49 research outputs found

    Dos adiciones al complejo Jacea–Lepteranthus: adaptaciones paralelas en las enigmáticas especies Centaurea subtilis y C. exarata

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    Centaurea subtilis from south east Italy and C. exarata from south west Iberia were classified in the Acrolophus- Phalolepis group and therein in section Maculosae. A molecular survey based on ITS sequence data indicates that both species should rather be placed in the Jacea-Lepteranthus group instead. This placement is consistent with the chromosome number of the two species, which is x = 11 like the rest of species of the Jacea-Lepteranthus group, and differs from the x = 9 of the other taxa included in sect. Maculosae. These results confi rm previous suggestions on the unnaturality of sect. Maculosae. Centaurea exarata and C. subtilis are quite different from the other species of Jacea-Lepteranthus in some striking morphological characters, which we hypothesize to be the result of parallel adaptation to dryer climates. The lack of competitors for pollination might be a good explanation for the partial or even total loss of showy flowers in these two species.[es] Centaurea subtilis del sureste de Italia y C. exarata del suroeste de la Península Ibérica fueron clasificadas anteriormente en el grupo Acrolophus-Phalolepis y dentro de él en la sect. Maculosae. Una revisión molecular basada en secuencias de la región ITS indica que ambas deberían clasificarse en el grupo Jacea-Lepteranthus. Este cambio es coherente con el número cromosómico de las dos especies, que tienen x = 11 como el resto de las especies del grupo Jacea-Lepteranthus y no x = 9 como las especies del grupo Acrolophus-Phalolepis. Estos resultados confirman advertencias anteriores sobre el carácter artificial de la sect. Maculosae. Centaurea exarata y C. subtilis son bastante diferentes de las otras especies de Jacea-Lepteranthus en algunos caracteres morfológicos importantes, resultado, según nuestra hipótesis, de adaptaciones a un clima más árido. La reducción o total pérdida de las flores estériles radiantes podría ser una adaptación a la falta de especies competidoras en la polinización. [ct] Centaurea subtilis del sud-est d’Itàlia i C. exarata del sud-oest de la Península Ibèrica han estat classificades en el grup Acrolophus-Phalolepis i, dins d’aquest grup, a la secció Maculosae. Una revisió molecular basada en seqüències de la regió ITS indica que ambdues espècies haurien de classificar-se en el grup Jacea-Lepteranthus. Aquest canvi és coherent amb el nombre cromosòmic de les dues espècies, que tenen x = 11 com la resta de les espècies del grup Jacea-Lepteranthus i no x = 9 com les espècies del grup Acrolophus-Phalolepis. Aquests resultats confi rmen advertències anteriors sobre el caràcter artificial de la sect. Maculosae. Centaurea exarata i C. subtilis són bastant diferents de les altres espècies de Jacea-Lepteranthus en alguns caràcters morfològics importants, degut, segons la nostra hipòtesi, a adaptacions a un clima més àrid. La reducció o la total pèrdua de les flors estèrils radiants podria ser una adaptació a la falta d’espècies competidores en la pol·linització

    Notas taxonómicas y nomenclaturales en Centaurea: propuesta de clasificación, descripción de secciones y subsecciones nuevas, y lista de especies de una sección Centaurea redefinida

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    In this paper, we summarize the results of our long-date research on the genus Centaurea. The first part of the paper deals with the overall classification of the genus, which we propose to divide into three subgenera: subgenus Centaurea, subgenus Cyanus and subgenus Lopholoma. The second part of this publication gives a recopilation of the species of the redefined section Centaurea, a group that includes former sections Acrolophus (sect. Centaurea s. str.), Phalolepis and Willkommia, together with taxonomical, geographical, ecological and karyological considerations. Finally, new descriptions or nomenclatural combinations are proposed to correlate nomenclature to the new classification: a new combination (sect. Acrocentron subsect. Chamaecyanus) is proposed in subgenus Lopholoma; three new sections (sects. Akamantis, Cnicus, and Hyerapolitanae) are described in subgenus Centaurea; two subsections (subsects. Phalolepis and Willkommia) in sect. Centaurea; and three subsections (subsects. Exarata, Jacea, and Subtilis) in sect. Phrygia.En este trabajo presentamos los resultados de nuestras investigaciones de larga fecha en el género Centaurea. La primera parte del trabajo trata de la clasificación del género, que proponemos dividir en tres subgéneros: subgénero Centaurea, subgénero Cyanus y subgénero Lopholoma. La segunda parte es una recopilación de las especies de la redefinida sección Centaurea, que incluye las antiguas secciones Acrolophus (sect. Centaurea s. str.), Phalolepis y Willkommia, junto con consideraciones geográficas, ecológicas y cariológicas. Por último, proponemos nuevas secciones, subsecciones y combinaciones para correlacionar nomenclatura y clasificación: proponemos una nueva (sect. Acrocentron subsect. Chamaecyanus) en el subgénero Lopholoma; se describen tres secciones nuevas (sects. Akamantis, Cnicus y Hyerapolitanae) en el subgénero Centaurea; dos subsecciones (subsects. Phalolepis and Willkommia) en la sección Centaurea; y tres subsecciones (subsects. Exarata, Jacea y Subtilis) en la sección Phrygia

    Biodiversitätsmonitoring im Südtiroler Kräuteranbau = Biodiversity surveys in medicinal and aromatic plant fields in South Tyrol

