1,777 research outputs found

    Latest Results from the Heidelberg-Moscow Double Beta Decay Experiment

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    New results for the double beta decay of 76Ge are presented. They are extracted from Data obtained with the HEIDELBERG-MOSCOW, which operates five enriched 76Ge detectors in an extreme low-level environment in the GRAN SASSO. The two neutrino accompanied double beta decay is evaluated for the first time for all five detectors with a statistical significance of 47.7 kg y resulting in a half life of (T_(1/2))^(2nu) = [1.55 +- 0.01 (stat) (+0.19) (-0.15) (syst)] x 10^(21) years. The lower limit on the half-life of the 0nu beta-beta decay obtained with pulse shape analysis is (T_(1/2))^(0_nu) > 1.9 x 10^(25) [3.1 x 10^(25)] years with 90% C.L. (68% C.L.) (with 35.5 kg y). This results in an upper limit of the effective Majorana neutrino mass of 0.35 eV (0.27 eV). No evidence for a Majoron emitting decay mode or for the neutrinoless mode is observed.Comment: 14 pages, revtex, 6 figures, Talk was presented at third International Conference ' Dark Matter in Astro and Particle Physics' - DARK2000, to be publ. in Proc. of DARK2000, Springer (2000). Please look into our HEIDELBERG Non-Accelerator Particle Physics group home page: http://www.mpi-hd.mpg.de/non_acc

    Supersymmetric mass spectra and the seesaw type-I scale

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    We calculate supersymmetric mass spectra with cMSSM boundary conditions and a type-I seesaw mechanism added to explain current neutrino data. Using published, estimated errors on SUSY mass observables for a combined LHC+ILC analysis, we perform a theoretical χ2\chi^2 analysis to identify parameter regions where pure cMSSM and cMSSM plus seesaw type-I might be distinguishable with LHC+ILC data. The most important observables are determined to be the (left) smuon and selectron masses and the splitting between them, respectively. Splitting in the (left) smuon and selectrons is tiny in most of cMSSM parameter space, but can be quite sizeable for large values of the seesaw scale, mSSm_{SS}. Thus, for very roughly mSS1014m_{SS} \ge 10^{14} GeV hints for type-I seesaw might appear in SUSY mass measurements. Since our numerical results depend sensitively on forecasted error bars, we discuss in some detail the accuracies, which need to be achieved, before a realistic analysis searching for signs of type-I seesaw in SUSY spectra can be carried out.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Representation of Markov chains by random maps: existence and regularity conditions

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    We systematically investigate the problem of representing Markov chains by families of random maps, and which regularity of these maps can be achieved depending on the properties of the probability measures. Our key idea is to use techniques from optimal transport to select optimal such maps. Optimal transport theory also tells us how convexity properties of the supports of the measures translate into regularity properties of the maps via Legendre transforms. Thus, from this scheme, we cannot only deduce the representation by measurable random maps, but we can also obtain conditions for the representation by continuous random maps. Finally, we present conditions for the representation of Markov chain by random diffeomorphisms.Comment: 22 pages, several changes from the previous version including extended discussion of many detail

    Measuring co-authorship and networking-adjusted scientific impact

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    Appraisal of the scientific impact of researchers, teams and institutions with productivity and citation metrics has major repercussions. Funding and promotion of individuals and survival of teams and institutions depend on publications and citations. In this competitive environment, the number of authors per paper is increasing and apparently some co-authors don't satisfy authorship criteria. Listing of individual contributions is still sporadic and also open to manipulation. Metrics are needed to measure the networking intensity for a single scientist or group of scientists accounting for patterns of co-authorship. Here, I define I1 for a single scientist as the number of authors who appear in at least I1 papers of the specific scientist. For a group of scientists or institution, In is defined as the number of authors who appear in at least In papers that bear the affiliation of the group or institution. I1 depends on the number of papers authored Np. The power exponent R of the relationship between I1 and Np categorizes scientists as solitary (R>2.5), nuclear (R=2.25-2.5), networked (R=2-2.25), extensively networked (R=1.75-2) or collaborators (R<1.75). R may be used to adjust for co-authorship networking the citation impact of a scientist. In similarly provides a simple measure of the effective networking size to adjust the citation impact of groups or institutions. Empirical data are provided for single scientists and institutions for the proposed metrics. Cautious adoption of adjustments for co-authorship and networking in scientific appraisals may offer incentives for more accountable co-authorship behaviour in published articles.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Electronic Structure Calculations with LDA+DMFT

