375 research outputs found

    Biaxial orientation of poly(vinyl chloride) compounds Part 2 –Structure–property relationships and their time dependency

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    X-ray diffraction and thermomechanical analysis have been used, respectively, to examine structural order and shrinkage behaviour for oriented samples of rigid and flexible poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC). Results were compared with previously measured tensile properties and structure–property relationships explored. X-ray diffraction showed that drawing produces planar crystallite orientation in PVC sheets. If drawing and subsequent annealing conditions are held constant, but draw ratio is varied, there is good correlation between structural order measured by X-ray diffraction and tensile strength. Increased annealing time and temperature improve crystallite order and dimensional stability, while tensile strength is unchanged. The greatest enhancement in tensile strength is achieved by stretching PVC towards its maximum draw ratio at 90°C, but optimum thermal stability of the oriented structure is achieved when higher annealing temperatures are used. Room temperature recovery is observed for flexible PVC when the material has a glass transition temperature below ambient. This can be delayed by increased annealing time and temperature, and by increased draw ratio

    UNL Libraries Book Use by Broad Discipline (Social Sciences, Sciences, and Humanities): Circulations and Renewals: Books Acquired 2003/04 – 2007/08 via Approval Plan Selection, Librarian Firm Order, and ILL Patron-Driven Acquisition

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    On numerous occasions over the course of the UNL Libraries’ continuing discussions concerning the allocation of collections monies, the UNL Libraries’ liaison librarians have made a variety of assertions, arguments, and claims concerning their patrons and their patrons’ needs. For example, the humanities librarians have repeatedly staked a claim to the humanities’ being the “book” discipline and have made a variety of assertions concerning humanities patrons and humanities books that could be treated as testable hypothesis. For example: 1) Humanities patrons use books more than do other disciplines’ patrons; 2) Humanities patrons use more books than do other disciplines’ patrons; 3) Humanities books are used more than are other disciplines’ books; 4) Humanities books’ circulation is an inadequate and/or inaccurate measure of humanities’ patrons’ need for and/or use of their books because it does not account for in-house usage, for ILL requests for returnables, or for circulation renewals (Note: this last argument has been that humanities patrons use books for deeper scholarship and for longer periods, so some portion of their potential circulations will be transformed into and lost as renewals); 5) …and so forth. It would be, of course, impossible to provide a complete and comprehensive analysis of collections usage that would address every issue and objection, but the authors hope here to address a few of the above points somewhat. Unfortunately, we cannot address the points concerning humanities patrons using books more or using more books than do the patrons of the other disciplines. Not least because of privacy concerns, the UNL Libraries simply does not track their patrons in a way that would allow for those analyses. Likely, patrons’ revealed preferences in this area could only be approached somewhat obliquely via citation analysis. For similar reasons, we cannot address the point concerning in-house usage by patron affiliation without arranging for data to be collected through direct observation and demographic interviews. The point concerning ILL borrowing of returnables might be addressable in future as the Delivery/ILL department collects a tremendous amount of data, but that data is not available for analysis at the moment. The questions that we can somewhat address here involve the books themselves: 1) Was a greater percentage of any one discipline’s books circulated over the interval? Renewed? Did it matter who selected the book? 2) Did any one discipline’s books experience more circulations? More circulations-and-renewals? 3) Which variables, in future, might be useful for predictively modelling circulation and/or circulations-and-renewals? 4) Could early relative performance predict future performance

    Model to predict the mechanical behaviour of oriented rigid PVC

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    The mechanical properties of PVC sheets can be modified substantially by both uniaxial and biaxial stretching of the material above its glass transition temperature. Previous experimental studies have established a clear pattern in the relationship between tensile properties of oriented PVC products and imposed strains. Several mathematical models have been scrutinised to assess whether the established pattern of behaviour can be modelled and predicted. Of these, "the filament theory", proposed by Turner, emerged as the best candidate. The filament theory has been refined and developed further into "the composite model". In its present form it gives a good correlation between predicted and measured yield stress values of oriented rigid PVC sheets and is also capable of predicting the "established pattern" of property dependence upon imposed strain

    NASA's Space Launch System: Unprecedented Payload Capabilities

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    As NASA turns 60 and plans to transition the International Space Station (ISS) and other low-Earth orbit (LEO) activities to commercial enterprises, the Agency's human exploration program turns its focus to deep space. With missions planned to send astronauts back to the Moon and to construct a lunar orbiting Gateway for surface access as well as science experiments and technology demonstrations, NASA requires a vehicle with capabilities for launching more mass and volume than is currently commercially available. To that end, NASA and its private sector partners are building the Space Launch System (SLS) super heavy-lift launch vehicle, which will send the new Orion crew capsule, eventually with a complement of four astronauts, to cislunar space for the first time since the Apollo Program in the 1960s and 1970s. NASA Kennedy Space Center's (KSC's) Exploration Ground Systems (EGS) Program has upgraded and refurbished ground and launch facilities to process, assemble and launch NASA's new deep space exploration system, which is managed by the Exploration Systems Development (ESD) organization in the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate (HEOMD). Offering an unmatched combination of power, payload capacity and departure energy, the evolvable SLS features the world's most proven propulsion system: solid rocket boosters and RS-25 main engines with a modified Delta Cryogenic Second Stage (DCSS) cryogenic upper stage. The initial SLS configuration, Block 1, will deliver at least 26 metric tons (t) to trans-lunar injection (TLI). The second variant, Block 1B, will deliver at least 34 t to TLI in its crew configuration and at least 40 t to TLI in its cargo configuration. The Block 1 cargo vehicle will fly with an industry-standard 5 m fairing while the Block 1B cargo configuration will accommodate 8 m-diameter fairings in varying lengths. The Block 2 vehicle will incorporate upgraded boosters and possibly larger fairings for launching Mars-class payloads to deep space. Although designed to enable human exploration of deep space, the vehicle also provides game-changing benefits for large science payloads and even harnesses excess capacity to provide small satellites with access to deep space. Three flights of the Block 1 vehicle are now planned; the first vehicle, being built for a test flight known as Exploration Mission-1 (EM-1), is nearing completion at NASA and contractor sites across the United States. In fact, hardware for the second mission has also been built. This paper will provide an overview of the SLS vehicle, with a focus on its payload accommodations and the missions enabled by the unprecedented payload volume and departure energy of SLS. This paper also describes the status of the manufacturing and integration for first flight and beyond

