55 research outputs found

    Dissecting stimulus-specific Ca2+ signals in amyloplasts and chloroplasts of Arabidopsis thaliana cell suspension cultures

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    Calcium is used by plants as an intracellular messenger in the detection of and response to a plethora of environmental stimuli and contributes to a fine-tuned internal regulation. Interest in the role of different subcellular compartments in Ca(2+) homeostasis and signalling has been growing in recent years. This work has evaluated the potential participation of non-green plastids and chloroplasts in the plant Ca(2+) signalling network using heterotrophic and autotrophic cell suspension cultures from Arabidopsis thaliana plant lines stably expressing the bioluminescent Ca(2+) reporter aequorin targeted to the plastid stroma. Our results indicate that both amyloplasts and chloroplasts are involved in transient Ca(2+) increases in the plastid stroma induced by several environmental stimuli, suggesting that these two functional types of plastids are endowed with similar mechanisms for handling Ca(2+). A comparison of the Ca(2+) trace kinetics recorded in parallel in the plastid stroma, the surface of the outer membrane of the plastid envelope, and the cytosol indicated that plastids play an essential role in switching off different cytosolic Ca(2+) signals. Interestingly, a transient stromal Ca(2+) signal in response to the light-to-dark transition was observed in chloroplasts, but not amyloplasts. Moreover, significant differences in the amplitude of specific plastidial Ca(2+) changes emerged when the photosynthetic metabolism of chloroplasts was reactivated by light. In summary, our work highlights differences between non-green plastids and chloroplasts in terms of Ca(2+) dynamics in response to environmental stimuli

    Pyrenoid loss impairs carbon-concentrating mechanism induction and alters primary metabolism in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    Carbon-concentrating mechanisms (CCMs) enable efficient photosynthesis and growth in CO2-limiting environments, and in eukaryotic microalgae localisation of Rubisco to a microcompartment called the pyrenoid is key. In the model green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Rubisco preferentially relocalises to the pyrenoid during CCM induction and pyrenoid-less mutants lack a functioning CCM and grow very poorly at low CO2. The aim of this study was to investigate the CO2 response of pyrenoid-positive (pyr+) and pyrenoid-negative (pyr–) mutant strains to determine the effect of pyrenoid absence on CCM induction and gene expression. Shotgun proteomic analysis of low-CO2-adapted strains showed reduced accumulation of some CCM-related proteins, suggesting that pyr– has limited capacity to respond to low-CO2 conditions. Comparisons between gene transcription and protein expression revealed potential regulatory interactions, since Rubisco protein linker (EPYC1) protein did not accumulate in pyr– despite increased transcription, while elements of the LCIB/LCIC complex were also differentially expressed. Furthermore, pyr− showed altered abundance of a number of proteins involved in primary metabolism, perhaps due to the failure to adapt to low CO2. This work highlights two-way regulation between CCM induction and pyrenoid formation, and provides novel candidates for future studies of pyrenoid assembly and CCM function

    Employee Motivation and Satisfaction

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    The thesis deals with two factors that influence ability of a company to achieve competitive advantage thanks to its employees. These factors are satisfaction, that influences ability of a company to attract and retain good employees and motivation, that is prerequisite for their high performance. After introduction of main theories of work motivation and factors, that influence employee satisfaction, the theoretical knowledge is used on example of specific Czech production company

    Analysis of motoric tests of footbal players

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    Title: Analysis of motor tests football players Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to assess motor skills and posture among footballers and analyze individual sub-tests in terms of post game player Method: To evaluate the individual tests were used methods of observation. Over four years, was tested using 14 tests 161 football players junior category, 18 goalkeepers, 46 defenders, 32 midfielders and 65 attackers. The results were presented in the form of bar graphs. Results: Partial confirmation of the hypothesis No. 1: results of motor tests, physiotherapy and sports readiness are able to capture qualitative and quantitative changes in the training process. Confirmation Hypothesis 2: Results of the survey of selected anthropometric tests and physiotherapy are dependent on gaming position. We verified the appropriateness of including physiotherapy examination to test batteries and need medical evidence. Key words: Football, measurement, older pupils, motor tests, physiology

    Rehabilitation exercises for primary and secondary prevention of damage to the anterior cruciate ligament

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    Title: Rehabilitation exercises for primary and secondary prevention of damage to the anterior cruciate ligament Objectives: The main goal of my work is to inform the public of the problem of training events ligament injuries, and offer solutions. I will focus on the description of the knee and then the anterior cruciate ligament surgery itself. Emphasize the most common causes of damage to the structures and opportunities for redress. The next section will show the possibility of exercise before and after surgery and try to compare different approaches to physical activity after surgery. I want to focus primarily on the possibility of home exercise training events structures. Methods: In my work I focused on a search of available literature and the opinions of individual authors. Keywords: Ligament crucinate anterior, operation, lesion, compensation exercise


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    Tato diplomová práce si klade za cíl zmapovat vývoj a stav demografických ukazatelů městské části Prahy 7, kterou zároveň vymezuje v rámci hlavního města Prahy. Tohoto cíle se snaží dosáhnout pomocí statisticko-demografických metod analýzy dat. Jedná se tedy o jakýsi manuál pro všechny, kteří se o Praze 7 chtějí dozvědět něco víc na základě demografických údajů. V první kapitole jde o vymezení jednotlivých katastrálních území Prahy 7 z hlediska historického i emografického. Druhá kapitola je již zaměřena na Prahu 7 jako celek. Nejprve se v ní zabývám vývojem počtu obyvatel a jejich strukturou. Kapitola o struktuře obyvatel je ještě doplněna projekcí na dalších 20 let dopředu. Následuje podkapitola zkoumající strukturu domovního a bytového fondu a bytové výstavby, na kterou navazuje hodnocení ekonomické aktivity obyvatel této městské části. Na závěr přidávám vyhodnocení perspektivy budoucího vývoje, kde využívám metody SWAT analýzy

    Finanční analýza společnosti

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    Práce se zkládá z teoretické a praktické části. V teoretické části jsou popsány jednotlivé nástroje použité k analyzování finančního zdraví společnosti Olma,a.s. V praktické části je provedena finanční analýza

    Rehabilitation exercises for primary and secondary prevention of damage to the anterior cruciate ligament

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    Title: Rehabilitation exercises for primary and secondary prevention of damage to the anterior cruciate ligament Objectives: The main goal of my work is to inform the public of the problem of training events ligament injuries, and offer solutions. I will focus on the description of the knee and then the anterior cruciate ligament surgery itself. Emphasize the most common causes of damage to the structures and opportunities for redress. The next section will show the possibility of exercise before and after surgery and try to compare different approaches to physical activity after surgery. I want to focus primarily on the possibility of home exercise training events structures. Methods: In my work I focused on a search of available literature and the opinions of individual authors. Keywords: Ligament crucinate anterior, operation, lesion, compensation exercise