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    Medicinal and aromatic plants in mountain regions such as South Tyrol are cultivated on small-scale farms, which are characterized by a high diversity of cultivated crop species grown on a relatively small area. This small-scale cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants suggests that MAP fields are of high ecological value. However, research on this topic is generally lacking. In this study flower-visiting arthropods were recorded with pan traps in three herb fields during three survey events conducted in 2021. Our results indicate that medicinal and aromatic plant fields are valuable habitats for several taxa. In total 12.570 individuals were collected. Wild bees were particularly species-rich, accounting for 10 % of the regional wild bee species pool. Next to beneficial arthropods, potential pests, such as aphids were also highly abundant. However, natural enemies possibly counteracting pests were also numerous. Overall, we conclude that medicinal and aromatic plant cultivation may act as resource-rich oases for several arthropod groups, thereby promoting biodiversity also on a broader scale.Der Anbau von Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzen zeichnet sich in der Regel durch vielfältige Anbaukulturen auf relativ kleinen Flächen aus. Dies gilt insbesondere für Südtirol, wo diese Kulturen hauptsächlich von kleinen Betrieben im Berggebiet angebaut werden. Dieser kleinflächige Anbau von Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzen lässt vermuten, dass die Betriebe einen hohen ökologischen Wert haben. Es gibt wenige Studien zur Erfassung der Biodiversität im Anbau von Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzen. Daher wurden in dieser Arbeit Kräuteranbau-Betriebe als Lebensraum für blütenbesuchende Arthropoden untersucht. An drei Untersuchungsstandorten wurden im Jahr 2021 jeweils an drei Terminen Farbschalen zur Sammlung von Arthropoden verwendet. Kräuteranbau-Betriebe stellten sich als ein wertvoller Lebensraum für verschiedene Arthropoden heraus. Insgesamt wurden 12.570 Individuen mit den Farbschalen gesammelt. Insbesondere Wildbienen waren mit 10 % des regionalen Artenpools sehr artenreich. Auch potenzielle Schädlinge, wie zum Beispiel Blattläuse, waren sehr häufig anzutreffen, wobei natürliche Feinde, wie zum Beispiel Parasitoide, ebenfalls zahlreich vertreten waren. Insgesamt können Kräuteranbaubetriebe als strukturreiche Oasen für Arthropoden fungieren und sich somit auf einer breiteren Skala positiv auf die Biodiversität auswirken

    Integrating phylogenomics, phylogenetics, morphometrics, relative genome size and ecological niche modelling disentangles the diversification of Eurasian Euphorbia seguieriana s. l. (Euphorbiaceae)

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    Next generation sequencing has revolutionised biology. Restriction-associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) has primarily been used to study infraspecific relationships but has also been applied in multi-species phylogenomic analyses. In this study, we used a combination of phylogenomic (with RADseq data) and phylogenetic (with sequences of the nuclear internal transcribed spacer, ITS) methods to explore relationships within the taxonomically intricate Euphorbia seguieriana s. l., one of the most widespread Euphorbia taxa inhabiting zonal and extrazonal steppes from Iberia to Central Asia. In the inferred phylogenies the southeastern Balkan and Anatolian populations were clearly separated, supporting the distinction of E. niciciana from E. seguieriana at the species level. Within E. seguieriana, the populations from the Caucasus, Iran, and easternmost Anatolia were sister to all other populations based on RADseq, making necessary the description of a new, morphologically divergent subspecies, E. seguieriana subsp. armeniaca. Conversely, additional studies are needed to understand the status of E. seguieriana subsp. hohenackeri, which is sympatric with E. seguieriana subsp. armeniaca. Niche analyses indicated that differences in the climatic niche between E. niciciana and E. seguieriana are relatively small compared with the climatic differences between the regions over which they are distributed. Contrary to previous believes, E. niciciana and E. seguieriana are allopatric and have likely diverged during the Pleistocene in two different glacial refugia as suggested by distribution modelling. Euphorbia niciciana nowadays has a submediterranean distribution, occupying habitats that are slightly warmer, moister, and less seasonal in temperature but more seasonal in precipitation than E. seguieriana, a characteristic species of continental steppes. Using flow cytometry, we demonstrate that the relative genome sizes of E. niciciana and E. seguieriana differ significantly. Additionally, multivariate morphometric analyses of 56 morphological characters indicated clear morphological divergence of the two species. Importantly, we also provide a revised taxonomic treatment including formal nomenclatural changes, an identification key and species descriptions. Our study demonstrates that an integrative approach, combining modern phylogenomic methods with traditional phylogenetic, cytogenetic, environmental and morphological analyses can result in satisfactorily resolved relationships in intricate groups of closely related species. Finally, phylogenetic inference using ITS sequences is still a useful tool for resolving relationships among the taxa at the species level, but the phylogenomic approach based on RADseq data certainly provides better resolution both among and within species.Austrian Science Fund Tiroler Wissenschaftsfond

    European Union Approaches to Human Rights Violations in Kosovo before and after Independence

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    This article examines European Union (EU) approaches to the question of human rights violations in Kosovo before and after its proclamation of independence, in February 2008. While the 1999 NATO-led humanitarian intervention in the region was often justified as necessary due to the continuous abuses of human rights, perpetrated by the Serbian forces against the ethic Kosovo Albanians, the post-interventionist period has witnessed a dramatic reversal of roles, with the rights of the remaining Serbian minority being regularly abused by the dominant Albanian population. However, in contrast to the former scenario, the Brussels administration has remained quite salient about the post-independence context – a grey zone of unviable political and social components, capable of generating new confrontations and human rights abuses within the borders of Kosovo. Aware of this dynamic and the existing EU official rhetoric, it is possible to conclude that the embedded human rights concerns in Kosovo are not likely to disappear, but even more importantly, their relevance has been significantly eroded