695 research outputs found

    Error analysis and the corresponding cognitive activities committed by year five primary students in solving mathematical word problems

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    AbstractThe purpose of this study was to identify errors and the corresponding cognitive activities committed by the 374 year five primary school students in solving the mathematical word problems for the ‘Fraction’ topic. The design of this study used Newman Error Analysis method and interviews. The findings showed that 52.91% of the errors made were due to lack of understanding, followed by transformation skills (22.37%), process skills (15.55%), encoding (8.84%) and reading (0.34 Based on these findings, the researchers proposed that teachers should ask students explicitly what problems they have in solving the mathematical word problems, observe students reactions and analyze errors committed by them

    Predicting The Area Of Specialization Using Neural Network

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    Prediction is one of the unique capabilities of neural network technology. This approach can be used in any area where knowledge is highly structured and can be represented in patterns. Neural networks have been used as a mechanism for a lot of industries such as in education, businesses, finance, banking, medicine, space science, marketing and others. A lot of real problems that can be predicted in order to obtain the most effective decision-making in the future. The objective of this study is to evaluate neural network techniques in predicting the area of specialization of Bachelor in Information Technology (B.I.T.) students at Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). In order to gain the best performance of the data, the method used is supervised learning. The study covers a brief discussion on the neural network concepts, the methodology used and the area of specialization dataset as a case study and allso including a brief discussion on supervised learning. The development of application involves data collection and management, then followed by neural network simulator for training and testing. The data used for training and testing the network was provided by Sekolah Teknologi Maklumat, Universiti Utara Malaysia. The best network model produced a prediction accuracy of 95.79 %. This clearly shows that neural network has a potential to be used for building education decision support system

    Business Process Orientation (BPO) and Its Correlation to Organization Performance : A Comparative Study Between Malaysian Companies and the Multinationals

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    Orientasi Proses Perniagaan (OPP) atau "Business Process Orientation" adalah suatu "cara pemikiran baru" atau "cara baru melihat" organisasi kita yang memberi penekanan kepada proses berbanding hirarki, suatu cara pemikiran berorientasikan proses, hasilan dan pelanggan. Penyelidikan ini cuba mengenalpasti OPP di kalangan syarikat tempatan dan multi-negara di Malaysia dengan hasrat untuk menentukan korelasi OPP kepada empat pengukuran prestasi organisasi - keseluruhan prestasi perniagaan, konflik antara fungsi, jalinan hubungan antara jabatan dan semangat kebersamaan. Hasil penyelidikan ini dengan jelas menunjukkan bahawa syarikat tempatan banyak memberikan penekanan kepada dokumentasi prose atau "Process View" sebaliknya syarikat multi-negara memberikan banyak penekanan kepada sistem pengurusan proses dan pengukuran prestasi atau "Process management and Measurement System". Tujuan akhir untuk menjadikan organisasi kita berorientasikan proses adalah untuk membawa proses-proses perniagaan ke peringkat bersepadu atau "integrated stage". Teknologi internet dan e-dagang terkini membolehkan jalinan hubungan dan integrasi proses perniagaan di buat dengan lebih pantas dan mudah di samping menjadikan syarikat lebih berdaya-saing. Hasil penyelidikan ini juga berjaya mempastikan dengan adanya OPP konflik antara fungsi akan berkurangan dan korelasi positif ditemui antara OPP dan jalinan hubungan antara jabatan, semangat kebersamaan dan keseluruhan prestasi perniagaan

    Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti ISO 9002 di Sekolah : Hubungkait Status Pelaksanaan dengan Kualiti dan Produktiviti Guru

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    The aim of the study is to see the relationship between the application status of ISO 9000 Quality Management System in the school with the quality and productivity of teachers (QPT). This study is an early exploratory study in the form of a case study. The orientation of the study is to look at the differences of the dimensions of the quality and productivity of teachers with regards to 3 school systems, that is, School With ISO 9002 Certification (known as Gl School), School In The Process Of Achieving The ISO 9002 Certification (G2 School), and School Without the ISO 9062 system. This case study is carried out in the Perks State, as two of the subjects, Gl and G2 are in that state. The instrument used to measure the quality and productivity of teachers was developed by Rahmah Yusak (1997). The instrument used for this study is the school’s administrators version. The result shows that the School Without ISO 9002 (G3) has a positive and high mean score than the School In The Process of Achieving ISO 9002 (G2), and also the School With ISO 9002 Certification (Gl), The dimensions in Gl that obtain high means were discipline, good morals, commitment, teamwork, and management. For G2 School, highly valued dimensions were good morals, discipline, commitment, teamwork, and management. Whereas G3 School, the dimensions that preceeded others were discipline, good morals, teamwork, commitment, and proactive. The research had fulfilled the purpose and objective where the comparison between the three different application status of ISO 9002 in the schools was contrasted in the dimensions of the quality and productivity of teachers. As a conclusion, the three schools with different status of the application of the ISO 9000 system, have a high quality dan productivity of teachers in the evaluation of the schools’ administrators

