2,609 research outputs found

    The Two-Tier Discovery Provision Of Rule 26(B)(2)(B) - A Reasonable Measure For Controlling Electronic Discovery?

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    One of the most innovative provisions in the newly-effective amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure addressing electronic discovery may be the creation of a two-tier system for the discovery of electronically stored information, under new Rule 26(b)(2)(B). This rule states that “[a] party need not provide discovery” of such information “from sources that the party identifies as not reasonably accessible because of undue burden or cost.

    Panel III:  Implications of the New Telecommunications Legislation

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    We present a method that employs a tree-based Neural Network (NN) for performing classification. The novel mechanism, apart from incorporating the information provided by unlabeled and labeled instances, re-arranges the nodes of the tree as per the laws of Adaptive Data Structures (ADSs). Particularly, we investigate the Pattern Recognition (PR) capabilities of the Tree-Based Topology-Oriented SOM (TTOSOM) when Conditional Rotations (CONROT) [8] are incorporated into the learning scheme. The learning methodology inherits all the properties of the TTOSOM-based classifier designed in [4]. However, we now augment it with the property that frequently accessed nodes are moved closer to the root of the tree. Our experimental results show that on average, the classification capabilities of our proposed strategy are reasonably comparable to those obtained by some of the state-of-the-art classification schemes that only use labeled instances during the training phase. The experiments also show that improved levels of accuracy can be obtained by imposing trees with a larger number of nodes

    A surface spherical harmonic expansion of gravity anomalies on the ellipsoid

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    A surface spherical harmonic expansion of gravity anomalies with respect to a geodetic reference ellipsoid can be used to model the global gravity field and reveal its spectral properties. In this paper, a direct and rigorous transformation between solid spherical harmonic coefficients of the Earth’s disturbing potential and surface spherical harmonic coefficients of gravity anomalies in ellipsoidal approximation with respect to a reference ellipsoid is derived. This transformation cannot rigorously be achieved by the Hotine–Jekeli transformation between spherical and ellipsoidal harmonic coefficients. The method derived here is used to create a surface spherical harmonic model of gravity anomalies with respect to the GRS80 ellipsoid from the EGM2008 global gravity model. Internal validation of the model shows a global RMS precision of <1 nGal. This is significantly more precise than previous solutions based on spherical approximation or approximations to order e2 or e3, which are shown to be insufficient for the generation of surface spherical harmonic coefficients with respect to a geodetic reference ellipsoid. Numerical results of two applications of the new method (the computation of ellipsoidal corrections to gravimetric geoid computation, and area means of gravity anomalies in ellipsoidal approximation) are provided

    Combining EGM2008 and SRTM/DTM2006.0 residual terrain model data to improve quasigeoid computations in mountainous areas devoid of gravity data

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    A global geopotential model, like EGM2008, is not capable of representing the high-frequency components of Earth?s gravity field. This is known as the omission error. In mountainous terrain, omission errors in EGM2008, even when expanded to degree 2,190, may reach amplitudes of10cm and more for height anomalies. The present paper proposes the utilisation of high-resolution residual terrain model (RTM) data for computing estimates of the omission error in rugged terrain. RTM elevations may be constructed as the difference between the SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) elevation model and the DTM2006.0 spherical harmonic topographic expansion. Numerical tests, carried out in the German Alps with a precise gravimetric quasigeoid model (GCG05) and GPS/levelling data as references, demonstrate that RTM-based omission error estimatesimprove EGM2008 height anomaly differences by 10cm in many cases. The comparisons of EGM2008-only height anomalies and the GCG05 model showed 3.7 cm standard deviation after a bias-fit. Applying RTM omission error estimates to EGM2008 reduces the standard deviation to 1.9 cm which equates to a significant improvement rate of 47%. Using GPS/levelling data strongly corroborates thesefindings with an improvement rate of 49%. The proposed RTM approach may be of practical value to improve quasigeoid determination in mountainous areas without sufficient regional gravity data coverage, e.g., in parts of Asia, South America or Africa. As a further application, RTMomission error estimates will allow refined validation of global gravity field models like EGM2008 from GPS/levelling data

    Mutual Validation of GNSS Height Measurements and High-precision Geometric-astronomical Leveling

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    The method of geometric-astronomical leveling is presented as a suited technique for the validation of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) heights. In geometric-astronomical leveling, the ellipsoidal height differences are obtained by combining conventional spirit leveling and astronomical leveling. Astronomical leveling with recently developed digital zenith camera systems is capable of providing the geometry of equipotential surfaces of the gravity field accurate to a few 0.1 mm per km. This is comparable to the accuracy of spirit leveling. Consequently, geometric-astronomical leveling yields accurate ellipsoidal height differences that may serve as an independent check on GNSS height measurements at local scales. A test was performed in a local geodetic network near Hanover. GPS observations were simultaneously carried out at five stations over a time span of 48 h and processed considering state-of-the-art techniques and sophisticated new approaches to reduce station-dependent errors. The comparison of GPS height differences with those from geometric-astronomical leveling shows a promising agreement of some millimeters. The experiment indicates the currently achievable accuracy level of GPS height measurements and demonstrates the practical applicability of the proposed approach for the validation of GNSS height measurements as well as the evaluation of GNSS height processing strategies

    Scale interactions between the meso‐ and synoptic scales and the impact of diabatic heating

