396 research outputs found

    Internationalisation of the public relations curriculum: The challenges of learning using global networks

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    Current philosophy within tertiary pedagogy views internationalisation of curriculums as imperative for universities and many Australian universities have been working towards the goal of internationalisation of higher education (Harman, 2004)..

    Incidental threat during visuospatial working memory in adolescent anxiety: an emotional memory-guided saccade task

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    BackgroundPediatric anxiety disorders are among the most common psychiatric mental illnesses in children and adolescents, and are associated with abnormal cognitive control in emotional, particularly threat, contexts. In a series of studies using eye movement saccade tasks, we reported anxiety-related alterations in the interplay of inhibitory control with incentives, or with emotional distractors. The present study extends these findings to working memory (WM), and queries the interaction of spatial WM with emotional stimuli in pediatric clinical anxiety. MethodsParticipants were 33 children/adolescents diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, and 22 age-matched healthy comparison youths. Participants completed a novel eye movement task, an affective variant of the memory-guided saccade task. This task assessed the influence of incidental threat on spatial WM processes during high and low cognitive load. ResultsHealthy but not anxious children/adolescents showed slowed saccade latencies during incidental threat in low-load but not high-load WM conditions. No other group effects emerged on saccade latency or accuracy. ConclusionsThe current data suggest a differential pattern of how emotion interacts with cognitive control in healthy youth relative to anxious youth. These findings extend data from inhibitory processes, reported previously, to spatial WM in pediatric anxiety

    The contributions of Gropius and Wachsmann to the timber house industry

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    [EN] Walter Gropius and Konrad Wachsmann made a significant contribution to the housing prefabrication industry. After the Second World War, they set principles that have served as a basis for continuous revisions in the interests of optimising the industry. The Packaged Houses are a research that shows a continuous review of the processes and constructive systems of prefabricated houses. This article tries to study (following a chronological criterion and focused on the context of this type of construction) the experience of Gropius and Wachsmann and their contributions as a basis for other investigations that, even today, continue their course.[ES] Walter Gropius y Konrad Wachsmann realizaron una aportación de notable relevancia a la industria de la prefabricación de la vivienda. Sentaron unos principios que, tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, han servido de base sobre la que realizar continuas revisiones en pro de una optimización de la industria. Las Packaged Houses son una experiencia que manifiesta una continua revisión de los procesos y los sistemas constructivos de viviendas prefabricadas. Este artículo trata de estudiar (siguiendo un criterio cronológico y centrado en el contexto de ese tipo de construcción) la experiencia de Gropius y Wachsmann y sus aportaciones como base de otras investigaciones que, incluso hoy en día, continúan su curso.Universidad CEU Cardenal HerreraSerra Soriano, B.; Díaz Segura, A.; Merí De La Maza, R. (2021). Las aportaciones de Gropius y Wachsmann a la industria de las casas de madera. VLC arquitectura. Research Journal. 8(1):31-60. https://doi.org/10.4995/vlc.2021.11842OJS316081Argan, G. Walter Gropius y la Bauhaus. Madrid: Abada Editores, 2006.Cassinello, P. "Eduardo Torroja y la industrialización de la machine à habiter 1949-1961." Informes de la Construcción 60, no. 512 (2008). https://doi.org/10.3989/ic.08.031Fernández Rodríguez, L., and Soler Monrabal, C. "El General Panel System de Konrad Wachsmann y Walter Gropius, 1941." In Proceedings of the seventh national congress on the history of construction. Santiago, 26-29 October 2011. Madrid: Instituto Juan de Herrera, 2011.Ford, E. R. The Details of Modern Architecture. Vol. 1. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1990.Giedion, S. Walter Gropius. New York: Dover Publications, 1992.Gutiérrez Calderón, P. "Una casa para Einstein: Konrad Wachsmann y la evolución de un modelo prefabricado desde las casas Christoph & Unmack A.G. al General Panel System." In International Conference on Construction Research of the Eduardo Torroja Institute. Housing: past, present and future, November 2013. Madrid: Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja, 2013.Herbert, G. The Dream of the Factory-Made House. Walter Gropius and Konrad Wachsmann. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1984. https://doi.org/10.7551/mitpress/2494.001.0001Imperiale, A. "An American Wartime Dream: The Packaged House System of Konrad Wachsmann and Walter Gropius." In Proceedings 2012 ACSA Fall Conference, 27-29th September 2012. Philadelphia: Temple University, 2012.Lupfer, G., and P. Sigel. Gropius. Berlin: Taschen GmbH, 2006.Nelson, G. "Architects of Europe today." Pencil Points 17, no. 8 (August 1936): 429Nerdinger, W. Walter Gropius. Opera completa. Milano: Electa Spa, 1998.Norberg-Schulz, C. Los principios de la arquitectura moderna. Barcelona: Editorial Reverté, 2005.Pehnt, W. "Gropius the Romantic." Art Bulletin 53, no. 3 (September 1971): 384. https://doi.org/10.1080/00043079.1971.10790510Wachsmann, K. Building the wooden house. Technique and design. Berlin: Birkhäuser Verlag, 1995.Wachsmann, K. "Seven Theses." In Rethinking Technology. A reader in architectural theory, edited by W. W. Braham and J. A. Hale. New York: Routledge, 2007.Weber, N. The Bauhaus Group. Six Masters of Modernism. New York: Yale University Press, 2009.Wingler, H. Bauhaus. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1969