    Gaya kepimpinan Ketua Platun PALAPES Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dan kepuasan kerja dalam fasa medan pertahanan: kajian kes di Mempaga, Bentong, Pahang

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    Gaya kepimpinan dilihat berperanan besar dalam usaha memperkembangkan dan meningkatkan tahap kemantapan PALAPES (Pasukan Latihan Pegawai Simpanan) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dalam fasa Medan Pertahanan di Mempaga, Bentong Pahang. Gaya kepimpinan yang berkesan seringkali dilihat menyumbang kepada tahap kemantapan yang tinggi dan sebaliknya. Selari dengan itu, kertas kerja ini akan melihat hubungan antara gaya kepimpinan dengan kepuasan kerja PALAPES UKM. Kajian dijalankan ke atas PALAPES Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan dari aspek kepuasan kerja antara jantina. Hasil kajian juga menunjukkan gaya kepimpinan yang demokratik menyumbang kepada kepuasan kerja yang tinggi manakala gaya kepimpinan autokratik dan laisse faire menyumbang kepada kepuasan kerja yang rendah. Kertas kerja ini akan juga membincangkan beberapa intervensi yang boleh dilakukan dalam meningkatkan kepuasan kerja PALAPES UKM dalam usaha memperkembangkan dan meningkatkan keprofesionalisme PALAPES UKM

    MYTALENT: Pembangunan Sistem Pemetaan Bakat Berasaskan Web Untuk Industri Kecil dan Sederhana dalam Kalangan Pelajar Siswazah

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    Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk membangunkan sistem pemetaan bakat berasaskan web untuk pelajar siswazah yang berminat dalam Industri Kecil dan Sederhana (IKS). Sistem ini dibangunkan sebagai tindak balas kepada kekurangan penyelidikan mengenai penciptaan profil pelajar yang mengambil kira bakat, pengetahuan, dan kemahiran graduan dalam pemilihan pekerjaan. Selain itu, ketiadaan aplikasi atau sistem pemetaan bakat yang boleh membantu pelajar siswazah dalam mengenal pasti kerjaya yang berdaya maju berdasarkan minat, pengetahuan dan kebolehan mereka dalam Industri Kecil dan Sederhana mendorong kajian ini. Metodologi kajian ini adalah berdasarkan Model Prototaip Evolusi (Evolutionary Prototyping Model) yang mempunyai lima fasa. Kajian tinjauan sistem MyTalent menggunakan soal selidik Usefulness, Satisfaction, and Ease (USE). Kaedah pemetaan bakat yang direka bentuk baru ini menjanjikan untuk menyediakan pelajar siswazah baharu dengan perspektif baharu dalam meneroka laluan kerjaya baharu dalam IKS berdasarkan bakal bakat mereka. MyTalent: Development of Web Based Talent Mapping System for Small and Medium Scale Industry among Graduated Students Abstract: The goal of this research is to create a web-based talent mapping system for graduate students interested in small and medium-sized businesses (SMIs). This system was created in response to a lack of research on the development of student profiles that consider graduates' talents, knowledge, and skills when it comes to job selection. Furthermore, the lack of applications or talent mapping systems that can assist graduate students in identifying viable careers in Small and Medium Scale Industries based on their interests, knowledge, and abilities motivates this research. The methodology of this study is based on the five-phase Evolutionary Prototyping Model. The Usefulness, Satisfaction, and Ease (USE) questionnaire was used in the survey study for the MyTalent system. This newly developed talent mapping method promises to give new graduate students a fresh perspective on exploring a new career path in SMIs based on their potential talents. Keywords: Evolutionary Prototyping Model, Talent Mapping System, Web Based

    Integration of Religion and Culture in Muslim Minority Communities through Islamic Education

