1,281 research outputs found

    An Architecture for User-managed Location Sharing in the Future Internet of Services

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    Paper of: The 4th International Workshop on Trustworthy Internet of People, Things & Services, co-located with the Internet of Things 2010 Conference, November 29 to December 1, 2010, Tokyo, JapanIn this paper we analyse the problem of providing an user-managed system for sharing the user’s location information in the Future Internet of Services, and propose some architectural mechanisms to support this kind of system. Our approach is based on the work done within Kantara’s UMA WG. Furthermore, we highlight open issues that still need to be addressed in location information sharing scenarios.Enviad

    Räumlich konzeptualisierte Funktionsverbgefüge – eine Erwerbsstudie

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    Dieser Beitrag[i] soll am Beispiel von Funktionsverbgefügen (FVG) zeigen, wie Raumkonzepte visualisiert und Metaphorisierungsprozesse transparent gemacht werden können. Hierzu bedient sich das vorgestellte Projekt der kognitiven Grammatik als theoretischer Grundlage und zeigt anhand einer Erwerbsstudie Mehrwerte kognitionslinguistisch basierter Animationen im kognitiv-didaktisch orientierten Unterricht auf.Using the example of light verbs (Funktionsverbgefüge, FVG), this article proposes a possibility to visualize spatial concepts and processes of metaphorization. To this end, the presented project refers to cognitive grammar as a theoretical foundation and sets out to show the added value of animations within the framework of cognitive language pedagogy by means of a recent study.[i] Grundlage dieses Beitrags ist eine Masterarbeit, die im Sommersemester 2018 am Institut für DaF der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München vorgelegt worden ist

    Imobilização de lipases em filmes de amido

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, Florianópolis, 2010Nestes estudos, inicialmente a lipase de Burkholderia cepacia (LBC) foi imobilizada em filmes de amido de taro (LBC/taro) e/ou cará (LBC/cará) e utilizada como catalisador na síntese de ésteres de aroma derivados do geraniol (22) com acetato de vinila (4). Foram avaliados o efeito da massa de LBC imobilizada, reutilização dos sistemas e a influência do tamanho da cadeia alquílica dos ácidos propiônico, butírico, hexanóico, caprílico, cáprico, láurico, palmítico e esteárico na obtenção de alcanoatos de geranoíla. As conversões em acetato de geranoíla, incluindo a reutilização, foram de 10-87% e de 17-85% com os sistemas LBC/taro e LBC/cará, respectivamente. As conversões em alcanoatos de geranoíla foram dependentes do tempo de reação e tamanho da cadeia alquílica do ácido. Por exemplo, o estearato e o propionato de geranoíla, foram obtidos com conversões de 92,6% (48h) e 14,5% (24h), respectivamente usando o sistema LBC/taro. Em outro estudo, foram utilizadas as lipases de C. antarctica (CALB), B. cepacia (LBC), A. niger (LAN), R. oryzae (LRO), C. viscosum (LVC) e os micélios 53 e 115 na forma livre ou imobilizadas em filmes de amido de taro, gengibre ou na blenda gengibre:PEO como catalisadores na resolução do (R,S)-1-feniletanol (11) e de alguns derivados com o acetato de vinila ou de iso-propenila. Foram usados diversos solventes orgânicos (n-heptano, n-hexano, CH2Cl2, éter etílico, acetonitrila e 1,4-dioxano) e misturas de n-hexano/glicerol 9:1 v/v ou -hexano/[BMIm][PF6] 9:1 v/v, como meio reacional. A conversão ao R-(+)-acetato de 1-feniletila (R)-(+)-12 foi dependente da razão molar do acetato de vinila e de iso-propenila. Na reação com acetato de vinila as conversões foram de 8,7-22,5% com o sistema LBC/taro e de 7,7-24,1% com LBC/gengibre. Usando o acetato de iso-propenila, as conversões foram de 4,1 (24h) e 12,6% (96h) ao utilizar o sistema LBC/gengibre. Com as razões molares de (R,S)-11:4 de 1:1, 1:2 e 1:5, obteve-se eep > 99 e E > 200. Utilizando as lipases de LRO, LAN, LVC, LBC, CALB e os micélios UEA_53 e UEA_115 na forma livre, as conversões ao éster (R)-(+)-12 foram de 0,2-56,0%, eep de 85-99% e E de 39-200. Com as lipases LRO, LAN, LCV e LBC imobilizadas, a maior conversão foi de 13% (t.a), e a menor de 0,8% (35°C) ambos usando o sistema LBC/gengibre. Porém, obteve-se eep > 99 e E > 200. Ao utilizar os solventes com log P ? 3,5, as conversões ao éster (R)-(+)-12 foram de 11,3-11,7% e com solventes com log P ? 1,5 de 1,3-4,7%. A maior conversão foi obtida em n-hexano:glicerol 9:1 v/v, sendo de 23% (t.a.,24 h), ao usar sistema LBC/gengibre como catalisador. Utilizando a blenda polimérica gengibre:PEO (7:3 m/m), o éster (R)-(+)-12 foi obtido com 21,9% (24h) em n-hexano. Este valor aumentou para 40% (72h) ao usar n-hexano:glicerol (9:1 v/v). Em todos os estudos o eep foi > 99% e E > 200. Independente da condição experimental, as lipases livres ou imobilizadas em filmes de amido, mostraram grande preferência para a formação do enantiômero (R)-(+)-12. Os dados preliminares para a resolução com os derivados do (R,S)-1-feniletanol foram promissores. Os acetatos de 1-(4-nitrofenil)etila e de 1-(3,4-dimetilenodioxifenil)etila foram obtidos com conversões de 56,1 e 26,5% (24h), respectivamente em n-hexano:glicerol 9:1v/v com o sistema LBC/gengibre:PEO (7:3 m/m). Concluindo, os resultados obtidos mostraram que os filmes de amido de taro, cará, gengibre ou blendas de gengibre:PEO, podem ser usados como suportes para a imobilização de diferentes lipases. Estes sistemas foram usados, com sucesso, para a síntese de ésteres de aroma e na resolução enzimática de álcoois secundários, em condições suaves de reação

