136 research outputs found

    Der „tote Winkel“ des Rechtsschutzes

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    Einmal amtlich, immer amtlich?

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    Parteinahe Stiftungen sind Partei-Stiftungen

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    Daumenschrauben fĂĽr den Gesetzgeber

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    Der Einfluss von Mixed Emotions auf die Werbewirkung : eine experimentelle Studie

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    Emotionale Appelle haben heutzutage einen festen Platz in der Werbung. Neben rein positiven sowie rein negativen Emotionen werden auch Mixed Emotions verstärkt eingesetzt. Die Erforschung der konsumentenverhaltensrelevanten Wirkungen von Mixed Emotions, die das gleichzeitige oder sequentielle Erleben gegensätzlicher Emotionen bezeichnen, steckt jedoch noch in den Kinderschuhen. In der vorliegenden Studie wird daher der Einfluss von Mixed Emotions auf zentrale psychographische Werbewirkungsvariablen mithilfe eines Experiments untersucht. Dabei wird auch ein Sequenzeffekt integriert, d.h. es wird analysiert, ob ein Wechsel von positiven zu negativen oder von negativen zu positiven Emotionen vorteilhaftere Wirkungen entfaltet. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie belegen einen überlegenen Effekt rein positiv-emotionaler Werbung auf sämtliche untersuchten abhängigen Variablen. Rein negativ-emotionale Werbung erzielt hingegen die schlechtesten Erfolgswerte. Gemischt-emotionale Werbeappelle liegen zwischen rein positiver und rein negativer emotionaler Werbung (Pure Emotions). Bezüglich des Sequenzeffekts kann gezeigt werden, dass die sich verbessernde Abfolge (erst negative dann positive Emotionen) der sich verschlechternden Sequenz (erst positive dann negative Emotionen) hinsichtlich der Werbewirkung überlegen ist

    Hemdsärmelig und illegal

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    Intrinsic up-regulation of 2-AG favors an area specific neuronal survival in different in vitro models of neuronal damage

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    BACKGROUND: The endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG) acts as a retrograde messenger and modulates synaptic signaling e. g. in the hippocampus. 2-AG also exerts neuroprotective effects under pathological situations. To better understand the mechanism beyond physiological signaling we used Organotypic Entorhino-Hippocampal Slice Cultures (OHSC) and investigated the temporal regulation of 2-AG in different cell subsets during excitotoxic lesion and dendritic lesion of long range projections in the enthorhinal cortex (EC), dentate gyrus (DG) and the cornu ammonis region 1 (CA1). RESULTS: 2-AG levels were elevated 24 h after excitotoxic lesion in CA1 and DG (but not EC) and 24 h after perforant pathway transection (PPT) in the DG only. After PPT diacylglycerol lipase alpha (DAGL) protein, the synthesizing enzyme of 2-AG was decreased when Dagl mRNA expression and 2-AG levels were enhanced. In contrast to DAGL, the 2-AG hydrolyzing enzyme monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) showed no alterations in total protein and mRNA expression after PPT in OHSC. MAGL immunoreaction underwent a redistribution after PPT and excitotoxic lesion since MAGL IR disappeared in astrocytes of lesioned OHSC. DAGL and MAGL immunoreactions were not detectable in microglia at all investigated time points. Thus, induction of the neuroprotective endocannabinoid 2-AG might be generally accomplished by down-regulation of MAGL in astrocytes after neuronal lesions. CONCLUSION: Increase in 2-AG levels during secondary neuronal damage reflects a general neuroprotective mechanism since it occurred independently in both different lesion models. This intrinsic up-regulation of 2-AG is synergistically controlled by DAGL and MAGL in neurons and astrocytes and thus represents a protective system for neurons that is involved in dendritic reorganisation

    Newly Qualified Teachers' Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Testing a Social Support Intervention Through Design-Based Research.

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    Around the world, newly qualified teachers are leaving the profession after only a short time working at school. This not only has a negative effect on the capacities of the respective education systems, but also for the teachers themselves, as it often due to factors such as stress and burnout that leads to this decision. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated this situation by adding to the teachers' workload, uncertainty, and stress. Previous research has investigated strategies that may help teachers improve their well-being and, among other factors, found social support to be an important condition. In this mixed methods design-based research study, we developed a design to enhance social support among newly qualified teachers in their first months working at school. Our quantitative and qualitative results show that the design has positive effects on many aspects of teachers' well-being in the intervention group both longitudinally (before and after the intervention) and when compared to a comparison group. The findings are being discussed considering the recent changes in the working conditions of teachers as imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic
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