180 research outputs found

    On the one-sided crossing minimization in a bipartite graph with large degrees

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    AbstractGiven a bipartite graph G=(V,W,E), a 2-layered drawing consists of placing nodes in the first node set V on a straight line L1 and placing nodes in the second node set W on a parallel line L2. For a given ordering of nodes in W on L2, the one-sided crossing minimization problem asks to find an ordering of nodes in V on L1 so that the number of arc crossings is minimized. A well-known lower bound LB on the minimum number of crossings is obtained by summing up min{cuv,cvu} over all node pairs u,v∈V, where cuv denotes the number of crossings generated by arcs incident to u and v when u precedes v in an ordering. In this paper, we prove that there always exists a solution whose crossing number is at most (1.2964+12/(δ-4))LB if the minimum degree δ of a node in V is at least 5

    Network design with edge-connectivity and degree constraints

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    We consider the following network design problem; Given a vertex set V with a metric cost c on V, an integer kβ‰₯1, and a degree specification b, find a minimum cost k-edge-connected multigraph on V under the constraint that the degree of each vertex v∈V is equal to b(v). This problem generalizes metric TSP. In this paper, we show that the problem admits a ρ-approximation algorithm if b(v)β‰₯2, v∈V, where ρ=2.5 if k is even, and ρ=2.5+1.5/k if k is odd. We also prove that the digraph version of this problem admits a 2.5-approximation algorithm and discuss some generalization of metric TSP

    A Polynomial-Delay Algorithm for Enumerating Connectors Under Various Connectivity Conditions

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    We are given an instance (G,I,sigma) with a graph G=(V,E), a set I of items, and a function sigma:V -> 2^I. For a subset X of V, let G[X] denote the subgraph induced from G by X, and I_sigma(X) denote the common item set over X. A subset X of V such that G[X] is connected is called a connector if, for any vertex v in VX, G[X cup {v}] is not connected or I_sigma(X cup {v}) is a proper subset of I_sigma(X). In this paper, we present the first polynomial-delay algorithm for enumerating all connectors. For this, we first extend the problem of enumerating connectors to a general setting so that the connectivity condition on X in G can be specified in a more flexible way. We next design a new algorithm for enumerating all solutions in the general setting, which leads to a polynomial-delay algorithm for enumerating all connectors for several connectivity conditions on X in G, such as the biconnectivity of G[X] or the k-edge-connectivity among vertices in X in G

    Minmax subtree cover problem on cacti

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    AbstractLet G=(V,E) be a connected graph such that edges and vertices are weighted by nonnegative reals. Let p be a positive integer. The minmax subtree cover problem (MSC) asks to find a pair (X,T) of a partition X={X1,X2,…,Xp} of V and a set T of p subtrees T1,T2,…,Tp, each Ti containing Xi so as to minimize the maximum cost of the subtrees, where the cost of Ti is defined to be the sum of the weights of edges in Ti and the weights of vertices in Xi. In this paper, we propose an O(p2n) time (4-4/(p+1))-approximation algorithm for the MSC when G is a cactus

    Polynomial-delay Enumeration Algorithms in Set Systems

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    We consider a set system (V,CβŠ†2V)(V, {\mathcal C}\subseteq 2^V) on a finite set VV of elements, where we call a set C∈CC\in {\mathcal C} a component. We assume that two oracles L1\mathrm{L}_1 and L2\mathrm{L}_2 are available, where given two subsets X,YβŠ†VX,Y\subseteq V, L1\mathrm{L}_1 returns a maximal component C∈CC\in {\mathcal C} with XβŠ†CβŠ†YX\subseteq C\subseteq Y; and given a set YβŠ†VY\subseteq V, L2\mathrm{L}_2 returns all maximal components C∈CC\in {\mathcal C} with CβŠ†YC\subseteq Y. Given a set II of attributes and a function Οƒ:Vβ†’2I\sigma:V\to 2^I in a transitive system, a component C∈CC\in {\mathcal C} is called a solution if the set of common attributes in CC is inclusively maximal; i.e., β‹‚v∈CΟƒ(v)βŠ‹β‹‚v∈XΟƒ(v)\bigcap_{v\in C}\sigma(v)\supsetneq \bigcap_{v\in X}\sigma(v) for any component X∈CX\in{\mathcal C} with C⊊XC\subsetneq X. We prove that there exists an algorithm of enumerating all solutions (or all components) in delay bounded by a polynomial with respect to the input size and the running times of the oracles.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2004.0190

    A Linear-Time Algorithm for Integral Multiterminal Flows in Trees

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    In this paper, we study the problem of finding an integral multiflow which maximizes the sum of flow values between every two terminals in an undirected tree with a nonnegative integer edge capacity and a set of terminals. In general, it is known that the flow value of an integral multiflow is bounded by the cut value of a cut-system which consists of disjoint subsets each of which contains exactly one terminal or has an odd cut value, and there exists a pair of an integral multiflow and a cut-system whose flow value and cut value are equal; i.e., a pair of a maximum integral multiflow and a minimum cut. In this paper, we propose an O(n)-time algorithm that finds such a pair of an integral multiflow and a cut-system in a given tree instance with n vertices. This improves the best previous results by a factor of Omega(n). Regarding a given tree in an instance as a rooted tree, we define O(n) rooted tree instances taking each vertex as a root, and establish a recursive formula on maximum integral multiflow values of these instances to design a dynamic programming that computes the maximum integral multiflow values of all O(n) rooted instances in linear time. We can prove that the algorithm implicitly maintains a cut-system so that not only a maximum integral multiflow but also a minimum cut-system can be constructed in linear time for any rooted instance whenever it is necessary. The resulting algorithm is rather compact and succinct
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