136 research outputs found

    Review of component manufacturing, modernization of fixture for mass production

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    Táto bakalárska práca sa zaoberá konštrukčným riešením upínacieho prípravku. Prvá časť je venovaná rozdeleniu upínacích systémov, opisu obrábacieho centra HAAS a stručnej charakteristike súčasného prípravku. Druhá časť je venovaná návrhu a modelovaniu prípravku a porovnaniu cien medzi súčasným a novým upínacím prípravkom.This bachelor´s thesis deals with construction of clamping fixture. The first part describes distribution of various types of clamping systems, HAAS machining center and a brief characterization of the current fixture. The second part deals with design and modeling of fixture and also price comparison between current fixture and the new fixture designed in this thesis

    Optimizing Description Logic Reasoning for the Service Matchmaking and Composition

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    The Semantic Web is a recent initiative to expose semantically rich information associated with Web resources to build more intelligent Web-based systems. Recently, several projects have embraced this vision and there are several successful applications that combine the strengths of the Web and of semantic technologies. However, Semantic Web still lacks a technology, which would provide the needed scalability and integration with existing infrastructure. In this paper we present our ongoing work on a Semantic Web repository, which is capable of addressing complex schemas and answer queries over ontologies with large number of instances. We present the details of our approach and describe the underlying architecture of the system. We conclude with a performance evaluation, which compares the current state-of-the-art reasoners with our system

    Distributed Computing and Complex Applications

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    Application Performance Optimization in Multicloud Environment

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    Through the development and accessibility of the Internet, nowadays the cloud computing has become a very popular. Through the development and accessibility of the Internet, nowadays the cloud computing has become a very popular. This concept has the potential to change the use of information technologies. Cloud computing is the technology that provides infrastructure, platform or software as a service via the network to a huge number of remote users. The main benefit of cloud computing is the utilization of elastic resources and virtualization. Two main properties are required from clouds by users: interoperability and privacy. This article focuses on interoperability. Nowadays it is difficult to migrate an application between clouds offered by different providers. The article deals with that problem in multicloud environment. Specifically, it focuses on the application performance optimization in a multicloud environment. A new method is suggested based on the state of the art. The method is divided into three parts: multicloud architecture, method of a horizontal scalability, and taxonomy for multicriteria optimization. The principles of the method were applied in a design of multicriteria optimization architecture, which we verified experimentally. The aim of our experiment is carried on a portal offering a platform according to the users' requirements

    Causal Analysis of an Agent-Based Model of Human Behaviour

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    This article investigates causal relationships leading to emergence in an agent-based model of human behaviour. A new method based on nonlinear structural causality is formulated and practically demonstrated. The method is based on the concept of acausal partitionof a model variable which quantifies the contribution of various factors to its numerical value. Causal partitions make it possible to judge the relative importance of contributing factors over crucial early periods in which the emergent behaviour of a system begins to form. They can also serve as the predictors of emergence. The time-evolution of their predictive power and its distribution among their components hint at the deeper causes of emergence and the possibilities to control it

    Comparison of Insurance Products Using Selected Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods

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    Cílem bakalářské práce bylo na základě aplikace metod TOPSIS a PROMETHEE vybrat nejvhodnější pojistný produkt životního pojištění z nabídky pěti českých pojišťoven, které byly zvoleny podle jejich podílu na pojistném trhu v tomto odvětví pojištění. V práci byl porovnáván produkt životního pojištění těchto pojišťoven: ČSOB pojišťovna, a.s., Kooperativa pojišťovna, a.s., Allianz pojišťovna a.s., Česká pojišťovna a.s. a pojišťovna České spořitelny a.s. Jako nejvýhodnější pro klienta byl za základě vícekriteriálního porovnání určen produkt životního pojištění Allianz Život.The goal of the bachelor thesis was to select the most suitable life insurance product from the offer of five Czech insurance companies based on the TOPSIS and PROMETHEE methods, which were chosen according to their share in the insurance market in this insurance sector. The product of the life insurance of these insurance companies: ČSOB pojišťovna, a.s., Kooperativa pojišťovna, a.s., Allianz pojišťovna a.s., Česká pojišťovna a.s. and Česká spořitelna pojišťovna a.s. The life insurance product Allianz Life was determined by the multi-criteria comparison as the most advantageous for the client.115 - Katedra managementuvýborn

    Ontology for Blind SQL Injection

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    In cyberspace, there exists a prevalent problem that heavily occurs to web application databases and that is the exploitation of websites by using SQL injection attacks. This kind of attack becomes more difficult when it comes to blind SQL vulnerabilities. In this paper, we will first make use of this vulnerability, and subsequently, we will build an ontology (OBSQL) to address the detection of the blind SQL weakness. Therefore, to achieve the exploitation, we reproduce the attacks against a website in production mode. We primarily detect the presence of the vulnerability, after we use our tools to abuse it. Last but not least, we prove the importance of applying ontology in cybersecurity for this matter. The mitigation techniques in our ontology will be addressed in our future work

    AgentOWL: Semantic Knowledge Model and Agent Architecture

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    MAS is a powerful paradigm in nowadays distributed systems, however its disadvantage is that it lacks the interconnection with semantic web standards such as OWL. The aim of this article is to present a semantic knowledge model of an agent suitable for discrete environments as well as implementation and a use of such model using the Jena semantic web library and the JADE agent system. The developed library allows interconnection of Agent and Semantic Web technologies can be used in an agent based application where such interconnection is needed. The defined model and methodology show the use of the library in knowledge management applications where the proposed model has been used and evaluated in the scope of the Pellucid and K-Wf Grid IST projects