414 research outputs found

    Safety and Security Analysis of AEB for L4 Autonomous Vehicle Using STPA

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    Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are coming to our streets. Due to the presence of highly complex software systems in AVs, there is a need for a new hazard analysis technique to meet stringent safety standards. System Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA), based on Systems Theoretic Accident Modeling and Processes (STAMP), is a powerful tool that can identify, define, analyze and mitigate hazards from the earliest conceptual stage deployment to the operation of a system. Applying STPA to autonomous vehicles demonstrates STPA\u27s applicability to preliminary hazard analysis, alternative available, developmental tests, organizational design, and functional design of each unique safety operation. This paper describes the STPA process used to generate system design requirements for an Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) system using a top-down analysis approach to system safety. The paper makes the following contributions to practicing STPA for safety and security: 1) It describes the incorporation of safety and security analysis in one process and discusses the benefits of this; 2) It provides an improved, structural approach for scenario analysis, concentrating on safety and security; 3) It demonstrates the utility of STPA for gap analysis of existing designs in the automotive domain; 4) It provides lessons learned throughout the process of applying STPA and STPA-Sec

    Feeding supermassive black holes through supersonic turbulence and ballistic accretion

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    It has long been recognized that the main obstacle to the accretion of gas on to supermassive black holes (SMBHs) is a large specific angular momentum. It is feared that the gas settles in a large-scale disc, and that accretion would then proceed too inefficiently to explain the masses of the observed SMBHs. Here we point out that, while the mean angular momentum in the bulge is very likely to be large, the deviations from the mean can also be significant. Indeed, cosmological simulations show that velocity and angular momentum fields of gas flows on to galaxies are very complex. Furthermore, inside bulges the gas velocity distribution can be further randomized by the velocity kicks due to feedback from star formation. We perform hydrodynamical simulations of gaseous rotating shells infalling on to an SMBH, attempting to quantify the importance of velocity dispersion in the gas at relatively large distances from the black hole. We implement this dispersion by means of a supersonic turbulent velocity spectrum. We find that, while in the purely rotating case the circularization process leads to efficient mixing of gases with different angular momenta, resulting in a low accretion rate, the inclusion of turbulence increases this accretion rate by up to several orders of magnitude. We show that this can be understood based on the notion of ā€˜ballistic' accretion, whereby dense filaments, created by convergent turbulent flows, travel through the ambient gas largely unaffected by hydrodynamical drag. This prevents the efficient gas mixing that was found in the simulations without turbulence, and allows a fraction of gas to impact the innermost boundary of the simulations directly. Using the ballistic approximation, we derive a simple analytical formula that captures the numerical results to within a factor of a few. Rescaling our results to astrophysical bulges, we argue that this ā€˜ballistic' mode of accretion could provide the SMBHs with sufficient fuel without the need to channel the gas via large-scale discs or bars. We therefore argue that star formation in bulges can be a strong catalyst for SMBH accretio

    Measurement and Characterization of Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Motor Plume Acoustics

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    Lift-off acoustic environments generated by the future Ares I launch vehicle are assessed by the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) acoustics team using several prediction tools. This acoustic environment is directly caused by the Ares I First Stage booster, powered by the five-segment Reusable Solid Rocket Motor (RSRMV). The RSRMV is a larger-thrust derivative design from the currently used Space Shuttle solid rocket motor, the Reusable Solid Rocket Motor (RSRM). Lift-off acoustics is an integral part of the composite launch vibration environment affecting the Ares launch vehicle and must be assessed to help generate hardware qualification levels and ensure structural integrity of the vehicle during launch and lift-off. Available prediction tools that use free field noise source spectrums as a starting point for generation of lift-off acoustic environments are described in the monograph NASA SP-8072: "Acoustic Loads Generated by the Propulsion System." This monograph uses a reference database for free field noise source spectrums which consist of subscale rocket motor firings, oriented in horizontal static configurations. The phrase "subscale" is appropriate, since the thrust levels of rockets in the reference database are orders of magnitude lower than the current design thrust for the Ares launch family. Thus, extrapolation is needed to extend the various reference curves to match Ares-scale acoustic levels. This extrapolation process yields a subsequent amount of uncertainty added upon the acoustic environment predictions. As the Ares launch vehicle design schedule progresses, it is important to take every opportunity to lower prediction uncertainty and subsequently increase prediction accuracy. Never before in NASA s history has plume acoustics been measured for large scale solid rocket motors. Approximately twice a year, the RSRM prime vendor, ATK Launch Systems, static fires an assembled RSRM motor in a horizontal configuration at their test facility in Utah. The remaining RSRM static firings will take place on elevated terrain, with the nozzle exit plume being mostly undeflected and the landscape allowing placement of microphones within direct line of sight to the exhaust plume. These measurements will help assess the current extrapolation process by direct comparison between subscale and full scale solid rocket motor data

    Thermal instabilities in cooling galactic coronae: fuelling star formation in galactic discs

