908 research outputs found

    Hen: Queer Puppet Cabaret, Utopian Perspectives for Sexual Bodies

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    Named after the gender-neutral Swedish pronoun, Hen is a queer puppet show, created and performed by the French artist Johanny Bert. In this performance, the body of the puppet, made of wood, foam and, fabric, is used like a “jigsaw” - assembling different pieces together in order to create and reveal a form, an image, a meaning. It becomes the material for a new vision of how we conceive and construct the body, as it deconstructs essentializing, binary, heteronormative identities, envisioning greater possibilities and pluralities of bodies. Through the vision of non-human object in the space of a theatre, Johanny Bert unveils and rethinks the relationship sexuality and society maintain together by showing sexuality as a theatrical utopia where new forms of bodies and desires can be revealed. Guided by an interdisciplinary approach combining both Gender Studies and Visual Studies, this article talks about how the plasticity of the puppetting object can affect the perception of our own bodies. How and where does the show Hen manifest utopia for the human body and sexuality? Johanny Bert puts the concept of anthropomorphism as the threshold for questioning human sexuality into the theatre and challenges the ways we define and circumscribe bodies and desires, inviting new perspectives for sexual and corporeal paradigms, too

    La Célestine à la recherche du temps perdu...

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    Aunque rigurosamente estructurada en su cronología y densa en su tiempo, la historia de La Celestina es, ante todo, la historia de un tiempo caótico, de un no-tiempo. Tejedora de los amores entre los personajes de la Tragicomedia , la « maga sagrada, síbila secreta » Celestina, les condena a todos al círculo infernal del eterno retorno. Les remite, muy a pesar suyo, a una proto-historia que la sociedad inquisitorial en la que viven (el autor se encarga de recordarnos que la instauración del Santo Oficio se remonta a unos veinte desgraciados años) no les perdona. La « conversión de Pármeno » (auto VII) les define como seres inscritos bajo el sello de lo transitorio, de la mutación, de la duplicidad; son seres incapaces de adaptarse al molde de la mayoría viejo-cristiana. « Convertidos », « conversos », su percepción del tiempo delata una inquietud fundamental, una pérdida de lo pasado y una frustración hacia el porvenirBien que rigoureusement agencée dans sa chronologie et soutenue dans son tempo, l'histoire de La Célestine est avant tout celle d'un temps chaotique, d'un non-temps. Artisane de leurs amours, Célestine, « mage sacrée, sibylle secrète », enferme tous les personnages de la Tragicomédie dans le cercle infernal de l'éternel recommencement et les renvoie, contre leur gré, à une proto-histoire que la société inquisitoriale dans laquelle ils évoluent (l'auteur se charge de nous rappeler que l'instauration du Saint Office remonte à vingt longues et malheureuses années) n'est pas prête à leur pardonner. Radicalement inscrits – comme en témoigne la « conversion de Parmeno » à l'acte VII – sous le signe du transitoire, de la mutation et de la duplicité, ces êtres ne sauraient en effet se plier aux contraintes imposées par la majorité vétéro-chrétienne. La perception du temps de ces « mutants », de ces « convers », trahit une inquiétude fondamentale, une perte du passé et une frustration de l'avenir


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    International audienceParte de la producción historiográfica de la Corona de Aragón en el siglo XV soñó con un Justicia de Aragón que – más allá del funcionario real atestiguado por la documentación – sería el defensor del “pactismo”, parangón de las libertades del reino. En la encrucijada de la historia de las ideologías, donde lo imaginario invade una realidad institucional, y de la poética, este discurso debe considerarse dentro de la dinámica de las relaciones de poder entre el rey y sus súbditos. En efecto, las configuraciones textuales y las circulaciones internas de esta narración permiten vislumbrar los varios substratos ideológicos y políticos que intervinieron en su composición, y dan pruebas de la mano de hierro que tuvo lugar entre unas oligarquías que intentaban restringir el poder real y una monarquía aragonesa siempre en busca de legitimidad.Une partie de la production historiographique de la Couronne d'Aragon au XVe siècle a rêvé un Justice d'Aragon qui – au-delà du fonctionnaire royal attesté par la documentation – serait le défenseur du « pactisme » aragonais, parangon des libertés du royaume. A la croisée de l'histoire des idéologies, où l'imaginaire investit une réalité institutionnelle, et de la poétique, ce discours sur le Justice doit être replacé dans la dynamique des rapports de pouvoirs entre le roi et ses sujets. Les agencements textuels et les circulations internes de cette narration laissent en effet entrevoir les divers substrats idéologiques et politiques qui ont présidé à sa composition et témoignent du bras de fer qui s'est joué entre des oligarchies cherchant à contraindre l'exercice du pouvoir royal et une monarchie aragonaise toujours en quête de légitimité

    Effects of sublattice symmetry and frustration on ionic transport in garnet solid electrolytes

