51 research outputs found

    Plant species dominance shifts across erosion edge-meadow transects in the Swiss Alps

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    While exerting no obvious function under "average” environmental conditions, the presence of certain plant specialists becomes crucial in the event of a complete failure of a community due to severe disturbance such as landslides. Plants capable of growing at erosion edges may act as potential edge-engineers by coping with unstable ground and stabilizing the soil with their roots. We hypothesized that life conditions at erosion edges select for a particular set of specialists or species with specific traits, the identification of which was the aim of the study. Across 17 small-scale transects (0.40 × 1.60 m) from intact meadows to landslide edges (Ursern Valley, Swiss Alps, c. 1,600 m a.s.l.), we quantified plant species abundance by the point intercept method and characterized growth conditions based on Landolt's indicator values, leaf δ13C, and volumetric soil moisture in the uppermost soil layers. We observed a clear change of plant species composition and relative abundance from the meadow to the edge, presumably induced by the 25 % lower soil moisture and microclimatic exposure. Species richness at the edge was two-thirds of that in the meadow, but was positively correlated with species richness of the adjacent meadow. Species with "edge-preference” had either (1) rolled or festucoid leaves like Festuca spp., Avenella flexuosa and Nardus stricta, or (2) small, scleromorphic leaves like Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Calluna vulgaris and Thymus ssp. Graminoids with rolled/festucoid leaves were found to be the most dominant edge-specialists. The grass Festuca valesiaca s.l. emerged as the most dominant plant species at the edge, having an 11-times higher cover at the edge than in the meadow. In this montane grassland, a single species contributes to the stabilization of erosion edges and may be regarded as a potential keystone species for slope stability and regeneration after landslides even its role has not so far been establishe

    Low temperature limits for root growth in alpine species are set by cell differentiation

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    Plant growth in cold climates is not limited by carbon assimilation (source activity) but rather by reduced carbon investment into new tissues (sink limitation). It has been hypothesized that all cold-adapted plants face similar growth constraints at low temperature mainly associated with the formation of new tissues. To explore the thermal limitation of plant tissue formation, we studied root growth and anatomical root tissue characteristics in four cold-adapted alpine species (Ranunculus glacialis, Rumex alpinus, Tussilago farfara, Poa alpina), grown in thermostated soils with a vertical temperature gradient approaching 1 °C. Above-ground plant organs were exposed to typical alpine climate conditions (high solar radiation and cool nights) at 2440 m a.s.l. in the Swiss Alps to assure continuous source activity. Image-based measurements of root growth (root elongation rates at 12-h intervals, RERs) were combined with anatomical examinations in thermally constrained root tips as well as with a functional growth analysis of entire plants. Temperatures in the range 0.8 to 1.4 °C were denoted as critically low temperature thresholds for root formation across the four species. The RERs per 12 h revealed that roots kept extending at low rates at 0.7-1.2 °C but cell elongation and xylem lignification were clearly inhibited in the terminal zones of root tips. Roots exposed to temperatures between 1 and 5 °C showed strongly reduced elongation rates so that these roots contributed very little to the entire root system compared to control roots grown at 10 °C. Hardly any secondary roots were formed at temperatures below 5 °C and total root mass was substantially lower (74 % reduction in comparison to control), also the above-ground biomass was reduced by 23 %. Cell elongation and differentiation rather than cell division control length and shape of root cells at the low temperature limit of growth. Lignification of root xylem is clearly constrained at temperatures below 3 °C

    Alnus viridis expansion contributes to excess reactive nitrogen release, reduces biodiversity and constrains forest succession in the Alps

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    Reduction in land use and complete land abandonment are widespread in mountainous regions and are mainly driven by socio-economic factors. Following land-use decline, shrubs and trees expand rapidly into montane and subalpine grassland and alter ecosystem properties at a large scale. In particular, the N2-fixing shrub Alnus viridis is currently spreading at a breath-taking speed and thereby reduces biodiversity, leads to substantial reactive nitrogen enrichment and suppresses species succession towards coniferous forests across large areas in the Alps. In addition, this shrub vegetation neither protects against avalanches nor does it secure slopes from erosion. The expanding, monotonous A. viridis shrubland is impenetrable for hikers and diminishes scenic beauty and touristic value of the landscape. Actions and management adaptations are needed to halt the expansion of A. viridis. Goats and the traditional sheep breed Engadine sheep proved to be very effective in preventing and reverting shrub expansion because of their specific browsing behaviour

