3,415 research outputs found

    Recent highlights from the PHENIX heavy ion program

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    It is accepted that a QGP can be formed in relativistic collisions of heavy nuclei (A+A). Recently long-range correlations have been observed in p+A collisions at the LHC in high multiplicity events. PHENIX has carried out a series of studies of d+Au collisions at 200 GeV to see if such correlations persist at lower energies compared to those at the LHC. Results of a study of long-range correlations and flow are presented for d+Au collisions. Data from Au+Au collisions collected during the beam energy scan (BES) was used to determine both quark and nucleon number scaling. The HBT method was used to determine radii of the fireball at kinetic freezeout. Implications for the nuclear EOS are discussed. Also results of a search for “dark photons” are presented. Recent PHENIX highlights on heavy flavor, electromagnetic probes, spin and plans for PHENIX upgrades were presented in other talks at this conference

    L’implacable rythme : Edgar Allan Poe et la pédagogie

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    Faire pénétrer les étudiants du baccalauréat dans le rythme et la structure phonétique de la nouvelle « The Fall of the House of Usher », c'est éveiller leur sensibilité aux aspects rhétoriques de la communication écrite. Pour cette raison, cet objectif est plus important, à court et à long terme, que des considérations purement psychologiques ou thématiques. Cet essai, qui utilise l'imagination auditive du lecteur, le fait pénétrer dans les mécanismes de l'écriture à l'oeuvre dans la première page de la nouvelle d'Edgar Allan Poe, afin d'illustrer son principal but, qui est d'instruire par le plaisir.To instill in undergraduates a facility with rhythm and phonetic structure as found in "The Fall of The House Of Usher" is to awaken a central feeling for the rhetorical patterns of written communication, and as such is immediately and in the long run more important than considerations of a merely psychological and thematic kind. This paper takes the reader, using the auditory imagination, into the workings of the opening paragraph of the work as illustration of its principal argument, which is that of instruction through delight

    Simultaneous Projectile-Target Excitation in Heavy Ion Collisions

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    We calculate the lowest-order contribution to the cross section for simultaneous excitation of projectile and target nuclei in relativistic heavy ion collisions. This process is, to leading order, non-classical and adds incoherently to the well-studied semi-classical Weizs\"acker-Williams cross section. While the leading contribution to the cross section is down by only 1/ZP1/Z_P from the semiclassical process, and consequently of potential importance for understanding data from light projectiles, we find that phase space considerations render the cross section utterly negligible.Comment: 9 pages, LA-UR-94-247

    Electromagnetic Dissociation of Nuclei in Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    Large discrepancies have been observed between measured Electromagnetic Dissociation(ED) cross sections and the predictions of the semiclassical Weiz\"acker-Williams-Fermi(WWF) method. In this paper, the validity of the semiclassical approximation is examined. The total cross section for electromagnetic excitation of a nuclear target by a spinless projectile is calculated in first Born approximation, neglecting recoil. The final result is expressed in terms of correlation functions and convoluted densities in configuration space. The result agrees with the WWF approximation to leading order(unretarded electric dipole approximation), but the method allows an analytic evaluation of the cutoff, which is determined by the details of the electric dipole transition charge density. Using the Goldhaber-Teller model of that density, and uniform charge densities for both projectile and target, the cutoff is determined for the total cross section in the nonrelativistic limit, and found to be smaller than values currently used for ED calculations. In addition, cross sections are calculated using a phenomenological momentum space cutoff designed to model final state interactions. For moderate projectile energies, the calculated ED cross section is found to be smaller than the semiclassical result, in qualitative agreement with experiment.Comment: 28 page