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    For both the meso- and synoptic scales, reduced mathematical models give insight into their dynamical behaviour. For the mesoscale, the weak temperature gradient approximation is one of several approaches, while for the synoptic scale the quasigeostrophic theory is well established. However, the way these two scales interact with each other is usually not included in such reduced models, thereby limiting our current perception of flow-dependent predictability and upscale error growth. Here, we address the scale interactions explicitly by developing a two-scale asymptotic model for the meso- and synoptic scales with two coupled sets of equations for the meso- and synoptic scales respectively. The mesoscale equations follow a weak temperature gradient balance and the synoptic-scale equations align with quasigeostrophic theory. Importantly, the equation sets are coupled via scale-interaction terms: eddy correlations of mesoscale variables impact the synoptic potential vorticity tendency and synoptic variables force the mesoscale vorticity (for instance due to tilting of synoptic-scale wind shear). Furthermore, different diabatic heating rates—representing the effect of precipitation—define different flow characteristics. With weak mesoscale heating relatable to precipitation rates o

    Expected accuracy of tilt measurements on a novel hexapod-based Digital zenith camera system: A Monte-Carlo simulation study

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    Digital zenith camera systems (DZCS) are dedicated astronomical-geodetic measurement systems for the observation of the direction of the plumb line. A DZCS key component is a pair of tilt meters for the determination of the instrumental tilt with respect to the plumb line. Highest accuracy (i.e., 0.1 arc-seconds or better) is achieved in practice through observation with precision tilt meters in opposite faces (180° instrumental rotation), and application of rigorous tilt reduction models. A novel concept proposes the development of a hexapod (Stewart platform)-based DZCS. However, hexapod-based total rotations are limited to about 30°–60° in azimuth (equivalent to ±15° to ±30° yaw rotation), which raises the question of the impact of the rotation angle between the two faces on the accuracy of the tilt measurement. The goal of the present study is the investigation of the expected accuracy of tilt measurements to be carried out on future hexapod-based DZCS, with special focus placed on the role of the limited rotation angle. A Monte-Carlo simulation study is carried out in order to derive accuracy estimates for the tilt determination as a function of several input parameters, and the results are validated against analytical error propagation.As the main result of the study, limitation of the instrumental rotation to 60° (30°) deteriorates the tilt accuracy by a factor of about 2 (4) compared to a 180° rotation between the faces. Nonetheless, a tilt accuracy at the 0.1 arc-second level is expected when the rotation is at least 45°, and 0.05 arc-second (about 0.25 microradian) accurate tilt meters are deployed. As such, a hexapod-based DZCS can be expected to allow sufficiently accurate determination of the instrumental tilt. This provides supporting evidence for the feasibility of such a novel instrumentation. The outcomes of our study are not only relevant to the field of DZCS, but also to all other types of instruments where the instrumental tilt must be corrected. Examples include electronic theodolites or total stations, gravity meters, and other hexapod-based telescopes

    Hydroxycarboxylic Acid Receptor 1 and Neuroprotection in a Mouse Model of Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion.

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    Lactate is an intriguing molecule with emerging physiological roles in the brain. It has beneficial effects in animal models of acute brain injuries and traumatic brain injury or subarachnoid hemorrhage patients. However, the mechanism by which lactate provides protection is unclear. While there is evidence of a metabolic effect of lactate providing energy to deprived neurons, it can also activate the hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1 (HCAR1), a Gi-coupled protein receptor that modulates neuronal firing rates. After cerebral hypoxia-ischemia, endogenously produced brain lactate is largely increased, and the exogenous administration of more lactate can decrease lesion size and ameliorate the neurological outcome. To test whether HCAR1 plays a role in lactate-induced neuroprotection, we injected the agonists 3-chloro-5-hydroxybenzoic acid and 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid into mice subjected to 30-min middle cerebral artery occlusion. The in vivo administration of HCAR1 agonists at reperfusion did not appear to exert any relevant protective effect as seen with lactate administration. Our results suggest that the protective effects of lactate after hypoxia-ischemia come rather from the metabolic effects of lactate than its signaling through HCAR1

    Indirect evaluation of Mars Gravity Model 2011 using a replication experiment on Earth

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    Curtin University’s Mars Gravity Model 2011 (MGM2011) is a high-resolution composite set of gravity field functionals that uses topography-implied gravity effects at medium- and short-scales (~125 km to ~3 km) to augment the space-collected MRO110B2 gravity model. Ground-truth gravity observations that could be used for direct validation of MGM2011 are not available on Mars’s surface. To indirectly evaluate MGM2011 and its modelling principles, an as-close-as-possible replication of the MGM2011 modelling approach was performed on Earth as the planetary body with most detailed gravity field knowledge available. Comparisons among six ground-truth data sets (gravity disturbances, quasigeoid undulations and vertical deflections) and the MGM2011-replication over Europe and North America show unanimously that topography-implied gravity information improves upon space-collected gravity models over areas with rugged terrain. The improvements are ~55% and ~67% for gravity disturbances, ~12% and ~47% for quasigeoid undulations, and ~30% to ~50% for vertical deflections. Given that the correlation between space-collected gravity and topography is higher for Mars than Earth at spatial scales of a few 100 km, topography-implied gravity effects are more dominant on Mars. It is therefore reasonable to infer that the MGM2011 modelling approach is suitable, offering an improvement over space-collected Martian gravity field models