6 research outputs found

    The Deep-Pelagic Sergestid Shrimp Assemblage in the Gulf of Mexico in the vicinity of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

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    This thesis focuses on the geographical (near-slope vs. offshore) and temporal analyses (2011 – 2018) of the Sergestidae assemblage, the crustacean family with the fourth highest total biomass, in the Gulf of Mexico near the location of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The abundance and biomass of the assemblage were analyzed to determine if statistical differences were present between the near-slope and offshore environments. In addition, this study analyzed the vertical distributions of sergestid species in the epipelagic, mesopelagic, and bathypelagic zones to determine the extent of the migratory behavior of these species. Lastly, the abundance and biomass in the offshore environment between 2011 and 2018 were analyzed. There are no data on the sergestid assemblage in this area before the oil spill, so 2011 served as a contaminated baseline against which data from 2015-2018 samples were compared. The results of this study demonstrate that the sergestid biomass at near-slope stations was significantly higher than at offshore stations. In addition, the temporal analysis shows that the sergestid assemblage decreased significantly in abundance and biomass between 2011 and 2015-2018. Both the geographical and the temporal results provide data that are crucial for future study efforts and trends pertaining to these species

    Asteroseismology of the DOV Star PG 1159-035 with the Whole Earth Telescope

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    We report the results from 264.1 hr of nearly continuous time-series photometry on the pulsating pre-white dwarf star (DOV) PG 1159-035. The high-resolution power spectrum of this data set is dominated by power in the range from roughly 1000 to 2600 μHz (1000 s to 385 s periods). This power is completely resolved into 125 individual frequencies; we have identified 101 of them with specific, quantized pulsation modes, and the rest are completely consistent with such modal assignment. The luminosity variations are therefore certainly the result of g-mode pulsations. Although the amplitudes of some of the peaks exhibit significant variations on time scales of a year or so, the underlying frequency structure of the pulsations is stable over much longer intervals. With the help of existing linear theory we use these identifications to determine, or strongly constrain, many of the fundamental physical parameters describing this star. We find its mass to be 0.586 M⊙, its rotation period 1.38 days, its magnetic field less than 6000 G, its pulsation and rotation axes to be aligned, and its outer layers to be compositionally stratified. With straightforward extensions of existing theory it may be possible to determine uniquely from this data set all of the parameters necessary to construct a quantitative model of its interior. These observations also reveal several interesting phenomena that challenge the current theory of nonradial pulsations, and may require substantial new developments to describe them

    Asteroseismology of the dov star PG 1159-035 with the Whole Earth Telescope

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    We report the results from 264.1 hr of nearly continuous time-series photometry on the pulsating pre-white dwarf star (DOV) PG 1159-035. The high-resolution power spectrum of this data set is dominated by power in the range from roughly 1000 to 2600 μHz (1000 s to 385 s periods). This power is completely resolved into 125 individual frequencies; we have identified 101 of them with specific, quantized pulsation modes, and the rest are completely consistent with such moda! assignment. The luminosity variations are therefore certainly the result of g-mode pulsations. Although the amplitudes of some of the peaks exhibit significant variations on time scales of a year or so, the underlying frequency structure of the pulsations is stable over much longer intervals. With the help of existing linear theory we use these identifications to determine, or strongly constrain, many of the fundamental physical parameters describing this star. We find its mass to be 0.586 Mʘ , its rotation period 1.38 days, its magnetic field less than 6000 G, its pulsation and rotation axes to be aligned, and its outer layers to be compositionally stratified. With straightforward extensions of existing theory it may be pos­ sible to determine uniquely from this data set ali of the parameters necessary to construct a quantitative model of its interior. These observations also reveal severa! interesting phenomena that challenge the current theory of nonradial pulsations, and may require substantial new developments to describe them

    Understanding the Cool DA White Dwarf Pulsator, G29–38

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    The white dwarfs are promising laboratories for the study of cosmochronology and stellar evolution. Through observations of the pulsating white dwarfs, we can measure their internal structures and compositions, critical to understanding post main sequence evolution, along with their cooling rates, allowing us to calibrate their ages directly. The most important set of white dwarf variables to measure are the oldest of the pulsators, the cool DAVs, which have not previously been explored through asteroseismology due to their complexity and instability. Through a time-series photometry data set spanning ten years, we explore the pulsation spectrum of the cool DAV, G29–38 and find an underlying structure of 19 (not including multiplet components) normal-mode, probably ℓ = 1 pulsations amidst an abundance of time variability and linear combination modes. Modelling results are incomplete, but we suggest possible starting directions and discuss probable values for the stellar mass and hydrogen layer size. For the first time, we have made sense out of the complicated power spectra of a large-amplitude DA pulsator. We have shown its seemingly erratic set of observed frequencies can be understood in terms of a recurring set of normal-mode pulsations and their linear combinations. With this result, we have opened the interior secrets of the DAVs to future asteroseismological modelling, thereby joining the rest of the known white dwarf pulsators