    Daily ingestion of alginate reduces energy intake in free-living subjects

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    Sodium alginate is a seaweed-derived fibre that has previously been shown to moderate appetite in models of acute feeding. The mechanisms underlying this effect may include slowed gastric clearance and attenuated uptake from the small intestine. In order to assess whether alginate could be effective as a means of appetite control in free-living adults, 68 males and females (BMI range: 18.50-32.81 kgl M-2) completed this randomised, controlled two-way crossover intervention to compare the effects of 7 day daily ingestion of a strong-gelling sodium alginate formulation against a control. A sodium alginate with a high-guluronate content was chosen because, upon ingestion, it forms a strong gel in the presence of calcium ions. Daily preprandial ingestion of the sodium alginate formulation produced a significant 134.8 kcal (7%) reduction in mean daily energy intake. This reduced energy intake was underwritten by significant reductions in mean daily carbohydrate, sugar, fat, saturated fat and protein intakes. The absence of any significant interaction effects between the main effect of preload type and those of gender, BMI classification and/or timing of preload delivery indicates the efficacy of this treatment for individuals in different settings. These findings suggest a possible role for a strong-gelling sodium alginate formulation in the future management of overweight and obesity. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Study of an Alternate Mechanism for the Origin of Fermion Generations

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    In usual extended technicolor (ETC) theories based on the group SU(NETC)ETC{\rm{SU}(N_{ETC}})_{ETC}, the quarks of charge 2/3 and -1/3 and the charged leptons of all generations arise from ETC fermion multiplets transforming according to the fundamental representation. Here we investigate a different idea for the origin of SM fermion generations, in which quarks and charged leptons of different generations arise from ETC fermions transforming according to different representations of SU(NETC)ETC{\rm{SU}(N_{ETC}})_{ETC}. Although this mechanism would have the potential, {\it a priori}, to allow a reduction in the value of NETCN_{ETC} relative to conventional ETC models, we show that, at least in simple models, it is excluded by the fact that the technicolor sector is not asymptotically free or by the appearance of fermions with exotic quantum numbers which are not observed.Comment: 6 pages, late

    A Quantum-Mechanical Equivalent-Photon Spectrum for Heavy-Ion Physics

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    In a previous paper, we calculated the fully quantum-mechanical cross section for electromagnetic excitation during peripheral heavy-ion collisions. Here, we examine the sensitivity of that cross section to the detailed structure of the projectile and target nuclei. At the transition energies relevant to nuclear physics, we find the cross section to be weakly dependent on the projectile charge radius, and to be sensitive to only the leading momentum-transfer dependence of the target transition form factors. We exploit these facts to derive a quantum-mechanical ``equivalent-photon spectrum'' valid in the long-wavelength limit. This improved spectrum includes the effects of projectile size, the finite longitudinal momentum transfer required by kinematics, and the response of the target nucleus to the off-shell photon.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    One- and two-proton transfer reactions with vibrational Nuclei

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    We extend a semiclassical model of transfer reactions to the case in which one of the collision partners is a vibrational nucleus. The model is applied to one- and two-proton stripping reactions in the 37Cl + 98Mo system, for which a rapid transition from normal to anomalous slope in the two proton transfer reaction at energies around the Coulomb barrier is experimentally observed. This behavior is satisfactorily reproduced by the present extension of the model.Comment: LaTeX, 10 pages, 1 figure (PostScript

    The size of the proton - closing in on the radius puzzle

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    We analyze the recent electron-proton scattering data from Mainz using a dispersive framework that respects the constraints from analyticity and unitarity on the nucleon structure. We also perform a continued fraction analysis of these data. We find a small electric proton charge radius, r_E^p = 0.84_{-0.01}^{+0.01} fm, consistent with the recent determination from muonic hydrogen measurements and earlier dispersive analyses. We also extract the proton magnetic radius, r_M^p = 0.86_{-0.03}^{+0.02} fm, consistent with earlier determinations based on dispersion relations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, fit improved, small modifications, section on continued fractions modified, conclusions on the proton charge radius unchanged, version accepted for publication in European Physical Journal

    On Power Suppressed Operators and Gauge Invariance in SCET

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    The form of collinear gauge invariance for power suppressed operators in the soft-collinear effective theory is discussed. Using a field redefinition we show that it is possible to make any power suppressed ultrasoft-collinear operators invariant under the original leading order gauge transformations. Our manipulations avoid gauge fixing. The Lagrangians to O(lambda^2) are given in terms of these new fields. We then give a simple procedure for constructing power suppressed soft-collinear operators in SCET_II by using an intermediate theory SCET_I.Comment: 15 pages, journal versio
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