218 research outputs found

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    Skriftlig del av bacheloroppgave, avdeling Kunst og hĂĄndverk 202

    Stuttering in individuals with Down syndrome: a systematic review of earlier research

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    The main objective of this systematic review was to synthesize the evidence on the occurrence and characteristics of stuttering in individuals with Down syndrome and thus contribute knowledge about stuttering in this population. Group studies reporting outcome measures of stuttering were included. Studies with participants who were preselected based on their fluency status were excluded. We searched the Eric, PsychInfo, Medline, Scopus, and Web of Science Core Collection databases on 3rd January 2022 and conducted supplementary searches of the reference lists of previous reviews and the studies included in the current review, as well as relevant speech and language journals. The included studies were coded in terms of information concerning sample characteristics, measurement approaches, and stuttering-related outcomes. The appraisal tool for cross-sectional studies (AXIS) was used to evaluate study quality. We identified 14 eligible studies, with a total of 1,833 participants (mean = 131.29, standard deviation = 227.85, median = 45.5) between 3 and 58 years of age. The estimated occurrence of stuttering ranged from 2.38 to 56%, which is substantially higher than the estimated prevalence (1%) of stuttering in the general population. The results also showed that stuttering severity most often was judged to be mild-to-moderate and that individuals with Down syndrome displayed secondary behaviors when these were measured. However, little attention has been paid to investigating the potential adverse effects of stuttering for individuals with Down syndrome. We judged the quality of the evidence to be moderate-to-low. The negative evaluation was mostly due to sampling limitations that decreased the representability and generalizability of the results. Based on the high occurrence of stuttering and the potential negative effects of this condition, individuals with Down syndrome who show signs of stuttering should be referred to a speech and language pathologist for an evaluation of their need for stuttering treatment

    Teaching Trade Secret Management with Threshold Concepts

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    Trade secret management (TSM is an emerging field of research. Teaching trade secret management requires the inclusion of several challenging topics, such as how firms use secrets in open innovation and collaboration. The threshold concepts framework is an educational lens well suited for teaching subjects such as TSM that are transformative and troublesome. We identify four such areas in trade secret management and discuss how threshold concepts can be a useful framework for teaching. We then present an outline of a curriculum suited for master’s programs and training of intellectual property (IP) managers. Our main contribution is to fields of management and educational sciences, as well as those of innovation studies and jurisprudence

    Ontology based study planning and classification of university subjects

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    Masteroppgave informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi - Universitetet i Agder, 2015This is first and foremost a research project into study planning at the University of Agder. What tools are available for students now, and can an ontology help make it easier? Having a plan for your education is important, and not having proper tools for this can be a frustration for many students. In this thesis I propose an ontology aimed at helping students plan their studies, by giving a graphical presentation of how courses are linked together. I also look at current ways for students to plan their study, and compare them to the ontology. The focus of the ontology is primarily on the bachelors and masters degrees in ICT at the University of Agder, but it is constructed in a manner that makes it easy to redeploy for any other academic degree. I believe that the ontology I created shows that ontology based study planning is a viable tool, and should be expanded upon

    Cancer Rehabilitation: Experience, Symptoms, and Needs

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    The aim of this study was to examine the experience of cancer patients undergoing rehabilitation, to identify symptoms associated with rehabilitation from cancer, and to assess the need for rehabilitation services for cancer patients. Cancer patients (n = 402) at the Asan Medical Center (Seoul, Korea) were enrolled from June to September 2008. A chart review was used to collect demographic and clinical data, including type of cancer, current treatment, time from initial diagnosis to screening, and cancer stage. Each participant provided informed consent and was then given a questionnaire that asked about experience with rehabilitation, symptoms associated with rehabilitation, and the need for different types of rehabilitation services. Clinicians recommended rehabilitation for 8.5% of patients, and 6.7% underwent rehabilitation. Among study patients, 83.8% had one or more symptoms associated with rehabilitation, and 71.6% of patients with symptoms wanted rehabilitation management. The need for rehabilitation was associated with the presence of metastasis, advanced cancer stage, time to diagnosis, and type of current treatment. Our results provide specific information about particular functional symptoms and the rehabilitative needs of subgroups of cancer patients. It is suggested to develope and implement rehabilitation programs for cancer patients

