1,036 research outputs found

    Student co-operation between universities and companies:case Oulu

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    Abstract. This thesis focuses on university–industry collaboration, and especially on student co-operation between companies and universities. Student co-operation in this study covers all university–industry interactions that fundamentally relate to students. The thesis aims to find out the key aspects that play a role when companies engage in student co-operation with universities. Also, students’ perceptions of these collaborations are investigated. Additionally, the role of faculty personnel is looked into, as much of educational collaboration includes them, too. University of Oulu is used as a case university, but the topic itself is universal and the findings contribute to the existing literature of university–industry collaboration, either by confirming what is already known, or at times creating new knowledge. It must also be noted that the literature regarding student co-operation (instead of university–industry collaboration in general) is rather scarce, which adds to the significance of the results of this thesis, also (and especially) in the Finnish context. To achieve the goals of the research, eight companies that collaborate with University of Oulu were chosen and their representatives were interviewed. Data collection for the student and staff perspectives was done through qualitative surveys. During the analysis process, five themes emerged as key aspects of student co-operation. The themes are: recruiting, branding, communication, influence & learning, and social responsibility. Additionally, the role of student associations as well as the role of career days are important, as they act as major touchpoints between companies and students. Especially recruiting and branding are important motives for companies to engage in student co-operation. While students perceive these activities rather positively in general, the results reveal that there are areas of development companies may not be aware of. Also, the role of communication is crucial for the realization of collaboration. At the time of writing, most companies perceived that it is not on the level it needs to be. Many companies also emphasized the role of responsibility as an integral part of collaboration. This is an aspect much of prior research omits, and the emergence of it itself acts as one of the findings of the study

    User Participation in Consulting Projects: Client and Provider Role Variations

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    This study presents a variation scheme of participation roles in consulting projects. Typical consulting assignments in the area known as IS planning involve strategic planning and information systems management, enterprise architecture, information management or information technology governance. Participation is a crucial issue in consulting on these issues. In the literature on participation, different roles and tasks have been found, but it is not always specified, on what types of projects or systems the results are based. The literature on consulting suggests some models for work division. In a two-phase qualitative study, we first collect possible tasks in ICT consulting projects, and then, based on further explorations, create a model for role variations in consulting. We compare roles suggested in the literature on participation and on consulting to our findings. The suggested variation model gives a common framework of reference for negotiations between the provider and the client, and helps to anticipate the needed competences and resources from both parties, and discern between their responsibilities

    Bilateral Vestibular Hypofunction in Quantitative Head Impulse Test : Clinical Characteristics in 23 Patients

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    OBJECTIVE: To explore clinical features of patients with bilateral vestibular hypofunction (BVH) verified in motorized head impulse test (MHIT). MATERIALS and METHODS: We examined clinical records of 23 adult patients (10 males and 13 females), whose gain of the vestibulo-ocular reflex in the MHIT was bilaterally lowered. Fifteen of 62 unilateral cochlear implant (CI) recipients routinely tested both pre-and postoperatively with the MHIT had BVH. Eight of 198 vestibular outpatients selected to the MHIT due to clinical causes had BVH. Clinical characteristics and a questionnaire regarding current sensations were analyzed. RESULTS: The mean gain +/- SD in the MHIT was 0.26 +/- 0.17 on the right and 0.26 +/- 0.14 on the left side. The mean gain in the CI recipients did not differ from that of vestibular outpatients (p>0.05). All outpatients with BVH suffered from oscillopsia, whereas only 46% of CI recipients experienced oscillopsia (p=0.048). Instability was more prominent (p=0.004) and quality of life further decreased (p=0.012) among vestibular outpatients compared with CI patients. Most common etiology for the BVH was meningitis. Other causes were either sudden or progressive loss of labyrinthine function, bilateral Meniere's disease, and ototoxicity. CONCLUSION: BVH is rare even in a specialized clinic. Vestibular outpatients were more disabled than CI recipients with the BVH.Peer reviewe

    Simultaneous bilateral stapes surgery after follow-up of 13 years

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    Background Eighteen patients underwent simultaneous bilateral stapes surgery in 2003-2006. Objectives We evaluated the long-term outcomes in this patient group, and assessed their hearing in noise and binaural hearing. Material and Methods Fifteen patients returned questionnaires concerning their hearing, taste function, and balance. Thirteen patients underwent pure-tone and speech audiogram, Finnish matrix sentence test, video head impulse test, and clinical examination on average 13 years after surgery. Results We found no significant difference in air- and bone conduction pure-tone average, speech audiometry, and the air-bone gap between the 1-year and the late postoperative visits. One patient had bilaterally a partial loss of the vestibulo-ocular reflex of unknown cause. Conclusions and Significance The hearing results 13 years after simultaneous bilateral stapes surgery remained good without any significant delayed complications. Simultaneous bilateral stapes surgery is a viable treatment option in selected patients with otosclerosis.Peer reviewe

