173 research outputs found

    Preparation and Observation of Fresh-frozen Sections of the Green Fluorescent Protein Transgenic Mouse Head

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    Hard tissue decalcification can cause variation in the constituent protein characteristics. This paper describes a method of preparating of frozen mouse head sections so as to clearly observe the nature of the constituent proteins. Frozen sections of various green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgenic mouse heads were prepared using the film method developed by Kawamoto and Shimizu. This method made specimen dissection without decalcification possible, wherein GFP was clearly observed in an undamaged state. Conversely, using the same method with decalcification made GFP observation in the transgenic mouse head difficult. This new method is suitable for observing GFP marked cells, enabling us to follow the transplanted GFP marked cells within frozen head sections

    Pallidal Hyperdopaminergic Innervation Underlying D2 Receptor-Dependent Behavioral Deficits in the Schizophrenia Animal Model Established by EGF

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    Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is one of the ErbB receptor ligands implicated in schizophrenia neuropathology as well as in dopaminergic development. Based on the immune inflammatory hypothesis for schizophrenia, neonatal rats are exposed to this cytokine and later develop neurobehavioral abnormality such as prepulse inhibition (PPI) deficit. Here we found that the EGF-treated rats exhibited persistent increases in tyrosine hydroxylase levels and dopamine content in the globus pallidus. Furthermore, pallidal dopamine release was elevated in EGF-treated rats, but normalized by subchronic treatment with risperidone concomitant with amelioration of their PPI deficits. To evaluate pathophysiologic roles of the dopamine abnormality, we administered reserpine bilaterally to the globus pallidus to reduce the local dopamine pool. Reserpine infusion ameliorated PPI deficits of EGF-treated rats without apparent aversive effects on locomotor activity in these rats. We also administered dopamine D1-like and D2-like receptor antagonists (SCH23390 and raclopride) and a D2-like receptor agonist (quinpirole) to the globus pallidus and measured PPI and bar-hang latencies. Raclopride (0.5 and 2.0 µg/site) significantly elevated PPI levels of EGF-treated rats, but SCH23390 (0.5 and 2.0 µg/site) had no effect. The higher dose of raclopride induced catalepsy-like changes in control animals but not in EGF-treated rats. Conversely, local quinpirole administration to EGF-untreated control rats induced PPI deficits and anti-cataleptic behaviors, confirming the pathophysiologic role of the pallidal hyperdopaminergic state. These findings suggest that the pallidal dopaminergic innervation is vulnerable to circulating EGF at perinatal and/or neonatal stages and has strong impact on the D2-like receptor-dependent behavioral deficits relevant to schizophrenia

    Numerical Analysis of the Temperature Distribution of the EM Pump for the Sodium Thermo-hydraulic Test Loop of the GenIV PGSFR

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    The temperature distribution of an electromagnetic pump was analyzed with a flow rate of 1380 L/min and a pressure of 4 bar designed for the sodium thermo-hydraulic test in the Sodium Test Loop for Safety Simulation and Assessment-Phase 1 (STELLA-1). The electromagnetic pump was used for the circulation of the liquid sodium coolant in the Intermediate Heat Transport System (IHTS) of the Prototype Gen-IV Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (PGSFR) with an electric power of 150 MWe. The temperature distribution of the components of the electromagnetic pump was numerically analyzed to prevent functional degradation in the high temperature environment during pump operation. The heat transfer was numerically calculated using ANSYS Fluent for prediction of the temperature distribution in the excited coils, the electromagnet core, and the liquid sodium flow channel of the electromagnetic pump. The temperature distribution of operating electromagnetic pump was compared with cooling of natural and forced air circulation. The temperature in the coil, the core and the flow gap in the two conditions, natural circulation and forced circulation, were compared. The electromagnetic pump with cooling of forced circulation had better efficiency than natural circulation even considering consumption of the input power for the air blower. Accordingly, this study judged that forced cooling is good for both maintenance and efficiency of the electromagnetic pump. (c) 2020 Korean Nuclear Society, Published by Elsevier Korea LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Application of Benchtop NMR for Metabolomics Study Using Feces of Mice with DSS-Induced Colitis