    Helhetlig tilnærming - et verdibegrep. En sammenligning mellom den politiske styringens og den militære profesjonens bruk av begrepet helhetlig tilnærming

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    After the cessation of the Cold War, the nature of the conflicts in which the international community engages, has changed. Especially Western World countries tend to engage in internal post-conflict operations, with the purpose to help countries in their transition from war to a sustainable peace. These kinds of conflicts are commonly known as complex conflicts. Such conflicts require increased levels of Civil–Military integration. As a consequence, different concepts on how to approach Civil–Military integration have emerged. Most widely known are the UN concept integrated missions and the NATO concept comprehensive approach. Also in Norway one can hear echoes of this phenomenon. Both in the political agenda and among the military leadership, the conceptual phrase helhetlig tilnærming is extensively used. However, the Norwegian concept is adapted to fit with the Norwegian perception of national identity. This thesis argues that the political environment uses the phrase as a means to safeguard that the military profession develops in a way that reflects the fundamental peace-nation values of the Norwegian society. Furthermore, preservation of the humanitarian space in operations is highly stressed. On the other hand, within the military profession the term is used as a means to strengthen the functional and collective military ethos. In Norway the conceptual term helhetlig tilnærming therefore is understood and applied differently by the political environment and the military profession. Consequently, to comprehend the term in a meaningful way, it has to be accompanied by a contextualized explanation. Accordingly, this thesis concludes that the expression helhetlig tilnærming in essence is an unclear byword, which both the political and the military environment act in accordance with in a different way, in order to reinforce an argument or a point of view

    Helhetlig tilnærming - et verdibegrep. En sammenligning mellom den politiske styringens og den militære profesjonens bruk av begrepet helhetlig tilnærming

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    After the cessation of the Cold War, the nature of the conflicts in which the international community engages, has changed. Especially Western World countries tend to engage in internal post-conflict operations, with the purpose to help countries in their transition from war to a sustainable peace. These kinds of conflicts are commonly known as complex conflicts. Such conflicts require increased levels of Civil–Military integration. As a consequence, different concepts on how to approach Civil–Military integration have emerged. Most widely known are the UN concept integrated missions and the NATO concept comprehensive approach. Also in Norway one can hear echoes of this phenomenon. Both in the political agenda and among the military leadership, the conceptual phrase helhetlig tilnærming is extensively used. However, the Norwegian concept is adapted to fit with the Norwegian perception of national identity. This thesis argues that the political environment uses the phrase as a means to safeguard that the military profession develops in a way that reflects the fundamental peace-nation values of the Norwegian society. Furthermore, preservation of the humanitarian space in operations is highly stressed. On the other hand, within the military profession the term is used as a means to strengthen the functional and collective military ethos. In Norway the conceptual term helhetlig tilnærming therefore is understood and applied differently by the political environment and the military profession. Consequently, to comprehend the term in a meaningful way, it has to be accompanied by a contextualized explanation. Accordingly, this thesis concludes that the expression helhetlig tilnærming in essence is an unclear byword, which both the political and the military environment act in accordance with in a different way, in order to reinforce an argument or a point of view


