207 research outputs found

    Reducing water balance uncertainty in the Condamine Catchment

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    BACKGROUND: Despite more than 40 years of hydrogeological investigations there is much conjecture regarding the processes which contribute groundwater recharge to the Condamine River Alluvial Aquifer (CRAA) in southern Queensland, Australia. This uncertainty has anecdotally led to reduced community confidence in the sustainable groundwater management of the CRAA. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this research is to develop and apply a workflow to better quantify and reduce the epistemic uncertainty (i.e. lack of knowledge) in groundwater processes, estimates of recharge rates and pumping sustainability in the CRAA. METHOD: To achieve the objective well hydrographs are analysed with impulse response functions (IRFs) which enable point scale quantification of groundwater processes. Application of IRFs are then used to assess the groundwater pumping sustainability of the CRAA. RESULTS: IRF linear groundwater trend results have a mean falling trend of 37 mm/yr across the CRAA. Comparison of results to other published trend methods found there was limited agreement. Rainfall lag time analysis results show the average centre of mass delay is 2737 days (7.6 yrs), whereas mean surface water centre of mass delay is 946 days (2.6 yrs). No alternative lag time estimates have been published to enable comparison. In this study groundwater recharge is assumed to be sourced primarily from rainfall and surface water, with little or no measurable irrigation deep drainage. The mean rainfall recharge is 1.9 mm/yr, whereas surface water recharge has a mean of 33.6 mm/yr. Recharge mapping shows all recharge rates greater than 5 mm/yr occur near surface water features. Conversely, recharge less than 5 mm/yr is distributed evenly throughout the CRAA. The pumping sustainability assessment shows a downward linear trend of the annual water level change versus annual pumping volume between 1979 to 2019. Condamine River flooding correlate with years of positive groundwater level change. The zero intercept of the average change in water level equates to an estimated sustainable yield of 41 GL/yr for the CRAA. CONCLUSIONS: This research has demonstrated that IRFs can decompose the dominant environmental forcings at monitoring wells and quantify those forcings in the CRAA. The interrogation of the data shows surface flooding of the Condamine River and its tributaries provides the greatest source of groundwater recharge. As such, the annual sustainable rate of groundwater pumping is influenced by the frequency and duration of Condamine River flooding

    Social competence in pediatric brain tumor survivors: application of a model from social neuroscience and developmental psychology.

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    Pediatric brain tumor (BT) survivors are at risk for psychosocial late effects across many domains of functioning, including neurocognitive and social. The literature on the social competence of pediatric BT survivors is still developing and future research is needed that integrates developmental and cognitive neuroscience research methodologies to identify predictors of survivor social adjustment and interventions to ameliorate problems. This review discusses the current literature on survivor social functioning through a model of social competence in childhood brain disorder and suggests future directions based on this model. Interventions pursuing change in survivor social adjustment should consider targeting social ecological factors

    Development of a high density 600K SNP genotyping array for chicken

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    Background: High density (HD) SNP genotyping arrays are an important tool for genetic analyses of animals and plants. Although the chicken is one of the most important farm animals, no HD array is yet available for high resolution genetic analysis of this species.Results: We report here the development of a 600 K Affymetrix® Axiom® HD genotyping array designed using SNPs segregating in a wide variety of chicken populations. In order to generate a large catalogue of segregating SNPs, we re-sequenced 243 chickens from 24 chicken lines derived from diverse sources (experimental, commercial broiler and layer lines) by pooling 10-15 samples within each line. About 139 million (M) putative SNPs were detected by mapping sequence reads to the new reference genome (Gallus_gallus_4.0) of which ~78 M appeared to be segregating in different lines. Using criteria such as high SNP-quality score, acceptable design scores predicting high conversion performance in the final array and uniformity of distribution across the genome, we selected ~1.8 M SNPs for validation through genotyping on an independent set of samples (n = 282). About 64% of the SNPs were polymorphic with high call rates (>98%), good cluster separation and stable Mendelian inheritance. Polymorphic SNPs were further analysed for their population characteristics and genomic effects. SNPs with extreme breach of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P < 0.00001) were excluded from the panel. The final array, designed on the basis of these analyses, consists of 580,954 SNPs and includes 21,534 coding variants. SNPs were selected to achieve an essentially uniform distribution based on genetic map distance for both broiler and layer lines. Due to a lower extent of LD in broilers compared to layers, as reported in previous studies, the ratio of broiler and layer SNPs in the array was kept as 3:2. The final panel was shown to genotype a wide range of samples including broilers and layers with over 100 K to 450 K informative SNPs per line. A principal component analysis was used to demonstrate the ability of the array to detect the expected population structure which is an important pre-investigation step for many genome-wide analyses.Conclusions: This Affymetrix® Axiom® array is the first SNP genotyping array for chicken that has been made commercially available to the public as a product. This array is expected to find widespread usage both in research and commercial application such as in genomic selection, genome-wide association studies, selection signature analyses, fine mapping of QTLs and detection of copy number variants

