2,805 research outputs found

    Agents sans frontiers: cross-border aquatic weed biological control in the rivers of southern Mozambique

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    Biological control is an effective ways of controlling aquatic plants, especially in South Africa. Release of biological control agents has been limited to Mozambique, where water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms-Laubach (Pontederiaceae)), water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L. (Araceae)), red water ferns (Azolla spp. (Azollaceae)) and salvinia (Salvinia molesta DS Mitch. (Salviniaceae)) are significant weeds in the south of the country. In 2009, we assessed the status of these weeds in seven rivers across southern Mozambique and recorded whether any biocontrol agents were present. The weevils Neochetina eichhorniae Warner (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and N. bruchi Hustache (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) were on water hyacinth, along with the pathogen Acremonium zonatum (Sawada) W. Gams (Hypocreales) and the mite Orthogalumna terebrantis Wallwork (Acarina: Sarcoptiformes: Galumnidae). Pistia stratiotes supported small numbers of the weevil Neohydronomus affinis Hustache (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). The red water fern in the rivers was A. cristata Kaulfuss (Azollaceae) not the more widely recorded A. filiculoides Lam. (Azollaceae), and it supported small numbers of the weevil Stenopelmus rufinasus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). No agents were present on S. molesta. Most of these agents are likely to have dispersed from South Africa, and the rivers of southern Mozambique are likely to be benefitting from the transnational dispersal of these agents

    Two in one: cryptic species discovered in biological control agent populations using molecular data and crossbreeding experiments

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    There are many examples of cryptic species that have been identified through DNA-barcoding or other genetic techniques. There are, however, very few confirmations of cryptic species being reproductively isolated. This study presents one of the few cases of cryptic species that has been confirmed to be reproductively isolated and therefore true species according to the biological species concept. The cryptic species are of special interest because they were discovered within biological control agent populations. Two geographically isolated populations of Eccritotarsus catarinensis (Carvalho) [Hemiptera: Miridae], a biological control agent for the invasive aquatic macrophyte, water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms [Pontederiaceae], in South Africa, were sampled from the native range of the species in South America. Morphological characteristics indicated that both populations were the same species according to the current taxonomy, but subsequent DNA analysis and breeding experiments revealed that the two populations are reproductively isolated. Crossbreeding experiments resulted in very few hybrid offspring when individuals were forced to interbreed with individuals of the other population, and no hybrid offspring were recorded when a choice of mate from either population was offered. The data indicate that the two populations are cryptic species that are reproductively incompatible. Subtle but reliable diagnostic characteristics were then identified to distinguish between the two species which would have been considered intraspecific variation without the data from the genetics and interbreeding experiments. These findings suggest that all consignments of biological control agents from allopatric populations should be screened for cryptic species using genetic techniques and that the importation of multiple consignments of the same species for biological control should be conducted with caution

    Using interpretative phenomenological analysis to inform physiotherapy practice: An introduction with reference to the lived experience of cerebellar ataxia

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    The attached file is a pre-published version of the full and final paper which can be found at the link below.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Qualitative research methods that focus on the lived experience of people with health conditions are relatively underutilised in physiotherapy research. This article aims to introduce interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), a research methodology oriented toward exploring and understanding the experience of a particular phenomenon (e.g., living with spinal cord injury or chronic pain, or being the carer of someone with a particular health condition). Researchers using IPA try to find out how people make sense of their experiences and the meanings they attach to them. The findings from IPA research are highly nuanced and offer a fine grained understanding that can be used to contextualise existing quantitative research, to inform understanding of novel or underresearched topics or, in their own right, to provoke a reappraisal of what is considered known about a specified phenomenon. We advocate IPA as a useful and accessible approach to qualitative research that can be used in the clinical setting to inform physiotherapy practice and the development of services from the perspective of individuals with particular health conditions.This article is available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund

    Tailored education for older patients to facilitate engagement in falls prevention strategies after hospital discharge—A pilot randomized controlled trial

