55 research outputs found

    Nitrogen in Current European Policies

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    Europe, and especially the European Union (EU), has many governmental policy ¿ measures aimed at decreasing unwanted reactivenitrogen (N r ) emissions from combustion, agriculture and urban wastes. Many of these policy measures have an ¿eff ects-basedapproach¿, and focus on single N r compounds, single sectors and either on air or waters.¿ Th is chapter addresses the origin, objectives and targets of EU policy measures related to Nr emissions, considers which instrumentsare being used to implement the policies and briefl y discusses the eff ects of the policy measures.Approaches¿ Th e chapter starts with a brief description of the basic elements of governmental policy measures.¿ A review of the main international conventions and EU policies related to emissions of Nr to air and water is then provided.¿ Finally the chapter provides a semi-quantitative assessment of the eff ectiveness and effi ciency of European policy measures.Key fi ndings/state of knowledge¿ International conventions and other treaties have played a key role in raising awareness and establishing policy measures for Nr emissionsabatement in EU through so-called Directives and Regulations.¿ Th ere are many diff erent EU Directives, oft en addressing individual Nr compounds from individual sectors (e.g. NOx emissions fromcombustion; NH 3 emissions from agriculture, pollution of groundwater and surface water by nitrates from agriculture, discharge oftotal nitrogen from urban sewage to surface waters).¿ Many EU Directives have been revised following review and evaluation. Th ere are increasing eff orts to cluster single EU Directives intolarger Framework Directives.¿ Compliance with, and eff ectiveness of, the Directives diff ers between sectors; it decreases in the order (i) reducing NO x emissions fromcombustion sources, (ii) reducing nitrogen (and especially Phosphorus) discharges to waters from industries and households, and (iii)reducing NH 3 emissions and NO 3 leaching from agriculture.¿ Th ere is not much literature on the diff erences in the eff ectiveness and effi ciencies of Directives; a number of factors seem to be involvedin eff ectiveness and effi ciency, but these have not yet been analysed in a coherent manner.Major uncertainties/challenges¿ Th ere is a huge diversity in N r emission sources and pathways, while the number of policy instruments is limited. Th ere is need to fi ndthe optimal mix of policy instruments targeted to the emission sources as well as the stakeholders involved.¿ It has been indicated that some EU Directives addressing emissions of nitrogen compounds from specifi c sources have antagonisticeff ects. Th e magnitude of these eff ects is not yet well known.¿ Th ere is a delay in the environmental and ecological responses following the introduction of Directives; these are due to legislativedelays, lack of enforcement and control, constraints in practice and because of biogeochemical hysteresis eff ects; these eff ects are notyet well understood quantitatively.¿ In general, only modest reductions in Nr emissions from agriculture have been achieved to date; this refl ects the need for more eff ectiveand effi cient policy measures and/or greater enforcement of current policies.Recommendations¿ To examine further the diff erences between sectors of the factors that contribute to the eff ectiveness and effi ciency of policy measuresfor the abatement of N r emissions.¿ T o explore further the eff ectiveness and effi ciency of more integrated N management and integrated policy measures for the abatementof adverse impacts of N r emissions.JRC.DDG.H.2-Climate change and air qualit

    Polyantigenic Interferon-γ Responses Are Associated with Protection from TB among HIV-Infected Adults with Childhood BCG Immunization

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    Surrogate immunologic markers for natural and vaccine-mediated protection against tuberculosis (TB) have not been identified. HIV-infected adults with childhood BCG immunization entering the placebo arm of the DarDar TB vaccine trial in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, were assessed for interferon gamma (IFN-γ) responses to three mycobacterial antigen preparations--secreted Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens 85 (Ag85), early secretory antigenic target 6 (ESAT-6) and polyantigenic whole cell lysate (WCL). We investigated the association between the number of detectable IFN-γ responses at baseline and the subsequent risk of HIV-associated TB. During a median follow-up of 3.3 years, 92 (9.4%) of 979 placebo recipients developed TB. The incidence of TB was 14% in subjects with no detectable baseline IFN-γ responses vs. 8% in subjects with response to polyantigenic WCL (P = 0.028). Concomitant responses to secreted antigens were associated with further reduction in the incidence of HIV-associated TB. Overall the percentage of subjects with 0, 1, 2 and 3 baseline IFN-γ responses to mycobacterial preparations who developed HIV-associated TB was 14%, 8%, 7% and 4%, respectively (P = 0.004). In a multivariate Cox regression model, the hazard of developing HIV-associated TB was 46% lower with each increment in the number of detectable baseline IFN-γ responses (P<0.001). Among HIV-infected adults who received BCG in childhood and live in a TB-endemic country, polyantigenic IFN-γ responses are associated with decreased risk of subsequent HIV-associated TB. ClinicalTrials.gov NCT0052195