    Genome-wide association study of antidepressant treatment resistance in a population-based cohort using health service prescription data and meta-analysis with GENDEP

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    Antidepressants demonstrate modest response rates in the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD). Despite previous genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of antidepressant treatment response, the underlying genetic factors are unknown. Using prescription data in a population and family-based cohort (Generation Scotland: Scottish Family Health Study; GS:SFHS), we sought to define a measure of (a) antidepressant treatment resistance and (b) stages of antidepressant resistance by inferring antidepressant switching as non-response to treatment. GWAS were conducted separately for antidepressant treatment resistance in GS:SFHS and the Genome-based Therapeutic Drugs for Depression (GENDEP) study and then meta-analysed (meta-analysis n = 4213, cases = 358). For stages of antidepressant resistance, a GWAS on GS:SFHS only was performed (n = 3452). Additionally, we conducted gene-set enrichment, polygenic risk scoring (PRS) and genetic correlation analysis. We did not identify any significant loci, genes or gene sets associated with antidepressant treatment resistance or stages of resistance. Significant positive genetic correlations of antidepressant treatment resistance and stages of resistance with neuroticism, psychological distress, schizotypy and mood disorder traits were identified. These findings suggest that larger sample sizes are needed to identify the genetic architecture of antidepressant treatment response, and that population-based observational studies may provide a tractable approach to achieving the necessary statistical power

    Detailed histopathologic characterization of the retinopathy, globe enlarged (rge) chick phenotype

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to characterize the morphological abnormalities in the retinas of chicks (Gallus gallus) suffering from the autosomal recessive disease, retinopathy, globe enlarged (rge/rge). METHODS: rge/rge affected and age matched control retinas were examined from hatch up to 730 days of age. Thickness of retinal layers at six retinal regions was measured from plastic embedded sections. Morphological features were examined on semi-thin sections by light microscopy and on ultra-thin sections by transmission electron microscopy. Immunohistochemistry was performed using a panel of several different antibodies. Additionally, comparative counting of rod outer segments, rows of cells in the inner nuclear layer, and ganglion cells per unit length was performed. RESULTS: The earliest changes observed in rge/rge retinas were disorganization of the outer plexiform layer and abnormal location of the endoplasmic reticulum of the photoreceptors. In rge/rge retinas, cone pedicles were larger, irregular in shape, and usually contained multivesicular bodies. In addition, synaptic ribbons of the cone pedicles and rod spherules in rge/rge retinas were less numerous compared to controls. Large glycogen deposits progressively accumulated in the perinuclear cytoplasm associated with the abnormally located endoplasmic reticuli in accessory cones and rods. Total retinal thickness progressively decreased with age in rge/rge birds. This was accompanied by a decrease in the number of cells in the inner nuclear layer and a decrease in the number of rod outer segments (OSs). Several changes were detected in the rge/rge retinas using immunohistochemistry, including mislocalized opsin immunoreactivity of rod photoreceptors, a decrease in number and disorganization of opsin positive rod OSs (especially in the peripheral regions), a decrease in number of tyrosine hydroxylase positive neurites in the distal inner plexiform layer, and activation of macroglial and microglial cells. CONCLUSIONS: As we previously reported, the rge/rge chick has vision loss that is not the result of photoreceptor loss and is unusual in that electroretinographic responses, although abnormal, are maintained until well after vision loss has developed. The phenotype is associated with a developmental disruption of both rod and cone photoreceptor synaptic terminals that progresses with age. It is possible that these changes may be indicative of abnormal circuitry within the outer plexiform layer, and that they underlie the progressive loss of vision in rge/rge birds. Other early changes suggesting photoreceptor abnormality are dilation of photoreceptor cell bodies, abnormal positioning of endoplasmic reticulum in the perinuclear region that is associated with abnormal glycogen deposition, and mislocalization of opsin immunoreactivity in rods. The rge/rge birds develop globe enlargement after the morphological and electroretinographic abnormalities. Globe enlargement in chicks can be induced by a number of different environmental factors. It is possible that abnormal signaling of photoreceptors to inner retinal cells could induce excessive ocular growth in the rge/rge birds. Many of the morphological changes such as retinal thinning seen in older rge/rge birds may be partly the result of the considerable globe enlargement that occurs later in the disease process. Molecular genetic studies to identify the causal gene mutation should help explain the morphological features of the rge/rge phenotype and clarify their association with vision loss and electroretinographic abnormalities