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    Background The aims of the study were to evaluate the effect of providing tailored falls prevention education in hospital on: i) engagement in targeted falls prevention behaviors in the month after discharge: ii) patients’ self-perceived risk and knowledge about falls and falls prevention strategies after receiving the education. Methods A pilot randomized controlled trial (n = 50): baseline and outcome assessments conducted by blinded researchers. Participants: hospital inpatients 60 years or older, discharged to the community. Participants were randomized into two groups. The intervention was a tailored education package consisting of multimedia falls prevention information with trained health professional follow-up, delivered in addition to usual care. Outcome measures were engagement in falls prevention behaviors in the month after discharge measured at one month after discharge with a structured survey, and participants’ knowledge, confidence and motivation levels before and after receiving the education. The feasibility of providing the intervention was examined and falls outcomes (falls, fall-related injuries) were also collected. Results Forty-eight patients (98%) provided follow-up data. The complete package was provided to 21 (84%) intervention group participants. Participants in the intervention group were significantly more likely to plan how to safely restart functional activities [Adjusted odds ratio 3.80, 95% CI (1.07, 13.52), p = 0.04] and more likely to complete other targeted behaviors such as completing their own home exercise program [Adjusted odds ratio 2.76, 95% CI (0.72, 10.50), p = 0.14] than the control group. The intervention group was significantly more knowledgeable, confident and motivated to engage in falls prevention strategies after receiving the education than the control group. There were 23 falls (n = 5 intervention; n = 18 control) and falls rates were 5.4/1000 patient days (intervention); 18.7/1000 patient days (control). Conclusion This tailored education was received positively by older people, resulted in increased engagement in falls prevention strategies after discharge and is feasible to deliver to older hospital patients. Trial registration The study was registered with the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry; ACTRN12611000963921 on 8th November 2011

    Exploring the presence of markers of decidualisation in the fallopian tubes: a systematic review.

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    The Fallopian tubes (FTs) are part of the female upper genital tract. The healthy FT provides the biological environment for successful fertilisation and facilitates the subsequent movement of the conceptus to the endometrial cavity. However, when the FT is damaged, as with salpingitis, pyosalpinx and hydrosalpinx, it may increase the risk of an ectopic pregnancy, a life-threatening condition. Decidualisation refers to a multifactorial process by which the endometrium changes to permit blastocyst implantation. The decidualisation reaction is vital for endometrial receptivity during the window of implantation. To date, no comprehensive review that collates evidence on decidualisation in the human FT has been conducted. Therefore, the aim of this review is to compile the current evidence on cellular decidualisation occurring in the healthy and pathological FT in women of reproductive age. A literature search was conducted using five databases and identified 746 articles, 24 of which were analysed based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The available evidence indicates that the FT are able to undergo decidual changes under specific circumstances, however, the exact mechanism by which this occurs is poorly understood. Further research is needed to elucidate the mechanism by which decidualisation can occur in the FT

    Age and gender differences in disabling foot pain using different definitions of the manchester foot pain and disability index

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    Extent: 9p.Background: The Manchester Foot Pain and Disability Index (MFPDI) has been used to determine the prevalence of disabling foot pain in several studies, however there is some debate as to which case definition is most appropriate. The objective of this study was to explore age and gender differences in the proportion of people with disabling foot pain using three different case definitions of the MFPDI and for each individual MFPDI item. Methods: A random sample of 223 participants aged 27 to 90 years (88 males and 135 females) from the North West Adelaide Health Study, who reported having pain, aching or stiffness in either of their feet on most days in the last month, completed the MFPDI by telephone interview. The proportion of people with disabling foot pain was determined using three definitions: (i) Definition A-at least one of the 17 items documented on at least some days in the last month; (ii) Definition B-at least one of the 17 items documented on most/every day(s) in the last month, and; (iii) Definition C-at least one of the ten functional limitation items documented on most/every day(s) in the last month. Cross-tabulations and chi-squared statistics were used to explore differences in responses to the MFPDI items according to age and gender. Results: The proportion of people with disabling foot pain according to each definition was as follows: Definition A (100%), Definition B (95.1%) and Definition C (77.6%). Definition C was most sensitive to age and gender differences. Exploration of individual MFPDI items indicated that age significantly affected both the pain intensity and functional limitation items, with younger people more likely to report their foot pain being worse in the morning, and older people more likely to report functional limitations. Although gender did not influence responses to the personal appearance items, women were more likely report functional limitations than men. Conclusions: Definition C of the MFPDI is more sensitive to age and gender differences in the proportion of people with disabling foot pain, and would therefore seem to be the most appropriate case definition to use in epidemiological studies involving a broad age range of participants.Hylton B Menz, Tiffany K Gill, Anne W Taylor and Catherine L Hil

