3,779 research outputs found

    Traits attributed to female somatotypes

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    The subject of female somatotypes Is one which has been largely neglected. No studies to date have used the female somatotypes. This study of college students measured character traits attributed to the three different female somatotype silhouettes; endomorph, mesomorph, ectomorph. Sixty undergraduate students were asked to rate the three female somatotype silhouettes on a list of twentyfour bi-polar adjective scales. In only one case did males and females disagree significantly on what trait should be assigned to a particular body type. The subjects rated the three silhouettes differently on fourteen of the twenty-four adjectival scales. In most cases the male and female subjects rated the silhouettes the same way. However, orthogonal varimax factor analysis of the twenty-four scales revealed that while males and females may agree I on ratings, the male and female subjects weight and group adjectives much differently. Overall, four major factors emerged and were labeled the parent-child factor, the activity factor, the plain-glamorous factor, and the extrovert-introvert factor. This gives evidence to support the hypothesis that males and females perceive female body types differently, although the subjects- in this study rated the body types similarly on the individual scales

    Industry-Based Competitive Strategies for Ohio: Managing Three Portfolios

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    Deloitte Consulting, LLP, Cleveland State University, OSA Strategy. Political and business leaders have recognized a need to chart a new economic course for Ohio’s future. This study represents a step toward determining effective uses for limited development dollars in the state and filling in Ohio’s economic development strategy. This statewide industry study has been designed to provide economic development officials with insight, analysis, and strategic tools to help businesses compete more efficiently in an increasingly global marketplace

    Phosphofructokinase 1 Glycosylation Regulates Cell Growth and Metabolism

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    Cancer cells must satisfy the metabolic demands of rapid cell growth within a continually changing microenvironment. We demonstrated that the dynamic posttranslational modification of proteins by O-linked β-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAcylation) is a key metabolic regulator of glucose metabolism. O-GlcNAcylation was induced at serine 529 of phosphofructokinase 1 (PFK1) in response to hypoxia. Glycosylation inhibited PFK1 activity and redirected glucose flux through the pentose phosphate pathway, thereby conferring a selective growth advantage on cancer cells. Blocking glycosylation of PFK1 at serine 529 reduced cancer cell proliferation in vitro and impaired tumor formation in vivo. These studies reveal a previously uncharacterized mechanism for the regulation of metabolic pathways in cancer and a possible target for therapeutic intervention

    A Data System for a Rapid Evaluation Class of Subscale Aerial Vehicle

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    A low cost, rapid evaluation, test aircraft is used to develop and test airframe damage diagnosis algorithms at Langley Research Center as part of NASA's Aviation Safety Program. The remotely operated subscale aircraft is instrumented with sensors to monitor structural response during flight. Data is collected for good and compromised airframe configurations to develop data driven models for diagnosing airframe state. This paper describes the data acquisition system (DAS) of the rapid evaluation test aircraft. A PC/104 form factor DAS was developed to allow use of Matlab, Simulink simulation code in Langley's existing subscale aircraft flight test infrastructure. The small scale of the test aircraft permitted laboratory testing of the actual flight article under controlled conditions. The low cost and modularity of the DAS permitted adaptation to various flight experiment requirements

    Radiolytic Gas-Driven Cryovolcanism in the Outer Solar System

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    Water ices in surface crusts of Europa, Enceladus, Saturn's main rings, and Kuiper Belt Objects can become heavily oxidized from radiolytic chemical alteration of near-surface water ice by space environment irradiation. Oxidant accumulations and gas production are manifested in part through observed H2O2 on Europa. tentatively also on Enceladus, and found elsewhere in gaseous or condensed phases at moons and rings of Jupiter and Saturn. On subsequent chemical contact in sub-surface environments with significant concentrations of primordially abundant reductants such as NH3 and CH4, oxidants of radiolytic origin can react exothermically to power gas-driven cryovolcanism. The gas-piston effect enormously amplifies the mass flow output in the case of gas formation at basal thermal margins of incompressible fluid reservoirs. Surface irradiation, H2O2 production, NH3 oxidation, and resultant heat, gas, and gas-driven mass flow rates are computed in the fluid reservoir case for selected bodies. At Enceladus the oxidant power inputs are comparable to limits on nonthermal kinetic power for the south polar plumes. Total heat output and plume gas abundance may be accounted for at Enceladus if plume activity is cyclic in high and low "Old Faithful" phases, so that oxidants can accumulate during low activity phases. Interior upwelling of primordially abundant NH3 and CH4 hydrates is assumed to resupply the reductant fuels. Much lower irradiation fluxes on Kuiper Belt Objects require correspondingly larger times for accumulation of oxidants to produce comparable resurfacing, but brightness and surface composition of some objects suggest that such activity may be ongoing