    Quantitative trait loci and transcriptome signatures associated with avian heritable resistance to Campylobacter.

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    Funder: BiotechnologyCampylobacter is the leading cause of bacterial foodborne gastroenteritis worldwide. Handling or consumption of contaminated poultry meat is a key risk factor for human campylobacteriosis. One potential control strategy is to select poultry with increased resistance to Campylobacter. We associated high-density genome-wide genotypes (600K single nucleotide polymorphisms) of 3000 commercial broilers with Campylobacter load in their caeca. Trait heritability was modest but significant (h2 = 0.11 ± 0.03). Results confirmed quantitative trait loci (QTL) on chromosomes 14 and 16 previously identified in inbred chicken lines, and detected two additional QTLs on chromosomes 19 and 26. RNA-Seq analysis of broilers at the extremes of colonisation phenotype identified differentially transcribed genes within the QTL on chromosome 16 and proximal to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) locus. We identified strong cis-QTLs located within MHC suggesting the presence of cis-acting variation in MHC class I and II and BG genes. Pathway and network analyses implicated cooperative functional pathways and networks in colonisation, including those related to antigen presentation, innate and adaptive immune responses, calcium, and renin-angiotensin signalling. While co-selection for enhanced resistance and other breeding goals is feasible, the frequency of resistance-associated alleles was high in the population studied and non-genetic factors significantly influenced Campylobacter colonisation

    Development of a high density 600K SNP genotyping array for chicken

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    Background High density (HD) SNP genotyping arrays are an important tool for genetic analyses of animals and plants. Although the chicken is one of the most important farm animals, no HD array is yet available for high resolution genetic analysis of this species. Results We report here the development of a 600 K Affymetrix® Axiom® HD genotyping array designed using SNPs segregating in a wide variety of chicken populations. In order to generate a large catalogue of segregating SNPs, we re-sequenced 243 chickens from 24 chicken lines derived from diverse sources (experimental, commercial broiler and layer lines) by pooling 10–15 samples within each line. About 139 million (M) putative SNPs were detected by mapping sequence reads to the new reference genome (Gallus_gallus_4.0) of which ~78 M appeared to be segregating in different lines. Using criteria such as high SNP-quality score, acceptable design scores predicting high conversion performance in the final array and uniformity of distribution across the genome, we selected ~1.8 M SNPs for validation through genotyping on an independent set of samples (n = 282). About 64% of the SNPs were polymorphic with high call rates (>98%), good cluster separation and stable Mendelian inheritance. Polymorphic SNPs were further analysed for their population characteristics and genomic effects. SNPs with extreme breach of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P < 0.00001) were excluded from the panel. The final array, designed on the basis of these analyses, consists of 580,954 SNPs and includes 21,534 coding variants. SNPs were selected to achieve an essentially uniform distribution based on genetic map distance for both broiler and layer lines. Due to a lower extent of LD in broilers compared to layers, as reported in previous studies, the ratio of broiler and layer SNPs in the array was kept as 3:2. The final panel was shown to genotype a wide range of samples including broilers and layers with over 100 K to 450 K informative SNPs per line. A principal component analysis was used to demonstrate the ability of the array to detect the expected population structure which is an important pre-investigation step for many genome-wide analyses. Conclusions This Affymetrix® Axiom® array is the first SNP genotyping array for chicken that has been made commercially available to the public as a product. This array is expected to find widespread usage both in research and commercial application such as in genomic selection, genome-wide association studies, selection signature analyses, fine mapping of QTLs and detection of copy number variants.Additional co-authors: Georg Haberer, Steffen Weigend, Rudolf Preisinger, Mahmood Gholami, Saber Qanbari, Henner Simianer, Kellie A Watson, John A Woolliams & David W Bur