56 research outputs found

    Temporal diabetes-induced biochemical changes in distinctive layers of mouse retina

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    To discover the mechanisms underlying the progression of diabetic retinopathy (DR), a more comprehensive understanding of the biomolecular processes in individual retinal cells subjected to hyperglycemia is required. Despite extensive studies, the changes in the biochemistry of retinal layers during the development of DR are not well known. In this study, we aimed to determine a more detailed understanding of the natural history of DR in Akita/+ (type 1 diabetes model) male mice with different duration of diabetes. Employing label-free spatially resolved Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) chemical imaging engaged with multivariate analysis enabled us to identify temporal-dependent reproducible biomarkers of the individual retinal layers from mice with 6 weeks,12 weeks, 6 months, and 10 months of age. We report, for the first time, the nature of the biochemical alterations over time in the biochemistry of distinctive retinal layers namely photoreceptor retinal layer (PRL), inner nuclear layer (INL), and plexiform layers (OPL, IPL). Moreover, we present the molecular factors associated with the changes in the protein structure and cellular lipids of retinal layers induced by different duration of diabetes. Our paradigm provides a new conceptual framework for a better understanding of the temporal cellular changes underlying the progression of DR

    Quantifying Biochemical alterations in Brown and subcutaneous White adipose Tissues of Mice Using Fourier Transform infrared Widefield imaging

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    Stimulating increased thermogenic activity in adipose tissue is an important biological target for obesity treatment, and label-free imaging techniques with the potential to quantify stimulation-associated biochemical changes to the adipose tissue are highly sought after. In this study, we used spatially resolved Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) imaging to quantify biochemical changes caused by cold exposure in the brown and subcutaneous white adipose tissues (BAT and s-WAT) of 6 week-old C57BL6 mice exposed to 30°C (N = 5), 24°C (N = 5), and 10°C (N = 5) conditions for 10 days. Fat exposed to colder temperatures demonstrated greater thermogenic activity as indicated by increased messenger RNA expression levels of a panel of thermogenic marker genes including uncoupling protein 1 (UCP-1) and Dio2. Protein to lipid ratio, calculated from the ratio of the integrated area from 1,600 to 1,700 cm−1 (amide I) to the integrated area from 2,830 to 2,980 cm−1 (saturated lipids), was elevated in 10°C BAT and s-WAT compared to 24°C (p = 0.004 and p \u3c 0.0001) and 30°C (p = 0.0033 and p \u3c 0.0001). Greater protein to lipid ratio was associated with greater UCP-1 expression level in the BAT (p = 0.021) and s-WAT (p = 0.032) and greater Dio2 expression in s-WAT (p = 0.033). The degree of unsaturation, calculated from the ratio of the integrated area from 2,992 to 3,020 cm−1 (unsaturated lipids) to the integrated area from 2,830 to 2,980 cm−1 (saturated lipids), showed stepwise decreases going from colder-exposed to warmer-exposed BAT. Complementary 1H NMR measurements confirmed the findings from this ratio in BAT. Principal component analysis applied to FTIR spectra revealed pronounced differences in overall spectral characteristics between 30, 24, and 10°C BAT and s-WAT. Spatially resolved FTIR imaging is a promising technique to quantify cold-induced biochemical changes in BAT and s-WAT in a label-free manner

    Toward optimal spatial and spectral quality in widefield infrared spectromicroscopy of IR labelled single cells.

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    International audienceAdvancements in widefield infrared spectromicroscopy have recently been demonstrated following the commissioning of IRENI (InfraRed ENvironmental Imaging), a Fourier Transform infrared (FTIR) chemical imaging beamline at the Synchrotron Radiation Center. The present study demonstrates the effects of magnification, spatial oversampling, spectral pre-processing and deconvolution, focusing on the intracellular detection and distribution of an exogenous metal tris-carbonyl derivative 1 in a single MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell. We demonstrate here that spatial oversampling for synchrotron-based infrared imaging is critical to obtain accurate diffraction-limited images at all wavelengths simultaneously. Resolution criteria and results from raw and deconvoluted images for two Schwarzschild objectives (36×, NA 0.5 and 74×, NA 0.65) are compared to each other and to prior reports for raster-scanned, confocal microscopes. The resolution of the imaging data can be improved by deconvolving the instrumental broadening that is determined with the measured PSFs, which is implemented with GPU programming architecture for fast hyperspectral processing. High definition, rapidly acquired, FTIR chemical images of respective spectral signatures of the cell 1 and shows that 1 is localized next to the phosphate- and Amide-rich regions, in agreement with previous infrared and luminescence studies. The infrared image contrast, localization and definition are improved after applying proven spectral pre-processing (principal component analysis based noise reduction and RMie scattering correction algorithms) to individual pixel spectra in the hyperspectral cube

