17 research outputs found
A cost of being large: genetically large yellow dung flies lose out in intra-specific food competition
Most life history traits are positively influenced by body size, while disadvantages of large size are poorly documented. To investigate presumed intrinsic costs of large body size in yellow dung flies (Scathophaga stercoraria; Diptera: Scathophagidae), we allowed larvae from replicate lines artificially selected for small and large body size for 21 generations to compete directly with each other at 20°C (benign) and 25°C (stressful) and low and high food (dung) availability. Greater mortality of large line flies was evident at low food independent of temperature, suggesting a cost of fast growth and/or long development for genetically large flies during larval scramble competition under food limitation. Our results are congruent with a previous study assessing mortality when competing within body size lines, so no additional mechanisms affecting scramble or contest behavior of larvae need be invoked to explain the results obtained beyond the costs of longer development and faster growth. Thus, artificial selection producing larger yellow dung flies than occur in nature revealed some, albeit weak mortality costs of large body size that otherwise might have remained cryptic. We conclude, however, that these costs are insufficient to explain the evolutionary limits of large body size in this species given persistently strong fecundity and sexual selection favoring large size in both sexe
A hitchhikers guide to the Galápagos: co-phylogeography of Galápagos mockingbirds and their parasites
Background: Parasites are evolutionary hitchhikers whose phylogenies often track the evolutionary history of their hosts. Incongruence in the evolutionary history of closely associated lineages can be explained through a variety of possible events including host switching and host independent speciation. However, in recently diverged lineages stochastic population processes, such as retention of ancestral polymorphism or secondary contact, can also explain discordant genealogies, even in fully co-speciating taxa. The relatively simple biogeographic arrangement of the Galapagos archipelago, compared with mainland biomes, provides a framework to identify stochastic and evolutionary informative components of genealogic data in these recently diverged organisms. Results: Mitochondrial DNA sequences were obtained for four species of Galapagos mockingbirds and three sympatric species of ectoparasites - two louse and one mite species. These data were complemented with nuclear EF1 alpha sequences in selected samples of parasites and with information from microsatellite loci in the mockingbirds. Mitochondrial sequence data revealed differences in population genetic diversity between all taxa and varying degrees of topological congruence between host and parasite lineages. A very low level of genetic variability and lack of congruence was found in one of the louse parasites, which was excluded from subsequent joint analysis of mitochondrial data. The reconciled multi-species tree obtained from the analysis is congruent with both the nuclear data and the geological history of the islands. Conclusions: The gene genealogies of Galapagos mockingbirds and two of their ectoparasites show strong phylogeographic correlations, with instances of incongruence mostly explained by ancestral genetic polymorphism. A third parasite genealogy shows low levels of genetic diversity and little evidence of co-phylogeny with their hosts. These differences can mostly be explained by variation in life-history characteristics, primarily host specificity and dispersal capabilities. We show that pooling genetic data from organisms living in close ecological association reveals a more accurate phylogeographic history for these taxa. Our results have implications for the conservation and taxonomy of Galapagos mockingbirds and their parasites
Sperm competition in yellow dung flies: No consistent effect of sperm size
The male competition for fertilization that results from female multiple mating promotes the evolution of increased sperm numbers and can impact sperm morphology, with theory predicting that longer sperm can at times be advantageous during sperm competition. If so, males with longer sperm should sire more offspring than competitors with shorter sperm. Few studies have directly tested this prediction, and findings are inconsistent. Here we assessed whether longer sperm provide a competitive advantage in the yellow dung fly (Scathophaga stercoraria; Diptera: Scathophagidae). Initially, we let brothers with different temperature-mediated mean sperm lengths compete – thus minimizing confounding effects of genetic background – and found no clear advantage of longer sperm. We then used flies from lines subjected to bidirectional selection on phenoloxidase activity that had shown correlated evolutionary responses in sperm and female spermathecal duct lengths. This experiment also yielded no main effect of sperm size on siring success. Instead, there was a trend for a shorter-sperm advantage, but only when competing in females with longer spermathecal ducts. Our data corroborated many previously reported findings (last-male precedence, effects of copula duration and body size), suggesting our failure to find sperm size effects is not inherently due to our experimental protocols. We conclude that longer sperm are not competitively superior in yellow dung flies under most circumstances, and that, consistent with previous work, in this species competitive fertilization success is primarily determined by the relative numbers of sperm competing
Mechanisms governing avian phylosymbiosis: Genetic dissimilarity based on neutral and MHC regions exhibits little relationship with gut microbiome distributions of Galápagos mockingbirds
