158 research outputs found

    Should I be bothered or not? Development of the Environmental Attitudes Scale (EAS)

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    The aim of this paper was to develop a reliable scale evaluating values, beliefs, and attitudes towards the environment, and to test its basic psychometric properties relative to its employment in Serbia. The final sample included 1020 participants (46.9% male and 53.1% female), aged from 18 to 86 (M = 39.29, SD = 15.77). All the participants completed the demographic questionnaire (age, sex, region, education, work, and economic status), and the EAS scale. This final scale included 34 items grouped into seven dimensions explaining 51.84% of the common variance: Love of nature 18.72%, Population growth policies 10.24%, Pro-environmental behaviours 8.94%, Preservation measures 4.28%, Environmental concern 3.87%, Instrumentalism 3.12%, and Environmental activism with 2.27% of the variance explained. EAS showed internal consistency ranging from .74 to .82 for the factor scales, and test-retest rtt = .80. Results confirmed three second-order factors (84.17% of variance explained): Pro-environmental factor (explaining 46.11% of the variance), contained the Love of nature, Environment concern, Pro-environmental behaviour, Environmental activism, and Preservation measures factors, the second contained only Population growth policies factor, explaining 25.19% of the variance, while the third contained the Instrumentalism factor, explaining 12.87% of the variance.Publishe

    Musums and e-learning

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    U ovom radu, glavna tema je uska povezanost e-učenja i muzeja. Prilikom razrade navedenih pojmova, dotakla sam se sljedećih ključnih sastavnica – internet, digitalizacija, mediji i ostale nove komunikacijske tehnologije. Svakako možemo reći, da muzeji u današnje vrijeme ne mogu funkcionirati bez tih medija. Nove tehnologije čine digitalne i virtualne izložbe te interaktivni sadržaji koji nam uvelike olakšavaju put educiranja u muzejima.Koncept e-učenja u muzejima uvijek će težiti svojem napretku, raznim inovacijama te će morati držati korak s novim trendovima.In this paper, the main topic is the close link between e-learning and the museum. During the elaboration of these terms, I have touched upon the following key components - internet, digitalization, media and other new communication technologies. Certainly we can say that museums can not function today without these media. New technologies make digital and virtual exhibitions and interactive content that greatly facilitate the way we educate in museums. The e-learning concept in museums will always strive for our progress, variety of innovations, and will have to keep up with new trends

    Operating forklift safely

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    Cij ovog rada je opisati rad na siguran viličarom, te objasniti osposobljavanje za rukovatelja viličara. Prikazana je većina vrsti viličara,sadržaj osposobljavanja radnika za rad na siguran način viličarom i primjer ispita za rukovatelja viličarom.The objective of this paper is to describe the work on a safe forklift, and to explain the training for a forklift operator. Most types of forklifts are displayed, the contents of health and safety forklift training and forklift operator test example

    Procjena rizika radnih mjesta na postrojenju KAN 1 u Petrokemiji d.d.Kutina

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    U završnom radu nalaze se podaci prikupljeni u Petrokemiji d.d. Kutina.Izradu procjene rizika radnih mjesta na postrojenju KAN 1 učinili smo Kinny metodom. Procjena opasnosti napravljena je na temelju studija dokumentacije poslodavca,uvida u poslove ,radne zadatke, radne prostore i mjesta rada.The final work contains data collected in Petrokemija d.d. Kutina. The risk assessment of jobs at the plant KAN 1 we did Kinny method. Risk assessment was made based on the study documents the employer , access to jobs , tasks , work areas and places of work

    Problematic Internet Use: Old problems with a new twist

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    The Internet is an integral part of human society and everyday life of most people, and it may be used for satisfying various human needs. The Internet has changed the way we process information, learn, talk, behave, etc. However, when something is used too much, it always brings some consequences with it, one being Problematic Internet Use, which is an umbrella term that encompasses a wide range of repetitive disabling behaviours, such as Internet video gaming, gambling, cyberpornography addiction, compulsive online shopping, social networking problematic use, and so on. In this paper, different views on Internet use in modern society will be considered, from ideas (over)emphasising its harmful effects on users’ health, to ideas ignoring these warnings. We will be discussing the advantages of ICT use, as well as characteristics of the Internet, which may ease a compulsive use or preoccupation with online content and activities. We will particularly focus on classification criteria for specific online behaviours into the category of problematic use or Internet addiction, and finally we will point to some of the negative effects of PIU, as well as types of such Internet-related problems.Publishe

    Unterschiede in der Wahrnehmung der ökologischen Probleme bei den Bewohnern non Novi Pazar

