388 research outputs found

    Pedagogisesti toimiva ATK-luokka : Opetussuunnan muutos ATK-luokassa

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    Työn taustana on parantaa luokkahuoneen soveltuvuutta datanomiopetukseen. Nykyisissä luokkahuoneissa projektorin kuva on opettajan selän takana, mikä ei ole ATK-kurssien opetuksessa tarkoituksenmukaista. Lisäksi tavanomaisessa luokkatilassa opettaja näe opiskelijoiden työn etenemistä, sillä opiskelijoiden näytöistä näkyy takapaneeli. Tavoitteena tässä työssä oli muuntaa tavallinen luokkahuone pedagogisesti toimivaksi ATK-luokaksi, jossa opettaja pystyy paremmin seuraamaan opiskelijoiden työn etenemistä tietokoneen ääressä. Työn käytännön toteutus tehtiin Oulun seudun ammattiopiston Kaukovainion liiketalouden yksikössä. Tässä opinnäytetyössä sovelletaan tietokoneavusteisen oppimisen teoriaa ja TPACK-mallia. Lisäksi käytettyinä aineistoina ovat olleet didaktiikan kurssikirjojen teoriat ja kasvatustieteen perusteiden oppiaineisto. Luokkatilan toimivuutta tutkittiin Focus Group -haastattelujen avulla. Focus Group -haastattelut ovat markkinoinnin tutkimuksessa käytetty menetelmä, jota voidaan soveltaa myös käyttötilanteisiin. Opinnäytetyön päätuloksena voidaan pitää sitä, että käännetty luokkahuone soveltuu erinomaisesti tietoteknisten kurssien opetukseen ja täyttää myös monen muun tietokoneavusteisen oppiaineen pedagogiset vaatimukset. Luokkahuonetta voisi kehittää edelleen muotoilemalla pöydät sellaisiksi, että kääntyminen niissä on helpompaa. Lisäksi ensimmäinen rivi jäi kokeiluluokassa hieman liian lähelle projektorin kuvaa.The aim of this thesis is to study different classroom layouts for teaching information technology. In current classroom layouts the data projector image is displayed on the screen behind the teacher’s back which is not the best option for IT teaching. In addition, in a regular classroom the teacher is unable to see how the students are progressing because only the backsides of the student monitors are directly visible. The practical objective of this work was to transform an ordinary classroom into a pedagogically functional computer classroom where the teacher is better able to follow students’ work in front of the computers. The practical phase of this thesis was implemented at Oulu Vocational College, Unit of Business and Administration, in Kaukovainio. In this thesis I have applied theories of computer aided learning and TPACK model. Additional studied material includes didactic and pedagogic works and theories. Classroom implementation suitability for learning was studied with Focus Groups survey method. This market research method can easily be applied to use cases in IT pedagogy. The main conclusion of this thesis is that a flipped classroom is extremely suitable for teaching business information technology and fills many pedagogical needs for computer aided learning in other study subjects. Further development of the flipped classroom could include custom made tables which would make it easier for the students to turn around. In addition, the first row of tables in the pilot classroom was left slightly too close to the data projector image

    Analysis of Flue Gas Emission Data from Fluidized Bed Combustion Using Self-Organizing Maps

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    Efficient combustion of fuels with lower emissions levels has become a demanding task in modern power plants, and new tools are needed to diagnose their energy production. The goals of the study were to find dependencies between process variables and the concentrations of gaseous emission components and to create multivariate nonlinear models describing their formation in the process. First, a generic process model was created by using a self-organizing map, which was clustered with the k-means algorithm to create subsets representing the different states of the process. Characteristically, these process states may include high- and low- load situations and transition states where the load is increased or decreased. Then emission models were constructed for both the entire process and for the process state of high boiler load. The main conclusion is that the methodology used is able to reveal such phenomena that occur within the process states and that could otherwise be difficult to observe

    Self-Organizing Maps for Analysis of Expandable Polystyrene Batch Process

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    Self-organizing maps (SOM) have been successfully applied in many fields of research. In this paper, we demonstrate the use of SOM-based method for the analysis of Expandable PolyStyrene (EPS) batch process. To this end, a data set of EPS-batch process was used for training a SOM. Reference vectors of the SOM were then classified by K-means algorithm into six clusters, which represent product types of the process. This SOM could also be used for estimating the optimal amounts of the stabilisation agent. The results of a validation data set showed a good agreement between the actual and estimated amounts of the stabilisation agent. Based on this model a Web application was made for test use at the plant. The results indicate that the SOM method can also be efficiently applied to the analysis of the batch process

    Use of VEGF-C to prevent restenosis

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    The present invention provides materials and methods for preventing stenosis or restenosis of a blood vessel using Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C (VEGF-C) and/or Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor D (VEGF-D) genes or proteins

    Use of VEGF-D gene to prevent restenosis

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    The present invention provides materials and methods for preventing stenosis or restenosis of a blood vessel using Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C (VEGF-C) and/or Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor D (VEGF-D) genes or proteins

    Effects of site preparation and reindeer grazing on the early-stage success of Scots pine regeneration from seeds in northern Finland and Sweden

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    The importance of sufficient soil scarification to ensure the regeneration of Scots pine on sub-dry and more fertile sites has been emphasized in many studies. Here we aimed to study, how site preparation intensity affects the early success of natural regeneration and sowing (bare seeds and seed pellets) of Scots pine with or without the reindeer grazing. The study area was located in northern Finland and Sweden where five site preparation methods were compared: unprepared control, logging machine tracks, Huminmix (mixing the mineral soil and organic layer), disc trenching and intensive disc trenching. In each of these we used direct seeding, seed pellets and natural regeneration. Results revealed that even the lightest site preparation methods can provide sufficient regeneration results while the reindeer grazing limits the optimal regeneration result. Huminmix and even the track of the logging machine could provide satisfactory regeneration results both in direct seeding and natural regeneration. This could facilitate the coexistence of forest management, reindeer herding and other land use forms in the same stands and area. The use of seed pellets needs further research, but it may have potential due to lower consumption of seeds and less need for site preparation