    From lean production to Industrie 4.0: More autonomy for employees?

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    The article examines the relationship between lean production and Industrie 4.0 focusing on the question of autonomy in the work process. In contrast to the claim made by official Industrie 4.0 concepts that the autonomy of the employees would increase, we see in the current implementation projects a tendency towards greater standardization and control of work. This is in continuity with concepts of lean production, but neglects the participation-oriented elements of lean production such as teamwork and shop-floor-based improvement activities. Our argument is developed by analyzing practical examples from three relevant fields (digital assistance systems, data-based process management, modular assembly). The conclusions of this article also discuss the extent to which the concept of individual autonomy is suitable for the assessment of Industrie 4.0 concepts, given the high levels of interdependence already achieved in production processes

    Los fundamentos de la Educación Imperial Estadounidense

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    The evolution of American educational imperialism is presented, beginning with colonialism in territories obtained from Spain in the early 20th century through the US occupation of Germany and Japan after the Second World War and then through the Cold War and post Cold War periods. A selection of examples will discuss basic foundations of American educational imperialism, including values and ideals, international exchanges, philanthropy, education in select Muslim countries, business education, and collaboration between ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ power aspects of imperialism. It is noted where this collaboration has either failed or led to catastrophic outcomes. Major shifts are noted to correspond to changes in US public, political and popular attitudes. Conclusions regarding the shape of and shifts in educational imperialism are provided. It will be seen that much of what is observed is a ‘mix’ of politics and practicalities which produced a mix of outcomes.Se presenta la evolución de la educación en el imperio estadounidense, comenzando con las colonias en los territorios obtenidos de España a principios del siglo XX, pasando por la ocupación estadounidense de Alemania y Japón después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y luego durante la Guerra Fría y los períodos posteriores a la Guerra Fría. Mediante una selección de ejemplos se discutirán los fundamentos básicos del imperialismo educativo estadounidense, incluyendo los valores e ideales, los intercambios internacionales, la filantropía, la educación en determinados países musulmanes, la educación empresarial y la colaboración entre los aspectos del hard power y el soft power del imperialismo. Se señala dónde esta colaboración ha fallado o ha llevado a resultados catastróficos. Se observa que los cambios principales corresponden a cambios en las actitudes públicas, políticas y populares de los Estados Unidos. Se brindan conclusiones sobre la forma y los cambios en el imperialismo educativo. Se verá que gran parte de lo que se observa es una «mezcla» de política y aspectos prácticos que producen una combinación de resultados

    Mediaberichtgeving over witteboordencriminaliteit: 'there's no such thing as bad publicity'

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    Recentelijk werden de hoofdverdachten in de ‘Klimop-zaak’ door de Rechtbank Haarlem in eerste aanleg veroordeeld tot uiteenlopende straffen. Strafrechtelijke vervolging van fraude zou er mede toe moeten dienen witteboordencriminaliteit ondubbelzinnig te veroordelen. Welke rol spelen de media bij deze pogingen om een grens te trekken in het grijze gebied tussen innovatief ondernemerschap en verwerpelijke roekeloosheid