    Reduction of the transverse effective charge of optical phonons in ZnO under pressure

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 231906 (2010) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3447798."From Raman scattering on a-plane wurtzite ZnO crystals we obtained a decreasing splitting between longitudinal and transversal optical phonons with A1 and E1 symmetry as a function of hydrostatic pressure up to 5.5 GPa. Consequently, the transverse effective charge (e∗T) exhibits a strong reduction with increasing pressure, yielding 2.17–14.6×10−3 P/GPa and 2.04–13.7×10−3 P/GPa (in units of the elementary charge) for the A1 and E1 phonons, respectively. We find a clear systematic in the linear pressure coefficient of e∗T with bond polarity for the series of wide-band gap semiconductors SiC, AlN, GaN, and ZnO.DFG, 43659573, SFB 787: Halbleiter - Nanophotonik: Materialien, Modelle, Bauelement

    Ensino aprendizagem de geometria: a etnomatemática como método de ensino

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    Este trabalho apresenta resultados parciais advindos de uma pesquisa de mestrado em educação em ciências e matemática em desenvolvimento, que objetiva analisar as contribuições do emprego da etnomatemática como método de ensino de geometria. Numa comunidade escolar de estudantes do 7º ano do ensino fundamental identificou- se, por meio de uma investigação prévia, saberes matemáticos empregados por um marceneiro com baixa escolarização em suas atividades laborais. A proposta de ensino apresentada baseia-se na reconstrução do modelo mental empregado pelo marceneiro ao fabricar um móvel, perfazendo com os estudantes as etapas da modelagem matemática definidas por Biembengut: interação, matematização, modelo matemático. A primeira etapa caracteriza-se pelo reconhecimento e interação da situação-problema por parte dos estudantes, buscando a apreensão do modelo mental descrito pelo marceneiro. A segunda etapa, matematização, constitui-se da formulação e resolução do problema, que culminará na construção de protótipos de móveis, por meio da transposição do modelo mental do marceneiro e do estudo de alguns conteúdos matemáticos apresentados pela professora/pesquisadora. A terceira etapa, modelo matemático, que corresponde à interpretação e validação do modelo, configura a descrição do modelo matemático criado pelos estudantes e a análise da validade prática dos saberes empregados pelo marceneiro comparados à matemática acadêmica

    Health-related preferences of older patients with multimorbidity: the protocol for an evidence map

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    Introduction: Interaction of conditions and treatments, complicated care needs and substantial treatment burden make patient–physician encounters involving multimorbid older patients highly complex. To optimally integrate patients’ preferences, define and prioritise realistic treatment goals and individualise care, a patient-centred approach is recommended. However, the preferences of older patients, who are especially vulnerable and frequently multimorbid, have not been systematically investigated with regard to their health status. The purpose of this evidence map is to explore current research addressing health-related preferences of older patients with multimorbidity, and to identify the knowledge clusters and research gaps. Methods and analysis: To identify relevant research, we will conduct searches in the electronic databases MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, PSYNDEX, CINAHL, Social Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index Expanded and the Cochrane library from their inception. We will check reference lists of relevant articles and carry out cited reference research (forward citation tracking). Two independent reviewers will screen titles and abstracts, check full texts for eligibility and extract the data. Any disagreement will be resolved and consensus reached with the help of a third reviewer. We will include both qualitative and quantitative studies, and address preferences from the patients’ perspectives in a multimorbid population of 60 years or older. There will be no restrictions on the publication language. Data extraction tables will present study and patient characteristics, aim of study, methods used to identify preferences and outcomes (ie, type of preferences). We will summarise the data using tables and figures (ie, bubble plot) to present the research landscape and to describe clusters and gaps. Ethics and dissemination: Due to the nature of the proposed evidence map, ethics approval will not be required. Results from our research will be disseminated by means of specifically prepared materials for patients, at relevant (inter)national conferences and via publication in peer-reviewed journals

    Epilithic diatoms of springs and spring–fed streams in Majorca Island (Spain) with the description of a new diatom species Cymbopleura margalefii sp. nov.