    On classification in the case of a medical data set with a complicated distribution

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    Abstract In one of our earlier studies we noticed how straightforward cleaning of our medical data set impaired its classification results considerably with some machine learning methods, but not all of them, unexpectedly and against intuition compared to the original situation without any data cleaning. After a more precise exploration of the data, we found that the reason was the complicated variable distribution of the data although there were only two classes in it. In addition to a straightforward data cleaning method, we used an efficient way called neighbourhood cleaning that solved the problem and improved our classification accuracies 5–10%, at their best, up to 95% of all test cases. This shows how important it is first very carefully to study distributions of data sets to be classified and use different cleaning techniques in order to obtain best classification results.Peer reviewe


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    Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan argumentointia painottavan luonnontieteen kouluopetuksen tavoitteita kansainvälisen tutkimuskirjallisuuden pohjalta. Tarkasteluun valittiin 14 luonnontieteen kouluopetuksen kansainvälistä tutkimusartikkelia, joissa esiintyvät kuvaukset argumentoinnin tavoitteista luokiteltiin niissä esiintyvien teemojen perusteella. Tavoitekuvauksista erottui kolme pääteemaa: koulussa opetettavien luonnontieteiden autenttisuuden lisääminen, oppilaiden ajattelu- ja vuorovaikutustaitojen kehittymisen tukeminen sekä sisältötiedon osaamisen ja luonnontieteellisen sivistyksen syventäminen. Autenttisen kuvan välittäminen luonnontieteistä oppilaille näyttäytyi edellytyksenä muiden oppimistavoitteiden saavuttamiselle. Tavoitteiden tunnistaminen edesauttaa argumentoinnin painottamista suomalaisessa luonnontieteen opetuksessa.Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan argumentointia painottavan luonnontieteen kouluopetuksen tavoitteita kansainvälisen tutkimuskirjallisuuden pohjalta. Tarkasteluun valittiin 14 luonnontieteen kouluopetuksen kansainvälistä tutkimusartikkelia, joissa esiintyvät kuvaukset argumentoinnin tavoitteista luokiteltiin niissä esiintyvien teemojen perusteella. Tavoitekuvauksista erottui kolme pääteemaa: koulussa opetettavien luonnontieteiden autenttisuuden lisääminen, oppilaiden ajattelu- ja vuorovaikutustaitojen kehittymisen tukeminen sekä sisältötiedon osaamisen ja luonnontieteellisen sivistyksen syventäminen. Autenttisen kuvan välittäminen luonnontieteistä oppilaille näyttäytyi edellytyksenä muiden oppimistavoitteiden saavuttamiselle. Tavoitteiden tunnistaminen edesauttaa argumentoinnin painottamista suomalaisessa luonnontieteen opetuksessa

    Dynamic relaxation of the elastic properties of hard carbon films

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    The effect of enhanced atomic mobility on the growth of hard carbon films was examined. Tetrahedrally bonded amorphous carbon films were deposited by condensing energetic carbon ions using an arc-discharge deposition method. The deposition temperature varied between 50 and 400 °C. The dependence of elastic properties on deposition temperature was examined by determining the frequency-dependent propagation velocity of ultrasonic surface acoustic waves induced by a laser. A remarkable decrease in elastic coefficient was revealed above the deposition temperature of 300 °C and complete relaxation was obtained at 400 °C. This observation was analyzed by using a simple model which was in turn supported by molecular dynamics simulations. The relaxation turns out to be a thermally activated, dynamic process with an activation energy of 0.57 eV. Possible relaxation mechanisms associated with the migration of atoms or defects on a growing surface are discussed.Peer reviewe

    Role of concerted atomic movements on the diffusion of small islands on fcc(100) metal surfaces

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    The master equation formalism is used to analytically calculate the center-of-mass diffusion coefficient for small two-dimensional islands on fcc(100) metal surfaces. We consider the case of Cu on Cu(100) containing up to nine atoms, with energetics obtained from semiempirical interaction potentials. In the case where only single-particle processes are taken into account, the analytic results agree well with previous Monte Carlo simulation data. However, when recently proposed many-particle processes are included, in some cases the diffusion coefficients increase by an order of magnitude at room temperatures. Qualitatively, the oscillatory behavior of diffusion as a function of the island size is not affected by the many-particle processes.Peer reviewe
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