255 research outputs found

    Thrust Measurement of a Multicycle Partially Filled Pulse Detonation Rocket Engine

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    In the present research, we experimentally verified the partial-fill effect in a multicycle pulse detonation rocketengine. The intermittent thrust of a pulse detonation rocket engine was measured by using a spring-dampermechanism that smoothed this intermittent thrust in the time direction. The intermittent mass flow rates wereassessed by gas cylinder pressure or mass difference measurement. The maximum specific impulse was 305 9 s atan ethylene and oxygen propellant fill fraction of 0:130 0:004. When the fill fraction was greater than 0.130, thespecific impulse was increased as the partial-fill fraction was decreased. When the fill fraction was less than 0.130, thespecific impulse was sharply decreased as the partial-fill fraction was decreased. This decrease was due to diffusionbetween propellant and purge gases and the short length of the transition from deflagration to detonation. Themulticycle pulse detonation rocket engine had a partial-fill effect that may have been mainly due to the suctioned airand was consistent with the single-cycle partial-fill model of Endo et al

    Quantitative Evaluation of Pain during Electrocutaneous Stimulation using a Log-Linearized Peripheral Arterial Viscoelastic Model

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    In clinical practice, subjective pain evaluations, e.g., the visual analogue scale and the numeric rating scale, are generally employed, but these are limited in terms of their ability to detect inaccurate reports, and are unsuitable for use in anesthetized patients or those with dementia. We focused on the peripheral sympathetic nerve activity that responds to pain, and propose a method for evaluating pain sensation, including intensity, sharpness, and dullness, using the arterial stiffness index. In the experiment, electrocardiogram, blood pressure, and photoplethysmograms were obtained, and an arterial viscoelastic model was applied to estimate arterial stiffness. The relationships among the stiffness index, self-reported pain sensation, and electrocutaneous stimuli were examined and modelled. The relationship between the stiffness index and pain sensation could be modelled using a sigmoid function with high determination coefficients, where R2 ≥ 0.88, p < 0.01 for intensity, R2 ≥ 0.89, p < 0.01 for sharpness, and R2 ≥ 0.84, p < 0.01 for dullness when the stimuli could appropriately evoke dull pain.This work was supported by the Center of Innovation Program from Japan Science and Technology Agency.Supplementary information accompanies this paper at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-21223-1

    Imaging the Disk around TW Hydrae with the Submillimeter Array

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    We present ~2"-4" aperture synthesis observations of the circumstellar disk surrounding the nearby young star TW Hya in the CO J = 2-1 and J = 3-2 lines and associated dust continuum obtained with the partially completed Submillimeter Array. The extent and peak flux of the 230 and 345 GHz dust emission follow closely the predictions of the irradiated accretion disk model of Calvet et al. The resolved molecular line emission extends to a radius of at least 200 AU, the full extent of the disk visible in scattered light, and shows a clear pattern of Keplerian rotation. Comparison of the images with two-dimensional Monte Carlo models constrains the disk inclination angle to 7° ± 1°. The CO emission is optically thick in both lines, and the kinetic temperature in the line formation region is ~20 K. Substantial CO depletion, by an order of magnitude or more from canonical dark cloud values, is required to explain the characteristics of the line emission

    Neurogenic Tumor of The Chest Wall: A

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    A rare case of schwannoma of the chest wall is presented. A 65-year-old Japanese man had a painful mass, measuring 3×3cm, in the 10th intercostal space of the right back. A fine needle biopsy seemed to fail to prove a nature of the tumor. A computed tomography (CT) scan of the chest showed a well-demarcated low density mass with no invasion to the ribs, lung and pleura with the CT density being 30 Hounsfield unit. These findings were suggestive of a neurogenic tumor. The tumor was easily extirpated and a histological diagnosis was schwannoma

    Clinicopathological Study of Anal Canal Cancer

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    On the basis of a result of clinical experience with the treatment for patients with anal canal cancer, a clinicopathological study of anal canal cancer was performed in comparison with that of colon cancer. Anal canal cancer has a complex histologic types and a tendency toward deep invasion outside the adventitia when compared with colon cancer. Therefore, nodal involvement was in proportion to the depth of cancer infiltration. As a result, the survival time had become worst in patients with Dukes C of anal canal cancer. The anal canal has been defined that as a canal from the level of the attachment of puborectal muscle to the anal verge. It is mainly covered with smooth striated squamous epithelia except for the upper portion which is covered with specialized columnar epithelia, lasting to the rectal epithelium. The structure of the anal canal is complex with the composition of ecto-and endodermal tissues. Anal canal cancer is particular in gross appearance, histologic types and the modes of cancer extension in comparison with rectal cancer. This study defined the clinicopathological specificity of anal canal cancer on the basis of our clinical experience

    Estimation of Arterial Viscosity Based on an Oscillometric Method and Its Application in Evaluating the Vascular Endothelial Function

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    This paper proposes an algorithm for estimating the arterial viscosity using cuff pressures and pulse waves measured by an automatic oscillometric sphygmomanometer. A change in the arterial viscosity during the enclosed-zone flow-mediated dilation test is calculated as an index for evaluating the vascular endothelial function %η. In all, 43 individuals participated in this study. After the index %η was calculated, the accuracy of the index %η in distinguishing healthy subjects and subjects at a high risk of arteriosclerosis was tested via a receiving operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. The calculated %η for the healthy participants and those at a high risk of arteriosclerosis was 13.4 ± 55.1% and −32.7 ± 34.0% (mean ± S.D.), respectively. The area under the ROC curve was 0.77. Thus, it was concluded that the proposed method can be used to evaluate the vascular endothelial function.This research was partly supported by the Transportation Technology Development Promotion Competitive Funding Program from Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and the Center of Innovation Program from Japan Science and Technology Agency

    Response of Arterial Mechanical Impedance to Different Concentrations of Remifentanil during Abdominal Laparoscopic Colectomy

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    A specific and reliable method for monitoring analgesia during general anesthesia is urgently required. Previously, we introduced a method that indicates arterial mechanical properties for estimating arterial wall stiffness (K). However, whether the response of K actually indicates changes in remifentanil target concentrations under continuous surgical stress, is unclear. Thus, we aimed to evaluate how K responds to different remifentanil target concentrations. This prospective study enrolled 30 patients who underwent laparoscopic colectomy. The patients received 3 different effect-site concentrations (2, 4, and 6 ng/ml) of remifentanil 3 times during the study period. The K values at 4-ng/ml administration were used as control values (Kcontrol). K values at 6-ng/ml administration (K6ng) and those at 2-ng/ml administration (K2ng) were normalized by dividing them by the control values. The results showed that K responded to the changes in remifentanil concentration, significantly decreasing at 6-ng/ml remifentanil effect-site concentration and increasing at 2-ng/ml concentration. The stress response at low analgesia was higher than that at high analgesia, and, as predicted, normalized K2ng was significantly greater than normalized K6ng. In conclusion, we found that K is a sensitive stress response monitor and dynamically responds to changes in remifentanil concentration in invasive stimulation during laparoscopic colectomy