3,836 research outputs found

    Emissionen organischer Verbindungen aus Baumaterialien

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    Recently, an internationally harmonized method for the characterization of emissions of organic compounds from building materials in test chambers has been developed and tested at the EMPA. Selected results from two projects indicate clearly, that the emissions not only depend on the building material but are also strongly influenced by the mode of application. It is shown that some emissions caused by wall paints are influenced by the structure and material of the wall on which they are applied. Emissions from glues depend very strongly on structure and thickness of the glued materials

    Phase transition in a static granular system

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    We find that a column of glass beads exhibits a well-defined transition between two phases that differ in their resistance to shear. Pulses of fluidization are used to prepare static states with well-defined particle volume fractions ϕ\phi in the range 0.57-0.63. The resistance to shear is determined by slowly inserting a rod into the column of beads. The transition occurs at ϕ=0.60\phi=0.60 for a range of speeds of the rod.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. The paper is significantly extended, including new dat

    The sober rave project: investigating the acceptability and personal experiences of alcohol-free dance events

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    Our research is an innovative, European-wide collaborative investigation into the benefits of alcohol-free events, otherwise known as ‘sober raves’. Much of the existing behaviour work which focuses on preventing and regulating maladaptive alcohol misuse suggests individuals act rationally in choosing to consume alcohol. However, intentions and other cognitive mediators often fail to map onto actual behaviour and do not explain why individuals continue to carry out risky health-risk behaviours, despite being aware of the associated risks. Substance use is also often driven by the pursuit of pleasure, rather than by the avoidance of harms. For example, many young people get social pleasures from drinking alcohol, but due to limited alcohol-free socialising opportunities non-drinkers can feel stigmatised. Our research is focusing on the perceived acceptability, attitudes and perceptions of a range of alcohol-free events for young people across Europe. Following the first stage of this research project, we hope to explore how these types of events could be used as a means of reducing alcohol consumption in young people

    Treatment exhaustion of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) among individuals infected with HIV in the United Kingdon: multicentre cohort study

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    Objectives: To investigate whether there is evidence that an increasing proportion of HIV infected patients is starting to experience increases in viral load and decreases in CD4 cell count that are consistent with exhaustion of available treatment options. Design: Multicentre cohort study. Setting: Six large HIV treatment centres in southeast England. Participants: All individuals seen for care between 1 January 1996 and 31 December 2002. Main outcome measures: Exposure to individual antiretroviral drugs and drug classes, CD4 count, plasma HIV RNA burden. Results: Information is available on 16 593 individuals (13 378 (80.6%) male patients, 10 340 (62.3%) infected via homosexual or bisexual sex, 4426 (26.7%) infected via heterosexual sex, median age 34 years). Overall, 10 207 of the 16 593 patients (61.5%) have been exposed to any antiretroviral therapy. This proportion increased from 41.2% of patients under follow up at the end of 1996 to 71.3% of those under follow up in 2002. The median CD4 count and HIV RNA burden of patients under follow up in each year changed from 270 cells/mm3 and 4.34 log10 copies/ml in 1996 to 408 cells/mm3 and 1.89 log10 copies/ml, respectively, in 2002. By 2002, 3060 (38%) of patients who had ever been treated with antiretroviral therapy had experienced all three main classes. Of these, around one quarter had evidence of “viral load failure” with all these three classes. Patients with three class failure were more likely to have an HIV RNA burden > 2.7 log10 copies/ml and a CD4 count < 200 cells/mm3. Conclusions: The proportion of individuals with HIV infection in the United Kingdom who have been treated has increased gradually over time. A substantial proportion of these patients seem to be in danger of exhausting their options for antiretroviral treatment. New drugs with low toxicity, which are not associated with cross resistance to existing drugs, are urgently needed for such patients

    Automated fragment identification for electron ionisation mass spectrometry: application to atmospheric measurements of halocarbons