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    The clash between Islam and culture often occurs in efforts to disseminate Islamic education to the society especially in areas with Muslim minority communities. This study aims to explore the integration of culture and Islam in Muslim minority areas in the context of implementing Islamic education. The research took place at two Madrasah Aliyah schools and one Madrasah Tsanawiyah located in Tarutung City. This study applied qualitative and phenomenological approach. The data were obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. Triangulation techniques were used to analyze the data. The informants involved in this study were community leaders, educational leaders and religious leaders. The results of the study show that Islamic religion and culture can be integrated in socializing Islamic education to people in Muslim minority areas in Indonesia. Many aspects of Batak culture are maintained because they are in accordance with Islamic religious teaching. Some aspect of Batak culture that are contrary to Islamic religious teachings are adapted to be compatible with Islamic religious teachings. In this study, the integration of Islamic religion and Batak  culture  went fairly smoothly and is accepted by the community to deliver in Islamic education in the region

    Integration of Religion and Culture in Muslim Minority Communities through Islamic Education

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    The clash between Islam and culture often occurs in efforts to disseminate Islamic education to the society especially in areas with Muslim minority communities. This study aims to explore the integration of culture and Islam in Muslim minority areas in the context of implementing Islamic education. The research took place at two Madrasah Aliyah schools and one Madrasah Tsanawiyah located in Tarutung City. This study applied qualitative and phenomenological approach. The data were obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. Triangulation techniques were used to analyze the data. The informants involved in this study were community leaders, educational leaders and religious leaders. The results of the study show that Islamic religion and culture can be integrated in socializing Islamic education to people in Muslim minority areas in Indonesia. Many aspects of Batak culture are maintained because they are in accordance with Islamic religious teaching. Some aspect of Batak culture that are contrary to Islamic religious teachings are adapted to be compatible with Islamic religious teachings. In this study, the integration of Islamic religion and Batak  culture  went fairly smoothly and is accepted by the community to deliver in Islamic education in the region

    Tahap literasi komputer pelajar sekolah menengah di Kedah

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    Computer literacy has become the main agenda in today’s life. It has become one of the main sources for a country’s development. The main objective of the research is to measure the level of computer literacy among upper secondary school students in the state of Kedah. Moreover the research is to identify the relationship between parent’s level of education and income with student’s computer literacy. Furthermore the study also explores the relationship between student’s attitude and computer skill with computer literacy. Data was collected through the questionnaires distributed to 698 students from form four, form five and Lower Six in twelve secondary schools of seven provinces in Kedah state. Tools for measurement used in this study are Attitude Toward Computer Scale (ATCS), Computer Self – Efficiency Scale (CSES) and Minnesota Computer Literacy and Awareness Assessment Test (MCLAAT). To measure the objective and to examine the hypotheses of the study, tests such as mean, percentage, Chi Square and Cramer V are used. Significance level of 0.05 is used to accept or to reject the null hypothesis. Data is analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 12.0. The study finds that the student’s computer literacy level is moderately high with mean score of 66.67%. The overall findings conclude that there is a significance relationship between parent’s level of education and income with student’s computer literacy. However there is no significance relationship between student’s attitude and computer skill with computer literacy. The study suggests that schools should offer more computer related activities as to increase student’s computer literacy level

    Social Commentary on Photographic Images

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    AbstractSocial commentary is an alternative method to convey messages to the public with the hope to change their perceptions and attitudes toward certain social issues of ethnical, political, moral and even religious. Various methods are used either in the form electronic medium or printed medium. One of the methods is photographic images which are used by photography artists to convey their messages in social commentary. In the advanced countries, social commentaries images have long been accepted by the public hence become one of the powerful medium of communications in triggering toward society to change. In some developing countries including Malaysia however, the acceptance among public on the usage of photographic images in social commentary is argued still not fully accepted and understood which posted by photography artists. It is therefore, the photography artworks which are produced by these artists are become only as an ordinary exhibited materials that do not carry any message or impact to the public. As a consequence, there is communication gap between the artists and the public in the form of delivering, acceptance and understanding some of the issues which need be addressed and highlighted. This paper therefore, focuses to investigate the social commentary photography artists and to what extend their messages in the artworks are being understood by the public. This study involves by interviewing some Malaysian photography artists to probe details purposes and intention of why they produce their photographic works to be delivered to public. The observation and questionnaire are also employed. Finally, it is hoped that this study would benefit various levels of people such as artists, public, personnel in government and public sectors to bring a great impact and awareness that photographic images is become one of the powerful medium in conveying and delivering various messages to public
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