    Advancing Pressure Ulcer Prevention: Evaluating the Impact of Patient and Lay Carer Education

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    Decubitus ulcers, also known as bedsores or pressure ulcers, result from prolonged pressure on the skin, with contributing factors such as shear forces, friction, and excessive moisture. Pressure ulcers have significant physical, social, and psychological consequences for patients and impose a substantial financial burden on healthcare providers. Patient and caregiver education has been suggested as a potential approach for preventing pressure sores. In order to investigate the potential preventive impact, O'Connor et al. conducted a Cochrane systematic review. Their study aimed to assess the effectiveness of educational interventions for patients and caregivers in preventing pressure ulcers. This commentary aims to critically appraise the methods used within the Cochrane systematic review by O'Connor et al 2022 and expand upon the findings in the context of clinical practice

    Applications of Fault Detection in Vibrating Structures

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    Structural fault detection and identification remains an area of active research. Solutions to fault detection and identification may be based on subtle changes in the time series history of vibration signals originating from various sensor locations throughout the structure. The purpose of this paper is to document the application of vibration based fault detection methods applied to several structures. Overall, this paper demonstrates the utility of vibration based methods for fault detection in a controlled laboratory setting and limitations of applying the same methods to a similar structure during flight on an experimental subscale aircraft

    Comparison of pretreatment characteristics and treatment outcomes for alcohol-, cocaine-, and multisubstance-dependent patients.

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    We investigated whether pretreatment characteristics and measures of outcome differed for alcohol-, cocaine-, and multisubstance-dependent patients receiving outpatient substance abuse treatment. One hundred and forty substance dependent individuals (32 alcohol, 76 cocaine, and 32 multisubstance) enrolled in a 12-week outpatient treatment program were compared across measures of addiction severity, personality, and treatment-readiness at admission. In-treatment, end-of-treatment and 9-month follow-up assessments of treatment outcome were then compared across the three groups. Outcome measures included reduction in problem severity, abstinence, retention, number of sessions attended, dropout, and counselor and patient ratings of treatment benefit. At admission, the multisubstance group had a higher proportion of positive urines, reported more severe drug, alcohol and psychiatric problems, and displayed higher impulsivity and anxiety scores than one or both of the other groups. However, multisubstance patients were more treatment ready in terms of adopting a total abstinence orientation than alcohol or cocaine patients. While a significant reduction in symptoms occurred for the total sample during treatment as well as at follow-up, comparisons of outcomes did not consistently favor any particular group. The three groups had equivalent improvements in eleven of fourteen during-treatment and five of seven follow-up measures. Despite pretreatment differences, in severity and treatment-readiness, outcomes were more similar than different for alcohol-, cocaine-, and multisubstance-dependent patients. Clinicians should be cautious about forecasting treatment-outcomes for addicted patients based on their primary substances of abuse

    Ion Channel Clustering at the Axon Initial Segment and Node of Ranvier Evolved Sequentially in Early Chordates

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    In many mammalian neurons, dense clusters of ion channels at the axonal initial segment and nodes of Ranvier underlie action potential generation and rapid conduction. Axonal clustering of mammalian voltage-gated sodium and KCNQ (Kv7) potassium channels is based on linkage to the actin–spectrin cytoskeleton, which is mediated by the adaptor protein ankyrin-G. We identified key steps in the evolution of this axonal channel clustering. The anchor motif for sodium channel clustering evolved early in the chordate lineage before the divergence of the wormlike cephalochordate, amphioxus. Axons of the lamprey, a very primitive vertebrate, exhibited some invertebrate features (lack of myelin, use of giant diameter to hasten conduction), but possessed narrow initial segments bearing sodium channel clusters like in more recently evolved vertebrates. The KCNQ potassium channel anchor motif evolved after the divergence of lampreys from other vertebrates, in a common ancestor of shark and humans. Thus, clustering of voltage-gated sodium channels was a pivotal early innovation of the chordates. Sodium channel clusters at the axon initial segment serving the generation of action potentials evolved long before the node of Ranvier. KCNQ channels acquired anchors allowing their integration into pre-existing sodium channel complexes at about the same time that ancient vertebrates acquired myelin, saltatory conduction, and hinged jaws. The early chordate refinements in action potential mechanisms we have elucidated appear essential to the complex neural signaling, active behavior, and evolutionary success of vertebrates
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