933 research outputs found

    Crediting multi-authored papers to single authors

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    A fair assignment of credit for multi-authored publications is a long-standing issue in scientometrics. In the calculation of the hh-index, for instance, all co-authors receive equal credit for a given publication, independent of a given author's contribution to the work or of the total number of co-authors. Several attempts have been made to distribute the credit in a more appropriate manner. In a recent paper, Hirsch has suggested a new way of credit assignment that is fundamentally different from the previous ones: All credit for a multi-author paper goes to a single author, the called ``α\alpha-author'', defined as the person with the highest current hh-index not the highest hh-index at the time of the paper's publication) (J. E. Hirsch, Scientometrics 118, 673 (2019)). The collection of papers this author has received credit for as α\alpha-author is then used to calculate a new index, hαh_{\alpha}, following the same recipe as for the usual hh index. The objective of this new assignment is not a fairer distribution of credit, but rather the determination of an altogether different property, the degree of a person's scientific leadership. We show that given the complex time dependence of hh for individual scientists, the approach of using the current hh value instead of the historic one is problematic, and we argue that it would be feasible to determine the α\alpha-author at the time of the paper's publication instead. On the other hand, there are other practical considerations that make the calculation of the proposed hαh_{\alpha} very difficult. As an alternative, we explore other ways of crediting papers to a single author in order to test early career achievement or scientific leadership.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Q-SEA - a tool for quality assessment of ethics analyses conducted as part of health technology assessments

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    Introduction: Assessment of ethics issues is an important part of health technology assessments (HTA). However, in terms of existence of quality assessment tools, ethics for HTA is methodologically under-developed in comparison to other areas of HTA, such as clinical or cost effectiveness.Objective: To methodologically advance ethics for HTA by: (1) proposing and elaborating Q-SEA, the first instrument for quality assessment of ethics analyses, and (2) applying Q-SEA to a sample systematic review of ethics for HTA, in order to illustrate and facilitate its use. Methods: To develop a list of items for the Q-SEA instrument, we sys-tematically reviewed the literature on methodology in ethics for HTA, reviewed HTA organizations’ websites, and solicited views from 32 ex-perts in the field of ethics for HTA at two 2-day workshops. We sub-sequently refined Q-SEA through its application to an ethics analysis conducted for HTA.Results: Q-SEA instrument consists of two domains – the process do-main and the output domain. The process domain consists of 5 ele-ments: research question, literature search, inclusion/exclusion criteria, perspective, and ethics framework. The output domain consists of 5 elements: completeness, bias, implications, conceptual clarification, and conflicting values.Conclusion: Q-SEA is the first instrument for quality assessment of ethics analyses in HTA. Further refinements to the instrument to enhance its usability continue

    Surface states on a topologically non-trivial semimetal: The case of Sb(110)

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    The electronic structure of Sb(110) is studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and first-principle calculations, revealing several electronic surface states in the projected bulk band gaps around the Fermi energy. The dispersion of the states can be interpreted in terms of a strong spin-orbit splitting. The bulk band structure of Sb has the characteristics of a strong topological insulator with a Z2 invariant nu0=1. This puts constraints on the existence of metallic surface states and the expected topology of the surface Fermi contour. However, bulk Sb is a semimetal, not an insulator and these constraints are therefore partly relaxed. This relation of bulk topology and expected surface state dispersion for semimetals is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Die Geburt von ZweitgebÀrenden nach primÀrem oder sekundÀrem Kaiserschnitt

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    Im Dienst der Diktatur? Rezension zu "Franco's Internationalists: Social Experts and Spain's Search for Legitimacy" von David Brydan

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    David Brydan: Franco's internationalists - social experts and Spain's search for legitimacy. Oxford studies in modern European history. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2019. 978-0-19-883459-

    Doing gender im Kinderfilm

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    Thema dieser Arbeit ist die ReprĂ€sentation und Konstruktion von Gender im Kinderfilm. Anhand des Fallbeispiels Kletter-Ida wird untersucht wie Prozesse des Doing gender im Film sichtbar gemacht werden und wie Geschlechtlichkeit ĂŒber die Hauptfigur durch Elemente der filmischen Gestaltung hergestellt, d.h. medial konstruiert wird. Film wird dabei als kultureller Text begriffen, der Bedeutungen und kulturelle Codes produziert und gesellschaftliche Normen, Vorstellungen und Formen der Darstellbarkeit – ReprĂ€sentationen – von Gender vermittelt. Durch die soziologische Filmanalyse können Bedeutungen und Zuschreibungen an die Hauptfigur, die filmische Konstruktion von Geschlecht rekonstruktiv erschlossen werden. Als theoretischer Rahmen der Arbeit dienen sozialkonstruktivistische Gendertheorien (Doing gender), die Medientheorie der Cultural Studies und der Filmsoziologie, sowie die feministische Medien- und Kommunikationsforschung. Zur Untersuchung der Fragestellung wurde eine eigene qualitative Methode zur soziologischen Filmanalyse entwickelt, die die die soziologische Filminterpretation nach Faulstich als Analysemethode mit einem Interpretationsverfahren der sozialwissenschaftlichen Hermeneutik kombiniert. Insgesamt 18 Sequenzen des Films nach dieser Methode in einem zweistufigen hermeneutischen Interpretationsverfahren, und mit Hilfe eines Analyseleitfadens zur Figurendarstellung untersucht. Ziel der empirischen Untersuchung war es, Prozesse des Doing gender und filmische Mechanismen der Konstruktion von Geschlecht in der Interpretation ausgewĂ€hlter Sequenzen des Films Kletter-Ida zu erfassen und nachzuvollziehen. Zentraler Punkt bei der Analyse der weiblichen Hauptfigur war dabei das Motiv der ‚Inszenierung von Weiblichkeit’, das die strategische Relevantsetzung von Gender durch geschlechtlich konnotierte Praktiken beschreibt. Anhand des Fallbeispiels kann somit die These der differenziellen Relevanz, der situativen und kontextabhĂ€ngigen Herstellung von Geschlecht, als Element der filmischen Konstruktion von Gender aufgezeigt werden.Subject of the thesis is the representation and construction of gender in a childrenÂŽs film. Central aim was to describe processes of doing gender and the mechanisms of the cinematic construction of gender, based on the interpretation of the female main figure in motion picture ‘Kletter-Ida’, with a sociological method for film analysis. This subject is based on theories of doing gender, the media theory of the Cultural Studies and the sociology of film, as well as feminist media and communication studies. For this study a specific method for the sociological analysis of film was developed. The procedure combines the sociological film interpretation (‘Soziologische Filminterpretation’) by Faulstich with hermeneutic methods following Soeffner. Through the interpretation of 18 sequences of Kletter-Ida could be observed how the main figure uses social scripts of femininity for strategic purposes. In the analysis of the film can be shown, how the relevance of gender is determined by the specific context of interaction and how this functions as a structure for the representation of the female protagonist