    Characterization of Protective Human CD4+CD25+ FOXP3+ Regulatory T Cells Generated with IL-2, TGF-β and Retinoic Acid

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    BACKGROUND: Protective CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells bearing the Forkhead Foxp3 transcription factor can now be divided into three subsets: Endogenous thymus-derived cells, those induced in the periphery, and another subset induced ex-vivo with pharmacological amounts of IL-2 and TGF-β. Unfortunately, endogenous CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells are unstable and can be converted to effector cells by pro-inflammatory cytokines. Although protective Foxp3+CD4+CD25+ cells resistant to proinflammatory cytokines have been generated in mice, in humans this result has been elusive. Our objective, therefore, was to induce human naïve CD4+ cells to become stable, functional CD25+ Foxp3+ regulatory cells that were also resistant to the inhibitory effects of proinflammatory cytokines. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The addition of the vitamin A metabolite, all-trans retinoic acid (atRA) to human naïve CD4+ cells suboptimally activated with IL-2 and TGF-β enhanced and stabilized FOXP3 expression, and accelerated their maturation to protective regulatory T cells. AtRA, by itself, accelerated conversion of naïve to mature cells but did not induce FOXP3 or suppressive activity. The combination of atRA and TGF-β enabled CD4+CD45RA+ cells to express a phenotype and trafficking receptors similar to natural Tregs. AtRA/TGF-β-induced CD4+ regs were anergic and low producers of IL-2. They had potent in vitro suppressive activity and protected immunodeficient mice from a human-anti-mouse GVHD as well as expanded endogenous Tregs. However, treatment of endogenous Tregs with IL-1β and IL-6 decreased FOXP3 expression and diminished their protective effects in vivo while atRA-induced iTregs were resistant to these inhibitory effects. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We have developed a methodology that induces human CD4(+) cells to rapidly become stable, fully functional suppressor cells that are also resistant to proinflammatory cytokines. This methodology offers a practical novel strategy to treat human autoimmune diseases and prevent allograft rejection without the use of agents that kill cells or interfere with signaling pathways

    Building block libraries and structural considerations in the self-assembly of polyoxometalate and polyoxothiometalate systems

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    Inorganic metal-oxide clusters form a class of compounds that are unique in their topological and electronic versatility and are becoming increasingly more important in a variety of applications. Namely, Polyoxometalates (POMs) have shown an unmatched range of physical properties and the ability to form structures that can bridge several length scales. The formation of these molecular clusters is often ambiguous and is governed by self-assembly processes that limit our ability to rationally design such molecules. However, recent years have shown that by considering new building block principles the design and discovery of novel complex clusters is aiding our understanding of this process. Now with current progress in thiometalate chemistry, specifically polyoxothiometalates (POTM), the field of inorganic molecular clusters has further diversified allowing for the targeted development of molecules with specific functionality. This chapter discusses the main differences between POM and POTM systems and how this affects synthetic methodologies and reactivities. We will illustrate how careful structural considerations can lead to the generation of novel building blocks and further deepen our understanding of complex systems

    Detecting a conditional extrme value model

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    In classical extreme value theory probabilities of extreme events are estimated assuming all the components of a random vector to be in a domain of attraction of an extreme value distribution. In contrast, the conditional extreme value model assumes a domain of attraction condition on a sub-collection of the components of a multivariate random vector. This model has been studied in \cite{heffernan:tawn:2004,heffernan:resnick:2007,das:resnick:2008a}. In this paper we propose three statistics which act as tools to detect this model in a bivariate set-up. In addition, the proposed statistics also help to distinguish between two forms of the limit measure that is obtained in the model.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure
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