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    P. 87-104The Island of Majorca (Spain) is characterized by a Mediterranean climate and a karstic geology that favors the formation of numerous springs and spring–fed streams on the island’s Northwester zone. Water and epilithic diatom samples were collected from two springs and four spring–fed streams, located at altitudes ranging from 0 to 756 m a.s.l., in different seasons between 2005 and 2008. Water chemistry in these systems is characterized by high concentrations of dissolved calcium and pH values ranging from 6.6 to 8.4. A total of 111 diatom taxa belonging to 40 genera were found and the most abundant taxa were illustrated with LM and SEM. The diatom communities of the studied sites were dominated by species such as Achnanthidium minutissimum, A. pyrenaicum, Amphora pediculus, Cymbella vulgata, Diploneis separanda, Encyonopsis minuta, Gomphonema lateripunctatum and Navicula cryptotenella, reflecting the calcareous geological nature of Majorca Island. In the framework of the study 22 diatom taxa, which are new for Balearic Islands were recorded, such as Achnanthidium straubianum, Amphora indistincta, Cymbella lange–bertalotii, Encyonopsis subminuta, Karayevia kolbei, Navicula aff. margalithii, N. reichardtiana and N. subalpina. In addition, a new freshwater diatom species belonging to the genus Cymbopleura, C. margalefii was found in the Torrente of Deià. Cymbopleura margalefii is described as a new species based on LM and SEM observations, and compared with similar taxa. A checklist of the 309 diatom taxa recorded so far from the Balearic Islands is also presentedS

    Arabidopsis miR156

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    Non-specific lipid-transfer proteins: Allergen structure and function, cross-reactivity, sensitization, and epidemiology

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    Al·lèrgia; Epidemiologia; Proteïna de transferència de lípidsAlergia; Epidemiología; Proteína de transferencia de lípidosAllergy; Epidemiology; Lipid transfer proteinBackground Discovered and described 40 years ago, non-specific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTP) are present in many plant species and play an important role protecting plants from stressors such as heat or drought. In the last 20 years, sensitization to nsLTP and consequent reactions to plant foods has become an increasing concern. Aim The aim of this paper is to review the evidence for the structure and function of nsLTP allergens, and cross-reactivity, sensitization, and epidemiology of nsLTP allergy. Materials and Methods A Task Force, supported by the European Academy of Allergy & Clinical Immunology (EAACI), reviewed current evidence and provide a signpost for future research. The search terms for this paper were “Non-specific Lipid Transfer Proteins”, “LTP syndrome”, “Pru p 3”, “plant food allergy”, “pollen-food syndrome”. Results Most nsLTP allergens have a highly conserved structure stabilised by 4-disulphide bridges. Studies on the peach nsLTP, Pru p 3, demonstrate that nsLTPs are very cross-reactive, with the four major IgE epitopes of Pru p 3 being shared by nsLTP from other botanically related fruits. These nsLTP allergens are to varying degrees resistant to heat and digestion, and sensitization may occur through the oral, inhaled or cutaneous routes. In some populations, Pru p 3 is the primary and sole sensitizing allergen, but many are poly-sensitised both to botanically un-related nsLTP in foods, and non-food sources of nsLTP such as Cannabis sativa, Platanus acerifolia, (plane tree), Ambrosia artemisiifolia (ragweed) and Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort). Initially, nsLTP sensitization appeared to be limited to Mediterranean countries, however more recent studies suggest clinically relevant sensitization occurs in North Atlantic regions and also countries in Northern Europe, with nsLTP sensitisation profiles being broadly similar. Discussion These robust allergens have the potential to sensitize and provoke symptoms to a large number of plant foods, including those which are raw, cooked or processed. It is unknown why some sensitized individuals develop clinical symptoms to foods whereas others do not, or indeed what other allergens besides Pru p 3 may be primary sensitising allergens. It is clear that these allergens are also relevant in non-Mediterranean populations and there needs to be more recognition of this. Conclusion Non-specific LTP allergens, present in a wide variety of plant foods and pollens, are structurally robust and so may be present in both raw and cooked foods. More studies are needed to understand routes of sensitization and the world-wide prevalence of clinical symptoms associated with sensitization to these complex allergens