7 research outputs found

    Arctic potential : could more structured view improve the understanding of arctic business opportunities?

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    The increasing interest towards the Arctic has been witnessed during the past decades. However, the commonly shared definitions of the Arctic key concepts have not yet penetrated national and international arenas for political and economic decision making. The lack of jointly defined framework has made different analyses related to the Arctic quite limited considering the magnitude of economic potential embedded in Arctic. This paper is built on the key findings of two separate, yet connected projects carried out in the Oulu region, Finland. In this paper's approach, the Arctic context has been defined as a composition of three overlapping layers. The first layer is the phenomenological approach to define the Arctic region. The second layer is the strategy-level analysis to define different Arctic paths as well as a national level description of a roadmap to Arctic specialization. The third layer is the operationalization of the first two layers to define the Arctic business context and business opportunities. The studied case from Oulu region indicates that alternative futures for the Arctic competences and business activities are in resemblance with only two of the four identified strategic pathways. Introduction of other pathways to regional level actors as credible and attractive options would require additional, systematic efforts

    Arctic business potential from Oulu region's perspective – opportunities and obstacles

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    The future of the Arctic and the prospective Arctic business opportunities have been studied from Oulu region’s perspective in two separate projects. Observations from these projects form the core of this article. Conceptualisation of the Arctic is a crucial precondition when processing Arctic themes and topics. The Arctic can be interpreted as special conditions and operations and know-how related to them or the Arctic can be defined as a location of various economic activities related to Arctic resources. It is suggested that by focusing on the strategic significance, networking by creating business-oriented clusters and increasing visibility by highlighting and promoting Arctic expertise it would be possible to clarify Arctic concepts and business opportunities. Versatile information presented in approachable and illustrative form should be combined with appropriate promotion of the different aspects of the Arctic. The gap between public policy and private sector actions should be narrowed with all means possible

    Arctic innovation hubs:opportunities for regional co-operation and collaboration in Oulu, Luleå, and Tromsø

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    Abstract Interest in Arctic issues has been growing in recent years. From an economic perspective, the Barents Region is of significant interest due to substantial investment projects. The European Union has strengthened its presence and influence in the region, playing a role in combatting climate change and optimizing opportunities for northern economic activity. Simultaneously, there have been intentions to narrow the gap between public policy and the private sector to more efficiently exploit business opportunities in the North. Promoting the Arctic’s potential for business development and building stronger co-operation between the region’s actors are among the recent activities in Arctic development. Innovation hubs generate new businesses from ideas and innovations. They operate in global networks by creating added value and attracting more investment capital and talent. This article explores innovation hubs in three regions in Northern Europe—Oulu (Finland), Luleå (Sweden), and Tromsø (Norway). The article examines, through an innovation hub framework, what kind of business development activities are generating growth in these innovation hubs, and what the differences are between these regions. This article discusses whether it is beneficial to have similar innovation service structures in every region, or if connected Arctic innovation hubs that strengthen Arctic co-operation is a better approach. More intensive co-operation between Arctic actors is most likely to require specific actions

    Strategies for Interaction and the Role of Higher Education Institutions in Regional Development in the Nordic Countries – Case Studies

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    This working paper presents eight case studies on Nordic higher education institutions (HEI) and their role in regional development. The working paper is part of a project initiated in late 2009 and funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Focus of the study is on the various roles of higher education institutions (HEI) in regional development. The results are presented in a synthesis report Strategies for Interaction and the Role of Higher Education Institution in Regional Development in the Nordic Countries. In this working paper, eight case studies of Nordic HEIs are presented. Focus has been on strategies and activities for external collaboration. The case studies have been selected to represent interesting examples of the role of HEIs in regional development. The following case studies were selected to include HEIs of different types and from different regions in terms of size and population density so as to offer a better understanding of the role of HEIs in different regional contexts: Aalborg University, the North Jutland region (Denmark) University of Iceland, Iceland and municipality of Hornafjördur (Iceland) Nordland University (former Bodö University College), Nordland County (Norway) University of Tromsö, the region of Northern Norway (Norway) Karlstad University, Värmland Country (Sweden) Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm County (Sweden) HAMK University of Applied Science, region of Häme (Finland) University of Lappeenranta, region of Lappeenranta (Finland) Examples of HEI collaboration in regional development The case studies do not claim to be representative and the examples of regional collaborations are selected to illustrate a variation of activities rather than to identify best practice. Some of examples of interesting activities are the following: Problem-based learning and students projects in collaboration with businesses Demand driven education, vocational training and lifelong learning Matching supply and demand of competences Research collaborations projects Commercialisation and innovation support structures Participation in regional partnerships and dialogues Development and implementation of regional strategies Cluster developmen

    Oulun kuntaliitoksen ja Kainuun hallintomallikokeilun vaikutukset maaseutuasumiseen ja -alueisiin

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    Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin Oulun kuntaliitoksen ja Kainuun hallintomallikokeilun vaikutuksia maaseutuasumiseen ja -alueisiin. Tulosten perusteella kehitettiin maaseutuvaikutusten arviointimenetelmää. Kuntien ja sitä laajempien aluetasojen roolit julkisten palvelujen järjestämisessä ovat olleet kuntaliitosten ja yleensä aluehallintoa koskevan keskustelun keskeistä sisältöä. Oulun kuntaliitoksessa keskuskaupunkiin liittyi laajoja maaseutukuntia. Kainuun hallintomallikokeilussa palveluja tuotettiin maakunnallisella yhteistyöllä, jossa olivat mukana sekä pienet kehyskunnat että maakunnan keskuskaupunki. Maaseutuasumisen ja -alueiden näkökulmasta Oulun kuntaliitoksen merkittävimmät vaikutukset näyttivät kohdistuvan kaavoitettujen alueiden ulkopuolisen rakentamisen periaatteisiin sekä sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluiden saavutettavuuteen. Suunnittelun ja päätöksenteon läpinäkyvyyden ja tasa-arvoisuuden arvioitiin lisääntyvän. Keskeisimpinä uhkina nähtiin, että uuden kunnan politiikka tulee olemaan kaupunkivetoista, ja että maaseutualueiden asukkaat passivoituvat. Keskeisimpinä toimenpiteinä tuotiin esiin muun muassa viranhaltijoiden ja luottamushenkilöiden maaseutuasiantuntemuksenvahvistaminen ja suunnitteluprosessien maaseutuasiantuntemuksenlisääminen, maaseudun asukkaan lähellä tapahtuvan osallistumisen ja vaikuttamisen aktivoiminen sekä pitkien palvelumatkojen korvaaminen esimerkiksi sähköisillä ja liikkuvilla palveluilla

    Hyvinvointia mukautuvalla ja älykkäällä valaistuksella kouluihin ja työympäristöihin

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    Tiivistelmä Sirkadiaaninen valaistus lisää hyvinvointia tiloissa, joissa päivänvalon saatavuus on rajoittunut. Arkkitehtonisen valaistussuunnittelun keinoilla voidaan vaikuttaa kokemukseen moniulotteisesti. Mukautuvan ja älykkään valaistuksen hyvinvointivaikutuksia tutkittiin muun muassa Rantaroustin koulussa Tyrnävällä sekä Pyhäsalmen kaivoksen maanalaisissa työympäristöissä