    Estimating and correcting interference fringes in infrared spectra in infrared hyperspectral imaging

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    Short-term acclimation response of individual cells of Thalassiosira weissflogii was monitored by Synchrotron FTIR imaging over the span of 75 minutes. The cells, collected from batch cultures, were maintained in a constant flow of medium, at an irradiance of 120 ÎŒmol m−2 s−1 and at 20 °C. Multiple internal reflections due to the micro fluidic channel were modeled, and showed that fringes are additive sinusoids to the pure absorption of the other components of the system. Preprocessing of the hyperspectral cube (x, y, Abs(λ)) included removing spectral fringe using an EMSC approach. Principal component analysis of the time series of hyperspectral cubes showed macromolecular pool variations (carbohydrates, lipids and DNA/RNA) of less than 2% after fringe correction

    Multifunctional supramolecular polymer networks as next-generation consolidants for archaeological wood conservation.

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    The preservation of our cultural heritage is of great importance to future generations. Despite this, significant problems have arisen with the conservation of waterlogged wooden artifacts. Three major issues facing conservators are structural instability on drying, biological degradation, and chemical degradation on account of Fe(3+)-catalyzed production of sulfuric and oxalic acid in the waterlogged timbers. Currently, no conservation treatment exists that effectively addresses all three issues simultaneously. A new conservation treatment is reported here based on a supramolecular polymer network constructed from natural polymers with dynamic cross-linking formed by a combination of both host-guest complexation and a strong siderophore pendant from a polymer backbone. Consequently, the proposed consolidant has the ability to chelate and trap iron while enhancing structural stability. The incorporation of antibacterial moieties through a dynamic covalent linkage into the network provides the material with improved biological resistance. Exploiting an environmentally compatible natural material with completely reversible chemistries is a safer, greener alternative to current strategies and may extend the lifetime of many culturally relevant waterlogged artifacts around the world.This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final version is available from PNAS at http://www.pnas.org/content/111/50/17743.long

    The author file: Rohit Bhargava and Carol Hirschmugl

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    Opportunities for Live Cell FT-Infrared Imaging: Macromolecule Identification with 2D and 3D Localization

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    Infrared (IR) spectromicroscopy, or chemical imaging, is an evolving technique that is poised to make significant contributions in the fields of biology and medicine. Recent developments in sources, detectors, measurement techniques and speciman holders have now made diffraction-limited Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) imaging of cellular chemistry in living cells a reality. The availability of bright, broadband IR sources and large area, pixelated detectors facilitate live cell imaging, which requires rapid measurements using non-destructive probes. In this work, we review advances in the field of FTIR spectromicroscopy that have contributed to live-cell two and three-dimensional IR imaging, and discuss several key examples that highlight the utility of this technique for studying the structure and chemistry of living cells

    Synchrotron-Based Three-Dimensional Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectro-Microtomography Of Murchison Meteorite Grain

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    We demonstrate nondestructive, three-dimensional, microscopic, infrared (IR) spectral in-situ imaging of an extraterrestrial sample. Spatially resolved chemical composition and spatial correlations are investigated within a single 45 ”m grain of the Murchison meteorite. Qualitative and quantitative investigation through this analytical technique can help elucidate the origin and evolution of meteoritic compounds as well as parent body processes without damaging or altering the investigated samples

    Time lapse synchrotron IR chemical imaging for observing the acclimation of a single algal cell to CO2 treatment

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    Algae are the main primary producers in aquatic environments and therefore of fundamental importance for the global ecosystem. Mid-infrared (IR) microspectroscopy is a non-invasive tool that allows in principle studying chemical composition on a single-cell level. For a long time, however, mid-infrared (IR) imaging of living algal cells in an aqueous environment has been a challenge due to the strong IR absorption of water. In this study, we employed multi-beam synchrotron radiation to measure time-resolved IR hyperspectral images of individual Thalassiosira weissflogii cells in water in the course of acclimation to an abrupt change of CO2 availability (from 390 to 5000 ppm and vice versa) over 75 minutes. We used a previously developed algorithm to correct sinusoidal interference fringes from IR hyperspectral imaging data. After preprocessing and fringe correction of the hyperspectral data, principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to assess the spatial distribution of organic pools within the algal cells. Through the analysis of 200,000 spectra, we were able to identify compositional modifications associated with CO2 treatment. PCA revealed changes in the carbohydrate pool (1200-950 cm-1), lipids (1740, 2852, 2922 cm-1), and nucleic acid (1160 and 1201 cm-1) as the major response of exposure to elevated CO2 concentrations. Our results show a local metabolism response to this external perturbation