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    Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based metabolomics, which comprehensively measures metabolites in biological systems and investigates their response to various perturbations, is widely used in research to identify biomarkers and investigate the pathogenesis of underlying diseases. However, further applications of high-field superconducting NMR for medical purposes and field research are restricted by its high cost and low accessibility. In this study, we applied a low-field, benchtop NMR spectrometer (60 MHz) employing a permanent magnet to characterize the alterations in the metabolic profile of fecal extracts obtained from dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced ulcerative colitis model mice and compared them with the data acquired from high-field NMR (800 MHz). Nineteen metabolites were assigned to the 60 MHz 1H NMR spectra. Non-targeted multivariate analysis successfully discriminated the DSS-induced group from the healthy control group and showed high comparability with high-field NMR. In addition, the concentration of acetate, identified as a metabolite with characteristic behavior, could be accurately quantified using a generalized Lorentzian curve fitting method based on the 60 MHz NMR spectra.journal articl

    Circadian regulation of intracellular G-protein signalling mediates intercellular synchrony and rhythmicity in the suprachiasmatic nucleus

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    Synchronous oscillations of thousands of cellular clocks in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the circadian centre, are coordinated by precisely timed cell–cell communication, the principle of which is largely unknown. Here we show that the amount of RGS16 (regulator of G protein signalling 16), a protein known to inactivate Gαi, increases at a selective circadian time to allow time-dependent activation of intracellular cyclic AMP signalling in the SCN. Gene ablation of Rgs16 leads to the loss of circadian production of cAMP and as a result lengthens circadian period of behavioural rhythm. The temporally precise regulation of the cAMP signal by clock-controlled RGS16 is needed for the dorsomedial SCN to maintain a normal phase-relationship to the ventrolateral SCN. Thus, RGS16-dependent temporal regulation of intracellular G protein signalling coordinates the intercellular synchrony of SCN pacemaker neurons and thereby defines the 24 h rhythm in behaviour


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    阪神・淡路大震災から16 年がたち、社会の変化とともに、鎮魂と震災復興を目的に始められた神戸ルミナリエの主旨や具体的手法に再検討が必須の時期となった。本研究は、アート&デザインの分野から新たな企画を提案・実施することにより、時代や住民の要請にあう神戸ルミナリエのあり方を探るとともに、震災から学んだ「命の尊さ」や「人の絆の大切さ」を次世代に伝えることで、幸せな社会づくりに貢献する企画デザインの可能性を模索するものである。具体的には、以下の5 つの企画を実施し、成果を上げることができた。1. みんなで灯す「記憶」のモニュメント2. 大学生が育てた「はるかのひまわり」配布3. 鎮魂と絆のブルーキャンドル・パフォーマンス4. 「記憶」の響きコンサート5. 1.17 を語る「魂」の言葉16 years after the Great Hanshin Earthquake, as well as social change was necessary to reconsider the timing and specific methods and spirit of the Luminarie Kobe earthquake reconstruction initiated for the purpose of the requiem.This study, conducted by the new planning proposals from the fields of art and design, as well as explore ways of Kobe Luminarie meet the demands of the times and people have learned from the earthquake, “the preciousness of life” and “human the importance of the ties, “you can tell the next generation is intended to explore the possibility of planning, design, happy to contribute to society.In particular, planning and implementing the following five were able to achieve results.1. Candle everyone to “remember” monuments2. Fostered by university students, “Sunflower far,”Distribution3. Blue candle requiem and performance bond


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    本研究は、阪神・淡路大震災の復興の過程で得た学びを地域社会に蓄積された資源・財産と捉え、その活用について具体的な「企画」をデザイン(プランニング)し、実施・検証(プロデュース)することを目標とする。 企画のテーマは、当初、「震災復興と神戸ルミナリエ」を想定していたが、3.11を受け、神戸ルミナリエ組織委員会の要望もあり、「被災地神戸からの東日本大震災の被災地支援」と修正された。このことにより、企画の方向性がより社会性のあるものになった。 具体的には、以下の5つの企画を立案し実施した。 1. ひまわりんくマップ制作 2. 風のひまわりんくデー実施 3. ひまわりんく体操考案 4. 地球民会議の開催 5. 「神戸ルミナリエ」「1.17のつどい」でのイベント企画・実施This research realizes what was obtained in process of revival of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake to be the resources and property accumulated in the community, designs a "plan" concrete about the practical use (planning), and aims at carrying out and verifying (producing). Although the theme of the plan assumed "earthquakedisaster revival and Kobe Luminarie" at the beginning, itreceives 3.11, also has the Kobe Luminarie organizingcommittee\u27s request, and was corrected with "stricken areasupport of the Great East Japan Earthquake from strickenarea Kobe." By this, the directivity of the plan became that more nearly social. Specifically, the following five plans were drawn up and carried out. 1. Himawalink Map Work 2. Himawalink Day Enforcement of Wind 3. Himawalink Gymnastics Design 4. Holding of Earth People Meeting 5. Event Plan and Implementation by "Kobe Luminarie" and "Meeting of 1.17