    Ecological consequences of the expansion of N2-fixing plants in cold biomes

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    Research in warm-climate biomes has shown that invasion by symbiotic dinitrogen (N2)-fixing plants can transform ecosystems in ways analogous to the transformations observed as a consequence of anthropogenic, atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition: declines in biodiversity, soil acidification, and alterations to carbon and nutrient cycling, including increased N losses through nitrate leaching and emissions of the powerful greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). Here, we used literature review and case study approaches to assess the evidence for similar transformations in cold-climate ecosystems of the boreal, subarctic and upper montane-temperate life zones. Our assessment focuses on the plant genera Lupinus and Alnus, which have become invasive largely as a consequence of deliberate introductions and/or reduced land management. These cold biomes are commonly located in remote areas with low anthropogenic N inputs, and the environmental impacts of N2-fixer invasion appear to be as severe as those from anthropogenic N deposition in highly N polluted areas. Hence, inputs of N from N2 fixation can affect ecosystems as dramatically or even more strongly than N inputs from atmospheric deposition, and biomes in cold climates represent no exception with regard to the risk of being invaded by N2-fixing species. In particular, the cold biomes studied here show both a strong potential to be transformed by N2-fixing plants and a rapid subsequent saturation in the ecosystem's capacity to retain N. Therefore, analogous to increases in N deposition, N2-fixing plant invasions must be deemed significant threats to biodiversity and to environmental quality

    Alpine grassland soils contain large proportion of labile carbon but indicate long turnover times

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    Alpine soils are expected to contain large amounts of labile carbon (C) which may become a further source of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) as a result of global warming. However, there is little data available on these soils, and understanding of the influence of environmental factors on soil organic matter (SOM) turnover is limited. We extracted 30 cm deep cores from five grassland sites along a small elevation gradient from 2285 to 2653 m a.s.l. in the central Swiss Alps. Our aim was to determine the quantity, allocation, degree of stabilization and mean residence time (MRT) of SOM in relation to site factors such as soil pH, vegetation, and SOM composition. Soil fractions obtained by size and density fractionation revealed a high proportion of labile C in SOM, mostly in the uppermost soil layers. Labile C in the top 20 cm across the gradient ranged from 39.6–57.6 % in comparison to 7.2–29.6 % reported in previous studies for lower elevation soils (810–1960 m a.s.l.). At the highest elevation, MRTs measured by means of radiocarbon dating and turnover modelling, increased between fractions of growing stability from 90 years in free POM (fPOM) to 534 years in the mineral associated fraction (mOM). Depending on elevation and pH, plant community data suggested considerable variation in the quantity and quality of organic matter input, and these patterns could be reflected in the dynamics of soil C. 13C NMR data confirmed a relationship of SOM composition to MRT. While low temperature in alpine environments is likely to be a major cause for the slow turnover rate observed, other factors such as residue quality and soil pH, as well as the combination of all factors, play an important role in causing small scale variability of SOM turnover. Failing to incorporate this interplay of controlling factors into models may impair the performance of models to project SOM responses to environmental change

    Temperature logger data treeline Eastern Alps (Defereggen, Tamangur). Publication by KĂśrner & Hiltbrunner, 2024, Regional Environmental Change

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    On-site temperatures (soil and air) to describe rapid advance of climatic tree limits (Pinus cembra L.) in the Eastern Alps. Shoot increment data show vigorous growth at the climatic tree limits.</p

    Why is the alpine flora comparatively robust against climatic warming?

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    The alpine belt hosts the treeless vegetation above the high elevation climatic treeline. The way alpine plants manage to thrive in a climate that prevents tree growth is through small stature, apt seasonal development, and ‘managing’ the microclimate near the ground surface. Nested in a mosaic of micro-environmental conditions, these plants are in a unique position by a close-by neighborhood of strongly diverging microhabitats. The range of adjacent thermal niches that the alpine environment provides is exceeding the worst climate warming scenarios. The provided mountains are high and large enough, these are conditions that cause alpine plant species diversity to be robust against climatic change. However, the areal extent of certain habitat types will shrink as isotherms move upslope, with the potential areal loss by the advance of the treeline by far outranging the gain in new land by glacier retreat globally

    The 90 ways to describe plant temperature

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    What seems like a trivial task is one of the most difficult ones in functional plant ecology and biogeography: selecting the appropriate measures of temperature for an ecologically meaningful description of habitat conditions and for a mechanistic understanding of responses of plants. The difficulty becomes even more severe at elevations above the climatic tree limit, where plant stature, topography and seasonal snow cover interact in producing temperature conditions that largely deviate from weather station records. Temporal resolution and the distinction between extremes and means for biogeographic applications are emphasized. We summarize the key issues in handling temperature as a driver of plant life in general and in high elevation ecosystems in particular. Future directions in plant-temperature research at high elevation need to resolve the thermal species range limit issues (identify the fundamental temperature niche) and the complex controls of plant development (phenology) in a topography context
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