7,525 research outputs found

    Mach-Zehnder interferometry with periodic voltage pulses

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    We investigate a Mach-Zehnder interferometer driven by a time-dependent voltage. Motivated by recent experiments, we focus on a train of Lorentzian voltage pulses which we compare to a sinusoidal and a constant voltage. We discuss the visibilities of Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in the current and in the noise. For the current, we find a strikingly different behavior in the driven as compared to the static case for voltage pulses containing multiple charges. For pulses containing fractional charges, we find a universality at path-length differences equal to multiples of the spacing between the voltage pulses. These observations can be explained by the electronic energy distribution of the driven contact. In the noise oscillations, we find additional features which are characteristic to time-dependent transport. Finite electronic temperatures are found to have a qualitatively different influence on the current and the noise.Comment: Published version; 11 pages, 5 figure

    On the concept of Bell's local causality in local classical and quantum theory

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    The aim of this paper is to give a sharp definition of Bell's notion of local causality. To this end, first we unfold a framework, called local physical theory, integrating probabilistic and spatiotemporal concepts. Formulating local causality within this framework and classifying local physical theories by whether they obey local primitive causality --- a property rendering the dynamics of the theory causal, we then investigate what is needed for a local physical theory, with or without local primitive causality, to be locally causal. Finally, comparing Bell's local causality with the Common Cause Principles and relating both to the Bell inequalities we find a nice parallelism: Bell inequalities cannot be derived neither from local causality nor from a common cause unless the local physical theory is classical or the common cause is commuting, respectively.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Electron waiting times in coherent conductors are correlated

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    We evaluate the joint distributions of electron waiting times in coherent conductors described by scattering theory. Successive electron waiting times in a single-channel conductor are found to be correlated due to the fermionic statistics encoded in the many-body state. Our formalism allows us also to investigate the waiting times between charge transfer events in different outgoing channels. As an application we consider a quantum point contact in a chiral setup with one or both input channels biased by either a static or a time-dependent periodic voltage described by Floquet theory. The theoretical framework developed here can be applied to a variety of scattering problems and can in a straightforward manner be extended to joint distributions of several electron waiting times.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    On-demand entanglement generation using dynamic single-electron sources

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    We review our recent proposals for the on-demand generation of entangled few-electron states using dynamic single-electron sources. The generation of entanglement can be traced back to the single-electron entanglement produced by quantum point contacts acting as electronic beam splitters. The coherent partitioning of a single electron leads to entanglement between the two outgoing arms of the quantum point contact. We describe our various approaches for generating and certifying entanglement in dynamic electronic conductors and we quantify the influence of detrimental effects such as finite electronic temperatures and other dephasing mechanisms. The prospects for future experiments are discussed and possible avenues for further developments are identified.Comment: Published version, 11 pages, 7 figures, short review for focus issue on 'Single-electron control in solid-state devices'. in Phys. Status Solidi B (2016

    Electron waiting times for the mesoscopic capacitor

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    We evaluate the distribution of waiting times between electrons emitted by a driven mesoscopic capacitor. Based on a wave packet approach we obtain analytic expressions for the electronic waiting time distribution and the joint distribution of subsequent waiting times. These semi-classical results are compared to a full quantum treatment based on Floquet scattering theory and good agreement is found in the appropriate parameter ranges. Our results provide an intuitive picture of the electronic emissions from the driven mesoscopic capacitor and may be tested in future experiments.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, invited contribution to special issue in Physica E on "Frontiers in quantum electronic transport - in memory of Markus B\"uttiker

    Cellular pattern formation during Dictyostelium aggregation

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    The development of multicellularity in the life cycle of Dictyostelium discoideum provides a paradigm model system for biological pattern formation. Previously, mathematical models have shown how a collective pattern of cell communication by waves of the messenger molecule cyclic adenosine 3′5′-monophosphate (cAMP) arises from excitable local cAMP kinetics and cAMP diffusion. Here we derive a model of the actual cell aggregation process by considering the chemotactic cell response to cAMP and its interplay with the cAMP dynamics. Cell density, which previously has been treated as a spatially homogeneous parameter, is a crucial variable of the aggregation model. We find that the coupled dynamics of cell chemotaxis and cAMP reaction-diffusion lead to the break-up of the initially uniform cell layer and to the formation of the striking cell stream morphology which characterizes the aggregation process in situ. By a combination of stability analysis and two-dimensional simulations of the model equations, we show cell streaming to be the consequence of the growth of a small-amplitude pattern in cell density forced by the large-amplitude cAMP waves, thus representing a novel scenario of spatial patterning in a cell chemotaxis system. The instability mechanism is further analysed by means of an analytic caricature of the model, and the condition for chemotaxis-driven instability is found to be very similar to the one obtained for the standard (non-oscillatory) Keller-Segel system. The growing cell stream pattern feeds back into the cAMP dynamics, which can explain in some detail experimental observations on the time evolution of the cAMP wave pattern, and suggests the characterization of the Dictyostelium aggregation field as a self-organized excitable medium

    Reconciliation of experimental and theoretical electric tensor polarizabilities of the cesium ground state

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    We present a new theoretical analysis of the strongly suppressed F- and M-dependent Stark shifts of the Cs ground state hyperfine structure. Our treatment uses third order perturbation theory including off-diagonal hyperfine interactions not considered in earlier treatments. A numerical evaluation of the perturbation sum using bound states up to n=200 yields ground state tensor polarizabilities which are in good agreement with experimental values, thereby bridging the 40-year-old gap between experiments and theory. We have further found that the tensor polarizabilities of the two ground state hyperfine manifolds have opposite signs, in disagreement with an earlier derivation. This sign error has a direct implication for the precise evaluation of the blackbody radiation shift in primary frequency standards.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter
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