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    We investigate the means by which cold gas can accrete onto Milky Way mass galaxies from a hot corona of gas, using a new smoothed particle hydrodynamics code, 'SPHS'. We find that the 'cold clumps' seen in many classic SPH simulations in the literature are not present in our SPHS simulations. Instead, cold gas condenses from the halo along filaments that form at the intersection of supernovae-driven bubbles from previous phases of star formation. This positive feedback feeds cold gas to the galactic disc directly, fuelling further star formation. The resulting galaxies in the SPH and SPHS simulations differ greatly in their morphology, gas phase diagrams, and stellar content. We show that the classic SPH cold clumps owe to a numerical thermal instability caused by an inability for cold gas to mix in the hot halo. The improved treatment of mixing in SPHS suppresses this instability leading to a dramatically different physical outcome. In our highest resolution SPHS simulation, we find that the cold filaments break up into bound clumps that form stars. The filaments are overdense by a factor of 10-100 compared to the surrounding gas, suggesting that the fragmentation results from a physical non-linear instability driven by the overdensity. This 'fragmenting filament' mode of disc growth has important implications for galaxy formation, in particular the role of star formation in bringing cold gas into disc galaxies.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to MNRAS. A better formatted version of the PDF is available at http://www.astro.phys.ethz.ch/~ahobbs/papers/coolinghalospaper.pdf . Movies (highly recommended viewing) available at http://www.phys.ethz.ch/~ahobbs/movies.htm

    Modelling supermassive black hole growth: towards an improved subā€grid prescription

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    Accretion on to supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in galaxy formation simulations is frequently modelled by the Bondi-Hoyle formalism. Here we examine the validity of this approach analytically and numerically. We argue that the character of the flow where one evaluates the gas properties is unlikely to satisfy the simple Bondi-Hoyle model. Only in the specific case of hot virialized gas with zero angular momentum and negligible radiative cooling is the Bondi-Hoyle solution relevant. In the opposite extreme, where the gas is in a state of freeā€fall at the evaluation radius due to efficient cooling and the dominant gravity of the surrounding halo, the Bondi-Hoyle formalism can be erroneous by orders of magnitude in either direction. This may impose artificial trends with halo mass in cosmological simulations by being wrong by different factors for different halo masses. We propose an expression for the subā€grid accretion rate which interpolates between the freeā€fall regime and the Bondi-Hoyle regime, therefore taking account of the contribution of the halo to the gas dynamic

    Geophysical-geotechnical sensor networks for landslide monitoring

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    Landslides are often the result of complex, multi-phase processes where gradual deterioration of shear strength within the sub-surface precedes the appearance of surface features and slope failure. Moisture content increases and the build-up of associated pore water pressures are invariably associated with a loss of strength, and thus are a precursor to failure. Consequently, hydraulic processes typically play a major role in the development of landslides. Geoelectrical techniques, such as resistivity and self-potential are being increasingly applied to study landslide structure and the hydraulics of landslide processes. The great strengths of these techniques are that they provide spatial or volumetric information at the site scale, which, when calibrated with appropriate geotechnical and hydrogeological data, can be used to characterise lithological variability and monitor hydraulic changes in the subsurface. In this study we describe the development of an automated time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography (ALERT) and geotechnical monitoring system on an active inland landslide near Malton, North Yorkshire, UK. The overarching objective of the research is to develop a 4D landslide monitoring system that can characterise the subsurface structure of the landslide, and reveal the hydraulic precursors to movement. The site is a particularly import research facility as it is representative of many lowland UK situations in which weak mudrocks have failed on valley sides. Significant research efforts have already been expended at the site, and a number of baseline data sets have been collected, including ground and airborne LIDAR, geomorphologic and geological maps, and geophysical models. The monitoring network comprises an ALERT monitoring station connected to a 3D monitoring electrode array installed across an area of 5,500 m2, extending from above the back scarp to beyond the toe of the landslide. The ALERT instrument uses wireless telemetry (in this case GPRS) to communicate with an office based server, which runs control software and a database management system. The control software is used to schedule data acquisition, whilst the database management system stores, processes and inverts the remotely streamed ERT data. Once installed and configured, the system operates autonomously without manual intervention. Modifications to the ALERT system at this site have included the addition of environmental and geotechnical sensors to monitor rainfall, ground movement, ground and air temperature, and pore pressure changes within the landslide. The system is housed in a weatherproof enclosure and is powered by batteries charged by a wind turbine & solar panels. 3D ERT images generated from the landslide have been calibrated against resistivity information derived from laboratory testing of borehole core recovered from the landslide. The calibrated images revealed key aspects of the 3D landslide structure, including the lateral extent of slipped material and zones of depletion and accumulation; the surface of separation and the thickness of individual earth flow lobes; and the dipping in situ geological boundary between the bedrock formations. Time-lapse analysis of resistivity signatures has revealed artefacts within the images that are diagnostic of electrode movement. Analytical models have been developed to simulate the observed artefacts, from which predictions of electrode movement have been derived. This information has been used to correct the ERT data sets, and has provided a means of using ERT to monitor landslide movement across the entire ALERT imaging area. Initial assessment of seasonal changes in the resistivity signature has indicated that the system is sensitive to moisture content changes in the body of the landslide, thereby providing a basis for further development of the system with the aim of monitoring hydraulic precursors to failure
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