36 research outputs found

    Auditory-visual interactions in egocentric distance perception: Ventriloquism effect and aftereffect

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    This article was published in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2021

    Eliáš v Novém zákoně a apokryfní literatuře

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    Prorok Eliáš je v hebrejskej Biblie pokladaný za spravodlivého jednotlivca, ktorý nezakúsil smrť, ale bol vzatý do neba na ohnivom voze. Táto práca sa pokúša objasniť ako sa s touto legendou vysporiadali Nový zákon a starozákonné pseudepigrafy v ich kontexte, ktorý je závislý na obrazotvornosti náboženského pozadia, v ktorom sa očakáva príchod Eliáša. Keďže sa spisy Nového zákona a starozákonných pseudepigrafov zaoberajú skutočným alebo fiktívnym kontinuom s hebrejskou bibliou, (ktorej kánon nemusel byť v dobe vzniku daného novozákonného alebo pseudepigrafného spisu uzavretý), priama narážka na proroka Eliáša vedie k tvrdeniam o povahe viery v období neskorého judaizmu a raného kresťanstva a o spôsobe akým sa tento legendárny materiál vyvíjal. Podľa toho na aké skutočnosti a osoby sa prorok Eliáš v daných spisoch vzťahuje a so stálym prihliadaním na náboženský kontext spisov, je možné dozvedieť sa, ktoré motívy týkajúce sa tejto postavy sa dajú pokladať v kresťanskom kánone za uzavreté a ktoré žijú ďalej vlastným životom v okruhoch, ktoré preberajú židovsko - kresťanské materiály.The prophet Elijah is according to the Hebrew Bible understood as a righteous individual who did not die but was taken to heaven on a fiery chariot. This thesis attempts to clarify how the New Testament and the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha treat this legend in their own contexts which are dependent on the imagery of religious background in which Elijah is expected to return. Since both New Testament and the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha deal with possible or fictitious continuum with the Hebrew Bible, (canon of which was not necessarily settled at the time of creation of a particular New Testament or Pseudepigraphic writing), explicit mention of Elijah the prophet leads to assumptions about the nature of belief in the era of the late Judaism and early Christianity and the manner this legendary motif evolved. Depending on the phenomena and characters Elijah the prophet is dealing with in a particular writing and taking into account religious context of the writing, it is possible to find out which motifs touching this character might be considered to be brought to an end in the Christian canon and which are sort of autonomous in realms influenced by Judeo-Christian materials.Department of New Testament StudiesKatedra Nového zákonaEvangelická teologická fakultaProtestant Theological Facult

    Morphological analysis of the Slovak language

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    This paper proposes a new statistic-based method of segmenting words by identification of a suffix. Ability to identify suffix can improve morphological analysis by allowing the classifier to assign tags to words previously unseen in the training corpus. Identified suffix of the word can be used to improve the accuracy of the part-of-speech tagging or other natural language processing task

    Categorization of unorganized text corpora for better domain-specific language modeling

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    This paper describes the process of categorization of unorganized text data gathered from the Internet to the in-domain and out-of-domain data for better domain-specific language modeling and speech recognition. An algorithm for text categorization and topic detection based on the most frequent key phrases is presented. In this scheme, each document entered into the process of text categorization is represented by a vector space model with term weighting based on computing the term frequency and inverse document frequency. Text documents are then classified to the in-domain and out-of-domain data automatically with predefined threshold using one of the selected distance/similarity measures comparing to the list of key phrases. The experimental results of the language modeling and adaptation to the judicial domain show significant improvement in the model perplexity about 19 % and decreasing of the word error rate of the Slovak transcription and dictation system about 5,54 %, relatively

    Real-time estimation of horizontal gaze angle by saccade integration using in-ear electrooculography

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    The manuscript proposes and evaluates a real-time algorithm for estimating eye gaze angle based solely on single-channel electrooculography (EOG), which can be obtained directly from the ear canal using conductive ear moulds. In contrast to conventional high-pass filtering, we used an algorithm that calculates absolute eye gaze angle via statistical analysis of detected saccades. The estimated eye positions of the new algorithm were still noisy. However, the performance in terms of Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients was significantly better than the conventional approach in some instances. The results suggest that in-ear EOG signals captured with conductive ear moulds could serve as a basis for lightweight and portable horizontal eye gaze angle estimation suitable for a broad range of applications. For instance, for hearing aids to steer the directivity of microphones in the direction of the user’s eye gaze

    The psychological phenomena in contemporary Czech painting

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    This diploma work attempts to track down the psychological and philosophical foundations of contemporary Czech painting, the period concerned being the last two decades. It describes how modern art transform into postmodern, and how this transition affects contemporary Czech painting, as well as the approach to painting as an art technique. The essay further deals with sources of inspiration influencing Czech painters. An attempt to briefly evaluate the evolution of professional art scene during the 90´s is also included

    Elijah in the New Testament and Apocryphal Literature

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    The prophet Elijah is according to the Hebrew Bible understood as a righteous individual who did not die but was taken to heaven on a fiery chariot. This thesis attempts to clarify how the New Testament and the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha treat this legend in their own contexts which are dependent on the imagery of religious background in which Elijah is expected to return. Since both New Testament and the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha deal with possible or fictitious continuum with the Hebrew Bible, (canon of which was not necessarily settled at the time of creation of a particular New Testament or Pseudepigraphic writing), explicit mention of Elijah the prophet leads to assumptions about the nature of belief in the era of the late Judaism and early Christianity and the manner this legendary motif evolved. Depending on the phenomena and characters Elijah the prophet is dealing with in a particular writing and taking into account religious context of the writing, it is possible to find out which motifs touching this character might be considered to be brought to an end in the Christian canon and which are sort of autonomous in realms influenced by Judeo-Christian materials

    Analysis of morph-based language modeling and speech recognition in Slovak

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    The inflection of the Slovak language causes a large number of unique word forms, which produces not only a large vocabulary, but also a number of out-of-vocabulary words. Morph-based language models solve this problem by decomposition of inflected word forms into small sub-word units and resolve the general problem of sparsity the training data. In this paper, we present several rule-based and data-driven approaches to the automatic segmentation of words into morphs. These data are later used in the modeling of the Slovak language for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition. Preliminary results show a significant decrease in the number of out-of-vocabulary words and reduction of resultant language model perplexity