948 research outputs found

    Demining in Bihac With 5 Korpusa of the Bosnian Army

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    Despite the end to years of brutal fighting in Bosnia, landmines left behind from the war still threaten the safety of local populations. The following article gives a firsthand account of a former Canadian soldier’s demining experience in Bosnia alongside the Bosnian army

    Genetic Variations in Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: A Focus on Gene-Lifestyle Interactions and Mendelian Randomization

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) are highly prevalent complex diseases that result from lifestyle and genetic factors. Gene-lifestyle interactions are also believed to contribute to the etiology of these diseases. The aim of this thesis was to investigate gene-lifestyle interactions using the strongest T2D and CVD susceptibility genetic loci and to understand the causal nature of the associations of common cardio-metabolic biomarkers with T2D and coronary heart disease (CHD). The Malmö Diet and Cancer Study (MDCS), a population-based prospective study, was used and included around 30,000 individuals with comprehensive baseline dietary and lifestyle assessment between the years 1991-1996. The TCF7L2 genotype modified the association between fiber intake and the risk of T2D. The lower risk of T2D by higher fiber intake was restricted to individuals carrying the CC non-risk genotype (Pinteraction = 0.049). Similar interaction was observed with baseline levels of HbA1C (Pinteraction = 0.02). Other T2D associated genes were then investigated for links to WNT signaling pathway where TCF7L2 acts as a transcription factor. Of the 51 T2D associated gene loci 7 genes were annotated to the WNT pathway. Interaction analyses between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these loci and dietary fiber intake were significant for the TCF7L2, NOTCH2 and ZBED3 SNPs. Higher fiber intake associated with lower risk of T2D only among risk allele carriers of the NOTCH2 SNP (Pinteraction = 0.01) and only among homozygotes for the risk allele of the ZBED3 SNP (Pinteraction = 0.003). The interaction between TCF7L2 and fiber intake was further explored in relation to the metabolic syndrome in 4,606 individuals. Higher fiber intake was observed to be associated with lower prevalence of the metabolic syndrome only among non-risk CC genotype carriers (Pinteraction = 0.02) and similar interactions were observed on baseline levels of several traits related to the metabolic syndrome. The chromosome 9p21 genotype modified the association of vegetable and wine intake with the risk of CVD. Lower risk of CVD by higher vegetable intake was restricted to non-carriers of the 9p21 risk G allele (Pinteraction = 0.043), while wine consumption appeared to lower the risk of CVD only among carriers of the risk allele (Pinteraction = 0.029). Instrumental variable analyses using cardio-metabolic genetic risk scores have indicated an inverse causal association between LDLC and T2D. Similar results were obtained in multivariable Mendelian randomization analyses using MDCS (P = 0.008) and genome-wide association studies data (P = 5×10-7). Using similar analyses, a direct causal association was observed between LDLC and CHD. In conclusion, this thesis provides important evidence for gene-lifestyle interactions in the development of T2D and CVD. It also provides evidence for an inverse causal relationship between LDLC and T2D indicating that LDLC has opposite roles in the causality of T2D and CHD

    Object Rivalry: Competition Between incompatible Representations of the Same Object

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    To understand that an object has changed state during an event, we must represent the `before\u27 and `after\u27 states of that object. Because a physical object cannot be in multiple states at any one moment in time, these `before\u27 and `after\u27 object states are mutually exclusive. In the same way that alternative states of a physical object are mutually exclusive, are cognitive representations of alternative object states also incompatible? If so, comprehension of an object state-change involves interference between the constituent object states. Through a series of functional magnetic resonance imaging experiments, we test the hypothesis that comprehension of object state-change requires the cognitive system to resolve conflict between representationally distinct brain states. We discover that (1) comprehension of an object state-change evokes a neural response in prefrontal cortex that is the same as that found for known forms of conflict, (2) the degree to which an object is described as changing in state predicts the strength of the prefrontal cortex conflict response, (3) the dissimilarity of object states predicts the pattern dissimilarity of visual cortex brain states, and (4) visual cortex pattern dissimilarity predicts the strength of the prefrontal cortex conflict response. Results from these experiments suggest that distinct and incompatible representations of an object compete when representing object state-change. The greater the dissimilarity between described object states, the greater the dissimilarity between rival brain states, and the greater the conflict