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    Non-target screening consists in searching a sample for all present substances, suspected or unknown, with very little prior knowledge about the sample. This approach has been introduced more than a decade ago in the field of water analysis, together with dedicated compound identification tools, but is still very scarce for indoor and atmospheric trace gas measurements, despite the clear need for a better understanding of the atmospheric trace gas composition.For a systematic detection of emerging trace gases in the atmosphere, a new and powerful analytical method is gas chromatography (GC) of preconcentrated samples, followed by electron ionisation, high resolution mass spectrometry (EI-HRMS). In this work, we present data analysis tools to enable automated fragment formula annotation for unknown compounds measured by GC-EI-HRMS. Based on co-eluting mass/charge fragments, we developed an innovative data analysis method to reliably reconstruct the chemical formulae of the fragments, using efficient combinatorics and graph theory. The method does not require the presence of the molecular ion, which is absent in ~40% of EI spectra. Our method has been trained and validated on \textgreater50 halocarbons and hydrocarbons, with 3 to 20 atoms and molar masses of 30 to 330 g mol-1, measured with a mass resolution of approx.~3500. For 90% of the compounds, more than 90% of the annotated fragment formulae are correct. Cases of wrong identification can be attributed to the scarcity of detected fragments per compound or the lack of isotopic constraint (no minor isotopocule detected).Our method enables to reconstruct most probable chemical formulae independently from spectral databases. Therefore, it demonstrates the suitability of EI-HRMS data for non-target analysis and paves the way for the identification of substances for which no EI mass spectrum is registered in databases. We illustrate the performances of our method for atmospheric trace gases and suggest that it may be well suited for many other types of samples. The L-GPL licenced Python code is released under the name ALPINAC for ALgorithmic Process for Identification of Non-targeted Atmospheric Compounds.Comment: Journal of Cheminformatics, Chemistry Central Ltd. and BioMed Central, 202

    NFIRAOS First Facility AO System for the Thirty Meter Telescope

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    NFIRAOS, the Thirty Meter Telescope's first adaptive optics system is an order 60x60 Multi-Conjugate AO system with two deformable mirrors. Although most observing will use 6 laser guide stars, it also has an NGS-only mode. Uniquely, NFIRAOS is cooled to -30 C to reduce thermal background. NFIRAOS delivers a 2-arcminute beam to three client instruments, and relies on up to three IR WFSs in each instrument. We present recent work including: robust automated acquisition on these IR WFSs; trade-off studies for a common-size of deformable mirror; real-time computing architectures; simplified designs for high-order NGS-mode wavefront sensing; modest upgrade concepts for high-contrast imaging.Comment: ..submitted to SPIE 9148 Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation - Adaptive Optics Systems IV (2014

    Improving Motor Activity Assessment in Depression: Which Sensor Placement, Analytic Strategy and Diurnal Time Frame Are Most Powerful in Distinguishing Patients from Controls and Monitoring Treatment Effects

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    Background Abnormalities in motor activity represent a central feature in major depressive disorder. However, measurement issues are poorly understood, limiting the use of objective measurement of motor activity for diagnostics and treatment monitoring. Methods To improve measurement issues, especially sensor placement, analytic strategies and diurnal effects, we assessed motor activity in depressed patients at the beginning (MD; n=27) and after anti-depressive treatment (MD-post; n=18) as well as in healthy controls (HC; n=16) using wrist- and chest-worn accelerometers. We performed multiple analyses regarding sensor placements, extracted features, diurnal variation, motion patterns and posture to clarify which parameters are most powerful in distinguishing patients from controls and monitoring treatment effects. Results Whereas most feature-placement combinations revealed significant differences between groups, acceleration (wrist) distinguished MD from HC (d=1.39) best. Frequency (vertical axis chest) additionally differentiated groups in a logistic regression model (R2=0.54). Accordingly, both amplitude (d=1.16) and frequency (d=1.04) showed alterations, indicating reduced and decelerated motor activity. Differences between MD and HC in gestures (d=0.97) and walking (d=1.53) were found by data analysis from the wrist sensor. Comparison of motor activity at the beginning and after MD-treatment largely confirms our findings. Limitations Sample size was small, but sufficient for the given effect sizes. Comparison of depressed in-patients with non-hospitalized controls might have limited motor activity differences between groups. Conclusions Measurement of wrist-acceleration can be recommended as a basic technique to capture motor activity in depressed patients as it records whole body movement and gestures. Detailed analyses showed differences in amplitude and frequency denoting that depressed patients walked less and slower

