940 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of C. Parvum-induced coagulopathy in mice.

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    I.v. injection of Corynebacterium parvum (CP) into C57BL and BALB/c mice caused profound coagulation changes, featuring thrombocytopenia, decreased fibrinogen, increased fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products, and a concomitant microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia. These changes were greatest on the 9th day after CP, with recovery by Day 21. I.p. injection caused similar effects but s.c. injection was ineffective. Radiolabelled-platelet kinetics and distribution after i.v. CP indicated disseminated intravascular coagulation with rapid fibrinolysis; EACA treatment exacerbated the thrombosis. The coagulopathy correlated with hepatosplenomegaly, and both were dose dependent. Splenectomy did not effect the coagulopathy, but indomethacin totally abrogated the changes, suggesting that prostaglandin biosynthesis is involved in the pathogenesis

    Oral anticoagulation in the treatment of a spontaneously metastasising murine tumour (3LL).

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    The effects of long-term anticoagulation with phenprocoumon on growth of the Lewis lung carcinoma (3LL) were studied. Oral anticoagulation initiated at the day of i.m. transplantation of the 3LL into C57BL mice significantly inhibited primary tumour growth and reduced the number of spontaneous metastases to the lungs. Intermittent anticoagulation was without effect on metastasis formation but still retarded primary growth. There was no influence of anticoagulation on the mean survival time (MST) of tumour-bearing animals. Phenprocoumon appears to improve the results of cyclophosphamide of 5-fluorouracil treatment, but there were no statisticially significant differences. In contrast, bleomycin treatment in combination with adjuvant anticoagulation suggested a possible drug synergy. No significant influence of anticoagulation on the response of the primary tumour to irradiattion was found, though the MST of irradiated and anticoagulated animals was greater than in the solely irradiated controls. The present investigations suggest that coumarin derivatives have some direct tumour-inhibiting capacities, but exert their antimetastatic action via deceleration of the blood clotting mechanism


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    When A strain mice are placed in parabiotic union with (A x C57Bl/1)F1 hybrid partners, the parental strain partners are polycythemic and the hybrids anemic from the 5th through the 16th parabiosis days. All hybrids develop clinical intoxication between the 7th and the 12th days, and no pairs survive to 1 month. Long-term survival of parabiotic pairs can be achieved if lethally irradiated or specifically tolerant parental strain mice are united to hybrid partners. Production of tolerance by either of these methods results in elimination of anemia-polycythemia by the 12th parabiosis day and prevents intoxication in the hybrid partners. Preimmunization of the parental strain partners against the C57Bl/1 component of the hybrid leads to a considerable intensification of day 5 anemia-polycythemia. Intoxication develops in the hybrid partners between the 4th and the 6th days after union. It is concluded that anemia is primarily responsible for the syndrome of clinical intoxication. Early anemia-polycythemia on day 5 does not depend upon an immunological mechanism, but the late anemia-polycythemia appearing between days 12 and 16 is a function of the ability of the parental strain mouse to react immunologically against its hybrid partner. When neonatally thymectomized A strain mice are joined to hybrid partners, anemia-polycythemia is sustained through the 16th day and the hybrid partners develop clinical intoxication. On the other hand, when both partners are neonatally thymectomized, late anemia-polycythemia is considerably reduced, and the hybrid partners apparently do not develop clinical intoxication. It is concluded that normal hybrid mice are capable of reconstituting the immunological capacity of their thymectomized partners, whereas thymectomized hybrid mice do not have this restorative capacity. These findings are discussed in terms of their possible application to the problem of the induction of immunological tolerance in adult mice by the parabiosis procedure

    Can grapheme-color synesthesia be induced by hypnosis?

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    Grapheme-color synesthesia is a perceptual experience where graphemes, letters or words evoke a specific color, which are experienced either as spatially coincident with the grapheme inducer (projector sub-type) or elsewhere, perhaps without a definite spatial location (associator sub-type). Here, we address the question of whether synesthesia can be rapidly produced using a hypnotic color suggestion to examine the possibility of “hypnotic synesthesia”, i.e., subjectively experienced color hallucinations similar to those experienced by projector synesthetes. We assess the efficacy of this intervention using an “embedded figures” test, in which participants are required to detect a shape (e.g., a square) composed of local graphemic elements. For grapheme-color synesthetes, better performance on the task has been linked to a higher proportion of graphemes perceived as colored.We found no performance benefits on this test when using a hypnotic suggestion, as compared to a no-suggestion control condition. The same result was found when participants were separated according to the degree to which they were susceptible to the suggestion (number of colored trials perceived). However, we found a relationship between accuracy and subjective reports of color in those participants who reported a large proportion of colored trials: trials in which the embedded figure was accurately recognized (relative to trials in which it was not) were associated with reports of more intense colors occupying a greater spatial extent. Collectively, this implies that hypnotic color was only perceived after shape detection rather than aiding in shape detection via color-based perceptual grouping. The results suggest that hypnotically induced colors are not directly comparable to synesthetic ones

    Hexadecylphosphocholine, a new ether lipid analogue. Studies on the antineoplastic activity in vitro and in vivo.

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    Hexadecylphosphocholine (He-PC) is a new compound synthesized according to the minimal structural requirements deducted from studies with other ether lipids. In vitro studies on He-PC revealed remarkable antineoplastic activity on HL60, U937, Raji and K562 leukemia cell lines. In addition, He-PC, applied orally, showed a superior effect in the treatment of dimethylbenzanthracene-induced rat mammary carcinomas when compared to intravenously administered cyclophosphamide. After oral application He-PC was well absorbed from the intestine and metabolized in the liver by phospholipases C and D. During a 5-week treatment no hematotoxic effects were detected. In a clinical pilot study on breast cancer patients with widespread skin involvement, topically applied He-PC showed skin tumor regressions without local or systemic side effects

    Preliminary study of relationships between hypnotic susceptibility and personality disorder functioning styles in healthy volunteers and personality disorder patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hypnotic susceptibility is one of the stable characteristics of individuals, but not closely related to the personality traits such as those measured by the five-factor model in the general population. Whether it is related to the personality disorder functioning styles remains unanswered.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In 77 patients with personality disorders and 154 healthy volunteers, we administered the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale: Form C (SHSSC) and the Parker Personality Measure (PERM) tests.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Patients with personality disorders showed higher passing rates on SHSSC Dream and Posthypnotic Amnesia items. No significant correlation was found in healthy volunteers. In the patients however, SHSSC Taste hallucination (β = 0.26) and Anosmia to Ammonia (β = -0.23) were significantly correlated with the PERM Borderline style; SHSSC Posthypnotic Amnesia was correlated with the PERM Schizoid style (β = 0.25) but negatively the PERM Narcissistic style (β = -0.23).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results provide limited evidence that could help to understand the abnormal cognitions in personality disorders, such as their hallucination and memory distortions.</p