    The Movement

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    Poetry by GA Hindy


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    Anak penyandang autis merupakan bagian dari anak Indonesia yang mempunyai hak yang sama dengan anak normal lainnya. SDN Sedati Agung adalah salah satu sekolah di Sidoarjo yang telah melaksanakan program inklusi. Semua guru di sekolah inklusi memiliki beban kerja yang sama yaitu mengajar anak normal dan anak berkebutuhan khusus, namun setelah diadakan wawancara, guru memiliki kesulitan dalam proses belajar mengajar anak autis, banyak hal yang mereka belum mengerti tentang definisi, penyebab, ciri-ciri dan cara mengajar anak autis. Berdasarkan pada latar belakang yang telah dikemukakan, maka timbul rumusan masalah bahwa diperlukannya pengembangan media video Pengenalan Anak Autis untuk guru Sekolah Dasar Inklusi, bagaimana kelayakan media video, dan bagaimana efektivitas media video dalam meningkatan pengetahuan dan kinerja guru di SDN Sedati Agung Sidoarjo. Pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan sebuah produk media video Pengenalan Anak Autis, mengukur kelayakan media video dan mengetahui efektivitas media video guru dalam meningkatan pengetahuan dan kinerja guru sekolah dasar inklusi di SDN Sedati Agung Sidoarjo. Media video pembelajaran ini dikemas dalam bentuk DVD dengan durasi 25 menit dan dilengkapi dengan bahan penyerta. Pengembangan ini menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE yang pengujiannya menggunakan desain uji coba Arief Sadiman sebagai acuan, dikarenakan model pengembangan ADDIE lebih tepat dengan langkah-langkah yang sistematis namun dengan penyajian yang sederhana dikombinasikan dengan keakuratan desain uji coba pengembangan Arief Sadiman  dengan berbagai tahap ujicobanya. Pengembangan media ini diperoleh jenis data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Uji coba media dibagi menjadi 3 tahap, tahap pertama uji ahli materi dan media, tahap kedia uji perorangan dan kelompok kecil, dan tahap ketiga uji kelompok besar. Subjek uji coba yaitu 2 orang ahli materi, 2 orang ahli media, dan 18 guru sekolah dasar inklusi dalam uji coba lapangan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah rerata nilai untuk wawancara, teknik perhitungan PSA (Penilaian Setiap Aspek) untuk  angket dan teknik uji-t untuk tes. Hasil uji validasi kelayakan media video ini berdasarkan hasil wawancara ahli materi adalah 3,44 (baik), hasil wawancara ahli media adalah 3,00 (baik), hasil angket uji coba perorangan 83,55 (baik sekali), hasil angket uji coba kelompok kecil 80 (baik sekali), hasil angket uji coba kelompok besar 81,77 (baik sekali). Berdasarkan hasil belajar guru pada penggunaan media video diperoleh d.b = N-1 = 18-1 = 17 dengan taraf kesalahan 5% (0,05) adalah 2,110 dan t-hitung adalah 11,24. Apabila t-tabel < t-hitung, maka 2,110 < 11,24. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembang telah berhasil menghasilkan media video Pengenalan Anak Autis untuk Guru Sekolah Dasar Inklusi, media video Pengenalan Anak Autis untuk Guru Sekolah Dasar Inklusi layak digunakan dan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara penggunaan media video pengenalan anak autis terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan dan kinerja guru sekolah dasar inklusi di SDN Sedati Agung Sidoarjo. Kata Kunci : Pengembangan, Media Video,  Autisme, Sekolah Dasar Inklusi Abstract Children with autism are part of Indonesian children have the same rights as any other normal child. SDN Sedati Agung is one school in Sidoarjo that have implemented inclusion programs. All teachers in inclusive schools have the same workload that teach normal children and children with special needs, but after the interview is held, the teachers had difficulty in the learning process of children with autism, many of the things they do not understand about the definition, causes, characteristics and how teaching children with autism. Based on the background that have been raised, then the resulting formulation of the problem that the need for the development of video media Autistic Children Introduction to Inclusion Elementary School teacher, how the feasibility of video media, and how the effectiveness of video media in improving teachers' knowledge and performance in SDN Sedati Agung Sidoarjo. This development aims to produce a media product video introduction Autistic Children, measure the feasibility of video media and examine the effectiveness of video media in improving teacher knowledge and performance of elementary school inclusion teacher at SDN Sedati Sidoarjo. This instructional video media is packaged in a DVD with a duration of 25 minutes and comes with an accompanying material. This development uses the ADDIE development model testing using test design Arief Sadiman as a reference, because the ADDIE development model is more precise with systematic steps yet simple presentation combined with the accuracy of the test design Arief Sadiman development at various stages of his tryout. The development of this medium get the type of quantitative and qualitative data. Media trial is divided into 3 phases, the first phase of the test material and media experts, the second phase of testing of individuals and small groups, and a third phase of testing large groups. Test subject matter experts are 2 people, 2 media experts, and 18 elementary school teachers inclusion in field trials. The data collection technique used is the average value for the interview, PSA calculation techniques (Rating Every Aspect) to a questionnaire and t-test techniques to test. The results of the validation test the feasibility of video media is based on the results of the expert interview material was 3.44 (good), the result is a media expert interview 3.00 (good), the results of individual trials questionnaires 83.55 (excellent), the results of the test questionnaire small group of 80 (excellent), the results of questionnaire test large groups 81.77 (excellent). Based on a study of teachers in the use of video media obtained db = N-1 = 18-1 = 17 with a standard error of 5% (0.05) is 2.110 and the t-test is 11.24. If the t-table <t-count, then 2.110 <11.24. It can be concluded that the developers have managed to produce a video media introduction of Autistic Children for Inclusion Elementary School Teachers, media video introduction Autistic Child for Elementary School Teachers Inclusion fit for use and a significant difference between the use of video media recognition of children with autism to increased knowledge and performance of school basic inclusion  teachers in SDN Sedati Agung Sidoarjo. Keywords : Development, Media Video, Autism, Inclusion Elementary Schoo