    Factorization and the Soft Overlap Contribution to Heavy-to-Light Form Factors

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    Using the formalism of soft-collinear effective theory, a complete separation of short- and long-distance contributions to heavy-to-light transition form factors at large recoil is performed. The universal functions ζM(E)\zeta_M(E) parameterizing the ``soft overlap'' contribution to the form factors are defined in terms of matrix elements in the effective theory. Endpoint configurations corresponding to kinematic situations where one of the valence partons in the external mesons carries very small momentum are accounted for in terms of operators involving soft-collinear messenger fields. They contribute at leading order in ΛQCD/E\Lambda_{\rm QCD}/E and spoil factorization. An analysis of operator mixing and renormalization-group evolution in the effective theory reveals that the intermediate scale EΛ\sqrt{E\Lambda} is without significance to the soft functions ζM(E)\zeta_M(E), and that the soft overlap contribution does not receive a significant perturbative (Sudakov) suppression.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures. Erratum adde

    Soft-Collinear Messengers: A New Mode in Soft-Collinear Effective Theory

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    It is argued that soft-collinear effective theory for processes involving both soft and collinear partons, such as exclusive B-meson decays, should include a new mode in addition to soft and collinear fields. These "soft-collinear messengers" can interact with both soft and collinear particles without taking them far off-shell. They thus can communicate between the soft and collinear sectors of the theory. The relevance of the new mode is demonstrated with an explicit example, and the formalism incorporating the corresponding quark and gluon fields into the effective Lagrangian is developed.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures. Extended Section 6, clarifying the relevance of different types of soft-collinear interaction

    Regulation of Human γδ T Cells by BTN3A1 Protein Stability and ATP-Binding Cassette Transporters

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    Activation of human Vγ9/Vδ2 T cells by ‘phosphoantigens’ (pAg), the microbial metabolite (E)-4-hydroxy-3-methyl-but-2-enyl pyrophosphate (HMB-PP) and the endogenous isoprenoid intermediate isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP), requires expression of butyrophilin BTN3A molecules by presenting cells. However, the precise mechanism of activation of Vγ9/Vδ2 T cells by BTN3A molecules remains elusive. It is not clear what conformation of the three BTN3A isoforms transmits activation signals nor how externally delivered pAg accesses the cytosolic B30.2 domain of BTN3A1. To approach this problem we studied two HLA haplo-identical HeLa cell lines, termed HeLa-L and HeLa-M, which showed marked differences in pAg-dependent stimulation of Vγ9/Vδ2 T cells. Levels of IFN-γ secretion by Vγ9/Vδ2 T cells were profoundly increased by pAg loading, or by binding of the pan-BTN3A specific agonist antibody CD277 20.1, in HeLa-M compared to HeLa-L cells. IL-2 production from a murine hybridoma T cell line expressing human Vγ9/Vδ2 TCR transgenes confirmed that the differential responsiveness to HeLa-L and HeLa-M was TCR dependent. By tissue typing, both HeLa lines were shown to be genetically identical and full-length transcripts of the three BTN3A isoforms were detected in equal abundance with no sequence variation. Expression of BTN3A and interacting molecules such as periplakin or RhoB did not account for the functional variation between HeLa-L and HeLa-M cells, although evidence implicates a mechanism controlling BTN3A protein stability and trafficking. Plasma membrane profiling was used to identify proteins upregulated in HMB-PP treated HeLa-M. ABCG2, a member of the ABC transporter family was the most significant candidate, which crucially showed reduced expression in HeLa-L. Expression of a subset of ABC transporters, including ABCA1 and ABCG1, correlated with efficiency of T cell activation by cytokine secretion, although direct evidence of a functional role was not obtained by knockdown experiments. Our findings indicate a link between members of the ABC protein superfamily and the BTN3A-dependent activation of γδ T cells by endogenous and exogenous pAg