60,331 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a high temperature adhesive for fabricating graphite/PMR-15 polyimide structures

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    Tests are conducted to measure shear strength, shear modulus and flatwise tensile strength of the A7F (amide-imide modified LARC-13) adhesive system. An investigation is also conducted to determine the effect of geometric material parameters, and elevated temperature on the static strength of standard joints. Single-lap and double-lap composite joints, and single, double and step lap composite to metal joints are characterized. A series of advanced joints consisting of preformed adherends, adherends with scalloped edges and joints with hybrid interface plies are tested and compared to baseline single and double-lap designs

    Variation in actual relationship among descendants of inbred individuals

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    In previous analyses, the variation in actual, or realized, relationship has been derived as a function of map length of chromosomes and type of relationship, the variation being greater the shorter the total chromosome length and the coefficient of variation being greater the more distant the relationship. Here, the results are extended to allow for the relatives' ancestor being inbred. Inbreeding of a parent reduces variation in actual relationship among its offspring, by an amount that depends on the inbreeding level and the type of mating that led to that level. For descendants of full-sibs, the variation is reduced in later generations, but for descendants of half-sibs, it is increased

    Climate Ready Estuaries - COAST in Action: 2012 Projects from Maine and New Hampshire

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    In summer 2011 the US EPA’s Climate Ready Estuaries program awarded funds to the Casco Bay Estuary Partnership (CBEP) in Portland, Maine, and the Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership (PREP) in coastal New Hampshire, to further develop and use COAST (COastal Adaptation to Sea level rise Tool) in their sea level rise adaptation planning processes. The New England Environmental Finance Center worked with municipal staff, elected officials, and other stakeholders to select specific locations, vulnerable assets, and adaptation actions to model using COAST. The EFC then collected the appropriate base data layers, ran the COAST simulations, and provided visual, numeric, and presentation-based products in support of the planning processes underway in both locations. These products helped galvanize support for the adaptation planning efforts. Through facilitated meetings they also led to stakeholders identifying specific action steps and begin to determine how to implement them

    Two hard spheres in a pore: Exact Statistical Mechanics for different shaped cavities

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    The Partition function of two Hard Spheres in a Hard Wall Pore is studied appealing to a graph representation. The exact evaluation of the canonical partition function, and the one-body distribution function, in three different shaped pores are achieved. The analyzed simple geometries are the cuboidal, cylindrical and ellipsoidal cavities. Results have been compared with two previously studied geometries, the spherical pore and the spherical pore with a hard core. The search of common features in the analytic structure of the partition functions in terms of their length parameters and their volumes, surface area, edges length and curvatures is addressed too. A general framework for the exact thermodynamic analysis of systems with few and many particles in terms of a set of thermodynamic measures is discussed. We found that an exact thermodynamic description is feasible based in the adoption of an adequate set of measures and the search of the free energy dependence on the adopted measure set. A relation similar to the Laplace equation for the fluid-vapor interface is obtained which express the equilibrium between magnitudes that in extended systems are intensive variables. This exact description is applied to study the thermodynamic behavior of the two Hard Spheres in a Hard Wall Pore for the analyzed different geometries. We obtain analytically the external work, the pressure on the wall, the pressure in the homogeneous zone, the wall-fluid surface tension, the line tension and other similar properties

    Dielectric function and plasmons in graphene

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    The electromagnetic response of graphene, expressed by the dielectric function, and the spectrum of collective excitations are studied as a function of wave vector and frequency. Our calculation is based on the full band structure, calculated within the tight-binding approximation. As a result, we find plasmons whose dispersion is similar to that obtained in the single-valley approximation by Dirac fermions. In contrast to the latter, however, we find a stronger damping of the plasmon modes due to inter-band absorption. Our calculation also reveals effects due to deviations from the linear Dirac spectrum as we increase the Fermi energy, indicating an anisotropic behavior with respect to the wave vector of the external electromagnetic field

    Molar mass and solution conformation of branched alpha(1 - 4), alpha(1 - 6) Glucans. Part I: Glycogens in water

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    Solution molar masses and conformations of glycogens from different sources (rabbit, oyster, mussel and bovine) were analysed using sedimentation velocity in the analytical ultracentrifuge, size-exclusion chromatography coupled to multi-angle laser light scattering (SEC-MALLS), size-exclusion chromatography coupled to a differential pressure viscometer and dynamic light scattering. Rabbit, oyster and mussel glycogens consisted of one population of high molar mass (weight averages ranging from 4.6 x 106 to 1.1 x 107 g/mol) as demonstrated by sedimentation velocity and SEC-MALLS, whereas bovine glycogen had a bimodal distribution of significantly lower molar mass (1.0 x 105 and 4.5 x 105 g/mol). The spherical structure of all glycogen molecules was demonstrated in the slopes of the Mark-Houwink-Kuhn-Sakurada-type power-law relations for sedimentation coefficient (s20,wo), intrinsic viscosity ([η]), radius of gyration (rg,z) and radius of hydration (rH,z), respectively, and was further supported by the Ăïżœ (=rg,z/rH,z) function, the fractal dimension and the Perrin function. The degree of branching was estimated to be ĂąË†ÂŒ10% from the shrinking factors, gñ€ÂČ (=[η]branched/[η]linear) and also h (=(f/fo)branched/(f/fo)linear), respectively, where (f/fo) is the translational frictional ratio, consistent with expectation. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Infra-red fixed points in supersymmetry

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    Model independent constraints on supersymmetric models emerge when certain couplings are drawn towards their infra-red (quasi) fixed points in the course of their renormalization group evolution. The general principles are first reviewed and the conclusions for some recent studies of theories with R-parity and baryon and lepton number violations are summarized.Comment: 5 pages Latex with 2 figures embedded as eps files Talk given at WHEPP6, Chennai, India, January 3-15, 2000, to appear in special issue of Praman

    Longitudinal multivariate tensor- and searchlight-based morphometry using permutation testing

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    Tensor based morphometry [1] was used to detect statistically significant regions of neuroanatomical change over time in a comparison between 36 probable Alzheimer's Disease patients and 20 age- and sexmatched controls. Baseline and twelve-month repeat Magnetic Resonance images underwent tied spatial normalisation [10] and longitudinal high-dimensional warps were then estimated. Analyses involved univariate and multivariate data derived from the longitudinal deformation fields. The most prominent findings were expansion of the fluid spaces, and contraction of the hippocampus and temporal region. Multivariate measures were notably more powerful, and have the potential to identify patterns of morphometric difference that would be overlooked by conventional mass-univariate analysis
