308 research outputs found

    German Abstract - The Psychometric of the Adult Resilience Doughnut Model, a Solution Focused, Ecological Model of Resilience

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    The Resilience Doughnut is an ecological and Solution Focused model showing the interaction of resources that build resilience during a person’s lifetime. In order to statistically validate the model, a 44-item scale (RDA) was developed and tested with 859 adults. Reliability was explored showing a very good fit α = 0.92 and a good representation of the research constructs. All seven resource strengths of the RDA showed negative correlation with each of the subscales of the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress scale (DASS). While those in the moderate to severe depression symptoms range reported less than three resource strengths, those with mild to no depressive symptoms reported over three resource strengths scoring above the mean. The findings support strength-based interventions which focus on developing contextual and relational strengths as a way of impacting mental health outcomes

    Scale development and psychometric qualities of the Resilience Doughnut tool. A valid, Solution­ Focused and ecological measure of resilience with Australian adolescents

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    The Resilience Doughnut is an ecological and Solution-Focused model outlining the seven contexts where resilience skills can be developed. The premise of this study was to test the psychometric properties of the online resilience doughnut measurement tool. The analysis contains item analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. Each context was explored as a separate subtest. The results showed the model to be a good fit with Cronbach alpha coefficient between .63 and .87. Cor­ relations were conducted with the subscales of the Strength and Difficulties (SDQ) questionnaire and The Resilience scale for Adolescents (READ) revealing that the stronger the resources (RD) the greater the levels of personal and social compe­ tence and the lower the emotional and behavioural difficulties experienced. Im­ plications for further study are discussed noting the validity of enhancing existing strong social resources to develop resilience

    Preventing depression, which story does the evidence tell?

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    Depression implies both an individual suffering and high financial costs for society. Even though evidence shows that some forms of psychological treatment for depression could be effective, there is still a large potential for improvement because a significant proportion of the patients in treatment studies do not convalesce and many patients that do experience relapses at follow up. Lately the focus on preventing depression has increased and the present paper is a review of empirical studies related to prevention of depression among children and adolescents. Collectively the evidence points to larger effect sizes for targeted intervention programs rather than universal programs, both measured at post-treatment and at follow-up. There are also better results for interventions implemented by psychologists than for interventions implemented by teachers and other professions.Targeted programs do not have the effects one would expect, and generally the effects of these interventions seem short lived. Possible reasons for these results are discussed and further directions for research of this field are suggested. It is essential that future work on the prevention of depression among children and adolescents is based on evidence and empirical findings

    Måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av The Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children (SPAI-C)

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    The Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children (SPAI-C) er et selvutfyllingsskjema for barn og unge som måler nivå av sosial angst. SPAI-C er utviklet av Turner, Beidel, og Morris og ble første gang rapportert, omtalt og beskrevet internasjonalt i 1995, og i Norge i 2008. SPAI-C består av 26 testledd. Hvert av leddene er rangert på en tre-punkts Likert-skala. I forhold til skåring er 18 poeng anbefalt som klinisk cut-off skår. Instrumentet er hovedsakelig utviklet for barn og unge i alderen 8–14 år. Vanligvis tar det mellom 10–20 minutter å fylle ut skjemaet. For administrering og tolkning av SPAI-C er det anbefalt et kompetansekrav på nivå B (Masternivå) i henhold til Multi-Health Systems inc. kvalifikasjonskrav. Søket etter dokumentasjon for måleegenskapene til SPAI-C resulterte i 22 originale referanser, hvorav seks norske og tre svenske ble inkludert. Tre av de inkluderte studiene er tverrsnittstudier, fire er intervensjonsstudier, mens to studier er av longitudinell karakter. SPAI-C er blitt benyttet både i kliniske utvalg, i normalutvalg, og i populasjonsutvalg. For de ni inkluderte studiene bestod utvalgene av gutter og jenter i alderen 11–15 år. Alle studiene rapporterer middelverdier. To studier har undersøkt faktorstrukturen til SPAI-C, mens i fem studier er det rapportert begrepsvaliditet, og i to studier er det rapportert test-retest, samtidig validitet og diskriminant validitet. De psykometriske egenskapene til SPAI-C vurderes som adekvate. Rapporterte reliabilitetsskårer på tvers av studier ligger over 0,90. Validiteten til SPAI-C støttes av forventede assosiasjoner med depresjon, flere angstlidelser, kliniske observasjoner og intervju. SPAI-C synes sensitiv for å identifisere ungdom som tilfredsstiller kriteriene for sosial angstlidelse, men tenderer til å identifisere for mange falske positive. Videre er SPAI-C sensitivt for endring over tid, blant annet for ungdom som går i terapi. Skandinaviske studier indikerer at måleegenskapene til SPAI-C er adekvate, og at det er et nyttig selvutfyllingsskjema for å identifisere ungdom med sosiale angstsymptomer.publishedVersio