    NASA's Space Launch System: Enabling Exploration and Discovery

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    As NASA's new Space Launch System (SLS) launch vehicle continues to mature toward its first flight and beyond, so too do the agency's plans for utilization of the rocket. Substantial progress has been made toward the production of the vehicle for the first flight of SLS - an initial "Block 1" configuration capable of delivering more than 70 metric tons (t) to Low Earth Orbit (LEO). That vehicle will be used for an uncrewed integrated test flight, propelling NASA's Orion spacecraft into lunar orbit before it returns safely to Earth. Flight hardware for that launch is being manufactured at facilities around the United States, and, in the case of Orion's service module, beyond. At the same time, production has already begun on the vehicle for the second SLS flight, a more powerful Block 1B configuration capable of delivering more than 105 t to LEO. This configuration will be used for crewed launches of Orion, sending astronauts farther into space than anyone has previously ventured. The 1B configuration will introduce an Exploration Upper Stage, capable of both ascent and in-space propulsion, as well as a Universal Stage Adapter - a payload bay allowing the flight of exploration hardware with Orion - and unprecedentedly large payload fairings that will enable currently impossible spacecraft and mission profiles on uncrewed launches. The Block 1B vehicle will also expand on the initial configuration's ability to deploy CubeSat secondary payloads, creating new opportunities for low-cost access to deep space. Development work is also underway on future upgrades to SLS, which will culminate in about a decade in the Block 2 configuration, capable of delivering 130 t to LEO via the addition of advanced boosters. As the first SLS draws closer to launch, NASA continues to refine plans for the human deep-space exploration it will enable. Planning currently focuses on use of the vehicle to assemble a Deep Space Gateway, which would comprise a habitat in the lunar vicinity allowing astronauts to gain experience living and working in deep space, a testbed for new systems and capabilities needed for exploration beyond, and a departure point for NASA and partners to send missions to other destinations. Assembly of the Gateway would be followed by a Deep Space Transport, which would be a vehicle capable of carrying astronauts farther into our solar system and eventually to Mars. This paper will give an overview of SLS' current status and its capabilities, and discuss current utilization planning

    NASA's Space Launch System: An Evolving Capability for Exploration

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    Designed to enable human space exploration missions, including eventually landings on Mars, NASA's Space Launch System (SLS) represents a unique launch capability with a wide range of utilization opportunities, from delivering habitation systems into the "proving ground" of lunar-vicinity space to enabling high-energy transits through the outer solar system. Substantial progress has been made toward the first launch of the initial configuration of SLS, which will be able to deliver more than 70 metric tons of payload into low Earth orbit (LEO). Preparations are also underway to evolve the vehicle into more powerful configurations, culminating with the capability to deliver more than 130 metric tons to LEO. Even the initial configuration of SLS will be able to deliver greater mass to orbit than any contemporary launch vehicle, and the evolved configuration will have greater performance than the Saturn V rocket that enabled human landings on the moon. SLS will also be able to carry larger payload fairings than any contemporary launch vehicle, and will offer opportunities for co-manifested and secondary payloads. Because of its substantial mass-lift capability, SLS will also offer unrivaled departure energy, enabling mission profiles currently not possible. The basic capabilities of SLS have been driven by studies on the requirements of human deep-space exploration missions, and continue to be validated by maturing analysis of Mars mission options, including the Global Exploration Roadmap. Early collaboration with science teams planning future decadal-class missions have contributed to a greater understanding of the vehicle's potential range of utilization. As SLS draws closer to its first launch, the Program is maturing concepts for future capability upgrades, which could begin being available within a decade. These upgrades, from multiple unique payload accommodations to an upper stage providing more power for inspace propulsion, have ramifications for a variety of missions, from human exploration to robotic science

    NASA's Space Launch System: An Evolving Capability for Exploration

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    Designed to enable human space exploration missions, including eventually landings on Mars, NASA's Space Launch System (SLS) represents a unique launch capability with a wide range of utilization opportunities, from delivering habitation systems into the lunar vicinity to high-energy transits through the outer solar system. The vehicle will be able to deliver greater mass to orbit than any contemporary launch vehicle. SLS will also be able to carry larger payload fairings than any contemporary launch vehicle, and will offer opportunities for co-manifested and secondary payloads
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