145 research outputs found

    The Comparative Cost and Profit Analysis of Organic and Conventional Farming

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    The cost-profit relations of organic and conventional farming were examined on the basis of natural and financial data of a large agricultural - company in western Hungary and of economic models characterising private farms in eastern Hungary. The differences in cost structures reflect variable conditions relating to certain crops, but they can be well explained by the differences in the technologies used. According to the production data, in organic farming direct costs per hectare were lower in all of the four examined crops. Even cost per production unit and contribution were more favourable in three of the investigated crops. Regarding the calculation done by economy models, the costs per hectare relating to the two production methods were not significantly different. Yields in organic plant production were typically lower but costs per unit and selling prices were higher. Differences in gross profits may be explained by different yields and selling prices. In a majority of the model variations organic farming is more profitable, but the extra bio price ensuring this, in accordance with trends from literature, is not sufficient for achieving a higher profit in every year

    Bakteriális gének szerepe a szimbiotikus gümő inváziójában = The role of bacterial genes in the invasion of the symbiotic nodule

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    Hoszú távú célunk, hogy megértsük a szimbiotikus nitrogénkötő gümő kifejlődését, és azonosítsuk az invázióban fontos bakteriális géneket. E pályázatban feladatunk volt, hogy (i) elemezzük azon rkp géneket, melyek a Sinorhizobium meliloti 41 törzs specifikus KR5 kapszuláris poliszacharidjának bioszintézisében vesznek részt, (ii) meghatározzuk pontos funkcióját a pha géneknek, melyekről feltételeztük, hogy a pH-homeosztázisban fontosak. Fágreceptorban hibás baktérium és host range fág mutánsok molekuláris genetikai elemzése révén kimutattuk, hogy a 16-3 fág receptorának fontos alkotója az RkpM fehérje, és azonosítottuk a fág h génjét, mely a farki rost fehérjét kódolja. A KR5 antigénről kimutattuk, hogy csak a szimbiotikus gümő inváziójakor fontos, de nem alkotója a fágreceptornak. Befejeztük a DNS-szekvencia meghatározást az rkp-3 régióban, és vizsgáltuk az azonosított gének szerepét. Egyes és kettős rkpY mutánsok segítségével, amelyekben a második mutáció különböző rkp génekben volt kimutattuk, hogy (i) az rkpY mutánsok által termelt poliszacharid nem prekurzora a KR5 antigénnek, és hogy (ii) az rkpR gén ennek az új poliszacharidnak a bioszintézisében játszik szerepet. A pha gének szerepét kifordított membrán vezikulákon végzett fiziológiai kísérletekben vizsgáltuk. Kimutattuk, hogy a K+ adás proton kiáramlást eredményez, ami alátámasztja korábbi feltételezésünket, hogy e gének egy K+/H+ antiportert kódolnak. | Our long term goal is to understand the development of nitrogen fixing symbiotic nodule and to identify bacterial genes involved in the invasion. In this project we focus on (i) the analysis of the rkp genes involved in the biosynthesis of the strain specific KR5 polysaccharide of Sinorhizobium meliloti 41, and (ii) analysis of function of pha gene clusters presumed to be important in pH-homeostasis. The molecular genetic analysis of phage receptor bacterial and host-range phage mutants resulted in the identification of the RkpM protein as an essential part of the 16-3 phage receptor, and in the identification of h gene of the phage encoding the tail-fiber protein. The KR5 antigen were shown only to be important in the invasion of symbiotic nodule but not in the structure of phage receptor. DNA-sequence analysis of the rkp-3 region was completed and the role of the identified genes were examined. Using single and double rkpY mutants, where the second mutations were in different rkp genes, it was shown that (i) the polysaccharide produced by the rkpY mutant was not a precursor of the KR5 antigen, (ii) the rkpR gene is involved in the synthesis of this new polysaccharide. The role of the pha genes were examined on everted membrane vesicles. It was shown that addition of K+ results in proton efflux supporting our hypothesis that pha genes encode for a K+/H+ antiporter

    Az államok felelőssége a SARS-CoV-2-járvány feltartóztatásához mint nemzetközi betegségmegelőzéshez kapcsolódóan = State Responsibility for the Prevention of the SARS-CoV-2 Epidemic as a Disease of International Concern

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    A tanulmány rövid összegzést ad arról, hogy megállapítható-e az államok nemzetközi jogi felelőssége a SARS-CoV-2-járvánnyal kapcsolatos megfelelő megelőző intézkedések elmaradása kapcsán. A cikk első fele bemutatja, hogy az államokat milyen etikai kötelezettségek terhelik a járvány megelőzése kapcsán, figyelembe véve annak potenciálisan fatális kimenetelét, majd a nemzetközi közjog államfelelősségi szabályainak vizsgálatával igyekszik választ adni arra a kérdésre, hogy lehetséges-e egy felelősségre vonási kísérlet. ----- The authors provide a brief overview of the question whether states could be held accountable for failing to take adequate and timely preventive measures concerning the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic. First the article describes the ethical duties of states during a pandemic with regard to its potentially lethal consequences, then assesses the international legal responsibility of states applying the general and special rules of international law

    Correction: Improved methodical approach for quantitative BRET analysis of G protein coupled receptor dimerization

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    <p>Correction: Improved Methodical Approach for Quantitative BRET Analysis of G Protein Coupled Receptor Dimerization</p

    Reducing the Mast Vibration of Single-Mast Stacker Cranes by Gain-Scheduled Control

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    In the frame structure of stacker cranes harmful mast vibrations may appear due to the inertial forces of acceleration or the braking movement phase. This effect may reduce the stability and positioning accuracy of these machines. Unfortunately, their dynamic properties also vary with the lifted load magnitude and position. The purpose of the paper is to present a controller design method which can handle the effect of a varying lifted load magnitude and position in a dynamic model and at the same time reveals good reference signal tracking and mast vibration reducing properties. A controller design case study is presented step by step from dynamic modeling through to the validation of the resulting controller. In the paper the dynamic modeling possibilities of single-mast stacker cranes are summarized. The handling of varying dynamical behavior is realized via the polytopic LPV modeling approach. Based on this modeling technique, a gain-scheduled controller design method is proposed, which is suitable for achieving the goals set. Finally, controller validation is presented by means of time domain simulations