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    The LDA+DMFT method is a very powerful tool for gaining insight into the physics of strongly correlated materials. It combines traditional ab-initio density-functional techniques with the dynamical mean-field theory. The core aspects of the method are (i) building material-specific Hubbard-like many-body models and (ii) solving them in the dynamical mean-field approximation. Step (i) requires the construction of a localized one-electron basis, typically a set of Wannier functions. It also involves a number of approximations, such as the choice of the degrees of freedom for which many-body effects are explicitly taken into account, the scheme to account for screening effects, or the form of the double-counting correction. Step (ii) requires the dynamical mean-field solution of multi-orbital generalized Hubbard models. Here central is the quantum-impurity solver, which is also the computationally most demanding part of the full LDA+DMFT approach. In this chapter I will introduce the core aspects of the LDA+DMFT method and present a prototypical application.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures. Chapter of "Many-Electron Approaches in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics: A Multidisciplinary View", eds. V. Bach and L. Delle Site, Springer 201

    Dark matter scenarios in the minimal SUSY B-L model

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    We perform a study of the dark matter candidates of a constrained version of the minimal R-parity-conserving supersymmetric model with a gauged U(1)BLU(1)_{B-L}. It turns out that there are four additional candidates for dark matter in comparison to the MSSM: two kinds of neutralino, which either correspond to the gaugino of the U(1)BLU(1)_{B-L} or to a fermionic bilepton, as well as "right-handed" CP-even and -odd sneutrinos. The correct dark matter relic density of the neutralinos can be obtained due to different mechanisms including new co-annihilation regions and resonances. The large additional Yukawa couplings required to break the U(1)BLU(1)_{B-L} radiatively often lead to large annihilation cross sections for the sneutrinos. The correct treatment of gauge kinetic mixing is crucial to the success of some scenarios. All candidates are consistent with the exclusion limits of Xenon100.Comment: 45 pages, 22 figures; v2: extended discussion of direct detection cross section, matches published versio

    Radiative contribution to neutrino masses and mixing in μν\mu\nuSSM

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    In an extension of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (popularly known as the μν\mu\nuSSM), three right handed neutrino superfields are introduced to solve the μ\mu-problem and to accommodate the non-vanishing neutrino masses and mixing. Neutrino masses at the tree level are generated through RR-parity violation and seesaw mechanism. We have analyzed the full effect of one-loop contributions to the neutrino mass matrix. We show that the current three flavour global neutrino data can be accommodated in the μν\mu\nuSSM, for both the tree level and one-loop corrected analyses. We find that it is relatively easier to accommodate the normal hierarchical mass pattern compared to the inverted hierarchical or quasi-degenerate case, when one-loop corrections are included.Comment: 51 pages, 14 figures (58 .eps files), expanded introduction, other minor changes, references adde

    On the (anisotropic) uniform metallic ground states of fermions interacting through arbitrary two-body potentials in d dimensions

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    We demonstrate that the skeleton of the Fermi surface S_{F;s} pertaining to a uniform metallic ground state (corresponding to fermions with spin index s) is determined by the Hartree-Fock contribution to the dynamic self-energy. The Fermi surface S_{F;s} consists of all points which in addition to satisfying the quasi-particle equation in terms of the Hartree-Fock self-energy, fulfill the equation S_{s}(k) = 0, where S_{s}(k) is defined in the main text; the set of k points which satisfy the Hartree-Fock quasi-particle equation but fail to satisfy S_{s}(k) = 0, constitute the pseudo-gap region of the putative Fermi surface of the interacting system. We consider the behaviour of the ground-state momentum-distribution function n_{s}(k) for k in the vicinity of S_{F;s} and show that whereas for the uniform metallic ground states of the conventional Hubbard Hamiltonian n_{s}(k) is greater/less than 0.5 for k approaching S_{F;s} from inside/outside the Fermi sea, for interactions of non-zero range these inequalities can be violated (without thereby contravening the condition of the non-negativity of the possible jump in n_{s}(k) on k crossing S_{F;s} from directly inside to directly outside the Fermi sea). We discuss, in the light of the findings of the present work, the growing experimental evidence with regard to the `frustration' of the kinetic energy of the charge carriers in the normal states of the copper-oxide-based high-temperature superconducting compounds. [Short abstract]Comment: 30 pages, 3 postscript figures. Brought into conformity with the published versio

    Endovascular treatment of iatrogenic axillary artery pseudoaneurysm under echographic control: A case report

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    Aim: Brief case report of the treatment of a large axillary artery pseudoaneurysm after a pacemaker using a left brachial cutdown and a retrograde delivery of a covered stent using ultrasound and fluoroscopic guidance. The patient's renal function precluded the use of contrast materials.Case Report: A 77 years old man presenting with acute renal failure and haemoglobin decrease arrived with an expanding pseudoaneurysm of the left axillary artery from a pacemaker placement. Considering the site of the lesion and patient's comorbidities, under echographic control, a Hemobahn \uae stent-graft was placed; fluoroscopy assisted manipulation of guidewires and sheaths into the aortic arch. The procedure was successfully ended without any complications. At 8 months the stent graft was still patent.Conclusion: Ultrasound guidance may represent an alternative for pseudo-aneurysm exclusion without any use of contrast medium, especially in those patient where lesions are easily detectable using ultrasonography and when comorbidities contraindicate aggressive surgical or angiographic approach