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    We use rigorous group-theoretic techniques and molecular dynamics to investigate the connection between structural symmetry and ionic conductivity in the garnet family of solid Li-ion electrolytes. We identify new ordered phases and order-disorder phase transitions that are relevant for conductivity optimization. Ionic transport in this materials family is controlled by the frustration of the Li sublattice caused by incommensurability with the host structure at non-integer Li concentrations, while ordered phases explain regions of sharply lower conductivity. Disorder is therefore predicted to be optimal for ionic transport in this and other conductor families with strong Li interaction.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, and supplementary informatio


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    Dalam merencanakan gedung bertingkat selalu sangat dituntut perencanaan yang aman dan efisien, dimana struktur diharapkan mampu menahan beban-beban yang ada, tidak terkecuali beban gempa, karena beban gempa selalu sangat mempengaruhi perilaku gedung tersebut dan selalu menjadi prioritas utama dalam perencanaan, salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk menahan beban gempa adalah metode perencanaan struktur sistem rangka pemikul momen, yang terbagi dalam 3 bagian yaitu: sistem rangka pemikul momen biasa (SRPMB), sistem rangka pemikul momen menengah (SRPMM), sistem rangka pemikul momen khusus (SRPMK). struktur yang menjadi prioritas perencanaan adalah struktur yang mampu menahan kondisi dimana beban gempa ekstrim atau dalam hal ini adalah struktur SRPMK dimana akan dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga dapat menahan respon inelastic akibat beban gempa tersebut dengan kata lain struktur diharuskan daktail (fleksibel) agar dapat dikategorikan aman jika digunakan.Lokasi perencanaan ini akan dilakukan di Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Fakultas Teknik, Manado, Indonesia, struktur gedung yang direncanakan adalah gedung fasilitas laboratorium Fakultas Teknik, memiliki 3 lantai dengan ketinggian 17 m dan luas gedung 1345 m², beban gempa desain menggunakan metode response spectrum, untuk analisis struktur dan pemodelan menggunakan program ETABS 2016.Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan desain pada gedung laboratorium Fakultas Teknik, Unsrat penampang balok dengan dimensi 400 x 600 mm dan kolom 700 x 600 mm telah memenuhi kriteria penampang untuk sistem rangka pemikul momen khusus, karena secara teori telah memenuhi syarat-syarat yaitu: Strong Column Weak Beam, tahan terhadap geser dan telah memenuhi syara-syarat pendetailan setiap komponen-komponen rangka. Kata kunci : Daktail, SRPMK, Strong Column Weak Beam

    The helium cryogenic plant for the CMS superconducting magnet

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    A new helium refrigeration plant with a cooling capacity of 800 W at 4.45 K, 4500 W between 60 K and 80 K, and 4 g/s liquefaction simultaneously has been designed and is presently being constructed by Air Liquide for CERN. The refrigeration plant will provide the cooling power for the cool down and the operation of the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) superconducting coil whose cold mass weighs 225 t. The refrigeration plant will at first be installed in a surface building for the tests of the superconducting magnet. On completion of the tests the cold box will be moved to its final underground position next to the CMS experimental cavern. This paper presents the process design, describes the main components and explains their selection. (4 refs)

    New Artificial Electron Donors for in Vitro

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    A revised view on the evolution of glutamine synthetase isoenzymes in plants

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    Glutamine synthetase (GS) is a key enzyme responsible for the incorporation of inorganic nitrogen in the form of ammonium into the amino acid glutamine. In plants, two groups of functional GS enzymes are found: eubacterial GSIIb (GLN2) and eukaryotic GSIIe (GLN1/GS). Only GLN1/GS genes are found in vascular plants, which suggests that they are involved in the final adaptation of plants to terrestrial life. The present phylogenetic study reclassifies the different GS of seed plants into three clusters: GS1a, GS1b and GS2. The presence of genes encoding GS2 has been expanded to Cycadopsida gymnosperms, which suggests the origin of this gene in a common ancestor of Cycadopsida, Ginkgoopsida and angiosperms. GS1a genes have been identified in all gymnosperms, basal angiosperms and some Magnoliidae species. Previous studies in conifers and the gene expression profiles obtained in ginkgo and magnolia in the present work could explain the absence of GS1a in more recent angiosperm species (e.g., monocots and eudicots) due to the redundant roles of GS1a and GS2 in photosynthetic cells. Altogether, the results provide a better understanding of the evolution of plant GS isoenzymes and their physiological roles, which is valuable for improving crop nitrogen use efficiency and productivity.This work was supported by Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Inno-vación grant numbers: BIO2015-73512-JIN MINECO/AEI/FEDER,UE; and RTI2018-094041-B-I00 and EQC2018-004346-P. This work was also supported by Junta de Andalucía, grant number P20_00036 PAIDI 2020/FEDER, UE. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA. JMVM was supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional (FPU17/03517). FO was supported by grants from the Universidad de Málaga (Programa Operativo de Empleo Juvenil vía SNJG, UMAJI11, FEDER, FSE, Junta de Andalucía) and BIO-114, Junta de Andalucía