    Validation of the Clinical COPD Questionnaire (CCQ) in primary care

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    BACKGROUND: Patient centred outcomes, such as health status, are important in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Extensive questionnaires on health status have good measurement properties, but are not suitable for use in primary care. The newly developed, short Clinical COPD Questionnaire, CCQ, was therefore validated against the St George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ). METHODS: 111 patients diagnosed by general practitioners as having COPD completed the questionnaires twice, 2–3 months apart, without systematic changes in treatment. Within this sample of patients with "clinical COPD" a subgroup of patients with spirometry verified COPD was identified. All analyses was performed on both groups. RESULTS: The mean FEV1 (% predicted) was 58.1% for all patients with clinical COPD and 52.4% in the group with verified COPD (n = 83). Overall correlations between SGRQ and CCQ were strong for all patients with clinical COPD (0.84) and the verified COPD subgroup (0.82). The concordance intra-class correlation between SGRQ and CCQ was 0.91 (p < 0.05). Correlations between CCQ and SGRQ were moderate to good, regardless of COPD severity. CONCLUSION: The CCQ is a valid and reliable instrument for assessments of health status on the group level in patients treated for COPD in primary care but its reliability may not be sufficient for the monitoring of individual patients

    Resiliência e Socialização Organizacional entre Servidores Públicos Brasileiros e Noruegueses

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between resilience and organizational socialization among civil servants at two public universities in two different cultures, namely Brazil and Norway. Organizational socialization research has shown that an individual’s adjustment to a new job and organization tends to be a stressful event and resilience, defined as the ability to overcome stress or adversity, could be of importance when it comes to explaining the differences in socialization outcomes among individuals at the same organization. Based on this assumption, research was conducted with a sample of Brazilian and Norwegian professors and technical-administrative employees. Hierarchical regression analyses were carried out to observe and compare the predictive power of resilience in relation to organizational socialization. The results showed that overall resilience added a significant incremental prediction to organizational socialization, beyond nationality and occupation. The predictive power of resilience in relation to organizational socialization was higher among the Brazilians than the Norwegians. The practical implications, limitations and main contributions of the study are discussed, with suggestions for future research

    Metacognitive Therapy for Depression in Adults: A Waiting List Randomized Controlled Trial with Six Months Follow-Up

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    This randomized controlled trial examines the efficacy of metacognitive therapy (MCT) for depression. Thirty-nine patients with depression were randomly assigned to immediate MCT (10 sessions) or a 10-week wait list period (WL). The WL-group received 10 sessions of MCT after the waiting period. Two participants dropped out from WL and none dropped out of immediate MCT treatment. Participants receiving MCT improved significantly more than the WL group. Large controlled effect sizes were observed for both depressive (d = 2.51) and anxious symptoms (d = 1.92). Approximately 70–80% could be classified as recovered at post-treatment and 6 months follow-up following immediate MCT, whilst 5% of the WL patients recovered during the waiting period. The results suggest that MCT is a promising treatment for depression. Future controlled studies should compare MCT with other active treatments