    An overview of recent progress in the implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation - a global perspective

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    Abstract The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) with its 16 outcome-orientated targets aimed at achieving a series of measurable goals was adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) at its sixth meeting (COP-6) in 2002. In 2010, at COP-10, these targets were updated, taking into account progress at the time. To date, a number of countries have developed national responses to contribute to the GSPC, including several mega-diverse countries and other plant rich countries and regions. Additionally, a number of global initiatives have been established to promote the implementation of the GSPC. This paper provides an overview of progress at the global level towards the GSPC targets, highlighting actions that have taken place at a supra-national level, as well as providing examples of good practice in national implementation. The GSPC has been widely adopted, particularly by the botanic garden community, and while unlikely to achieve its ultimate goal of halting the loss of plant diversity by 2020, has achieved many successes, not least in allowing and facilitating many individuals and organisations from the botanical community to engage with the CBD and to contribute to the achievement of its objectives, targets and priorities

    Aldehyde Dehydrogenases Expression in Corneal Epithelial Cells with Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency

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    Purpose: The purpose of the present study is to investigate the expression of aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs) in rabbit corneas with limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) and corneas treated with cultured autologous oral mucosa epithelial cell sheet CAOMECS designed to reconstruct the ocular surface with LSCD. Methods: New Zealand white rabbit autologous oral mucosal epithelial cells were isolated from a buccal biopsy and cultured to be grafted back onto corneas of rabbit model of LSCD. Immunofluorescent staining and Western blot analysis were used to compare the expression of ALDH1A1 and ALDH1A3 in healthy, LSCD-diseased, CAOMECS treated corneas. Human oral mucosal and corneal epithelial cells (OMECS and CECs) were cultured and treated with retinoic acid (RA) to further investigate the expression of ALDHs. Results: In healthy corneas, ALDH1A1 and ALDH1A3 were markedly expressed in basal cells of corneal epithelium. In LSCD diseased corneas, ALDH1A1 and ALDH1A3 were markedly expressed in the conjunctivalized apical epithelial cells, the goblet cells, and the stroma. CAOMECS grafted corneas showed a decreased expression of ALDHs as compared to LSCD diseased corneas. Western blot analysis confirmed the up regulation of ALDH1A1 and ALDH1A3 expression in LSCD-diseased corneal epithelial cells. CAOMECS expressed low levels of ALDH1A1 and ALDH1A3, as compared to diseased CECs (D-CEC). When ALDH1A3 was up regulated by retinoic acid treatment in OMECS, Pax-6 expression was down regulated, suggesting a decrease in regenerative capacity when ALDH enzymes are up regulated. Conclusions: These findings report for the first time the up regulation of ALDH1A1 and ALDH1A3 in rabbit corneas with LSCD and document that CAOMECS grafting used to reconstruct corneal epithelium may reduce the expression levels of ALDH enzymes

    Aldehyde Dehydrogenases Expression in Corneal Epithelial Cells with Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency

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    Purpose: The purpose of the present study is to investigate the expression of aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs) in rabbit corneas with limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) and corneas treated with cultured autologous oral mucosa epithelial cell sheet CAOMECS designed to reconstruct the ocular surface with LSCD. Methods: New Zealand white rabbit autologous oral mucosal epithelial cells were isolated from a buccal biopsy and cultured to be grafted back onto corneas of rabbit model of LSCD. Immunofluorescent staining and Western blot analysis were used to compare the expression of ALDH1A1 and ALDH1A3 in healthy, LSCD-diseased, CAOMECS treated corneas. Human oral mucosal and corneal epithelial cells (OMECS and CECs) were cultured and treated with retinoic acid (RA) to further investigate the expression of ALDHs. Results: In healthy corneas, ALDH1A1 and ALDH1A3 were markedly expressed in basal cells of corneal epithelium. In LSCD diseased corneas, ALDH1A1 and ALDH1A3 were markedly expressed in the conjunctivalized apical epithelial cells, the goblet cells, and the stroma. CAOMECS grafted corneas showed a decreased expression of ALDHs as compared to LSCD diseased corneas. Western blot analysis confirmed the up regulation of ALDH1A1 and ALDH1A3 expression in LSCD-diseased corneal epithelial cells. CAOMECS expressed low levels of ALDH1A1 and ALDH1A3, as compared to diseased CECs (D-CEC). When ALDH1A3 was up regulated by retinoic acid treatment in OMECS, Pax-6 expression was down regulated, suggesting a decrease in regenerative capacity when ALDH enzymes are up regulated. Conclusions: These findings report for the first time the up regulation of ALDH1A1 and ALDH1A3 in rabbit corneas with LSCD and document that CAOMECS grafting used to reconstruct corneal epithelium may reduce the expression levels of ALDH enzymes
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