The gut microbiome of animals, which serves important functions but can also contain potential pathogens, is to varying degrees under host genetic control. This can generate signals of phylosymbiosis, whereby gut microbiome composition matches host phylogenetic structure. However, the genetic mechanisms that generate phylosymbiosis and the scale at which they act remain unclear. Two non‐mutually exclusive hypotheses are that phylosymbiosis is driven by immunogenetic regions such as the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) controlling microbial composition, or by spatial structuring of neutral host genetic diversity via founder effects, genetic drift, or isolation by distance. Alternatively, associations between microbes and host phylogeny may be generated by their spatial autocorrelation across landscapes, rather than the direct effects of host genetics. In this study, we collected MHC, microsatellite, and gut microbiome data from separate individuals belonging to the Galápagos mockingbird species complex, which consists of four allopatrically distributed species. We applied multiple regression with distance matrices and Bayesian inference to test for correlations between average genetic and microbiome similarity across nine islands for which all three levels of data were available. Clustering of individuals by species was strongest when measured with microsatellite markers and weakest for gut microbiome distributions, with intermediate clustering of MHC allele frequencies. We found that while correlations between island‐averaged gut microbiome composition and both microsatellite and MHC dissimilarity existed across species, these relationships were greatly weakened when accounting for geographic distance. Overall, our study finds little support for large‐scale control of gut microbiome composition by neutral or adaptive genetic regions across closely related bird phylogenies, although this does not preclude the possibility that host genetics shapes gut microbiome at the individual level
Hybrid ancestry of an island subspecies of Galápagos mockingbird explains discordant gene trees
Introgression of genes through hybridization has been proposed to be an important driver of speciation, but in animals this has been shown only in relatively few cases until recently. Additionally, introgressive hybridization among non-sister species leads to a change in the gene tree topology of the concerned loci and thus complicates phylogenetic reconstruction. However, such cases of ancient introgression have been very difficult to demonstrate in birds. Here, we present such an example in an island bird subspecies, the Genovesa mockingbird (Mimus parvulus bauri). We assessed phylogenetic relationships and population structure among mockingbirds of the Galápagos archipelago using mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences, autosomal microsatellites, and morphological measurements. Mitochondrial haplotypes of Genovesa mockingbirds clustered closely with the haplotypes from two different species, San Cristóbal (M. melanotis) and Española (M. macdonaldi) mockingbirds. The same pattern was found for some haplotypes of two nuclear gene introns, while the majority of nuclear haplotypes of Genovesa mockingbirds were shared with other populations of the same species (M. parvulus). At 26 autosomal microsatellites, Genovesa mockingbirds grouped with otherM. parvuluspopulations. This pattern shows that Genovesa mockingbirds contain mitochondria and some autosomal alleles that have most likely introgressed from M. melanotisinto a largely M. parvulusbackground, making Genovesa mockingbirds a lineage of mixed ancestry, possibly undergoing speciation. Consistent with this hypothesis, mockingbirds on Genovesa are more clearly differentiated morphologically from otherM. parvuluspopulations thanM. melanotis is from M. parvulus
Data from: Detailed monitoring of a small but recovering population reveals sublethal effects of disease and unexpected interactions with supplemental feeding
1. Infectious diseases are widely recognized to have substantial impact on wildlife populations. These impacts are sometimes exacerbated in small endangered populations, and therefore, the success of conservation reintroductions to aid the recovery of such species can be seriously threatened by outbreaks of infectious disease. Intensive management strategies associated with conservation reintroductions can further compound these negative effects in such populations. 2. Exploring the sublethal effects of disease outbreaks among natural populations is challenging and requires longitudinal, individual life-history data on patterns of reproductive success and other indicators of individual fitness. 3. Long-term monitoring data concerning detailed reproductive information of the reintroduced Mauritius parakeet (Psittacula echo) population collected before, during and after a disease outbreak was investigated. 4. Deleterious effects of an outbreak of beak and feather disease virus (BFDV) were revealed on hatch success, but these effects were remarkably short-lived and disproportionately associated with breeding pairs which took supplemental food. Individual BFDV infection status was not predicted by any genetic, environmental or conservation management factors and was not associated with any of our measures of immune function, perhaps suggesting immunological impairment. Experimental immunostimulation using the PHA (phytohaemagglutinin assay) challenge technique did, however, provoke a significant cellular immune response. 5. We illustrate the resilience of this bottlenecked and once critically endangered, island-endemic species to an epidemic outbreak of BFDV and highlight the value of systematic monitoring in revealing inconspicuous but nonetheless substantial ecological interactions. Our study demonstrates that the emergence of such an infectious disease in a population ordinarily associated with increased susceptibility does not necessarily lead to deleterious impacts on population growth and that negative effects on reproductive fitness can be short-lived