7 research outputs found


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    Most municipalities have some transportation problems. Very often they are not separated from other social and economic problems. Among main reasons are shortage of powers of local authorities and relative deficiency of taxation incomes. The article evaluates prospects of balancing of social, financial and administrative relations for municipalities.Свою долю транспортных трудностей имеет большинство городских муниципальных образований в стране. И они, как правило, не обособлены от остальных социально- экономических проблем, а скорее их естественное продолжение. Причем одна из главных причин такой едва ли не обязательной взаимозависимости – дефицит полномочий местной власти и относительная недостаточность налоговой базы для территориального сообщества, наделенного правами самоуправления, которое вместе с тем не позволяют не зависеть от федерального бюджета, региональных трансфертов. Статья оценивает намечаемые подходы к созданию управленческого и финансово-экономического баланса отношений для муниципальных условий.

    Поиск упоминаний экологических практик в социальных сетях с помощью методов классификации текстов

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    The paper is devoted to the task of searching for mentions of green practices in social media texts. The relevance of this task is dictated by the need to expand existing knowledge about the use of green practices in society and the spread of existing green practices. This paper uses a text corpus consisting of the texts published on the environmental communities of the VKontakte social network. The corpus is equipped with an expert markup of the mention of nine types of green practices. As part of this work, a semi-automatic approach is proposed to the collection of additional texts to reduce the class imbalance in the corpus. The approach includes the following steps: detecting the most frequent words for each practice type; automatic collecting texts in social media that contain the detected frequent words; expert verification and filtering of collected texts. The four machine learning models are compared to find the mentions of green practices on the two variants of the corpus: original and augmented using the proposed approach. Among the listed models, the highest averaged F1-score (81.32%) was achieved by Conversational RuBERT fine-tuned on the augmented corpus. Conversational RuBERT model was chosen for the implementation of the application prototype. The main function of the prototype is to detect the presence of the mention of nine types of green practices in the text. The prototype is implemented in the form of the Telegram chatbot.Работа посвящена решению задачи поиска упоминаний экологических практик в текстах социальных сетей. Авторами составлен корпус текстов экологических сообществ социальной сети ВКонтакте, снабженный экспертной разметкой упоминаний девяти видов экологических практик. Предложен полуавтоматический подход к сбору дополнительных текстов для уменьшения несбалансированности видов экологических практик, представленных в корпусе. Подход включает в себя следующие этапы: определение наиболее частотных слов, характеризующих упоминания практик; автоматический сбор текстов, включающих в себя найденные частотные слова; экспертная проверка и фильтрация собранных текстов. Проведено сравнение четырех моделей машинного обучения для поиска упоминаний практик на двух вариантах корпуса: исходном и дополненном. Лучший усредненный показатель F-меры (81.32%) достигнут моделью Conversational RuBERT, дообученной на текстах дополненного корпуса. Данная модель выбрана в качестве основы для реализации прототипа приложения для поиска упоминаний экологических практик, реализованного в форме чат-бота Telegram

    Alflutop clinical efficacy in vertebral osteochondrosis (12-mohth study)

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    Objective. To study clinical efficacy of aiflutop (A) in lumbar osteochondrosis (LO) with chronic back pain syndrome. Material and Methods. 32 pts with LO were included. 14 from them (group 1) during a year received 2 courses of A intramuscular injections (I ml/day, 30 ml total) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) if necessary. 18 pts (group 2) received NSAIDs only. Clinical examination of pts was performed at the stert of the study, before and after each A course and in 3 months after the last course. Results. Pain in the spine at rest and forward bending significantly decreased in group 1 pts (p<0,05) after each A course. Full pain disappearance after the first A course was achieved in 7,1% and after the second course - in 35,7% of group I pts and was not shown in control group. Significant stepped decrease of Thomayer's test value (p<0,00l) was also shown in group 1: 3,6 times decrease in comparison with baseline was achieved in 3 months after completion of treatment with A. During treatment period these pts showed 2-2,5 times increase of static and dynamic spine load (according to Vxdel chronic inability index). 42,9% of group I pts stopped NSAIDs after A treatment completion. Only 5,6% of control group pts stopped NSAIDs during follow up. A tolerability was good. It can be combined with any other medications the pts received due to comorbid diseases

    Econometric analysis of production of airplanes in countries – basic participants of the Second World war

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    Запропоновані економетричні регресійні моделі виробництва літаків у СРСР, США, Великій Британії, Германії та Японії. Зроблено порівняльний аналіз інтенсивності випуску літаків за допомогою дивідріальних функцій першого роду.Предложенные економетрические регрессионные модели производства самолетов в СССР, США, Великобритании, Германии и Японии. Сделан сравнительный анализ интенсивности выпуска самолетов с помощью дивидреальных функций первого рода.Offered econometric regressive models of production of airplanes in USSR, the USA, Great Britain, Germany and Japan. The comparative analysis of intensity of issue of airplanes is done by the дивидриальных functions of the first family


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    Introduction. The incidence of fractures of the proximal femur (FPF), fractures of the forearm and humerus was studied in two cities of the Russian Federation. This index was used to create the Russian model FRAX and to assess the present and future burden of fractures. Objective. So far, little is known about the epidemiology of fractures in Russia. The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of major fractures to create a Russian model of FRAX and evaluate the present and future burden of fractures. Materials and methods. In well-defined populations of two Russian cities, we had determined a number FPF and forearm fractures of the humerus for 2-2-year period. Data were combined and the resulting incidence used to calculate FRAX model for the Russian Federation and to calculate the projected number of fractures in the Russian Federation in 2010 and 2025. Results. A total of 6012 fractures were identified. Among all FPF, 27% of Pervouralsk and 1.8% in Yaroslavl were not registered on the official data of medical institutions. The incidence of fractures increased with age and was higher in women than in men. The probability of experiencing a FPF in later life at the age of 50 years was 4% of men and 7% of women. Total number FPF in 2010 was 112 thousand cases and it is expected to rise by 2025 to 159 thousand a year. The estimated number of major osteoporotic fractures will increase from 590 thousand to 730 thousand cases for the same period. Conclusions. Osteoporotic fractures are a serious health problem for Russia. It is necessary to take urgent measures to improve emergency care at FPF and long-term care for this and other osteoporotic fractures

    Animal-derived medicinal products in Russia: Current nomenclature and specific aspects of quality control

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