nepříznivé situace v podniku. Nový komunikační mix by měl přilákat nové zákazníky, zlepšit prodeje a upevnit postavení podniku na trhu.This theses deals with the communication mix for the shop and e-shop. It defines important forms and concepts of marketing mix focusing on marketing communication and contains detailed analysis of current conditions which is basis for selection of individual tools of communication mix. In progress there is concept of new communication mix which is compiled to improve adverse situation of business. New communication mix should attract new customers, improve sales and strengthen its market position.
Mycorrhizal feedbacks influence global forest structure and diversity
One mechanism proposed to explain high species diversity in tropical systems is strong negative conspecific density dependence (CDD), which reduces recruitment of juveniles in proximity to conspecific adult plants. Although evidence shows that plant-specific soil pathogens can drive negative CDD, trees also form key mutualisms with mycorrhizal fungi, which may counteract these effects. Across 43 large-scale forest plots worldwide, we tested whether ectomycorrhizal tree species exhibit weaker negative CDD than arbuscular mycorrhizal tree species. We further tested for conmycorrhizal density dependence (CMDD) to test for benefit from shared mutualists. We found that the strength of CDD varies systematically with mycorrhizal type, with ectomycorrhizal tree species exhibiting higher sapling densities with increasing adult densities than arbuscular mycorrhizal tree species. Moreover, we found evidence of positive CMDD for tree species of both mycorrhizal types. Collectively, these findings indicate that mycorrhizal interactions likely play a foundational role in global forest diversity patterns and structure
Using of sequential injection chromatography method for separation and determination of salicylic acid and triamcinolone acetonide in pharmaceutical preparation Triamcinolon-IVAX
Using of sequential injection chromatography method for separation and determination of salicylic acid and triamcinolone acetonide in pharmaceutical preparation Triamcinolon-IVAX Pavel Holík Abstract A novel and fast simultaneous determination of triamcinolone acetonide (TCA) and salicylic acid (SA) in topical pharmaceutical formulations by sequential injection chromatography (SIC) as an alternative to classical high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) has been developed. A recently introduced Onyx™ monolithic C18 (50 mm × 4,6 mm, Phenomenex® ) with 5 mm monolithic precolumn were used for the first time for creating sequential injection chromatography system based on a FIAlab® 3000 with a six-port selection valve and 5,0 ml syringe pump in study. The mobile phase used was acetonitrile/water (35:65, v/v), pH 3.3 adjusted with acetic acid at flow rate 15 µl.s-1 . UV detection provided by fibre-optic DAD detector was set up at 240 nm. Propylparaben was chosen as suitable internal standard (IS). There is only simple pre-adjustment of the sample of topical solution (dilution with mobile phase) so the analysis is not uselessly elongated. Parameters of the method showed good linearity in wide range, correlation coefficient >0,999; system precision (relative standard deviation, R.S.D.) in the range 0,45-1,95%..