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    Bacheloroppgave sykepleie, 2016Norsk tittel: Det handler om livet, ikke døden. Engelsk tittel: It's about life, not death. Problemstilling: «Hvordan kan vi som sykepleiere ivareta pårørende til en pasient i palliativ fase?». Hensikt: Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å få økt kunnskap og forståelse innenfor temaet palliativ omsorg og ivaretakelsen av pårørende. Vi ønsker å bli tryggere i samarbeidet og samhandlingen med de pårørende til pasienter i palliativ fase, da vi synes dette kan være en utfordrende situasjon for oss som nyutdannede sykepleiere. Metode: Bacheloroppgaven er en fordypningsoppgave basert på selvvalgt tema. Besvarelsen er bygget på relevant fag- og forskningslitteratur, erfaringer fra praksis og selvvalgt litteratur. Teori: Ut fra vår problemstilling har vi valgt ut teori for å kunne besvare problemstillingen på best mulig måte. Temaer vi har valgt ut er; sykepleieteorien til Joyce Travelbee og Johan Cullberg, palliativ fase, pårørende til den døende pasient, sykepleier i andres hjem, pasient og pårørendes behov, pasient og pårørendes rettigheter og kommunikasjon og relasjon. Konklusjon: Vi mener at det ikke finnes en konklusjon på hvordan vi som sykepleiere skal ivareta pårørende. Dette fordi pårørende til pasienter i palliativ fase er forskjellige, og har ulike behov. Vi tenker det er viktig for pårørende at de får støtte gjennom informasjon og veiledning fra sykepleier. For at ivaretakelsen av de pårørende skal bli best mulig, må sykepleieren oppnå en relasjon til både pasient og pårørende gjennom kommunikasjon. Kommunikasjon er et meget viktig hjelpemiddel for å kunne oppnå denne relasjonen, og for å få frem de enkelte pårørendes behov

    The liminal landscape of mentoring - Stories of physicians becoming mentors

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    Introduction: This study explores narratives of physicians negotiating liminality while becoming and being mentors for medical students. Liminality is the unstable phase of a learning trajectory in which one leaves behind one understanding but has yet to reach a new insight or position. Methods: In this study, we analysed semi-structural interviews of 22 physician mentors from group-based mentoring programmes at two Norwegian and one Canadian medical school. In a dialogical narrative analysis, we applied liminality as a sensitising lens, focusing on informants' stories of becoming a mentor. Results: Liminality is an unavoidable aspect of developing as a mentor. Which strategies mentors resort to when facing liminality are influenced by their narrative coherence. Some mentors thrive in liminality, enjoying the possibility of learning and developing as mentors. Others deem mentoring and the medical humanities peripheral to medicine and thus struggle with integrating mentor and physician identities.They may contradict themselves as they shift between their multiple identities,resulting in rejection of the learning potentials that liminality affords. Conclusion: Mentors with integrated physician and mentor identities can embrace liminality and develop as mentors. Those mentors with contradicting dialogues between their identities may avoid liminality if it challenges their understanding of who they are and make them experience discomfort, confusion and insufficiency while becoming a mentor. Support of the mentoring role from the clinical culture may help these physicians develop internal dialogues that reconcile their clinician and mentor identities

    Teaching Threshold Concepts in Virtual Reality: Exploring the Conceptual Requirements for Systems Design.

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    In a complex world students need to be equipping with a range of capabilities that will enable them to be critical and flexible learners and citizens. The central research objective in this paper is to explore the argument that virtual reality (VR) technologies, collaborative learning approaches and recognition of the values and importance of thresholds to learning are components that can equip students in and for the future. Threshold concepts are specific concepts which are identified as essential in the acquisition of thinking, learning and communication of understanding within a specific subject of learning. Threshold experiences occur when learners identify moments of “learning leaps” which are cognitive transformations or changes in conceptual role for the learner, enabling them to work at higher levels of abstraction and creativity. Virtual reality technology is increasingly applied in education and can be used to test multiple threshold concepts and applied to open problems that allow for low-stress and real-time interactions as well as supporting collaborative groups with rapid interactions. Applications built on VR can engage, immerse, and guide learners in ways not yet undertaken in the education of threshold concepts. Through literature review we explore the definitions of threshold concepts, VR technologies, and the opportunities for teaching threshold concepts using VR technologies. We additionally predict possible limitations of the technologies. Further, we propose a systems design approach as informed by our literature review
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