    Seismicity controlled by resistivity structure : the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes, Kyushu Island, Japan

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    The M JMA 7.3 Kumamoto earthquake that occurred at 1:25 JST on April 16, 2016, not only triggered aftershocks in the vicinity of the epicenter, but also triggered earthquakes that were 50–100 km away from the epicenter of the main shock. The active seismicity can be divided into three regions: (1) the vicinity of the main faults, (2) the northern region of Aso volcano (50 km northeast of the mainshock epicenter), and (3) the regions around three volcanoes, Yufu, Tsurumi, and Garan (100 km northeast of the mainshock epicenter). Notably, the zones between these regions are distinctively seismically inactive. The electric resistivity structure estimated from one-dimensional analysis of the 247 broadband (0.005–3000 s) magnetotelluric and telluric observation sites clearly shows that the earthquakes occurred in resistive regions adjacent to conductive zones or resistive-conductive transition zones. In contrast, seismicity is quite low in electrically conductive zones, which are interpreted as regions of connected fluids. We suggest that the series of the earthquakes was induced by a local accumulated stress and/or fluid supply from conductive zones. Because the relationship between the earthquakes and the resistivity structure is consistent with previous studies, seismic hazard assessment generally can be improved by taking into account the resistivity structure. Following on from the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake series, we suggest that there are two zones that have a relatively high potential of earthquake generation along the western extension of the MTL

    An Evolutionary Hypothesis of Binary Opposition in Functional Incompatibility about Habenular Asymmetry in Vertebrates

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    Many vertebrates have asymmetrical circuits in the nervous system. There are two types of circuit asymmetry. Asymmetrical circuits in sensory and/or motor systems are usually related to lateralized behaviors. It has been hypothesized that spatial asymmetry in the environment and/or social interactions has led to the evolution of asymmetrical circuits by natural selection. There are also asymmetrical circuits that are not related to lateralized behaviors. These circuits lie outside of the sensory and motor systems. A typical example is found in the habenula (Hb), which has long been known to be asymmetrical in many vertebrates, but has no remarkable relationship to lateralized behaviors. Instead, the Hb is a hub wherein information conveyed to the unilateral Hb is relayed to diverging bilateral nuclei, which is unlikely to lead to lateralized behavior. Until now, there has been no hypothesis regarding the evolution of Hb asymmetry. Here, we propose a new hypothesis that binary opposition in functional incompatibility applies selection pressure on the habenular circuit and leads to asymmetry. Segregation of the incompatible functions on either side of the habenula is likely to enhance information processing ability via creating shorter circuits and reducing the cost of circuit duplication, resulting in benefits for survival. In zebrafish and mice, different evolutionary strategies are thought to be involved in Hb asymmetry. In zebrafish, which use a strategy of structurally fixed asymmetry, the asymmetrical dorsal Hb leads to constant behavioral choices in binary opposition. In contrast, in mice, which use a strategy of functionally flexible lateralization, the symmetrical lateral Hb is functionally lateralized. This makes it possible to process complicated information and to come to variable behavioral choices, depending on the specific situation. These strategies are thought to be selected for and preserved by evolution under selection pressures of rigidity and flexibility of sociability in zebrafish and mice, respectively, as they are beneficial for survival. This hypothesis is highly valuable because it explains how the Hb evolved differently in terms of asymmetry and lateralization among different species. In addition, one can propose possible experiments for the verification of this hypothesis in future research