265 research outputs found

    Cost–benefit analysis: a decision-support tool or a venue for contesting ecosystem knowledge?

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    Managing ecosystems for multiple benefits and stakeholders is a formidable challenge requiring diverse knowledge to be discovered, transmitted, and aggregated. Cost–benefit analysis (CBA) is advocated as a theoretically grounded decision-support tool, but in practice it frequently appears to exert little influence. To understand this puzzle, I consider ecosystem knowledge and CBA from both the demand and supply sides. I argue that all ecosystem knowledge is contestable, which restricts the influence of technocratic tools like CBA. On the demand side, democratic mechanisms shape decision makers' motivations and incentives, but also provide a substitute for technocratic evidence. Supply-side factors limiting the influence of CBA include the scarcity of decision-pertinent evidence and the uncertain meaning and usefulness of CBA. Demand-side factors are resistant to change; but taking account of them, I suggest some supply-side reforms, arguing that CBA is best regarded not as a tool but as a venue where ecosystem knowledge is aggregated and contested.</jats:p

    Asset-building payments for ecosystem services:Assessing landowner perceptions of reforestation incentives in Lebanon

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    Aim of study: Incentivising landowners to supply ecosystem services remains challenging, especially when this requires long-term investments such as reforestation. We investigated how landowners perceive, and would respond to, distinct types of incentives for planting diverse native trees on private lands in Lebanon. Our aim was to understand landowners’ attitudes towards hypothetical Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) contracts options; their likely participation; and the potential additionality they would provide.  Area of study: Highland villages situated within eight of Lebanon’s 20 Important Plant Areas  Materials and methods: Mixed-methods surveys were conducted with 34 landowners to determine past, present and future land-use strategies. Study participants were presented with three differently structured reforestation contract options (or schemes). The three schemes (results-based loan, action-based grant, and results-based payments) differed in their expected risks and benefits to landowners. Qualitative debriefing questions followed each of the schemes presented.  Main results: Although the results-based loan did deter uptake relative to the lower risk action-based grant, results-based payments did not significantly increase uptake or planting area, suggesting asymmetric attitudes to risk. Qualitative probing revealed economic, social (e.g. trust) and institutional factors (e.g. legal implications of planting forest trees on private land) that limited willingness to participate in the results-based contract option.  Research highlights: This study demonstrates the importance of combining qualitative and quantitative methods to better understand landowner perceptions of incentives and risks, particularly in challenging socio-political contexts

    Alien invasions and livelihoods: Economic benefits of invasive Australian Red Claw crayfish in Jamaica

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    Invasive species have caused widespread economic and environmental disruption, which have been widely studied. However, their potential benefits have received much less attention. If invasive species contribute to livelihoods, their eradication may negatively impact wellbeing. Failing to value these benefits may lead to an undervaluation of invaded ecosystems. We assess the potential economic benefits of an invasive species within an artisanal fishery in Jamaica. We monitored catches over 259 fisherman-days, and conducted 45 semi-structured interviews, with 76 fishermen. We show that the invasive Australian Red Claw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) is an important source of income for fishermen within the Black River Lower Morass of Jamaica and supplement incomes during periods when native shrimp (Macrobrachium spp.) catches decline. We also show that full-time fishermen and those who have no alternative occupations expend the greatest fishing effort. We use the intra-annual variation of fishermen's harvest effort between seasons (when catch per unit effort changes) as a proxy for dependence. Using this measure, we found that the least wealthy appear to be the most dependent on fishing, and consequently benefit the most from the invasive crayfish. Our results demonstrate the importance of considering the potential benefits of invasive species within integrated landscape management

    Size-correlated division of labour and spatial distribution of workers in the driver ant, Dorylus molestus

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    Driver ants ( Dorylus spp.) show a high degree of worker polymorphism. Previous reports suggest that large Dorylus workers are specialised for defensive tasks. In this study, we first quantitatively tested whether there is a size-correlated division of defensive labour among workers. Second, we determined whether the spatial distribution of workers outside the nest can be predicted based on such size-specific differences in task allocation. We show that the division of defensive behaviour among different-sized workers is not strict. However, there is a significant correlation between worker size and the tendency to carry out defensive tasks. First, workers of larger size were more likely than smaller workers to participate in colony defence. Second, larger workers were more frequent near the nest containing the reproducing individuals and the brood. Finally, large workers were more common in open sections of the trail than in covered sections, which are likely to be less exposed to predators

    The worldwide costs of marine protected areas

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    Declines in marine harvests, wildlife, and habitats have prompted calls at both the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development and the 2003 World Parks Congress for the establishment of a global system of marine protected areas (MPAs). MPAs that restrict fishing and other human activities conserve habitats and populations and, by exporting biomass, may sustain or increase yields of nearby fisheries. Here we provide an estimate of the costs of a global MPA network, based on a survey of the running costs of 83 MPAs worldwide. Annual running costs per unit area spanned six orders of magnitude, and were higher in MPAs that were smaller, closer to coasts, and in high-cost, developed countries. Models extrapolating these findings suggest that a global MPA network meeting the World Parks Congress target of conserving 20–30% of the world’s seas might cost between 5billionand5 billion and 19 billion annually to run and would probably create around one million jobs. Although substantial, gross network costs are less than current government expenditures on harmful subsidies to industrial fisheries. They also ignore potential private gains from improved fisheries and tourism and are dwarfed by likely social gains from increasing the sustainability of fisheries and securing vital ecosystem services