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    U ispitivanjima ljudske percepcije ekoloških problema jasno su izdvojena znanja i uvjerenja formirana na temelju neposrednog, osobnog iskustva i svijest formirana na temelju eksternih izvora informacija i dominantnih globalnih uvjerenja. U ovom istraživanju bavili smo se prvom grupom pitanja, odnosno faktorima koji su utkani u izgradnju neposrednog iskustva s ekološkim problemima, s posebnim ciljem utvrđivanja potencijalne veze između života u određenim dijelovima grada (periferija i centar grada) i percepcije specifi čnih ekoloških problema. Nakon primjene polustrukturiranog intervjua, metodom konceptualne analize sadržaja, utvrđene su frekvencije percipiranih kategorija ekoloških problema na uzorku od 150 ispitanika djelomično stratificiranih po unaprijed određenim demografskim kvotama za spol, dob, obrazovanje, ekonomski status i mjesto stanovanja. Najvažniji nalaz je da nisu utvrđene razlike po spolu, dobi i obrazovanju, već su statistički značajne razlike u odgovorima utvrđene kod stanovnika iz različitih dijelova grada (centar ili periferija). Naši rezultati također su u potpunosti u skladu s tezom da individue u najvećoj mjeri prepoznaju probleme koji se mogu konkretno opaziti u neposrednom okruženju, prije nego opće probleme na globalnom nivou. Ispitanike iz centra grada značajno više muče problemi sa smećem, prometom, bukom, nedostatkom zelenila i zbijenošću, a one s periferije problemi s lošom infrastrukturom, deponijima i divljim životinjama. Konačno, ispitanici su uzroke postojećih ekoloških problema grupirali u nekoliko najistaknutijih skupina, i to: lošu ekonomsku situaciju i loše upravljanje nadležnih organa, nemar i neinformiranost građana te nedovoljnu primjena postojećih i nedostatak efikasnijih zakona.In this research, we address the first group of questions, i.e. we analyze the factors that underline the formation of direct experience with environmental issues, with a particular aim to establish a potential link between living in certain areas of a town (the outskirts and town center) and perception of specific environmental issues. Having implemented a semi-structured interview, we employed conceptual content analysis and determined the frequencies of perceived categories of environmental issues with 150 respondents (partially stratified sample according to predetermined demographic quotas for gender, age, education, economic status and place of residence). The most important finding is that although differences according to gender, age and education were not identified, significant differences in responses appeared among the residents of different parts of the town (town center or outskirts). Finally, the respondents have grouped the causes of the existing environmental issues into the following categories: poor economic situation and inadequate management by the authorities, citizens’ negligence, the lack of information, insufficient enforcement of the existing laws and the lack of new efficient ones.In der vorliegenden Arbeit haben wir uns mit der ersteren Gruppe der Fragen befaßt, bzw. mit den Faktoren, die im Aufbau der unmittelbaren Erfahrung mit ökologischen Problemen eingebaut sind, mit dem Ziel, eine mögliche Verbindung des Leben in einem bestimmten Stadtteil (Stadtrand oder Stadtzentrum) mit der Wahrnehmung spezifi scher ökologischer Probleme festzustellen. Unter Anwendung des halbstrukturierten Interviews, mit Hilfe der Methode der konzeptuellen Inhaltsanalyse wurde die Frequenz von perzipierten Kategorien der ökologischen Probleme festgestellt, an einem Muster von 150 Befragten, teilweise stratifi zierten nach im Voraus bestimmten demografi schen Quoten für das Geschlecht und Alter, die Bildung, den ökonomischen Status und den Wohnort. Der wichtigste Befund ist, dass keine Unterschiede hinsichtlich des Geschlechtes, des Alters und der Bildung festgestellt worden sind, sondern es wurden statistisch relevante Unterschiede bei Antworten von Bewohnern aus verschiedenen Stadtteilen (Stadtzentrum und Stadtrand) festgestellt. Die Befragten haben die Ursachen für die bestehenden ökologischen Probleme in ein paar Gruppen eingeordnet und zwar: schlechte Wirtschaftslage, schlechte Arbeit von Behörden, Schlamperei und die unzulängliche Informiertheit der Bürger, sowie ungenügende Anwendung von bestehenden und Mangel an wirksameren Gesetzen

    Metodološka pitanja istraživanja međuregionalnih cenovnih prelivanja

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    Problemi odnosa ili položaja pojedinih delova nacionalne privrede u sticanju dohotka (prihoda) određeni kretanjem njihovih relativnih cena (odnosno primarna raspodela) jedno su od najviše istraživanih područja ne samo u našoj ekonomskoj nauci. Radi se o problemima koji su analizirani u raznim oblastima ekonomske nauke: počev od oblika delovanja zakona vrednosti u (kapitalističkoj ili socijalističkoj) robnoj privredi, preko fenomena poznatih pod nazivom »makaze cena« i svih njegovih uzroka i posledica do problema koji se odnose na oblik delovanja zakona vrednosti, odnosno oblik normalne cene u našoj privredi, te konačno savremenih istraživanja o tzv. ravnotežnim cenama, uz posebno naglašavanje međuregionalnih i međusektorskih dispariteta cena. U radu je dat kritički osvrt na do sada korišćene metode utvrđivanja međuregionalnih cenovnih prelivanja i dat je predlog jednog novog pristupa