10,546 research outputs found

    Investigation of the daytime lunar atmosphere

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    Lunar atmosphere research has tended to center on gases with predictably large sources and on those which have been identified by Apollo experiments. An early candidate atmospheric constituent was Ar 40 which was noted by Heyman and Yaniv to have a surface correlated component in returned soil samples, and an abundance in excess of what can be explained by potassium decay. The source of the excess argon was attributed to atmospheric argon ions which have been accelerated by solar wind fields and implanted in soil grains

    Supersymmetric Yang-Mills and Supergravity Amplitudes at One Loop

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    By applying the known expressions for SYM and SUGRA tree amplitudes, we write generating functions for the NNMHV box coefficients of SYM as well as the MHV, NMHV, and NNMHV box coefficients for SUGRA. The all-multiplicity generating functions utilize covariant, on-shell superspace whereby the contribution from arbitrary external states in the supermultiplet can be extracted by Grassmann operators. In support of the relation between dual Wilson loops and SYM scattering amplitudes at weak coupling, the SYM amplitudes are presented in a manifestly dual superconformal form. We introduce ordered box coefficients for calculating SUGRA quadruple cuts and prove that ordered coefficients generate physical cut amplitudes after summing over permutations of the external legs. The ordered box coefficients are produced by sewing ordered subamplitudes, previously used in applying on-shell recursion relations at tree level. We describe our verification of the results against the literature, and a formula for extracting the contributions from external gluons or gravitons to NNMHV superamplitudes is presented.Comment: 46 pages, 2 figures, additional references and clarifications include

    Methane measurement by the Pioneer Venus large probe neutral mass spectrometer

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    The Pioneer Venus Large Probe Mass Spectrometer detected a large quantity of methane as it descended below 20 km in the atmosphere of Venus. Terrestrial methane and Xe-136, both originating in the same container and flowing through the same plumbing, were deliberately released inside the mass spectrometer for instrumental reasons. However, the Xe-136 did not exhibit behavior similar to methane during Venus entry, nor did CH4 in laboratory simulations. The CH4 was deuterium poor compared to Venus water and hydrogen. While the inlet to the mass spectrometer was clogged with sulfuric acid droplets, significant deuteration of CH4 and its H2 progeny was observed. Since the only source of deuterium identifiable was water from sulfuric acid, we have concluded that we should correct the HDO/H2O ratio in Venus water from 3.2 x 10(exp -2) to (5 plus or minus 0.7) x 10(exp -2). When the probe was in the lower atmosphere, transfer of deuterium from Venus HDO and HD to CH4 can account quantitatively for the deficiencies recorded in HDO and HD below 10 km, and consequently, the mysterious gradients in water vapor and hydrogen mixing ratios we have reported. The revision in the D/H ratio reduces the mixing ratio of water vapor (and H2) reported previously by a factor of 3.2/5. We are not yet able to say whether the methane detected was atmospheric or an instrumental artifact. If it was atmospheric, its release must have been episodic and highly localized. Otherwise, the large D/H ratio in Venus water and hydrogen could not be maintained

    Linear-phase approximation in the triangular facet near-field physical optics computer program

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    Analyses of reflector antenna surfaces use a computer program based on a discrete approximation of the radiation integral. The calculation replaces the actual surface with a triangular facet representation; the physical optics current is assumed to be constant over each facet. Described here is a method of calculation using linear-phase approximation of the surface currents of parabolas, ellipses, and shaped subreflectors and compares results with a previous program that used a constant-phase approximation of the triangular facets. The results show that the linear-phase approximation is a significant improvement over the constant-phase approximation, and enables computation of 100 to 1,000 lambda reflectors within a reasonable time on a Cray computer

    Final design and fabrication of an active control system for flutter suppression on a supercritical aeroelastic research wing

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    The final design and hardware fabrication was completed for an active control system capable of the required flutter suppression, compatible with and ready for installation in the NASA aeroelastic research wing number 1 (ARW-1) on Firebee II drone flight test vehicle. The flutter suppression system uses vertical acceleration at win buttock line 1.930 (76), with fuselage vertical and roll accelerations subtracted out, to drive wing outboard aileron control surfaces through appropriate symmetric and antisymmetric shaping filters. The goal of providing an increase of 20 percent above the unaugmented vehicle flutter velocity but below the maximum operating condition at Mach 0.98 is exceeded by the final flutter suppression system. Results indicate that the flutter suppression system mechanical and electronic components are ready for installation on the DAST ARW-1 wing and BQM-34E/F drone fuselage

    A weak Hamiltonian finite element method for optimal control problems

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    A temporal finite element method based on a mixed form of the Hamiltonian weak principle is developed for dynamics and optimal control problems. The mixed form of Hamilton's weak principle contains both displacements and momenta as primary variables that are expanded in terms of nodal values and simple polynomial shape functions. Unlike other forms of Hamilton's principle, however, time derivatives of the momenta and displacements do not appear therein; instead, only the virtual momenta and virtual displacements are differentiated with respect to time. Based on the duality that is observed to exist between the mixed form of Hamilton's weak principle and variational principles governing classical optimal control problems, a temporal finite element formulation of the latter can be developed in a rather straightforward manner. Several well-known problems in dynamics and optimal control are illustrated. The example dynamics problem involves a time-marching problem. As optimal control examples, elementary trajectory optimization problems are treated

    Effects of static equilibrium and higher-order nonlinearities on rotor blade stability in hover

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    The equilibrium and stability of the coupled elastic lead/lag, flap, and torsion motion of a cantilever rotor blade in hover are addressed, and the influence of several higher-order terms in the equations of motion of the blade is determined for a range of values of collective pitch. The blade is assumed to be untwisted and to have uniform properties along its span. In addition, chordwise offsets between its elastic, tension, mass, and aerodynamic centers are assumed to be negligible for simplicity. The aerodynamic forces acting on the blade are modeled using a quasi-steady, strip-theory approximation

    Terra incognita—cerebellar contributions to neuropsychiatric and cognitive dysfunction in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia

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    Although converging evidence has positioned the human cerebellum as an important relay for intact cognitive and neuropsychiatric processing, changes in this large structure remain mostly overlooked in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), a disease which is characterized by cognitive and neuropsychiatric deficits. The present study assessed whether degeneration in specific cerebellar subregions associate with indices of cognition and neuropsychiatric performance in bvFTD. Our results demonstrate a relationship between cognitive and neuropsychiatric decline across various domains of memory, language, emotion, executive, visuospatial function, and motivation and the degree of gray matter degeneration in cerebellar lobules V–VII. Most notably, bilateral cerebellar lobule VII and the posterior vermis emerged as distinct for memory processes, the right cerebellar hemisphere underpinned emotion, and the posterior vermis was highlighted in language dysfunction in bvFTD. Based on cortico-cerebellar connectivity maps, these findings in the cerebellum are consistent with the neural connections with the cortices involved in these domains in patients with bvFTD. Overall, the present study underscores the significance of cortical-cerebellar networks associated with cognition and neuropsychiatric dysfunction in bvFTD

    Craig N. Hodges and Deborah R. Hodges in a Faculty Recital

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    This is the program for the faculty recital of bass-baritone Craig N. Hodges and pianist Deborah R. Hodges. This recital took place on January 14, 1988, in the Mabee Fine Arts Center Recital Hall
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