Hodnocení provozu kotle na biomasu
This diploma thesis was written as a part of the master study program at the Faculty of AgriSciences of the Mendel University in Brno. Its main topic is a literary solution and experimental measuring of biomass boiler operations. This thesis provides a basic overview of energy crops for energy use in the Czech Republic. Different technologies of thermo-mechanical transformations of biomass for energy are described in detail. The last part of the thesis focuses on pollutants from biomass burning that were measured in an experimental test
Využití energie biomasy
This bachelor thesis was written as part of the Bachelor studies at the Faculty of AgriSciences Mendel University in Brno. It deals with the literary solution of the use of energy from biomass. This thesis provides the fundamental summary of energy crops used for energetic processing in the Czech Republic. The selected kinds of biomass are described in detail from their source to the energy production. The technologies of the thermochemical transformations of biomass for energetic purposes and their impact on the environment are closely explained, too. Furthermore, the basic alternatives for home heating and their operational conditions in the future years are described in this Bachelor thesis
Hermal properties of irradiated duramid with 45 % of glass fibre by beta rays
DURAMID with 45 % of glass fibre (PA 9T) have been successfully modified using beta rays. PA 9T samples were prepared by injection moulding technology and then were irradiated from 33 to 198 kGy in electron accelerator RHODOTRON. The thermal properties (e.g. DSC and TGA) of modified PA 9T samples by beta rays were measured. The tested samples showed significant changes of thermal properties after irradiation. From this point of view, new applications could also be seen in areas where more expensive materials (metals, composites etc.) are used, especially for application in automotive and military industry. © 2017, MM publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
The effect of amino acid enantiomers on activity of selected enzymes in soil
This work was aimed to test the effect of selected amino acid enantiomers on activity of casein-protease and acid phosphomonoesterase in soil. Casein-protease was selected due to its key role in nitrogen mineralization and acid phosphomonoesterase due to its importance in soil organic P mineralization. The results showed that 5 mg of L- and D-glutamic acid added to fresh soil from Ah horizon of a moderately mown mountain meadow significantly (P < 0.05) decreased casein-protease activity, whereas alanine enantiomers slightly increased activity of this enzyme. Testing the effect of cystine on activity of acid phosphomonoesterase in soil showed slight increase of this activity after application of 3.2 mg L- or D-cystine to fresh soil (equivalent to 8 mg to dry soil)
Selected amino acids uptake by microorganisms in soil of differently managed mountain meadows
This work was aimed at determination of the effect of 13 years abandonment of previously long-term mown mountain meadows on uptake of L-glutamic acid (14CO2H[14CH2]2[NH2]14CO2H) and L-alanine (14CH314CH[NH2]14CO2H) by microbial community of Ap horizon (3–13 cm). The study plots has been located near to the experimental stand “Bílý Kříž“ which is located in the Moravian-Silesian Beskids Mountains (N 49°30’17”, E 18°32’28”), on a slope with an elevation of 825–860 m a. s. l. and southeast orientation, and soil classified as an Oxyaquic Hapludalf. The study was performed to test method for measurement of 14C-labelled amino acids uptake by soil microbial community and to increase knowledge on particular processes of N-transformation in soil of these ecosystems. The results obtained in this work showed that 13 years abandonment of mountain meadow did not significantly (P > 0.05) influence rate of glutamic acid or alanine uptake by soil microbial community. Further research including determination of amino acids use by soil microbial biomass with expression of their partitioning between production of new microbial biomass and energy metabolism is necessary
Possibilities of Determination of Risk Elements in Alluvial Agriculture Soils in the Mže and Otava River Basins by X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
The undesirable, hazardous, and risk elements are introduced into all environmental parts through human activities. They enter the soil and aquatic environment by atmospheric deposition, or by application of sewage sludge, pesticides, mineral and organic fertilisers, and by organic manures. Heavy metals (HMs) and risk elements can be determined in the soil by a wide range of analytical methods that differ in terms of time and financial costs, and the demands on service. One of the methods is the use of a portable XRF spectrometer under lab conditions, offering relatively fast determination of the concentration of chemical elements in the soil. In the presented study we evaluated the accuracy and the precision of the XRF device for analysis of the concentration of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, As, Mn, Cu, and Ni) in alluvial soils from the Mže and Otava river basins (Czech Republic), and validated and compared obtained results with the conventional lab method (ICP-OES). The soil samples (n = 502) were taken at 43 sampling sites at depths of 0 – 30, 30 – 60, and 60 – 90 cm, mainly in floodplains with Fluvisol soil type (N-year flow rates = Q100 m3/s). The multiple correlation coefficients R values ranged from 0.81 to 0.99. The R2 determination coefficients for individual HMs, measured by XRF, were determined as follows: Pb – 0.98, Zn – 0.97, Cu – 0.80, Mn – 0.79, As – 0.78, Ni – 0.66. According to our results, 66 – 98% points fit the designed models. The Pb and Zn have the best dependency (relationship tightness), and regression models are excellent. Cu, Mn, and As have a slightly worse dependency (tightness of the relationship), but the regression model is still very well suitable for agriculture practice, or for the purposes of environmental monitoring