    Public preferences for multiple dimensions of bird biodiversity at the coast: insights for the cultural ecosystem services framework

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    This work was funded by the NERC Research project Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (CBESS) project Grant NE/J015644/1 with support from the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (BESS) programme. BESS is a six-year programme (2011–2017) funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) as part of the UK's Living with Environmental Change (LWEC) programme.Biodiversity is valuable to society, including through its contribution to cultural benefits: “the non-material benefits people obtain from biodiversity and ecosystem services through spiritual enrichment, cognitive development, reflection, recreation, and aesthetic experiences”. Biodiversity encompasses numerous measures, but the distinct values of these measures have been little studied. We conducted a discrete choice experiment to elicit respondents’ (n = 3,000) willingness to pay for increases in four measures of bird diversity in UK coastal ecosystems: number of bird species (species richness), number of individual birds (abundance), probability of seeing rare or unusual bird species, and probability of seeing large flocks of birds (wildlife spectacles). Respondents had a positive willingness to pay (through one-time voluntary donations) for increases in all four measures (mean £3 to £5 per household). However, using latent class analysis we found considerable heterogeneity of preferences, identifying four classes of respondents with strikingly different levels of marginal willingness to pay for the four measures. Income, age, environmental activity, visits to environmental settings, and gender were important determinants of class membership. While focusing on birds, our results demonstrate the importance of a multi-dimensional conceptualisation of biodiversity in broader ecosystem management, rather than focussing on a single aspect such as species richness or abundance. Our findings also highlight the implications of heterogeneous public preferences for biodiversity for conservationists, planners, shoreline managers and developers. These need to be considered in the development of new frameworks for ecosystem services, and when planning and funding conservation actions so that the cultural benefits will accrue across a range of social groups.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Can REDD+ social safeguards reach the ‘right’ people? Lessons from Madagascar

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    AbstractThere is extensive debate about the potential impact of the climate mechanism REDD+ on the welfare of forest-dwelling people. To provide emission reductions, REDD+ must slow the rate of deforestation and forest degradation: such a change will tend to result in local opportunity cost to farmers at the forest frontier. Social safeguard processes to mitigate negative impacts of REDD+ are being developed and can learn from existing safeguard procedures such as those implemented by the World Bank. Madagascar has a number of REDD+ pilot projects with World Bank support including the Corridor Ankeniheny-Zahamena (CAZ). Nearly two thousand households around the corridor have been identified as ‘project affected persons’ (PAPs) and given compensation. We compare households identified as project affected persons with those not identified. We found households with more socio-political power locally, those with greater food security, and those that are more accessible were more likely to be identified as eligible for compensation while many people likely to be negatively impacted by the REDD+ project did not receive compensation. We identify three issues which make it difficult for a social safeguard assessment to effectively target the households for compensation: (a) poor information on location of communities and challenging access means that information does not reach remote households; (b) reluctance of people dependant on shifting agriculture to reveal this due to government sanctions; and (c) reliance by safeguard assessors on non-representative local institutions. We suggest that in cases where the majority of households are likely to bear costs and identification of affected households is challenging, the optimal, and principled, strategy may be blanket compensation offered to all the households in affected communities; avoiding the dead weight costs of ineffective safeguard assessments. The Paris Agreement in December 2015 recognised REDD+ as a key policy instrument for climate change mitigation and explicitly recognised the need to respect human rights in all climate actions. However, safeguards will be prone to failure unless those entitled to compensation are aware of their rights and enabled to seek redress where safeguards fail. This research shows that existing safeguard commitments are not always being fulfilled and those implementing social safeguards in REDD+ should not continue with business as usual

    Nitric oxide increases gain in the ventral cochlear nucleus of guinea pigs with tinnitus

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    Previous work has led to the hypothesis that, during the production of noise‐induced tinnitus, higher levels of nitric oxide (NO), in the ventral cochlear nucleus (VCN), increase the gain applied to a reduced input from the cochlea. To test this hypothesis, we noise‐exposed 26 guinea pigs, identified evidence of tinnitus in 12 of them and then compared the effects of an iontophoretically applied NO donor or production inhibitor on VCN single unit activity. We confirmed that the mean driven firing rate for the tinnitus and control groups were the same while it had fallen in the non‐tinnitus group. By contrast, the mean spontaneous rate had increased for the tinnitus group relative to control while it remained the same for the non‐tinnitus group. A greater proportion of units responded to exogenously applied NO in the tinnitus (56%) and non‐tinnitus groups (71%) than a control population (24%). In the tinnitus group, endogenous NO facilitated the driven firing rate in 37% (7/19) of neurons and appeared to bring the mean driven rate back up to control levels by a mechanism involving N‐Methyl‐D‐aspartic acid (NMDA) receptors. By contrast, in the non‐tinnitus group, endogenous NO only facilitated the driven firing rate in 5% (1/22) of neurons and there was no facilitation of driven rate in the control group. The effects of endogenous NO on spontaneous activity were unclear. These results suggest that NO is involved in increasing the gain applied to driven activity but other factors are also involved in the increase in spontaneous activity