    Computer Aided Design Of Microstrip Taper Lines

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    This work presents an accurate computer aided design (CAD) for niicrostrip taper lines in the microwave range of frequency. This CAD considers all design parameters affecting the characteristics of the line for different terminal impedances. The CAD takes into consideration the dispersion of effective permittivity at high frequency , different substrates materials, different shape ratios (w/h) and metalization thickness. The CAD is designed based on accurate formulas to obtain the matching requirements forany section. Evaluation of the reflection coefficient takes into account the variation of effective permittivity with line width and frequency, and then a modified reflection pattern is applied to obtain the optimum bandwidth for the tapered line. Restrictions for accurate calculations of the effective permittivity and the characteristic impedance at high frequency are underlined

    Cyber-security internals of a Skoda Octavia vRS:a hands on approach

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    The convergence of information technology and vehicular technologies are a growing paradigm, allowing information to be sent by and to vehicles. This information can further be processed by the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) and the Controller Area Network (CAN) for in-vehicle communications or through a mobile phone or server for out-vehicle communication. Information sent by or to the vehicle can be life-critical (e.g. breaking, acceleration, cruise control, emergency communication, etc. . . ). As vehicular technology advances, in-vehicle networks are connected to external networks through 3 and 4G mobile networks, enabling manufacturer and customer monitoring of different aspects of the car. While these services provide valuable information, they also increase the attack surface of the vehicle, and can enable long and short range attacks. In this manuscript, we evaluate the security of the 2017 Skoda Octavia vRS 4x4. Both physical and remote attacks are considered, the key fob rolling code is successfully compromised, privacy attacks are demonstrated through the infotainment system, the Volkswagen Transport Protocol 2.0 is reverse engineered. Additionally, in-car attacks are highlighted and described, providing an overlook of potentially deadly threats by modifying ECU parameters and components enabling digital forensics investigation are identified
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